"So little friend...what are your plans now?"

Qingdeng Taoist asked in a low voice. In his heart, he naturally had an idea. The vast immortal realm of Nether Sky is like a piece of fat. Who in the ancient immortal world doesn't want to carve up a piece of it?

Nowadays, forces from all directions want to get involved, and there are some stronger forces among them. During the hundreds of years when Yan Wen was in charge of the Heaven of Netherworld, although Yan Wen's cultivation level was not low, the people outside who coveted the Heaven of Netherworld, There are definitely many, and some have higher cultivation than Yan Wen.

The reason why those people have not taken action is because, Yan Wen, this person is decisive and resolute in killing, and he controls the life and death of 30,000 cultivators under his command. His power is widely distributed, so even people with higher cultivation levels than him can't. Never dare to invade Youxu Tian easily.

The second is that a place like Netherworld has a special terrain. Although it is the place with the most spiritual energy and the richest resources in Xuanzhou, it is surrounded by enemies on all sides. It is said that the country is easy to defeat but not easy to defend. Even if someone defeats Yan Wen , then his vitality must have been severely damaged.

When the time comes, the mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole is behind, which in turn gives an advantage to other people who covet this place. Therefore, for hundreds of years, no one has come to attack Youxu Palace. Gradually, Yan Wen's power has become stronger and stronger. stronger.

Even in the three hundred years since Yan Wen left, no one came to attack Youxu Tian. Firstly, they were afraid of the power of Youxu Tian. Secondly, no one wanted to make wedding clothes for others. Until this time, when Yan Wen died, When the news came back, people's hearts immediately collapsed, and finally some people couldn't hold it any longer. It was the combination of internal and external troubles in the past thousand years that led to the current chaotic situation.

In the past two months, killings can be seen almost everywhere in the Netherworld. A radius of tens of thousands of miles is covered with blood. Cultivators from all forces compete for resources, and the sky is dark and the earth is dark.

Xiao Chen naturally understands this, and he is very clear in his heart. If he steps in at this time, it will definitely cause greater turmoil and will definitely change the current situation.

But in the final analysis, such a vast fairyland that condenses the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has so many forces belonging to it. Once it is taken down, it is equivalent to taking down dozens of fairyland forces. Even if his mind has been like water in recent years, he has He downplays power, but this time, it is inevitable that his heart will be moved.

Moreover, if he takes down the Heaven of Netherworld, it will definitely be much easier to find the innate spiritual treasure. And more importantly, when he is strong enough, in this fairy world, he will be able to There is a place for it.

However, how to defeat this ten thousand-foot immortal realm, and how to hold it? This is by no means an easy task. At this time, Xiao Chen already had some concerns in his mind.

"How is it? My little friend, are you planning to go to the Heaven of Netherworld..."

Seeing that Xiao Chen was deep in thought and silent, Taoist Qingdeng asked again. It was obvious that he really wanted to conquer the Heaven of Netherworld. After all, who wouldn't want to occupy such a place?

Once the Netherworld was conquered, although he was still restricted by Xiao Chen, at that time, he was inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.


Xiao Chen nodded slightly. It was inevitable to win the Heaven of Netherworld. Such a good piece of Cave Heaven Paradise and so many forces belonged to it. He didn't want to give it up to others. Even if he returned to the human world, he could still let Taoist Qingdeng Take care of it here.

When Wei Yang gets better in the future, he will bring her to the ancient immortal world to see which one she likes more, the sky surrounded by spiritual energy, or the lonely and cold Wuyu Heaven... She should probably like the human world the most.

But right now, there are too many people coveting the vast fairyland of Nether Void Sky, including some extremely powerful forces. How can he win them down?

Although he has now entered the realm of the strong, it is impossible for him to fight bloody battles in all directions like he did outside Penglai Wonderland that day, right?

If this is the case, even if he fights one against a hundred and captures the Heaven of Netherworld, his vitality will have been severely weakened by then. If another powerful enemy attacks, I am afraid there will not be a second empress to save him. .

So no matter what, he would never do it himself. He must retain all his strength until the end. Who knows if a strong man from the Eighth Realm will appear later?

At this moment, Taoist Qingdeng saw what he was thinking, his eyes narrowed, and he said, "I know a person in Xuanzhou. That person's cultivation level is not low. I had a pretty good relationship with him back then..."


Xiao Chen's expression condensed, "Can you find him?"


Taoist Qingdeng nodded. Although it was a hundred years ago that he went to Minghai, it would not be difficult for him to find his old friends as long as they were not dead.

After thinking for a moment, he heard him say, "In addition, I will arrange two six-level masters from each sect in Chongxiao to go to Xuanzhou together."

"very good."

Xiao Chen nodded, now he no longer has to do everything himself. Although this Qingdeng Taoist is a loose immortal with no family or sect, he is not only highly cultivated, but also like Yang Xiaoran, he is a talented general and good at using soldiers. .

He who is good at using soldiers is a general; he who is good at using generals is a king.

There is no doubt that he is this king. When he didn't kill Yang Xiaoran, firstly, he took a fancy to Yang Xiaoran's ability as a general. Secondly, Yang Xiaoran also came from Xuanqing. Perhaps recalling the old events, he always had a feeling. I can't explain the unexplained emotions.

Seven days later, Xiao Chen has brought Xian'er to Xuanzhou. Due to the recent chaos in the Netherworld, the entire Xuanzhou seems to have become a little uneasy. I don't know how many people from various forces have gone to the Netherworld. In the sky, they may be attacking cities and pools to compete for resources, or they may be hiding in the dark, waiting for opportunities.

