The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,385 The Peak of Kunlun

"Why...remember your master?"

The Empress seemed to be able to easily penetrate a person's thoughts. It was not that she could read minds, but that she was observant. Every change in Xiao Chen's expression was under her observation.

"Who would have thought that buried under the vast ice and snow are hundreds of flowers blooming."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and said, "I just heard from the Empress that the god suffered thirty-three heavenly tribulations on behalf of his disciples, so I also thought of my master..."

"Then what kind of person is your master?" The empress looked at him, seeming to be even more interested in his master at this moment.

"Master, she..."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath again, looked at the vast snow-capped mountains, and said, "Master, she is always as ice as frost and doesn't like to talk too much. Just like Kunlun, which has been frozen for thousands of years, she always gives people a feeling of loneliness and coldness." , the feeling of being unreachable... But every time when something unexpected happens, it is she who independently supports this vast world. "


The empress' eyes narrowed slightly, her hands were clasped behind her back, she stood tall in the wind, looking at the snow-capped mountains in the distance and said, "So, your master must be a unique person in this world."

Xiao Chen said, "In my heart, no one can compare to Master."

"Oh, what a pity."

The Empress suddenly sighed. Xiao Chen turned around, looked at her and said, "Why did the Empress say this? Why is it such a pity?"

The empress said, "You two masters and disciples, one is a lord of the immortal sect, and the other is possessed by a demon. In the end, will the master kill the disciple with his own hands, or will the disciple kill the master with his own hands? What a pity..."

After hearing what she said, Xiao Chen subconsciously raised his hand and looked at the looming black energy on his wrist. He saw that the three corpse demons had grown to two inches and seven minutes. He didn't know how long it would take for them to be fully formed. He didn't know at that time either. What will happen...

If the three corpse demons take shape, will the master kill him? Or, as the empress said, she will hide the truth and change her fate against the will of heaven...

Will the three corpse demons really cause drastic changes in the three realms and lead to the thirty-third level of heavenly catastrophe...

"It's getting late today. Let's go back. If you want to go to Xuanpu, I'll go with you to Qunyu Mountain another day.

While he was deep in thought, the Empress interrupted his thoughts, and then he saw her sleeves flicking lightly and flying back to the Baihua Palace.

And Xiao Chen was still in the snow and wind, looking in the direction of the jade mountains that the empress just mentioned. To the west of Kunlun, it was called the jade mountains, and the highest place was called Xuanpu.

In the next few days, Xiao Chen was always a little uneasy. Firstly, it was about the Three Corpse Demons and the Master, secondly, it was about the Legend of Hundred Flowers that the empress told that day, and thirdly, it was about that faint female voice.

On this day, the empress came out of the palace. She must have made arrangements for the Baihua Palace. Next, as she said that day, she took Xiao Chen to visit the Mountain of Jade.

The Mountain of Jade is to the west of Kunlun. There are countless myths and legends about it. Legend has it that there is the Kunlun Fairyland on it. In the fairyland, there is the immortal tree "Ganmu", which is guarded by the god "Lu Wu". It is immortal.

Three days later, the two of them had arrived at the Mountain of Jade. It was very windy and snowy, and there were many taboo places. Even if they had extraordinary cultivation, they could not take it lightly. Otherwise, they would be easily injured and lost in the snowstorm if they strayed into it.

The further you go up, the heavier the wind and snow becomes. In this icy and snowy land, it can be said that thousands of birds have disappeared, and all traces of people have disappeared. There is only this endless wind and snow.

"Can you still hold on?" The empress walked in front and glanced back at Xiao Chen behind.

"It doesn't matter."

Soon, Xiao Chen followed him. On this ten thousand-foot peak, coupled with the invasion of wind and snow, it was no longer easy to use the wind control technique or the light skill, let alone the sword. If you use the sword, I'm afraid In an instant, he was blown thousands of miles away by the power of heaven and earth.

The two walked for a day and a night, and they didn't know how far they were from the "hanging garden" at the top of Kunlun. It was covered in ice and snow, and it was bone-chilling. Even with the true energy protecting the body, the cold wind cut into the face like a knife. Dull pain.

Behind the two of them, there were four lines of deep and shallow footprints, but it wouldn't be long before they were covered up by the wind and snow, leaving no trace behind.

"Do you want to keep going up?"

The empress sent a spiritual message to him. Due to the heavy wind and snow, even though they were not far apart, they could not hear each other's words.

Xiao Chen put his hands in front of his eyes, but he still couldn't see clearly the road above. There was a blizzard in front of him, and he couldn't see clearly even from a few feet away. Even his spiritual consciousness was extremely difficult to penetrate.

"How far is it from Xuanpu?"

"How far is it?"

The empress smiled, as if she was laughing at his ignorance. Did she think that Kunlun was Penglai Mountain and that she could go up to it if she wanted to? He said, "We haven't reached this half yet. If we continue walking, I'm afraid we will have to walk for seven days and seven nights before we can barely see the thousands of miles of ice where the hanging garden is."

"Let's go!"

