The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,365 The formation is broken

Ten days have passed in the Immortal Valley. After listening to Xiao Chen's words, Xian'er stayed here and stayed here. A few days ago, Qingdeng Taoist often used words to induce him to open the formation, but these days, it seems to be quiet. A lot.

"Has that person left already?"

It had been a few days since she heard any noise from outside. Xian'er wanted to go out and have a look, but she was afraid that the man was tricking her outside to lure her out.

At noon that day, a slight shock suddenly came from outside the valley. This shock did not come from near the Fairy Valley, but from a far away place, probably outside Penglai Fairyland. The prohibition formation had been loosened. .

But Xian'er thought it was the person breaking the formation outside, and felt nervous. She stood up and looked outside, but saw no movement. She asked nervously, "You...are you still outside?"

After a long time, no one responded. If she had heard her voice a few days ago, Taoist Qingdeng outside would have responded immediately, but today there was no movement at all. The more Xian'er thought about it, the more nervous she became, and she walked towards the entrance of the valley step by step. Walked nearby.

"Tao... Taoist Master, are you still there?"

Xian'er was a little scared. She tilted her head and looked outside. No one was there. She felt even more inexplicable nervousness in her heart. She said, "Ah... Taoist Priest, I've thought about it. I'd better open the formation and go and save him." Brother."

She was on guard as she walked forward, but even though she said this, there was still no sign of Taoist Qingdeng outside, and no sound was heard.

"Strange...did he leave?"

Xian'er was a little confused and slowly came to the entrance of the valley. After observing carefully for a while, she suddenly discovered that the spiritual power nearby seemed to be directed elsewhere, so the power of the formation became weaker and weaker. There are even cracks appearing in some places.


Xian'er's face was startled, and then she realized that the Taoist must be up to something. No wonder he hadn't seen anyone in the past few days. It turned out that he had done something bad.

Fortunately, she discovered it early, otherwise the formation here would have been destroyed by that person. Thinking about this, she did not hesitate, formed a seal with her hands, and quickly injected a stream of spiritual power into the formation.

However, just when her spiritual power hit her, for some reason, the spirit of the formation was drained faster. Even her own spiritual power seemed to be attracted by the formation.

"what happened……"

Seeing this scene, Xian'er couldn't help but be startled. With her talent in formations, how could such an accident happen? It must be the bad Taoist who was secretly causing trouble.

The spirit of the formation was lost faster and faster, and the light of the formation covering the entire Immortal Valley became lighter and fainter. At this time, the figure of Taoist Qingdeng finally appeared in the distance.

He was seen approaching step by step, and finally arrived near the mouth of the valley. His face was a little pale, and it seemed that he had suffered quite a lot of wear and tear these days.

"you you……"

Seeing his strange appearance, Xian'er's face was even more shocked. "What did you do? Why did the spiritual power here flow elsewhere?"


Qingdeng Taoist snorted coldly, his face still a little pale, thinking that if those people outside had come in, he could have waited for another ten days and a half for the formation in the valley to dissipate on its own, so there was no need for him to waste himself. The power of the soul to cut off the spiritual veins here and lead the spiritual power elsewhere?

This time he was at the end of his rope. In order to break the formation here, he suffered a lot. Even if he took the panacea, it would take at least three days to recover. So he must catch those outside before they find this place. The faeries inside, then go elsewhere.

However, if he could catch this ten thousand year old fairy, everything he had done, even if it damaged his Taoism, was worth it. Thinking about this, he swept the dust towards the formation with a whisk, and with a "boom", dust flew into the air. , the entire formation suddenly trembled violently, as if it was about to collapse.


Xian'er was shaken back by the sudden force. When she raised her head again, she finally saw the fierce look of Taoist Qingdeng.

", you are indeed not a good person!"


Taoist Qingdeng didn't say anything to her. With a whisk, another fierce force rushed towards the formation. With a "boom", the entire Immortal Valley seemed to shake.

"You, dog, you think so well!"

Xian'er gritted her teeth and used the power of the fairy spirit again, only to see wisps of light blue light flying out from her body, stabilizing the formation again.

Taoist Qingdeng's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect that this fairy spirit was so powerful. Not only could it activate this ancient formation instantly, but even after doing so, she could still stabilize...

He doesn't have much time left. Yesterday, he had already sensed someone coming in. As of today, the forbidden formation outside has completely dispersed. Those people must have swarmed in. He must seize this as soon as possible. The faeries then depart.

