The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,366 The Forbidden City of Gods and Demons!

"what happened……"

Taoist Qingdeng's expression changed. At this moment, it was as if he had stopped breathing. He had never felt such fear since he entered the seventh realm.

This feeling is as if the other party only needs a breath to crush him, and this breath is the gods and demons that have passed away forever...

Taoist Qingdeng shuddered involuntarily. What was in the darkness in front of him? Could it really be the gods and demons from thousands of years ago?

At this moment, Xian'er was still running forward. Seeing that he was about to run out of his sight, Taoist Qingdeng suddenly came back to his senses. No, no matter what, he had to catch this fairy, otherwise all his efforts would be in vain. It's all in vain, but what exactly is there in front...

Taoist Qingdeng was frightened, but in the end he gritted his teeth and condensed his true energy. Suddenly, several rays of green light flew up from all over his body, taking him forward at once.

Xian'er was running forward, but after all, her speed was not as fast as Taoist Qingdeng who used magic. In an instant, the opponent was approaching again.

"Little girl...stop!"

Taoist Qingdeng was so anxious that he struck forward with his palm. Not only did he fail to catch Xian'er, but he slapped rocks around the area and almost injured her.

Xian'er was shaken by this mysterious force and flew away. Qingdeng Taoist quickly stabilized his figure and approached her with another quick step. He was beside her in an instant. He stretched out his hand and wanted to grab her shoulder, but just At this moment, a bloody light shot from the distance, and with a "bang", he was blown away.


After settling down, Taoist Qingdeng's face flashed with surprise. That was not a ray of profound energy, but...a ray of divine consciousness!

A flash of divine consciousness could knock him back. At that moment, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. The cold air from the bottom of the abyss was invading, making him tremble even more. At this time, his eyes condensed, and he saw the faint figure in the distance. Yue, there is actually a high altar.

That altar...

Taoist Qingdeng was trembling and uneasy. The aura of gods and demons nearby was shrouding him, making it difficult for him to breathe. The divine consciousness just now came from the altar. What was there...

Could it be...

Suddenly, Taoist Qingdeng thought about the catastrophe of gods and demons in the past few days. Could it be that the tribulation of gods and demons fell here, and at this time, on the altar, could it be...

At this time, on the altar, Xiao Chen still had his eyes slightly closed, and a green-red fairy mark was looming between his eyebrows. The moment he opened his eyes, two frosty eyes were directed towards Taoist Qingdeng who was ten miles away. !

At this moment, Taoist Qingdeng staggered back, and the surroundings suddenly became deathly silent, and even the wind seemed to be frozen.

"It's him……"

Taoist Qingdeng's heart sank and his eyes were full of disbelief. He could not mistake those two cold glances just now. It was that kid, but how could it be possible... Could it be that the catastrophe of the past few days was really...

Suddenly, Taoist Qingdeng seemed to fall into the abyss, and felt a terrifying chill suddenly rise from behind. At this moment, he seemed to be choked by someone, and could no longer move. At this moment, this chill came from behind …

"Taoist Qingdeng, long time no see."

A cold voice sounded behind him, and when he heard this familiar cold voice, at that moment, Taoist Qingdeng felt as if he had fallen into the endless cold abyss, and did not dare to move again, as if he would die if he moved. Burial place!

Xiao Chen appeared behind him at some point, walking towards him step by step. His cold eyes and cold breath... were all suffocating!

"elder brother!"

Xian'er also turned around and saw that her brother was safe. She ran over and almost shed tears. But when she ran closer and saw the fairy mark on Xiao Chen's eyebrows, she actually felt A little scared, he slowly stopped and whispered, "Brother, you..."

"Xian'er, you go outside first."

"Brother..." Xian'er's body trembled slightly, wondering why her brother has become so cold now.

"Xian'er, be obedient and go back to the Flower Valley above first."


In the end, she walked outside, looking back from time to time, but Taoist Qingdeng didn't dare to move at this time. Seeing that she was about to go out, he was probably going to kill her, and he didn't want her to see him. He hurriedly shouted, "Little girl, wait, don't leave..."


Hearing him calling her, Xian'er stopped again, turned around and remained motionless, while Xiao Chen's eyes were still like frost, falling coldly on Taoist Qingdeng's back, and only said, "Xian'er, go out.

"oh oh……"

In the end, Xian'er went outside, and his figure gradually disappeared. Taoist Qingdeng trembled all over, knowing that he was doomed today. This man... he was no longer the same person more than ten days ago!

"Ta, ta, ta..."

The sound of cold footsteps sounded behind him. With every step he took closer, Taoist Qingdeng's throat seemed to be tightened. In the end, he could no longer breathe at all, his whole body was shaking, and he could not even speak. becomes unclear.

"Turn around."

Xiao Chen's voice was cold and cold, especially the fairy mark between his eyebrows, which looked even more frightening.

