The entire Qingyun Sect was in panic at this time. Although they had never seen Xiao Chen or witnessed what happened outside Penglai Fairyland that day, there had been an uproar in the entire Ancient Immortal World during this period. How could anyone not know this? Killer God?

Especially the cold aura emanating from the other party at this moment made them even more frightened, as if the other party could completely wipe them out just by raising his hand... This suffocating sense of oppression.

The five white-haired old men had never seen Xiao Chen, but at this time they recognized the Qingdeng Taoist next to Xiao Chen. An old man in purple tremblingly shouted uneasily, "Qing...Senior Qingdeng." "

At this time, Taoist Qingdeng looked cold and said, "I can't make the decision, you can ask him."

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and they felt particularly suffocated. He took a few steps forward and said calmly, "That day outside Penglai Wonderland, your leader wanted to kill me, but unfortunately... he died under my sword. Now, you still have something to say."

As soon as these words came out, the entire Qingyun Sect's disciples trembled. Sure enough, the leader was dead, in his hands, but now, what should they do? To avenge the leader? I'm afraid that the other party's cultivation level can level the entire Qingyun Sect with one palm.

At this moment, all the disciples in the Qingyun Sect felt that a disaster was imminent, and the elders were also worried. Even if they sacrificed all their magic weapons and used the mountain-sealing formation, they might not be able to survive for a few days!

When they discussed with several other sects to jointly deal with Xiao Chen, they were still determined to die. But now that the other party was really here, they realized that the aura at this moment alone made them tremble. How could they talk about fighting with him? The other party contends?

"Xiao...Xiao Yichen!"

At this time, two more white-haired old women flew out of the sect, but looking at the look of death on their faces, they were very different from the five old men who came out before.

"Junior sister...why did you come out?"

The old man in purple knew that the two junior sisters had a strong temper, and was afraid of angering the murderous god again, so he winked at them repeatedly, indicating that they should go back first.

However, since these two old women have come out, they have no intention of going back. They still look at Xiao Chen coldly, "You devil! Kill if you want, but don't expect me to bow to you today! At most, I will fight with you." It’s just that we all die together!”

After the two men finished speaking, they both flew up, as if they were on the verge of death. They knew they were outmatched, but they rushed forward.

"Junior sister!"

The five old men behind were immediately frightened to death. The two of them were only cultivators of the third realm. When Xiao Chen had not yet entered the holy realm, he could use the Heavenly Book technique to destroy the cultivators of the third realm, let alone now. ?

Rushing forward like this, he was undoubtedly hitting an egg against a rock. As expected, Xiao Chen didn't even raise his hand, just a flash of divine consciousness that immediately froze the two of them in the air, unable to move anymore.

"Junior sister!"

The faces of the five old men behind were pale, and the disciples in the sect were also in despair. The cultivation of the elders in the third realm, unexpectedly...

"Devil... If you want to kill me, kill me! Don't expect us to beg you for mercy!"

The two old women had strong tempers and were not afraid of death, but Xiao Chen still had cold eyes, "Kill you? It's too easy, but I won't kill you." After finishing speaking, he flicked his fingers, and the two The old woman suddenly felt like she was hit hard and flew backwards.

"Junior sister!"

The old man in purple clothes behind was shocked. He immediately stepped forward and caught the two junior sisters. At the same time, he sent a spiritual message: "This man is decisive in killing. Two junior sisters, please don't bother him anymore..."

In the Qingyun Sect, the disciples were all trembling. The strength of the person in front of him was that even all the elders put together could not defeat him in one and a half moves. It would be easy for him to destroy the sect.

At this time, Taoist Qingdeng walked forward, looked at the elders of Qingyun Sect and said, "Everyone draws a ray of their own soul energy to ensure that the sect is safe."

Hearing this, the elders of the Qingyun Sect trembled. The implication of the words could not be more obvious. They were asked to hand over a ray of their soul soul. In this way, their lives and the sect would be saved. But from now on, It’s time to obey the other party in everything.

