The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,395 A Land with Owners

In front of Youxu Palace, blood flowed like a river, and at this moment, Xiao Chen, under the gaze of everyone, walked forward step by step. People on both sides trembled and quickly stepped back to make way for him. Come.

In Youxu Palace, on the roof of the building, Yan Ruyu had also stood up and looked outside. Seeing the figure slowly walking outside, her heart beat faster and faster. This man... could actually make people Her heartbeat was racing and her face was red.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

Taoist Qingdeng was covered in blood. When he saw Xiao Chen approaching, he immediately stepped forward to greet him. But after walking a few steps, his feet suddenly swayed and a mouthful of blood poured out of his mouth.

Xiao Chen immediately held him up, and a burst of true energy flowed in, stabilizing his injuries, and said, "Stay back."

"Yes..." ✧

Taoist Qingdeng stepped aside, and on the other side, Taoist Xie was stunned just now. Only now did he come back to his senses and realize how terrifying this "boy" he was talking about was.

Everyone around them held their breath, including the cultivators of the Seventh Realm and the people in the dark. Under the shock of this aura, no one dared to act rashly. They all thought in their hearts, it turned out that he Is he the Lord of Chongxiao who has conquered more than a dozen sects...

When the leaders of the twenty or so sects outside Youxu Palace saw Xiao Chen approaching, they didn't know why, but their hearts suddenly trembled, especially when they saw the other person's eyes, there was a coldness that made them fall into the abyss. This feeling was even more depressing and suffocating than when they faced the severe questioning.

"Yan Ruyu, are you in there?"

It seemed a little surprising that when Xiao Chen came to Youxu Palace, he didn't shout to fight or kill, nor did he order to break through the defense formation outside. Instead, he called out Yan Ruyu's name.

On the roof of the building, Yan Ruyu heard him calling her. At this moment, she came back to her senses, straightened her clothes and said, "I'm here, how about it?"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense and solidified. People outside did not dare to act rashly, and the disciples of Youxu Palace inside were all on tenterhooks. ơɱ

"Open the formation."

Xiao Chen's tone was still calm, but many people outside were startled at this time. They didn't expect that he would ask Yan Ruyu to open the formation. If they attacked Youxu Palace, they would definitely break through directly. How could he be like this? Standing at someone's door and asking others to open the door?


Yan Ruyu sneered and said, "What if I don't open it?"

Xiao Chen clasped his hands behind his back, and his tone remained calm, "If you don't open, then I will raze this area of ​​a hundred miles to the ground..."

As soon as these words came out, the disciples of Youxu Palace were frightened out of their wits. Even some cultivators outside were trembling. Although his tone was calm at this time, he was definitely not joking...

With his ability, it was easy to break through the formation outside, but he didn't take action and insisted on letting Yan Ruyu open the formation by herself. This meant that the Youxu Palace belonged to him...


Yan Ruyu frowned, but finally bit her lip and opened the formation in desperation. The layers of light curtains outside the palace immediately dispersed.

Seeing Yan Ruyu taking the initiative to open the formation, the evil Taoist looked at Xiao Chen, and couldn't help but think in his heart, this man is really courageous, he must be the overlord of the Fengyun side in the world...

At this time, the formation of Youxu Palace was opened, but no one dared to approach. Xiao Chen slowly turned around, facing the cultivators outside, and said lightly, "From today on, the sky of Youxu is no longer a land without an owner. Everyone, If you are a guest, Xiao will sweep up the couch to welcome you, but if you have evil intentions... it will be the same as this corpse outside the palace. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand, and an invisible force surged out. The corpses on the ground were annihilated and turned into nothingness in an instant! Even the blood on the ground disappeared in this moment.

"This! This...this is the power of annihilation!"

Everyone present was shocked, and the corpses on the ground were turned into nothingness in an instant. If this is not the power of annihilation, what is it?

But the power of annihilation has long since disappeared with the annihilation of the last era of cultivation. Now it only exists in ancient legends. Why can anyone still use the power of annihilation?

If not the power of annihilation, then what is this!

Everyone was frightened and stepped back one after another. The next moment, Xiao Chen raised his hand and an endless force surged out. Outside the Nether Palace, the withered flowers, plants and trees on the ground suddenly disappeared in just a short period of time. In an instant, life came back to life.

"This, this...this again!"

