With the sudden attack of the empress today, Yun Zhongjun finally had to return in despair. At that time, the dusk shrouded the ruins of the peaks and cliffs, and there was still a sense of sadness.

The surroundings finally calmed down, but everyone still didn't leave. At this time, Murong Qi came up with a smile on his face and said to the Empress, "Thank you, Empress, for resolving our family's urgent need today."

"No need."

The empress raised her hand slightly, her eyes lingered on Xian'er for a while, and then she looked at Xiao Chen who was unconscious on the ground, and said, "Yu Die, take him back to Kunlun first, I have to go somewhere else."

Hearing that the empress wanted to go somewhere else, Fairy Yudie was confused, but she didn't dare to ask any more questions at this time, so she just cupped her hands and said, "Yes..."

"Oh...brother, brother, don't take my brother away, don't hurt my brother..."

Xian'er's face was still full of tears and she threw herself on Xiao Chen's chest. Fairy Shuiyue helped her up and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, sister, he will be fine..."

"Oh...brother, brother..."

How could Xian'er let someone take Xiao Chen away? She chased her all the way, but Murong's people came up and grabbed her. "Xian'er, come with us back to the Xuan Realm..."

"No, no... I don't... I want to be with my brother. Don't take him away..."

Xian'er refused to give in no matter what, and still wanted to chase after the empress, Yu Die, and Shui Yue. However, the surrounding immortal cultivators were still watching with eager eyes. How could Murong be careless?

The old woman from before flew up and stopped her, "Xian'er, come back with us, your brother... will come back."

The empress stopped again, looked at the people around her, and said lightly, "Penglai's spiritual power has dissipated, and the windless waves of the sea of ​​​​underworld will reunite again. Aren't you planning to leave?"

Hearing this, everyone seemed to suddenly wake up. The spiritual power of Penglai Realm has begun to flow back. By then, there will be windless waves on the Sea of ​​Hell. If you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave by then. , they don’t have the ability like the Empress and Yun Zhongjun, who can come and go as they please.

This time, countless cultivators in the immortal world came for the ten thousand years of rain and dew, if not for the ten thousand years of rain and dew, they also came for the legendary Penglai secret treasure.

But I didn't expect that this time, there would be such a big change in the Penglai realm. Not to mention not getting the ten thousand years of rain and dew, but almost dying here, it's really not worth the gain.

Cangyunzi and the others couldn't help but sigh. They couldn't even think about this ten thousand years of rain and dew. It took hundreds of years... After all, it was just a big dream.

Everyone left one after another, and on another mountain peak, Taoist Qingdeng had found a place to hide temporarily. Now that Xiao Chen was taken to Kunlun by the empress, what should he do? The divine and demonic ban on him has not yet been released. Who knows when this divine and demonic ban will break out...

A month later, the majestic Kunlun was covered with ice and snow for thousands of miles, but in the fairyland of Yaochi, there were hundreds of flowers, rows of golden terraces and jade towers, and the fairies in the palace were fluttering in colorful clothes, as bright as the clouds in the sky.

This is Yaochi Wonderland, Baihua Palace, where the empress is. There are twelve palaces in Kunlun, headed by Baihua Palace, where the empress lives. The highest place in the fairyland is called "Langyuan".

Half a month ago, Xiao Chen had been brought to Kunlun by Fairy Yudie. Under normal circumstances, it would have taken two or three months at the fastest for Fairy Yudie to go from Penglai to Kunlun alone. However, with the Wind Control Talisman given by the Empress, Half a month is enough.

Xiao Chen was seriously injured that day and fell into a coma. He has not woken up today, but his injuries have healed and his bloody clothes have been replaced.

In a daze that day, Xiao Chen seemed to be half asleep and half awake, and vaguely heard the faint female voice again, which seemed to come from ten thousand years ago, "I am at the top of Kunlun, waiting for you for ten thousand years..."

"Who? Who is talking..."

Xiao Chen woke up suddenly, only to find that it was just a dream, and in the dream, he smelled a flowery fragrance that was like orchid but light.

It turned out that he was lying in an exquisite small room. There was a breeze outside, and flower petals were flying in the air, floating from the window sill to the bedside.

"where is this place……"

On the soft golden couch, with fragrant pillows on his shoulders, Xiao Chen had not slept so comfortably for a long time. But in his dreams, he dreamed of those cold scenes again, dreaming of that day when he fought in a bloody battle...


