The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,384 The Legend of Hundred Flowers

"Three Corpse Demons..."

The empress' eyes flashed, and she clasped his wrist with her right hand. Together with the two fingers of her left hand, she pointed at the black energy on his wrist. Then she nodded repeatedly, "Awesome, awesome..."

She turned around, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "The person who infiltrated the three corpse demons into you is powerful, but the person who can suppress the three corpse demons for you on his own, without even letting anyone discover it, is even more powerful." …”

Xiao Chen knew that the person she was talking about was his master. When his master picked him up in the ruins of the ancient village, he knew that he had been driven into the body by three corpse demons. Even if he survived, he would definitely become a demon in the future. Become a peerless demon.

Since ancient times, demons have a different path. If others know that there are three corpse demons in their bodies, no matter what, that person will get rid of this peerless demon fetus. ♦✷★

But the master didn't. She even used her immortal energy to suppress the three corpse demons for herself, hiding it from the other lords...

"It seems that that person is your master." The empress' eyes were sharp, as if she could see through everything in this world with one glance. After finishing her words, she let go of his hand.

If other people in the Ancient Immortal World saw the Three Corpse Demons, they would definitely shout and kill them, and they would never allow such a huge threat as the Three Corpse Demons to exist in the world.

But she was different. Soon, her face returned to calm, she turned to look out the window and said, "Now the three corpse demons in your body have grown to two inches and seven minutes. If it reaches three inches and three minutes, You will definitely become a demon. At that time...your master, does she want to protect you or the world?"

At this point, the empress turned back and looked at Xiao Chen motionless, "I never thought that there are such powerful people in the world... Do you want to hide the truth from the sky and deceive the gods and Buddhas?"

"What's the meaning."

Xiao Chen stared at her, not quite understanding what she meant by what she said next, and at the same time, he slowly loosened the fingers on his wrist.

The empress stood with her hands behind her hands and said calmly, "Don't you know until now that the three corpse demons in you are not tolerated by heaven and earth. Once they take shape, they will definitely cause drastic changes in the three realms, and will lead to annihilation..."

At this point, she paused and continued, "Therefore, the gods and Buddhas in the sky will never allow such a threat to exist in the world. Under the thirty-third heavenly tribulation, your form and spirit will be destroyed, completely dissipated, and you will not even reincarnate. You can’t get in, and your master, if she wants to protect you, she must go across the sea and deceive the gods and Buddhas... to change your fate against the will of heaven!"

"But in this world, throughout the ages, very few people have been able to successfully change their lives. Even if they succeed, they will definitely pay the same price."

The empress looked at him and spoke word by word.


After hearing these words, Xiao Chen couldn't help but tremble. At this moment, his face became blank, as if he had suddenly lost his soul.

All this time, he only thought that the master was just suppressing the Three Corpse Demons for him, hiding the other sages of Xuan Qing from him, and hiding the righteous Xuanmen of Xianyuan Ancient Land from him, but he never thought that she actually... …

"Your master, she is indeed very powerful."

The empress walked towards him and said, "I never thought that there would be such a person with such profound understanding of heaven and earth in the human world. When I, Wu Xuan, come out of seclusion, I want to go to the human world and meet your master."

Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses, and looked at her motionless at this moment. The Empress always met everyone as a clone, but at this moment, she said that if she wanted to see the master, she would have to wait until he came out of seclusion, and he would meet him...

"Oh, by the way, there's one more thing..."

The empress looked at him again and said, "I heard from Yudie that you seem to be...very interested in Xuanpu?"


"Yes, Xuanpu is the top of Kunlun. It was completely frozen thousands of years ago. Even I can't go up now."

The empress looked at him and spoke slowly. After a while, she added, "I think you have been bored staying in Baihua Palace since I haven't been back. Today I will take you to see outside Baihua Palace. You follow me."

As she spoke, she walked out of the hall. When the disciples outside saw her coming out, they all bowed and saluted. However, there was a soundproof barrier in the hall just now, so no one heard the conversation between her and Xiao Chen inside.

"follow me."

The empress was peerless in style. With a single click, she flew into the sky. She was like a phoenix dancing in the sky, flying through the clouds in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Chen also immediately used his wind control skills to follow. The two of them went outside Baihua Palace. Suddenly, a bone-chilling chill hit them. They saw the sky full of wind and snow, and the snow-capped mountains were almost endless.

"This is the Kunlun Mountains outside the Baihua Palace."

The empress stood in the wind, her clothes fluttering, while Xiao Chen felt the ice and snow, the bone-chilling cold. It was colder than Kunlun on earth, the wind and snow were worse, endless, and there were more legends.

"The towering Kunlun, the ancestor of all mountains..."

At this moment, standing in the wind, looking at the towering snow-capped mountains, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a sense of heroism. Is there an end to heaven and earth?

The empress said, "Before, this place was not called Kunlun, and there was no ice and snow that has not melted for thousands of years."

Xiao Chen turned around and looked at her, with a hint of confusion on his face, and asked, "What was this place called before?"

The empress stared at the mountains in the distance and said slowly, "In the past, this place was called the Land of Flowers. It was like spring all year round. It was the residence of a high god."

"Land of Hundreds of Flowers, God..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he looked at the mountains in the distance. How did this ten thousand years of ice and snow come to be?

The Empress continued, "This is a legend many, many years ago. It is said that the disciple of the God violated the laws of heaven, and the God suffered thirty-three heavenly tribulations on his behalf. His godhead fell and he was reincarnated as a mortal... From then on, In this land of hundreds of flowers, the snow never falls all year round.”

"So there is such a legend in Kunlun..."

Listening to the legend of hundreds of flowers spoken by the empress at this moment, Xiao Chen didn't know what he was feeling in his heart. He just thought about the vast Kunlun, and what was buried under the ice and snow were hundreds of flowers blooming...

The empress looked at him and asked, "Do you know who created the Baihua Palace in Kunlun Yaochi Wonderland?"

Xiao Chen looked at her with a slightly condensed expression on his face, and said with some uncertainty, "Is he the mortal after the reincarnation of the god?"


The empress shook her head, then looked towards the vast mountains in the distance, and said, "The Baihua Palace was created by a Xuannv a long time ago, and the Nine Heavens Yaochi Fairyland was also transformed by the Xuannv's magic power. But after all, Whether it was more than 10,000 years ago or more than 20,000 years ago... no one knows, and the records in ancient books are not very detailed. "

"Xuan Nu..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, looked at her, and asked, "Then what is the relationship between the two?"

"Of course it matters."

The empress turned back, glanced at him, and said, "The Xuannv who founded the Kunlun Baihua Palace was the disciple of the god back then. However, the god no longer remembered her after he was reincarnated as a mortal, but she has always been there." I have never forgotten God, and I have never given up looking for God’s reincarnation.”

"So you don't remember..."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen felt a sudden pain in his heart. The Legend of Hundred Flowers must be a very sad and beautiful legend...

Under the vast ice and snow, when will the flowers bloom again?

Master, Master... At this moment, for some reason, he suddenly missed his master in the human world. He thought of that year, the trial of Xuan Qing, and that day, the changes in Tianmen.

He also thought of how she came to Wutian Palace to save him three years ago...

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