"Senior brother... no! It's better to have a thousand-year-old inheritance than to live in pieces... than to live in ruins!" The two old women still preferred death over surrender, but with the thousands of disciples behind them, how could they not be afraid of death?

"Qing Deng, the matters here are left to you. If they don't surrender after an hour, you know what to do." Xiao Chen spoke lightly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he took Xian'er away.

Although he left, he gave the people of Qingyun Sect an even stronger sense of oppression, because he had just sent a message to Taoist Qingdeng that if they did not surrender, they would be dead.

"Qing...Senior Qingdeng..."

The faces of several old men were pale, and they all looked at Taoist Qingdeng in the air, as if they were holding on to the last life-saving rope, but they looked at each other as if they were drinking poison to quench their thirst.

Taoist Qingdeng, however, still looked indifferent at this time and only said, "You heard what that person said just now. You only have one hour, so think about it carefully."

Outside the valley, spiritual energy was lingering and flowers were blooming. Xian'er stopped and walked along the way, then turned around, blinked her big eyes, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Brother, are you really going to kill them? But Xian'er I feel that it was the people who were bad that day, they were innocent..."

"How could it be? I just scared them." Xiao Chen gently stroked her face, picked a flower from the tree, and put it in her hair.

"Hehe, I knew my brother was scaring them..."

Xian'er still had an innocent smile on her face. She didn't know much about the world, so how could she know the cruelty of the world? If just scaring her was effective, then Wuyu Tian would not be the Wuyu Tian it is today.

An hour later, Taoist Qingdeng followed from behind and saw Xian'er playing on the side. He quietly handed seven jade notes to Xiao Chen and said in a low voice, "The matter is done, these are the souls of those people." "


Xiao Chen nodded slightly and did not pick up the jade note. He just said, "Let's go to the next place." After saying that, he said to Xian'er, who was playing in the flowers not far away, "Xian'er, let's go."

Three days later, he and Taoist Qingdeng came to Duanqing Valley again and used the same method to make him surrender. Just like this, a month passed. In just one month, he ordered the people who surrounded and killed him outside Penglai Wonderland to kill him. Those dozen sects all surrendered.

He naturally has his reasons for doing this. Now that he cannot return to the human world, he has to stay in the ancient immortal world for a while to find the innate spiritual treasure, so that he can go back to save Weiyang. Before that, he must strengthen his own strength and Nothing is wrong.

Of course, he is not worried that those sects will suddenly rebel, or secretly work against him, as long as Qingdeng Taoist does not rebel.

The lives of those people are in the hands of Taoist Qingdeng, and the life of Taoist Qingdeng is in his hands.

"This last sect has also surrendered."

In the Ruyi Sect, Taoist Qingdeng came out, holding three jade notes in his hand, which were the natal souls of the three elders of the Ruyi Sect.

The three Grand Elders were only one step away from reaching the Seventh Realm. Unfortunately, a disaster occurred today and they had to sacrifice the lives of 13,000 disciples.


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, looked at the dozen or so Ruyi Sect elders who were trembling and uneasy in front of him, and said calmly, "From today on, I will be your lord. If you dare to do the following again..."

"I don't dare...I absolutely don't dare!"

More than a dozen elders were shaking like chaff. Even the three great elders had each handed over a ray of their soul soul. What else could they do? Is it possible that you still dare to resist?

"That's good."

Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent. As he spoke, he walked out of the square. A dozen elders immediately said in unison, "Your Majesty..."

In fact, they know in their hearts that the ancient immortal world is a place where the weak prey on the strong. The leader died in Penglai. Their fate has been decided. Soon, a stronger force will annex them. What difference does it make if they surrender to this person now? ?

What's more, judging from the current situation, falling into the hands of this person is no worse than falling into the hands of those powerful people. At least their Ruyi Sect is still called Ruyi Sect. If it is annexed by those powerful forces, then the world will never be the same again. There is no Ruyi Sect, and each of them even has to hand over a ray of soul energy.

