The figure in the painting has an unearthly appearance, with hands like catkins, skin like gelatin, a slender head and eyebrows, a plain dress like snow, and a dot of light red cinnabar between the eyebrows. Although he is not as extraordinary as the Yudie Fairy in front of him, he is still outstanding. A beautiful lady of a generation.

At this moment, Fairy Yudie looked at the person in the painting, and her expression gradually became a little dazed, as if she was recalling the old things of that year.

Xiao Chen said, "You are the thirteenth generation master of Senluo Pagoda, the master of Yuzhen Pagoda, right... When Senluo Pagoda's mysterious realm spiritual power was about to be exhausted, you came to the ancient immortal world alone to seek the aura of the immortal world to replenish your energy. I don’t have enough spiritual energy in the Xuan Realm, but I didn’t expect that after leaving, there would be no news for more than six hundred years..."

Hearing this, Fairy Yudie's body trembled slightly. Now that she has cultivated into a fairy body, her appearance has changed somewhat from before, but her identity cannot be changed. After more than six hundred years, how has the world become? She no longer knows the appearance, nor does she know whether Senluota is okay in the struggle over at the Bone Erosion Land.

Seeing her silence, Xiao Chen was already very sure, and continued, "Master Canglan Pagoda asked me to tell you that the spiritual power of the Xuan Realm has been replenished, but now the forces from all directions are coveting it. Canglan is ashamed of the entrustment entrusted to him by the tower master, and now he has no power to do so." I can stand alone, but I can’t bear the destruction of thousands of years of foundation in Canglan’s hands. If the master of the tower can transform into a clone and return to the world, that would be great..."

"Canglan, he..."

Fairy Yudie's body trembled slightly again, and in her mind, she recalled the scene when she left that year. It was she who personally handed over the position of tower master to Canglan. At that time, she knew, Maybe she won't come back.

But at that time, what she was thinking about was that she might be in danger in the gap between the fairy world, or in the ancient fairy world, but she never thought that she would be trapped in this battle in the fairy world, and it would never be possible to escape.

Now that she is under the Empress and returns to the Butterfly Valley, she no longer has an identity in the human world and can never go back. She can no longer have second thoughts and must cut off everything in the human world.

Over the years, she has been very concerned about every cultivator who came to the human world. She wanted to know what was going on at Senluota, but she couldn't reveal it too much, for fear that people would see that she was still in the mortal world.

"Well, I think I've probably brought it."

Xiao Chen looked at her and said softly, as for why she didn't go back all these years, he didn't want to ask more, and he could probably guess that anyone involved in the forces of this ancient immortal world could not help it from now on. , whether it is a cultivator from the human world or a cultivator from the ancient immortal world, this is the case, without exception.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered something. That day outside Penglai Wonderland, the mysterious person who revealed his identity in the world did not appear until the end.

"Fairy Yudie, do you still remember the person hiding in the dark that day?"

"That day……"

Hearing what he said, Fairy Yudie immediately knew who he was talking about. That person revealed his identity in the world in one sentence that day, and no one could detect his whereabouts at that time. This shows that this person's cultivation level is very high. Tall, never below her.

"It seems that that person is probably a cultivator who came from the human world many years ago..."

Fairy Yudie looked slightly condensed, trying to recall who came to this ancient fairy world with her, and whether there were other powerful people before and after.

After thinking carefully for a while, Fairy Yudie came back to her senses and asked him, "Have you ever offended some forces in the world?"

"Have you ever offended any forces..." Xiao Chen thought for a while and said lightly, "That's a lot..."

Although his tone was flat, after hearing what Fairy Yudie said, he was more or less certain. It seemed that it might be a certain Xuanzu of Wutian Palace.

Half an hour later.

In the courtyard, flowers fell one after another. Fairy Yudie put away the scroll and said, "Your vitality was too damaged that day. Just take care of yourself here these days. After a while, the empress should come back."

As she spoke, she walked out of the courtyard. When she arrived at the entrance of the courtyard, she turned back and said, "Also, remember what I just told you. Kunlun is not like the Butterfly Valley. You can't wander around."

After Fairy Yudie left, the whole courtyard became quiet again. Only the gentle breeze blew by, and the petals on the trees were fluttering and falling, making gentle sounds.

Xiao Chen didn't know what the purpose of the Empress of the Purple Mansion was in bringing him to Kunlun, but no matter what, he didn't want to get involved in the power struggle in the ancient immortal world. He was not like Fairy Yudie, he was just a passerby. , won’t stay here long.

A few days later, there was a sudden movement on Kunlun Mountain, but it was unknown where it came from. The disciples of Baihua Palace were shocked and came outside one after another.

Xiao Chen has been in the courtyard these days and hasn't gone anywhere. Today he suddenly heard something strange. When he went outside, he saw the clouds in the sky rolling in, and the sky seemed to be about to split. A crack actually appeared, but soon, The crack disappeared again.

