The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,371 Changes in Fairyland

Xiao Chen turned around, glanced at Taoist Qingdeng, flicked his fingers, and with a "whoosh" sound, something flew towards him.

Taoist Qingdeng took the flying object, but it was an elixir with a faint brilliance that looked particularly extraordinary. At first, he was stunned for a moment, but when he saw Xiao Chen walking in, he realized it. He quickly said, "Thank you, little friend..." After saying that, he swallowed the pill.

In the Flower Valley, Xian'er was having a great time playing with the fairy deer and rabbit. She was simple in nature and had no idea what had just happened outside. When she saw Xiao Chen coming back, she immediately ran over with a smile, "Brother, look! "

I saw flowers blooming everywhere, and many small animals were attracted nearby, including white rabbits, blue peacocks, gray monkeys... ✦


Xiao Chen knelt down, gently picked off a few leaves on her head, and said, "We are going out."

"Are you leaving..."

Xian'er frowned for a moment, then turned around and looked at those cute little animals with a look of reluctance on her face. The little animals looked at her as if they were reluctant to leave at this moment.

Xiao Chen saw her attachment to this place, but he had to take her from here to the outside world. What was the outside world like to her...

"'s okay!"

Xian'er turned her head again and smiled at Xiao Chen, "Although Xian'er likes here and doesn't want to leave, Xian'er prefers to be with her brother, so wherever her brother goes, Xian'er will also go..."


Xiao Chen gently stroked her face and recalled that day when she woke up from the fairy flower. There was nothing on her body. She didn't bring any memories, and she didn't take away any memories. It was this world, The spotless fairy...

Three days later, there were no longer known how many cultivators came to this fairyland, and the spiritual power of the entire fairyland became extremely chaotic. Shocks occurred from time to time, and even many void cracks were produced. It was as terrifying as the fairy storm in the gap between the fairyland. Those who were involved, no matter how high their cultivation level was, could not escape.

Two days later, Xiao Chen and the others had arrived near the entrance to the fairyland. If nothing else happened, they would be able to leave in about one day.

During these days, with Taoist Qingdeng by his side, he no longer had to do everything himself, but then he knew clearly that the group of people outside would not be so easy to deal with.

Especially among the two brothers and sisters that day, if one of them escaped, then this person must have informed the others outside. Now those people are probably either searching for him in this fairyland, or waiting outside for him to leave.

However, judging from the current situation, this fairyland is about to disappear. Many people have begun to evacuate, so most of the dozen or so people are already guarding outside.


At this moment, there was another tremor in the distance, and then there were many sword lights flying in that direction. These people came in to hunt for treasures, but unexpectedly they encountered a void rift here.

Just like the storm in the fairy world in the gap between the fairy world, the power of the void surged in like a tide. Wherever it passed, the mountains and canyons were wiped out. Some cultivators were unable to escape and were sucked into the power of the void. In that moment, almost instantly, both body and soul were destroyed.

"Little friend..."

Seeing the power of the void in the distance that was like a huge wave rolling in, even though Taoist Qingdeng had the cultivation level of the Seventh Realm, he couldn't help but feel horrified. How could cultivators like them be able to compete with the power of heaven and earth? ?


Without even thinking about it, Xiao Chen picked up Xian'er and instantly turned into a ray of light and flew away into the distance. This power of the void, or even his own, was the body of the gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia, It may not be possible to avoid any damage, not to mention that he has to protect Xian'er.

"elder brother……"

"Don't be afraid, Xian'er!"

Xiao Chen held her in his arms and used the Lingxian Steps under his feet continuously. Her figure was thousands of feet away in an instant. Taoist Qingdeng also followed quickly, but there was unexpectedly another void power appearing nearby, like a thousand layers of violent waves, fiercely moving towards her. The two of them swept over.

Seeing the power of the void coming from nearby, Taoist Qingdeng's expression changed. He swept away the dust and saw that the power of the Seven Realms was equally powerful, but compared with the power of heaven and earth, it was still very disparate, unless there were nine Otherwise, it would be impossible to contend with the power of the void.


Xiao Chen's inner energy rushed out, stepped on the void, and instantly turned into a swift shadow and rushed out. Taoist Qingdeng followed closely behind him, condensing his true energy to protect his whole body, and at the same time using his holy realm magical powers to resist the void rushing around him. Power.

After more than an hour, the two of them finally reached a safe place. The shock around them temporarily became smaller. Xian'er threw herself on Xiao Chen's chest and clutched his waist tightly, like a frightened deer. Like a child, my heart is beating fast.

"Xian'er, are you okay?"

"No, it's okay..."