Now that he has reached the top, Xiao Chen is not going to give up. With a single stroke of his fingers, he gathers a stream of true energy to resist the invasion of the wind and snow.

In this way, the two of them walked up there for seven days and seven nights. During these seven days and seven nights, Xiao Chen seemed to be as unbearable as the past few months. He was in the bone-chilling cold all the time. Not only did he have to resist the biting cold, but he also had to be careful to avoid being sucked in. In the snowstorm, no bones were left.

Ordinary cultivators, even those who have entered the Holy Realm for the first time, will not be able to go up to such a place before the blizzard in the sky clears. If he had not stepped into the Holy Realm, it would be extremely difficult for him to go up to such a place. The Kunlun in the ancient immortal world is much more dangerous than the Kunlun in the human world.

"How is it? Can you still hold on?" The empress glanced at him. Her cultivation level was far better than Xiao Chen's, so she could naturally withstand the wind and snow on the mountain.

"It doesn't matter."

Xiao Chen faced the wind and snow in the sky and walked up with a little difficulty. It was already difficult to breathe on this high mountain.

After he walked up, the empress pointed upward and said, "You can see the hanging garden from above, but the wind and snow are too heavy now, so it's not suitable to go up."

"What did you say?" Xiao Chen's ears were buzzing from the cold, and he could no longer hear her words clearly.

The empress walked closer to him and said loudly, "I said, Xuanpu was frozen thousands of years ago. Now no one can get up there. The wind and snow are so heavy now that we can't even get up to the bottom of Xuanpu. We have to find a cave." Stay one night, wait until the snow and wind subsides tomorrow morning, and then go up and have a look.”


This time Xiao Chen clearly heard what she said, but looking around, in the vast ice and snow, where could there be a cave to stay?

"follow me!"

The empress walked in front, and Xiao Chen followed. After about a stick of incense, he found a cave where he could finally take shelter from the wind and snow.

After arriving in the cave, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a lot warmer. Looking at the wind and snow that was still raging outside, he couldn't help but feel in his heart at this moment. In the past, he always thought that as long as he cultivated enough, he could go to heaven and sea, and there was nothing he could do. No, I didn’t know until today...the heavens and the earth are infinite, and human power will eventually be exhausted.

"What on earth are you doing up here?"

The empress looked at him who was soaked after the snow melted, and she was a little curious. For thousands of years, very few people had been here, so why did he insist on coming here?

"I don't know either." Xiao Chen said while using his kung fu to evaporate the snow water on his body.

Seeing that he didn't even know what he was doing here, the empress seemed to find it even more interesting. "You don't even know what you were doing here, so you just came here in a daze. Aren't you afraid of dying up here? You kid, you are quite interesting." ”

Xiao Chen turned around and looked at her and said, "The Empress is an immortal master. She doesn't know anything this time, so she came up here with me in a daze."

Hearing him imitate her own tone, the empress walked over, looked at him, hummed and laughed, "Ha... interesting, then I wish you good luck tomorrow. If you die up there, I can't save you." ”

The implication is that he will not go to Xuanpu with him tomorrow. If Xiao Chen still insists on going to Xuanpu, then only one person will go.

This night, the wind and snow outside seemed to have finally subsided a little, and Xiao Chen had been walking in the ice and snow for ten days and nights. He was still a little tired at first, but by tonight, all his sleepiness had disappeared.

It was probably mid-night when a cold wind suddenly blew in from outside the cave, and vaguely, Xiao Chen seemed to hear that faint voice again.

"What's wrong with you?" The empress's consciousness was so keen that she noticed this subtle change in him.

"No, it's okay..."

Xiao Chen rubbed his forehead, wondering why he could always hear that voice, but that voice didn't sound like he was calling him. What was going on...

The next day, the wind and snow became much lighter, the front was finally clear, and the field of vision was much wider, but Xiao Chen knew that he still couldn't be careless.

The two walked upward for about an hour, and finally they could vaguely see the top of Kunlun, the hanging garden, thousands of miles of ice...


Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen was really shocked. He saw that on the top of the mountain, stretching for thousands of miles, there were beautiful buildings and jade buildings, fairy island waterfalls, and beautiful jade trees, but all of this... All were sealed in layers of ice!

Even though they were far apart down there, Xiao Chen could still feel the cold... loneliness that had been frozen for thousands of years.

Has this place been frozen for thousands of years? Then why did he hear such a voice: "I am at the top of Kunlun, waiting for you for thousands of years..."


Suddenly, Xiao Chen felt a pain in his head, as if he heard the eternal voice again in his ears, and his feet were shaky.

"Be careful." The empress stretched out her hand to support him.

Xiao Chen slowly woke up. Did he hear that voice again just now? Is it coming from those layers of coldness...

Seeing that he was in a daze, the empress said lightly, "You'd better be careful. If you fall from here, even an immortal may not be able to see his whole body."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a chill on his back. He looked down subconsciously and saw only a vast expanse of white. If he accidentally fell down and got involved in the terrifying blizzard, he would be killed by the power of heaven and earth in an instant. tear.

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