"what happened……"

Xiao Chen frowned and looked at the sky that was gradually returning to calm. He thought that this strange movement was not coming from Kunlun. What was going on?

At this time, the disciples of Baihua Palace were a little uneasy. After all, Kunlun had never seen such unusual movements in thousands of years.

"That crack in the sky just now..."

Fairy Shuiyue and Fairy Yudie had also arrived outside at this time. The two of them stared closely at the strange movement in the sky just now...

Fairy Yudie whispered attentively, "At the beginning of this year, there was also such a change in Guidie Valley. This change came from the human world. What happened to the human world..."

"Earlier this year……"

Fairy Shuiyue also immediately remembered that it was at the beginning of the year that Xiao Yichen wanted to escape, but was later caught by his uncle, and then there was a change. The change was not small, so she could figure it out as soon as she thought about it. Remember.

In the courtyard, Xiao Chen frowned deeply. He could also feel the strange movement just now. Could it be coming from the human world? But after all, it has been almost two years since he left this world. Could something have happened in this world...

Just as he was meditating, a ray of glow suddenly flew over from the distant sky. It arrived in an instant, and a peerless aura enveloped the entire Baihua Palace.

"The Empress is back..."

Seeing the glow coming from the sky, the disciples of Baihua Palace immediately calmed down and paid homage one after another, "See the Empress!"

The rays of rays fell into the palace and instantly transformed into a human figure. But looking at the man in red clothes, he looked like a rosy cloud, and his majesty was unrivaled. Just one look in his eyes gave people a feeling of being unparalleled in the world.

"Nothing happens outside, just go back!"

The empress flicked her sleeves, and all the disciples of Baihua Palace immediately stood up and retreated to their original places.

"Empress..." At this time, Fairy Yudie walked up. The Empress looked at her and nodded slightly, "Is that person in the palace?"

"Back to Empress, Mr. Xiao has been in the palace recently and has not gone out."

"Well... later, you ask him to come to the main hall."


After a while, Fairy Yudie went to Xiao Chen's courtyard and took him to the Empress's main hall. She saw that the palace was decorated with gold and jade, which was very extraordinary, and the Empress sat at the head of the palace, her majesty unmatched by anyone.

"You guys stand down."

The empress raised her hand slightly, and the disciples in the hall, as well as Fairy Yudie, all retreated outside, leaving only her and Xiao Chen. The atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly became even more tense and solemn.

Xiao Chen stood below, still calm. He didn't worship the empress outside Penglai Wonderland that day, and he still didn't worship her in Kunlun today.

Maybe the empress would also find it interesting. If an ordinary person saw her, he would already be trembling and uneasy, but this person remained unmoved.

She came to the lower part of the palace, looked Xiao Chen up and down for a long time, and then said, "Why aren't you afraid of me?"

Xiao Chen said, "The Empress is peerless in beauty, unmatched by anyone in the world, and she is not a man-eating monster. Why should Xiao be afraid?"


She is the empress of the fairy world. She has heard countless words of praise in the past, and she has long been tired of it. Those people are just afraid of her, so they say that.

However, at this time, hearing the same words from the mouth of this "not afraid of death" had a completely different flavor.

Xiao Chen looked at her and said, "Last time in Penglai, Xiao didn't thank the Empress for helping me, but I don't know why she asked me to come down to Kunlun."

"Do you want to know?"

The empress turned around and looked at him motionless.

She was an unparalleled empress in the world. She would never look at a person so seriously. She even looked at his eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips... she looked at them carefully.

Xiao Chen felt a little uncomfortable when he saw her looking at him without moving. In the past, even Weiyang had never stared at him like her, and said, "Of course Xiao wants to know."

"That's fine."

The empress finally withdrew her gaze, turned around and walked towards the window with her hands behind her hands, and said, "Let's first tell you how the power of gods and demons in your body came from."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, thinking that what she was asking about was the power of gods and demons that he had gathered after overcoming the tribulation on the altar of gods and demons last time in Penglai Wonderland?

No, that's not right. She had let Fairy Yudie trap her before that. Could it be that she had discovered the bodies of gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia, ​​or... the shadows of gods, demons, gods and Buddhas surrounding her that had been gone for thousands of years?

Before he could think clearly, at this moment, a sharp light seemed to flash through the eyes of the empress. The next moment, before he could react, she teleported to his side and pressed her palms on his shoulders.

Xiao Chen instinctively wanted to use his energy to resist, but at this moment, it was as if a thin electric shock penetrated his body, immediately making his whole body numb and unable to move.

With lightning speed, the empress raised his left arm, quickly pushed up his sleeve, and then clasped his wrist forcefully. On his wrist, there was a faint line of nearly three meters. The inch-long black air is looming.

"Three Corpse Demons..."

Even the empress, who had always been calm and composed, seemed to change color at this moment.

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