"Little, little friend..."

Taoist Qingdeng's face turned pale, and his whole body was shaking like chaff. He finally turned around slowly, but when he saw the cold appearance of the other party and the immortal and devil mark between his eyebrows, he became even more silent.

This terrifying aura of gods and demons even made him feel that the person in front of him was no longer the same person, but had been taken away by an ancient god and demon.

Thinking back to the catastrophe some time ago, he even more believed that the person in front of him had really been taken away by the reborn gods and demons, but he still retained his original consciousness...

"Little friend, wait a minute..."

Thinking of something else, Taoist Qingdeng trembled and hurriedly took out something from his sleeve. However, the thing was crystal clear and blooming with green light. It was the thing he snatched from Xiao Chen's hand that day at the sea. A Dinghai Pearl.

"This, this Dinghai Pearl, now, now returns to its original owner..."

Taoist Qingdeng's heart was trembling, he held the Dinghai Pearl in both hands, lowered his head and respectfully presented the Dinghai Pearl to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen took Ding Haizhu from his hand, glanced at it briefly, then looked at him again and asked, "How many people are coming in outside."


Taoist Qingdeng shuddered slightly, thinking that someone had come in a few days ago. Today, the restrictive formation outside the fairyland was completely broken, so many people should have come in.

"That's all."

Xiao Chen didn't wait for his answer. He could imagine that most of the people outside had already come in, including the ancient clan, the Murong Yi clan.

"Little, little friend, are you planning to..."

Taoist Qingdeng raised his head slightly and asked tremblingly. But when he saw the other person's eyes falling on him motionlessly, he trembled all over, as if he understood something. Finally, with a cruel heart, he pointed his fingers and clicked on Above his eyebrows, he pulled out a wisp of natal soul energy.

In order to survive, he could only do this. Just now he heard the other party ask him how many people came in outside, then he must still have value, and with the soul element of his life surrendering, the other party should not hurt his life, but just like this Come on, he will be controlled by others everywhere from now on, but what can be done about all this?

"I... don't need your soul energy."

As if out of the blue, Xiao Chen stepped closer to him. Taoist Qingdeng was slightly startled. Could it be that... he still wanted to kill himself?

Before Taoist Qingdeng could react, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and touched his eyebrows with two fingers!

At this moment, there was a strong wind all around, and a scream of gods and demons seemed to come from the netherworld, constantly surrounding the area. The mournful sound was terrifying!

Taoist Qingdeng's eyes were wide open and he could not move. But at this moment, a consciousness of gods and demons was imprinted into his soul!

After a long time, the strong wind around him stopped, and Taoist Qingdeng's face turned pale, and he was covered in cold sweat, as if he had lost his soul.

He slowly raised his hand and gently touched the center of his eyebrows. There was originally a cyan immortal seal above his eyebrows, but at this time, the immortal seal seemed to be stained by turbidity, with an extra strand in the middle. Dark air that is not easy to detect.

This is the "forbidden state of gods and demons". People who become saints can often acquire one or two magical powers in the holy realm. However, what Xiao Chen has stepped into can be said to be a holy realm or a realm of gods and demons, so he has acquired His magical power is this "Forbidden God and Demon".

Using a divine and demonic consciousness to restrain the opponent's soul is only one of the methods of the divine and demonic ban. In the future, as he enters a higher realm, the methods that the divine and demonic ban can use will also be more powerful.

At this time, Qingdeng Taoist was dripping with cold sweat, and finally slowly lowered his hand. Although Xiao Chen did not take his soul soul, this divine and demonic ban also restrained his soul. This divine and demonic ban, even Eternal gods and demons would find it difficult to escape, let alone him?

He knew that in the next period of time, he would have to take orders from the other party. From this moment on, his life was no longer his own.

In the Valley of Flowers, the fairy spirit is full of things. The breeze in the valley is gentle, the flowers are blooming, and there are swarms of bees and butterflies. After Xian'er returned here, she seemed to have quickly forgotten the horror of the treacherous abyss just now, and turned back to her innocent self. she.

At this time, she was having fun with a group of fairy rabbits when she suddenly heard a voice outside: "There is such a strong fairy spirit in front of you, can you feel it?"

"This aura, wait, it seems like..."

"Let's go and take a look!"

The sound came from a very far away place, but Xian'er's spiritual sense was very sharp, unlike ordinary girls, so she heard it from a long distance.

"Another bad guy is here..."

Perhaps it was the fright she had received a few days ago that made her feel scared when she heard any noise. At this time, she quickly put down the jade rabbit in her arms and was about to turn around and run to the back of the valley, but Xiao Chen had already appeared. behind her.

"Xian'er, don't be afraid."

Xiao Chen gently put his hand behind her head and stroked her soft long hair. Just as he finished speaking, Taoist Qingdeng also appeared behind him. Without him saying anything, Taoist Qingdeng already knew what to do. .

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