Everyone was shocked again. First it was a mysterious force that could control people's death, and now it was a force of life that revived flowers. This person, this person...

"Brother, brother!"

At this moment, a girl suddenly ran up from a distance. Everyone came back to their senses and looked at the girl. They saw that the girl was wearing a fairy skirt with flowers and long twin ponytails behind her. She was particularly charming and charming. Again……

"Brother, I'm counting to one hundred!"

She saw Xian'er jumping and running over. Although there were many people nearby, Xiao Chen was here, so she was not afraid. She pricked him on the chest and said with a smile, "Brother asked Xian'er to count to a hundred before he came over. Xian'er There is no cheating!"

"Well, Xian'er is so good."

Xiao Chen gently stroked her face, and it softened a lot. The cultivators outside couldn't help but be startled. He was clearly so scary just now, but now he is so scary to this girl... What kind of person is this? ?

Taoist Qingdeng was standing not far away. He quickly wiped his face with his clothes several times and wiped the blood off his face before he dared to come over. He then said a word of invitation to Youxu Palace: "Your Majesty, please. "


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, then took Xian'er and walked into Youxu Palace, completely turning a blind eye to the cultivators outside.

Xian'er glanced outside and whispered, "Brother, there are many people outside..."

"Don't worry about them."

Xiao Chen ignored the cultivators outside and walked straight into Youxu Palace. Taoist Qingdeng, Taoist Xie and others followed him immediately.

After a while, the cultivators outside slowly came to their senses, but they looked at each other speechlessly, and no one dared to step forward anymore.

On the mountain in the distance, the old man in tan robe was injured, but he still tried hard to cast spells to hide the aura on the mountain.

The young master in Jinyi looked in the direction of Youxu Palace, the folding fan in his hand was almost crushed, and his eyes were extremely cold and terrifying.

The old man in green clothes next to him saw what had just passed by, and he still felt frightened. Even the third elder had been injured by this man. If they went over now, wouldn't that mean they would die? Who is this person?

"Sir, let's go...return to the clan first!"

The voice of the old man in green was a little trembling, but the young man in brocade still looked reluctantly in the direction of Youxu Palace, his fingers squeaking, and finally he flicked his sleeves and turned into a ray of light and flew towards the sky.

In the Youxu Palace, the atmosphere was tense and solemn. The disciples lowered their heads and did not dare to speak, and their bodies were shaking involuntarily. Yan Ruyu was leaning on the chair at the head of the palace, looking like she was not afraid of death and didn't care, and said lazily. "If you want to kill or behead, it's up to you..." At the end of his words, he stretched out his hand and yawned.


At this time, the evil Taoist walked up, looked at the beauty at the head of the palace, then raised his hand to Xiao Chen and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Lord Xiao, for capturing Youxu Tian today. Then, Your Majesty..."

Before he could finish his words, Taoist Qingdeng glared at him from the side, but Taoist Xie showed no scruples and still looked at Xiao Chen with a smile, waiting for his reply.

Xiao Chen said, "Three cities. In addition, you can choose any of the things you like in this Youxu Palace."

"Hehe... Your Majesty is indeed true to his word, so thank you, Your Majesty! Hehe!"

As Xiao Chen fulfilled his promise, the evil Taoist was extremely happy. Only the Qingdeng Taoist stared at him from the side.


The evil cultivator ignored Taoist Qingdeng and scanned the entire hall. When it fell on the female disciples, they were so frightened that they all trembled and stepped back quickly. After all, they had all seen his "ten thousand things" before. The terrifying scene of "Ghost Eats Man".

Finally, the evil Taoist's eyes fell on Yan Ruyu, who was sitting lazily at the head of the hall, with an evil smile on his face.

The moment his eyes fell, Yan Ruyu seemed to have been hit by an electric shock and bounced up. When she saw the fiery gaze of the evil Taoist, she trembled all over and her face suddenly changed. She was no longer the same as before. The kind of look that doesn't matter and is not afraid of death.

However, before she could speak, the evil Taoist smiled, pointed at her, and said to Xiao Chen, "Your Majesty, I have fallen in love with her."

At this moment, the entire hall was silent, and the air seemed to have solidified into ice. Not only the disciples inside and outside the hall were stunned, but also the dozens of cultivators behind Taoist Qingdeng were stunned.

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