On this day, Qingdeng Taoist also finished what he had to do. The sects of Ruyi Sect that belonged to Zhongxiao each came out with two strong men from the sixth realm, and there were also many saints from around the third realm. Realm masters, this kind of lineup is enough to cause huge waves no matter where they go.

In addition to people from these dozen sects, Taoist Qingdeng also found his old friend from back then - Taoist Xie.

Standing next to him at this moment was the white-bearded Taoist wearing a black and white Tai Chi robe who looked a little evil.

"Evil Taoist, come here, this is our Lord Chongxiao, Lord Xiao."

Taoist Qingdeng led Taoist Xie to Xiao Chen, but Taoist Xie was stroking his beard, but seemed a little disapproving. He didn't even look at Xiao Chen, but stared at Xian'er behind Xiao Chen without blinking.

"I have heard about the name of Taoist Master Xie for a long time. When I saw him today, he was indeed extraordinary." Xiao Chen looked at him and said calmly.

But at this time, the evil Taoist still seemed not to have heard anything. He stared at Xian'er with his eyes, stroking his beard with his hands, and there was an evil look on his face. He was so frightened that Xian'er hid behind Xiao Chen and even cut his head. I didn't dare to find out anymore.

"do what?"

Taoist Qingdeng glanced at him, knowing that this old guy had committed another bad habit, but how could he dare to think wrongly about the little princess in front of him? So I crooked him hard with my elbow.


The evil Taoist coughed and whispered, "Don't worry, this little girl is still young. I'm not interested in the Taoist priest..."

After saying that, he looked at Taoist Qingdeng again, sneered, and said in a secret voice, "What? I remember that a hundred years ago, you were not even afraid of Yun Zhongjun, but now you are afraid of such a little kid? You I haven’t found the elixir of longevity, so my courage has become less..."

Before he could finish speaking, Taoist Qingdeng interrupted, "Then if I tell you that Yan Wen died at the hands of the 'little kid' you are talking about right now, what do you think?"

"What did you say... Yan Wen was killed by him?"

The evil Taoist was obviously a little surprised. At this moment, he finally seemed to be a little serious. He looked at Xiao Chen and squinted his eyes, "This Xiao Xiao..."

Before he could finish speaking, Taoist Qingdeng bumped him hard with his elbow, glared and whispered, "Master Xiao!"

"Ahem...Master Xiao."

The evil Taoist stroked his beard, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Lord Xiao, I won't beat around the bush, let's just say it straight, this time I will lay down my life for you to lay down the Heaven of Netherworld, then how will we divide it up? "

Xiao Chen said, "One first-level city and two second-level cities."


The evil Taoist smiled, stroking his beard and said, "Master Xiao is really good at calculating. Do you want to send us away from three cities? We are risking our lives..."

Seeing that he was actually bargaining with Xiao Chen, Taoist Qingdeng couldn't help but break into a cold sweat and immediately sent him a secret message: "That's not what we said when we came here..."

"Don't worry about it, this kid is very clever..." The evil Taoist had never seen Xiao Chen's terrifying appearance that day, so he was not that scared. At this time, he sent a secret message back to the Qingdeng Taoist.

Xiao Chen's face was still watery, and he continued, "It is said that Youxu Palace is a cave in the world. Over the past ten thousand years, countless rare treasures have been hidden... The Taoist priest will choose one of them when the time comes."

The evil Taoist narrowed his eyes, just waiting for his words. When he saw what he said, he immediately agreed, "Okay! It's settled! Lord Xiao is true to his word, and he will definitely never break his promise, right?"

"Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow."

Xiao Chen put his hands behind his back, looked at him and said calmly.

Taoist Qingdeng stood aside, but he seemed to have noticed something. He couldn't help but stare at the evil Taoist who was secretly excited next to him. Could this old guy be...

"That's it."

Xiao Chen looked at Taoist Qingdeng again and said, "You go to the Heaven of Netherworld first. As for me, I will take Xian'er to visit other places first. If you have any questions, just send me a message."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. Within a month, Pindao will definitely capture Youxu Palace. At that time, I will sit down and wait for you to come forward."

Taoist Qingdeng said with his hands cupped, looking very respectful. After all, with so many people watching behind him, it was impossible for him to address each other as he did in private.

"Well, then I'll wait for the good news for you two."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he took Xian'er away. Until his figure gradually disappeared, the Qingdeng Taoist finally breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at the evil Taoist next to him and said seriously, "You have never seen this before." The way a person behaves when he kills someone, it’s best to be more cautious when speaking in front of him!”

"is it so serious?"

The evil Taoist touched his chin, looked at the direction Xiao Chen left, and said, "Speaking of which, what is the origin of this kid that makes you so afraid of him?"

"Anyway, don't ask so many questions."

Qingdeng Taoist frowned deeply. In fact, he was afraid of Xiao Chen, not because he had broken into the forbidden realm of gods and demons in his soul, nor because of the terrifying appearance of Xiao Chen killing people that day, but because of the strange abyss of gods and demons that day on the opponent's body. The suffocating aura of gods and demons.

Until now, he even suspected that Xiao Chen was taken away by an ancient god and demon who had been reborn after a catastrophe, not the young man he met at sea before.

Thank you to book friends for supporting me with monthly tickets for "A Night's Dreams Telling the World" and "In the Mood for Love"!

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