The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,372 Memory fragments from ten thousand years ago

At this moment, on another mountain peak, two figures were seen standing on the top of the cliff. Their clothes were fluttering, like gods. They were Fairy Shuiyue and Fairy Yudie, their uncle and nephew.

"Uncle, I haven't seen him come out yet..."

Fairy Shuiyue frowned and spoke attentively. She and she had been here for three days and three nights. But today, they saw that the entrance to the fairyland was about to collapse and disappear, but Xiao Chen still didn't come out. Could it be that he was trapped in Is it inside...


Looking at Fairy Yudie again, no matter how turbulent Penglai Wonderland is these days, her face is always as calm as water. It is only occasionally seen that she is staring away in the east direction, and at the same time she frowns slightly, and there seems to be doubt in her eyes. out. ✪✹

"Uncle Master...what's wrong?"

Seeing that she looked behind for the third time today, Fairy Shuiyue also looked over there, but saw that the clouds there were vast and there was nothing strange about them.


Fairy Yudie turned around again, maybe... she was just overthinking it. The empress was far away in Kunlun, not to mention still in Wuxuan. Even if she was a clone, she would not be able to come here.

Only three days have passed in Penglai Wonderland, and it feels as if annihilation has come. Mountains have collapsed, the earth has sunk, and even cracks have appeared in the sky one after another. The so-called heaven and earth are probably nothing more than this.


In the strong wind, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand in an instant, rolled up his sleeves, and rolled Xian'er back. The strong wind just now blew her away.

There are already cracks everywhere in the sky. Once caught in the strong wind, there is almost no possibility of survival. x ̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́՝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌

"Little friend...head to the northwest!"

The wind was raging, and the sky was full of sand. Qingdeng Taoist flew in from the smoke and dust. The wind and sand covered the sky and the sun, and it was extremely difficult to identify the direction. The two searched for three days in this fairyland. Every time they found a way to go, they encountered another obstacle. The Void Crack finally had to change direction.

But no matter how you change the direction, you can't deviate from the original exit. Once you deviate, you will be completely lost in this wonderland, and you will never be able to get out.


Xiao Chen did not hesitate, hugged Xian'er tightly, stepped on the void, and flew towards the northwest. Unfortunately, he did not have a decent flying magic weapon. If he had a spotless lotus platform like Xiao Meng'er, he would How could it be as difficult as it is now?

Another day and night passed, and the entire fairyland was already crumbling, as if it would collapse at any time. At noon today, Xiao Chen and Taoist Qingdeng finally found the previous entrance and exit, but there were cracks in the void everywhere. If you were not careful, , that is, both body and soul are destroyed.

"Little friend, what should we do now?"

Taoist Qingdeng had an uncertain look on his face. There were void cracks everywhere around here. It was impossible to go through them directly, right? just in case……

"In just a few more moments, this fairyland will collapse. Let's go."

Xiao Chen did not hesitate. He had escaped from a dangerous place like the Tomb of Gods and Demons, so why should he be afraid of this small fairyland in front of him?

Seeing him flying into the cracks in the sky, Taoist Qingdeng turned pale, but in the end he had no choice but to gather some true energy on his body, wave his fly whisk, and quickly follow him.

" careful!"

The power of the void coming from the sky was extremely dangerous. If he was not careful, he would end up with no bones left. This time, there would be no power of gods and demons in the entire abyss for him to re-consolidate his body.

"Xian'er... close your eyes!"

Xiao Chen held Xian'er in his left hand, put the two fingers of his right hand together, put it to his lips, bit out the blood in one bite, and with one stroke, the power of the blood essence surged out, "Boom!" The force was shattered.

Behind him, Taoist Qingdeng couldn't help but change his expression. He clearly felt the power of gods and demons. How could this man have the power of ancient gods and demons in his blood...


Like the bursts of Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder ringing in his ears, Xiao Chen swung out the power of blood one after another. His face turned pale in the end. If he continues to consume like this, no matter how much blood he consumes, it will not be enough. This power of heaven and earth is too terrifying. Got it! Completely superior to all living things...

"Xian'er, don't be afraid..."

Until now, Xiao Chen was still holding Xian'er tightly. He gathered the blood essence in his right hand again, and with a "bang", he dispersed the oncoming force of void.


As if bursts of thunder were ringing in her ears, Xian'er was so frightened that she closed her eyes, buried her head tightly in Xiao Chen's chest, and held on to his waist and abdomen with both hands.

As the rolling thunderous sound kept blasting in her ears, she felt a little dizzy, and some familiar and unfamiliar pictures flashed through her mind.

", don't leave!"

"Don't be afraid, Xian'er... As long as my brother is here, no one in this world can hurt Xian'er."

"Ugh... Why should brother go... so dangerous..."

"Back then... I planted the cause. Now, I still have to go away and reap the fruit. Xian'er, you don't understand."

"Brother, you must come back..."

"More than 30,000 years ago, for the sake of this black bird, you would rather remove the divine bones, remove the divine head, and become a mortal for the rest of your life. But now you do it for her..."

"What I did was not just her. How could a god like you, who is above all living beings, understand?"

"He...he...comes...comes quickly! Destroy Fuxi Qin! Destroy Fuxi Qin for me!"

"I am the soul of Guqin... Suye!"


"Suye... don't!"

"Wait! Who's coming?"

"Then, that person is...yes, it is Dugu...Dugu...they, haven't they two already..."

"It seems I'm late."

"Brother Dugu, you..."


The huge sound in my ears at this moment is like the most powerful thirty-third heavenly tribulation of the year, the eternal prohibition of immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas that no one can withstand!

"Brother, brother...don't..."

Xian'er's face turned pale, as if she was having a nightmare. Xiao Chen noticed something was wrong with her, but he couldn't be distracted at this moment. With a single movement of his fingers, he used the power of blood to disperse the void force in front of him. , then asked, "Xian'er, what's wrong with you?"

Xian'er still seemed to be in a nightmare. She closed her eyes and kept shaking her head and muttering to herself. Xiao Chen's brows condensed. He didn't care about so much at this time. He condensed the power of blood essence and continuously broke through the power of void coming in front. .

After about half a stick of incense, he was finally close to the exit, but at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly felt dizzy.

It seems that he has consumed too much blood yuan and can no longer support it. As for the countless void cracks in front of him, he cannot rush past them without using at least 30% of his blood yuan power...

But even if he managed to rush through, he would have been depleted of blood at that time. As soon as he got out, wouldn't he be captured by those outside without any resistance?

"Brother... don't, don't..."

At this moment, Xian'er seemed to be trapped in a recurring nightmare, but her face was pale and her body was covered in cold sweat.

"Xian'er... what's wrong with you?" Xiao Chen frowned. Now he didn't know how to rush out, but at this time, he cared more about Xian'er.

"Little friend...what should we do now?"

At this time, Qingdeng Taoist also flew up, but seeing that his face was as pale as paper, looking at the crack in the void in front of him, he couldn't help but tremble at this moment. Even if he had the power of the Eighth Realm, he might not be able to rush away. This power of heaven and earth...

But the back has begun to collapse. If they can't get out, they will be annihilated along with this fairyland, dissipate forever, and turn into dust and smoke.

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