Thinking of the Penglai realm that day, Xiao Chen's whole body trembled and he suddenly woke up. At this time, Fairy Shuiyue's voice came from outside the house, "You...are you awake?"

Hearing Fairy Shuiyue's voice outside, Xiao Chen immediately got out of bed and went to open the door. He saw Fairy Shuiyue standing outside the door, holding a basin half filled with hot water.

Only then did Xiao Chen notice that his clothes had been changed and asked, "Did you change the clothes for me?"


Fairy Shuiyue was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "No, on the way to Kunlun, my uncle found an inn and asked the waiter to change it for you."

"On the way to Kunlun..." Xiao Chen frowned, looked outside, and murmured, "Then this is..."

"Of course this is Kunlun!"

Fairy Shuiyue looked at him with confusion, thinking that he had been in a coma for a month, was he really confused? Or rather, I no longer remember what happened that day.

"Kunlun, Kunlun..."

The expression on Xiao Chen's face suddenly became a little dull, and he walked downstairs step by step. This is not Kunlun in the human world, but Kunlun in the fairy world...

But why was it different from the Kunlun in his dream?


Suddenly, he felt dizzy in his mind, as if the faint voice from his dream sounded again in his ears: "I am at the top of Kunlun, waiting for you for ten thousand years..."

"Hey! You're still injured, be careful!"

Seeing that his steps were shaky, Fairy Shuiyue quickly put down the basin in her hand and walked over to support him, as if she was afraid that he would fall.

"Step aside……"

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and pushed her away. Still covering his forehead with his left hand, he walked out of the courtyard step by step.

"Hey! Your injury is not healed, don't walk around..." Fairy Shuiyue looked anxious, fearing that something would happen to him and the empress would come back to blame the uncle.

"Where are you going?" At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared outside the courtyard, dressed in white as snow, it was Fairy Yudie.

"Where is the top of Kunlun...?"

"The top of Kunlun?"

Seeing him suddenly asking about the top of Kunlun, Fairy Yudie couldn't help but frown and said, "Xuanpu was completely frozen thousands of years ago for some unknown reason. No one can go there now."

"Ten thousand years ago..."

Xiao Chen felt dizzy in his head. Why are things that happened recently always inexplicably related to thousands of years ago? What happened thousands of years ago...

Why did Wei Yang and I find the Baihua Xuanjing on Kunlun Mountain in the human world, and there were those familiar scenes in our minds...

"Okay, your injuries haven't healed yet, so go back first."

Fairy Yudie looked at him and said slowly. Xiao Chen came back to his senses and glanced at her, "What? Do you want to lock me up again?"

Fairy Yudie knew that he was still grieving because of what happened last time, and said, "The empress did not hurt you that day, but at that time, you were already going crazy. It would be best to let you fall into a coma."

In fact, when Xiao Chen woke up just now, he already knew that his mood had begun to be confused that day. The Heavenly Book seemed to be reversing on its own, the three corpse demons also seemed to be awakening, and the empress's palm seemed to hurt him. In fact, it forced out the congestion in his body and suppressed his backlash.

From this point of view, the other party is helping him, but for no reason, why should the other party help him? At this moment, Xiao Chen still frowned and asked, "Where is the empress? Where is she."

Fairy Yudie said, "The empress went elsewhere for business and has not returned yet. If you want to see her, you can only wait until she comes back. As for the empress herself... she is still in seclusion in Langyuan to realize her mystery. She cannot come out to see you, but don't worry, your My sister, she is safe in the Murong clan’s mysterious realm now.”

After hearing this, Xiao Chen finally felt relieved and returned to the courtyard. He saw the ancient rocks in the courtyard and the clear water. Fairy Yudie followed him inside and said, "Kunlun is not as good as Guidie Valley. You must not be careless here." Move around.”

Xiao Chen didn't want to say anything more, so he took out a scroll from his sleeve. When he saw the scroll, the face of Fairy Yudie, who had always been calm, changed obviously at this moment, but she quickly recovered and turned to the back. Fairy Shuiyue said, "Shuiyue, please go out first."

"Yes, Uncle Master..." Seeing Uncle Master's mysterious look at this time, Fairy Shuiyue didn't hesitate to ask any more questions, so she turned around and went outside.

After the sound of her footsteps gradually disappeared, Fairy Yudie turned around. At this moment, she looked at Xiao Chen's face, which was obviously more solemn than ever before, and asked, "Where did you come from this scroll?"

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