The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,396: One Thing for a Beauty, One Thing for a Peaceful World

"You want her?"

Xiao Chen looked at the frightened Yan Ruyu at the head of the palace, and then turned back to look at the evil Taoist in front of him. He did not expect that he did not want the thousands of rare treasures in the Youxu Palace, but only wanted the beauty Yan Ruyu. .

"Hehe, not bad..."

The evil Taoist smiled and said, "Your Majesty, promise me that as long as I like anyone in Youxu Palace, I can choose any one. I will be the former owner of Youxu Palace."

Inside and outside the palace, all the disciples had already lost their luster. They didn’t expect that he would want the palace master...

"No, no!"

Yan Ruyu's face was filled with horror. How could she not know how terrifying this evil Taoist was? After absorbing all her Yin Yuan, the blood soul would probably be used to feed the evil spirit in the banner. This end would be worse than death!

"Hey, why can't it work..."

The evil Taoist walked towards her. Yan Ruyu was so frightened that she ran down from the head of the palace and hid behind Xiao Chen. She grabbed his sleeves and kept begging, "Master, please, please." You can kill me, but don’t give me to him..."

"Hey, Palace Master, don't worry, I will definitely treat you well. You are different from them..."

The evil Taoist had an evil smile on his face. Even though Yan Ruyu was hiding behind Xiao Chen, he actually came closer. Yan Ruyu was so frightened that she kept surrounding Xiao Chen and hiding from him, almost to tears.

"Master, please, I beg you. There are many rare and precious treasures in my palace, all of which were left by Yan Wen. If you want them, give them all to him... Ah! Master, he is here... No." ! Ah... Master, save me, save me..."

Yan Ruyu was so frightened that she ran around the hall and knocked all the precious porcelain to the ground. The disciples were also frightened and did not dare to step forward at this time.

"Beauty... come on! Hehe!"

The evil Taoist pounced on Yan Ruyu like a hungry wolf pouncing on food. Yan Ruyu was so frightened that she ducked aside and almost hit Xiao Chen's arms. "Young master... no, don't give me to him..."


Qingdeng Taoist couldn't help but stamp his feet, so he knew that there would probably be trouble when he came to Youxu Palace. At this time, when he saw that Xie Taoist was still rushing up, he immediately shouted, "Old man, stop it!"

When he drank, the evil Taoist really stopped, but his heart did not die, and said, "Go, go, your Majesty promised me exactly what you said. What does it have to do with you? Leave me alone, those three I gave you this city..."

"You, you...oh!"

Taoist Qingdeng stamped his feet helplessly and said angrily, "Can't you pick something else? Look, look how beautiful this vase is, and that painting, look, look..."

"Go, go, don't bother me.

The evil Taoist was also very stubborn and refused to give in. Seeing that he was about to pounce on him again, Yan Ruyu was already so frightened that her face turned pale. This time she finally burst into tears: "Master... you, you might as well kill me." ……I beg you……"

Xiao Chen didn't expect such a scene. At this time, he finally frowned and asked the evil Taoist, "Don't you want her?"

The evil Taoist finally stopped, shook his head and said, "Master Xiao, you...are you planning to break your promise?"

"Young Master... Young Master, please..." Yan Ruyu's eyes were filled with tears. Looking at her pitiful appearance, people couldn't bear to see her.

Xiao Chen looked at the evil Taoist and said, "Once you have said something, there is no reason to take it back."

Hearing his words, Yan Ruyu suddenly felt cold all over, as if she had fallen to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and even her last glimmer of hope was shattered.

"Hehe... Your Majesty keeps your word, I really admire you as a human being! Hehe!"

The evil Taoist walked up with a smile again. Just as he was about to catch Yan Ruyu, Xiao Chen suddenly took out something from the Qiankun in his sleeves. The whole hall suddenly became golden and shrouded in an ancient divine power. Even in the hall, Outsiders felt this supreme divine power at this moment!

"Ouch, this is... this is too dazzling. What is this?"

The evil Taoist quickly raised his sleeves to cover his eyes. After a while, the golden light on the thing in Xiao Chen's hand gradually subsided.

I saw that the thing was shaped like a claw, and its entire body was red-gold, exuding a particularly extraordinary ancient divine power, but there were some tiny cracks on it.

This object is the Golden Crow Feet. The Golden Crow Feet is an ancient divine object. It is definitely not comparable to those so-called magic weapons today. It is a pity that it was damaged somehow.

"This, this is..."

At this moment, the evil Taoist obviously felt that the thing in Xiao Chen's hands contained such a surge of ancient divine power. This thing was absolutely extraordinary!

Xiao Chen said, "The name of this object is 'Golden Crow Foot'. In the ancient times, during the battle between gods and demons, this object was damaged and flowed into the mortal world. I obtained it accidentally. The divine power in it can probably be used again."


Inside and outside the palace, everyone's eyes fell on the golden crow's feet in his hand. There was such a divine object...

The evil Taoist was also stunned. At this time, his eyes fell on the golden crow's feet, and he never looked at Yan Ruyu again. After a long time, he raised his head and said in a daze, "Your Majesty, what do you mean... "

Xiao Chen said, "Although this thing can only be used once, it is enough to save your life. How about I trade this thing for her?"

Hearing this, everyone inside and outside was startled. Such a divine thing is difficult to find in heaven or on earth, but he actually...