Xian'er slowly came back to her senses and looked around. Everywhere she looked, there was a mess. Islands in the sky fell down, cracking the mountain peaks. Many stones rolled down from the cliffs, tearing the valleys apart. It's also blocked up, where is there any atmosphere of fairyland left?

"Little friend, what should we do now?"

Taoist Qingdeng's face turned slightly pale. Thinking back to the thrilling scene just now, he was still frightened.

In fact, he came in before anyone else, and he had already discovered that there was something different in this fairyland, and that it would change soon. He could have gone out earlier, but due to what happened later, he was delayed for too long, and now it is a bit late.

"We can only find another way out."

Xiao Chen stared at the collapsed mountain peaks nearby. Originally, according to the plan, he could take Xian'er out tomorrow, but the power of the void just now blocked all the way he came before. Now he can only take a long way around, which probably takes more It will take some time, and if something happens midway, no one can predict what will happen.

"Xian'er, are you afraid?"

"Xian'er is not afraid, brother, don't worry, I will follow him closely..."

Xian'er was seen shaking her head like a rattle, but how could she really not be afraid? Xiao Chen nodded lightly, then took her and flew to another mountain peak.

Taoist Qingdeng reacted and immediately followed. He was very clear about the current situation. It would be impossible for him to escape from this fairyland alone. Even if Xiao Chen lifted his "God and Demon Restriction" now, he would not leave.

At this time, outside the fairyland, countless immortal cultivators gathered around the mountain peaks, and many people are still escaping in a hurry. No one thought that such a big change would occur in the Penglai fairyland this time.

Originally, this time, everyone came here for the ten thousand years of rain and dew. Even if it was not for the ten thousand years of rain and dew, it would be great to find something else. But now, the shadow of the ten thousand years of rain and dew has not been seen, but even their lives have been lost. Lost inside.

As for the Murong family, this time they gathered many tribesmen to go to the fairyland, even at all costs, to find the "fairy spirits in the realm" mentioned in the ancestral edict. However, due to sudden changes, some tribesmen have been killed or injured. Inside, the rest of the people had to evacuate.

At this moment, on top of a green peak, several elders of the Murong clan were staring at the fairyland, with deep worries on their faces. They, the Murong Yi clan, had followed the instructions of their ancestors and guarded the fairyland here for thousands of years, and had never failed in their duties. , and now something like this happens, is it God's will or man-made? Behind all this, no one knows why, or who is behind it.

Just like this, another three days passed. After these three days, the entire Penglai Wonderland shook more violently, and it even affected the outside. Even the only entrance and exit of the Wonderland was about to collapse.

Once the entrance to the fairyland collapses and disappears, no one will be able to get out. All people in the fairyland will disappear with the fairyland.

"Elder, what should I do..."

Everyone in the Murong family looked anxious at this time. Although today, except for the dozen or so people who unfortunately died in the realm, the rest of the clan members who entered the fairyland have all come out, but the "fairy spirit in the realm" has not been found yet.

More importantly, once the Immortal Realm disappears, it will also have a great impact on the Mysterious Realm where the Murong clan is located. These outside cultivators of the Immortal Realm are not worried, but for the Murong clan, the matter is at their doorstep, and they can Not worried?

At this time, several elders also looked solemn, but compared to the disciples who were worried about the impact on the profound realm, they were still more worried about the "fairy spirits in the realm" mentioned in their ancestors' oral instructions.

The only thing to blame is that this change happened too suddenly. Although there were some vague signs before, no one paid attention to it at that time. They all just wanted to enter the fairyland faster than others, but now they are thinking about what to do. Escaped.

" you still remember the young man who went in that day?"

At this time, an old woman with gray hair came out, and hearing her suddenly mention this matter, the other elders all looked condensed. Due to recent events, they actually forgot about the first person who entered the fairyland at that time. That person, that white-haired young man...

The old woman continued, "He was the first one to go in that day, and no one else entered, and it was just when the rain and dew had condensed for thousands of years. But to this day, no one has discovered him, nor has anyone discovered the fairy. Is there any possibility of this?" …”

After hearing what she said, an old man in green clothes next to him suddenly seemed to have a sudden realization and said, "You mean, that young man is with the fairy now?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out..."

At this time, another middle-aged man with white hair walked over nearby, looked in the direction of the entrance to the fairyland, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "Have you seen those people? Those people are obviously waiting..."

Everyone looked in the direction the Huafa middle-aged man said and saw over there, more than a dozen powerful people in the Seventh Realm, all of whom were the first-class masters here today. And in the dark, there was no telling how many people were hiding. These People come this time for the ten thousand years of rain and dew, and will never give up easily.

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