Thinking about this, I saw him sweeping away the dust and rushing over with another force. The two were facing each other like this, but the spiritual power in the valley was led elsewhere, and the spirit of the formation was about to disperse. Even if Xian'er continued to inject spiritual power, it would only delay the dispersion of the formation.

By noon the next day, the formation could no longer hold up, and Xian'er's face was covered in cold sweat. No matter how strong her spiritual power was, she could not withstand such a heavy drain.

Finally, the spirit of the formation became weaker and weaker, just like the oil in an oil lamp that would eventually dry up.

Outside, Taoist Qingdeng's face didn't look very good. Even though he tried his best to hide his aura, he couldn't hide the aura of Xian'er in the Immortal Valley. Those people outside must have noticed it, and they were heading towards it at this time. Come here, I believe you will arrive soon.

The formation was about to dissipate. Taoist Qingdeng had a look in his eyes, swept the dust with his whisk, added another palm, worked hard, and finally broke the formation with a "boom".


In the valley, Xian'er was shaken back by the force. When she saw the formation dispersing, she turned around and ran inside.

"Don't try to run away again!" Taoist Qingdeng's eyes turned cold, and he stretched out his hand out of thin air, then turned into a 100-foot-long palm shadow and grabbed Xian'er straight away.

"You...go away! Don't touch me..."

Xian'er was frightened, and suddenly jumped into the air, flew up, turned into a fairy light, and flew behind the fairy valley.


Taoist Qingdeng did not expect that she could actually ignore the restrictions in this fairyland, as if she could go to heaven and earth without any hindrance.

"Huh, don't even think about escaping."

With a cold snort, Qingdeng Taoist's consciousness immediately locked on her body. With a sweep of the whisk, he drove the clouds and mist and chased behind the Immortal Valley.

Xian'er fled in a hurry to the abyss of gods and demons behind, but was so frightened by the gloomy aura here that she dared not move forward, as if this abyss was even more terrifying than when she came that day...

"Brother, brother..."

She looked in the direction of the altar of gods and demons, but it was too far away and she couldn't see anything. Behind her, Taoist Qingdeng had already caught up with her. In order to avoid falling into the opponent's hands, she finally had to He gritted his teeth and flew down the abyss.

Besides, Taoist Qingdeng, when he chased to the top of the cliff, when he saw the endless strange abyss, even he couldn't help being frightened. How could there be such a terrifying place here?

Outside is the dimly immortal Penglai Wonderland, but who would have thought that inside, it is actually the place where countless gods and demons have fallen, a place abandoned by the Cang God...

Feeling the slightest chill coming, Taoist Qingdeng couldn't help but shiver all over. Where is this place? How could there be such a terrifying place in Penglai Wonderland...

Even though he has reached the pinnacle of cultivation, he still feels trembling and uneasy at this moment. At this moment, it seems that there is a voice in his heart warning him that he cannot go down here, otherwise he will escape death!

However, the fairy has already gone down. If he does not catch the fairy, all his efforts will be in vain...

At this moment, Taoist Qingdeng was struggling in his heart. He wanted to go down and catch the fairy spirit, but he seemed to have an innate fear of the mysterious abyss of gods and demons, unless he was like Yun Zhongjun and the Empress. People with great magical powers, otherwise others would never dare to go down easily.

"No, we have to catch her..."

In the end, Taoist Qingdeng gritted his teeth and flew down the abyss. When he got there, he instantly felt a coldness and an indescribable trembling feeling.

"That kid...did he die there?"

In the depths of the abyss, it was impossible to see the bottom. Taoist Qingdeng was covered in cold sweat. Finally, with a whisk, he gathered a layer of immortal energy on his body, which was impervious to all evil, and chased inside.

Xian'er kept running in, but after all, Taoist Qingdeng had already reached the seventh realm, so his speed was so fast that he soon caught up with her.

"Little girl! Don't run in again!"

Taoist Qingdeng always felt that there was something in front of him, and felt a little uneasy. As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and another hundred-foot palm shadow formed, and he grabbed Xian'er directly.


Xian'er was so frightened that she screamed, but the terrain at the bottom of the abyss was narrow and she had nowhere to escape. Seeing that she was about to be caught by Taoist Qingdeng, at this moment, a cold breath came from nowhere. In an instant, It was as if Taoist Qingdeng was frozen in place.

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