"Okay... okay! Your Majesty, do you really want to give me this Golden Crow Foot?" The evil Taoist was greatly surprised, and even a little unbelievable that the other party actually gave him such a rare divine object.

Although this golden crow foot can only be used once, it is equivalent to giving him an extra life. No matter how beautiful Yan Ruyu is, can it be more precious than his life? Of course he wanted to exchange Yan Ruyu for the golden crow's feet.

However, just when he was about to reach out to pick it up, Taoist Qingdeng next to him changed his expression, rushed forward, pressed his hand hard, and said sternly, "What are you doing! Are you really going to get it?"

The evil Taoist was stunned for a moment and said, "This is what your Majesty gave me as a reward. Why can't I take it? Get out of my way!"

"you you……"

Taoist Qingdeng really didn't know what to say to him. This golden crow was so precious. No one here didn't know that if this thing is in the body, it is equivalent to having one more life. If it is missing, one life will be lost. If Xiao Chen didn't want to embarrass him, so he offered to exchange the golden crow's feet for Yan Ruyu, would he really dare to accept it? If the other party is just pretending, wouldn't it be a big mistake if he picks it up?

"It doesn't matter. Since I said I would give it, I won't break my promise."

Xiao Chen took a few steps forward and handed the golden crow's feet to Taoist Xie. Taoist Qingdeng was stunned and looked at Xiao Chen blankly at this moment. He really couldn't figure out Xiao Chen's thoughts. What if this happened? …

"Hey! Then it's better to obey orders than to be respectful. Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The evil Taoist reached out to take the Golden Crow Foot and held it in his arms, as if he had found a treasure. However, the cultivators outside had not yet recovered. Did he really reward the evil Taoist with such a divine object?

"Your Majesty..."

Taoist Qingdeng still hasn't recovered yet. Is he really giving it to me? What exactly is going on?

Before he could continue, Xiao Chen took out another jade bottle from his sleeve, handed it to him, and said, "This is the Nine Immortals Jade Dew from Kunlun Baihua Palace. It can heal any injury. Take it and share it with today." Injured elders."

"Nine...Nine Immortals Jade Dew..."

When they heard about the Nine Immortals Jade Dew, the elders of the sects outside were all startled. Could it be the Nine Immortals Jade Dew refined by the Empress... If they could taste a drop of it, it would be a great blessing. Even at this moment, those who were not injured were eager to I was injured a little, and the Nine Immortals Jade Dew not only healed my injuries, but also took one drop, and all my veins were opened!

Taoist Qingdeng carefully took the jade bottle from his hand. He still couldn't believe it. Xiao Chen added, "In addition, everyone who has made a contribution in repelling the enemy this time will be rewarded by everyone present. The sects of the elders, There is also a reward, so the matter will be left to the Taoist priest."

Upon hearing this, the elders of the sects outside reacted. They really didn't expect that they would also be rewarded. They all said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Smiles finally appeared on everyone's faces, and it was not in vain that they had fought so hard. At this moment, they sincerely admired the young gentleman in front of them. As for the evil Taoist incident just now, with his strength, even if he retorted, What can evil people do? Even if he randomly brings out something to force evil Taoists to change their appearance like jade, so what? But he didn't do this.

"Hehe, okay, okay..."

The evil Taoist held the golden crow's feet in his hands and was so happy that he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. Behind him, Yan Ruyu looked at Xiao Chen blankly. She has not recovered from all the ups and downs.

The hall slowly became quiet. Xiao Chen turned his head slightly and looked at Yan Ruyu, "From today on, you are mine."


This time, Yan Ruyu couldn't say a word. She raised her head and glanced at Xiao Chen secretly. The man in front of her was more courageous than Yan Wen. To be honest, the golden crow's feet just now were even more impressive. She felt a little sorry for him...

"I, I understand... From now on, in everything from now on, I will obey your Majesty's orders."

The more she spoke, the softer her voice became. Although her cultivation level was not very high, she was still the Lord of the First Palace. She was scared to tears just now. Now that she thinks about it, it is really embarrassing...

Xiao Chen walked towards her and said, "From now on, you will still be the master of Youxu Palace, but I am the master of this Youxu Heaven."


Yan Ruyu raised her head, looked at him, then lowered her head, Xiao Chen said, "Give me the soul jade of those people outside."


Yan Ruyu raised her head and glanced at him, and finally took out the twenty or so soul jade. Xiao Chen took these soul jade and went outside the palace again.

Outside Youxu Palace, the leaders of the twenty or so sects had naturally not left yet, and they had seen everything in the palace just now with their spiritual consciousness. When they saw Xiao Chen coming out, they all became nervous.

Xiao Chen came outside and waved his hand, and more than twenty soul jade flew towards those people. Those people caught their soul jade. They never expected that this man would return the soul jade to them so easily. .


Seeing that more than twenty soul jade pieces were returned to those people's hands, Yan Ruyu couldn't help but frown. These people were the first to rebel this time. Are they returning the soul jade to them so easily now?

Seeing these soul jade fall back into the hands of the twenty or so people, Xiao Chen said, "Your soul essence has been returned to you, but..."

When he said this, his eyes suddenly turned sharp, which immediately made the twenty-odd people unable to breathe. Then they only heard him say, "From now on, if you dare to rebel again..."

"Don't dare...don't dare anymore!"

The twenty or so people outside hurriedly knelt down. They were trembling at this moment. They were even more frightened than when Yan Wen whipped their souls.

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