In just one month, more than a dozen sects were conquered. This incident naturally caused a storm in the ancient immortal world. It is still unclear whether this storm is good or bad for Xiao Chen.

It's February now, and I wonder if the world is also full of spring. On the ancient road, Xian'er jumped up and down, walking alone at the front.

Taoist Qingdeng followed Xiao Chen without saying a word. After a while, Xiao Chen stopped and asked, "Do you have something to say?"

Taoist Qingdeng was stunned for a moment, then gradually frowned, and finally raised his head and said, "During this period, more than a dozen sects have been demoted, but which force do they belong to... There must be a name, right?"

"What's your name..."

Xiao Chen thought for a while, looked at the heavy mountain shadows in the distance, and said, "Let's call it Chongxiao."

"Chongxiao, also known as Wugou, a person with a pure heart will not be deceived by evil spirits..." At this moment, the master's voice seemed to ring in his ears again.

"Chongxiao, good..."

Taoist Qingdeng nodded, looked at him again and said, "My little friend, today... is Chongxiao Zun. From now on..."

Xiao Chen didn't say anything, and didn't listen to what he continued. Seeing Xian'er in front of him walking away, he shouted "Xian'er, walk slower." and immediately followed him.

Taoist Qingdeng frowned slightly, looking at his walking figure, he couldn't help but recall the young man who snatched the Dinghai Pearl from the sea of ​​hell that day, less than a year later. time, but the other party has become the existence he looks up to now.

"What are you still doing?" Seeing that he didn't follow, Xiao Chen turned his head slightly and said.

"Here we come..." Taoist Qingdeng came to his senses and followed immediately.

Further forward, there is the boundary of Xuanzhou. There is an extremely vast fairyland called "The Heaven of Netherworld", which is the middle-aged man named Yan Wen who was killed by Xiao Chen outside Penglai Fairyland. Men's paradise.

Regarding the Heaven of Netherworld, Taoist Qingdeng has already found out clearly that this fairyland is so big that there are even 300,000 cultivators, let alone 300,000.

Nearly a thousand years ago, Yan Wen occupied "Youxu Tian", the most spiritual place in this fairyland. At the same time, he conquered more than 20 sects of various sizes in the surrounding area. He claimed that 30,000 cultivators all obeyed his orders.

More than three hundred years ago, Yan Wen went to the Nether Sea in order to seek immortality. Before leaving, he handed over the care of Youxu Tian to his junior sister "Yan Ruyu", and at the same time asked the heads of those sects to extract a ray of soul energy from themselves. Leave it to Yan Ruyu to keep it to prevent these people from rebelling after he leaves.

Now that Yan Wen is dead, more than twenty sects have taken people to Youxu Tian at the same time, forcing Yan Ruyu to hand over her soul essence. If Yan Wen hadn't left behind several powerful prohibition formations before leaving, I'm afraid those people would have really invaded Youxu. The palace is empty.

In addition to the chaos in these twenty or so sects, other forces in Youxu Heaven have long been eyeing Youxu Heaven, a blessed land. In the past, they were afraid of Yan Wen and did not dare to make any moves. Now that Yan Wen is dead, those people immediately rushed in. In just a few months, they have occupied many places. Now only Youxu Palace has not been occupied.

But Yan Ruyu is isolated and helpless. She can only hold on for another half a month at most. When the spiritual power of the formations left by Yan Wen is exhausted, Youxu Palace will be occupied, and even she, a great beauty, will eventually become a furnace for those people.

In addition to the forces of Youxu Heaven, there are many forces outside who also want to get involved in the ten thousand feet fairyland of Youxu Heaven. In short, the entire Youxu Heaven has been in chaos in the past two months. There are also many forces fighting for resources in it, and even two seventh-level strongmen have died.

After listening to Taoist Qingdeng's words, Xiao Chen roughly understood the current situation in Youxu Heaven. It was probably the most chaotic place in the ancient fairy world. However, he had fought desperately to kill Yan Wen that day, so it was impossible for him to let others get away with it for nothing now, right?

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