The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,400 Three-foot Green Front

"It's Your Majesty..."

The cultivators in Youxu Tian who were still panicking at the back saw the white-haired man standing motionless in the air, with just one sword intention, shocking Patriarch Xingluo and others. At this moment, everyone's hearts were filled with confusion Sure, he calmed down immediately. Under the influence of Emperor Gu's sword, he no longer had any fear.

Looking at Patriarch Xingluo's side, even though there were more than thirty people supporting him, he was still unable to withstand the surging sword intent of Emperor Gu at this time.

Between the two peaks, the Taiyi Ancient Sword kept trembling and retreating. Veins popped up on the face of Xingluo Ancestor. The hands that led the sword technique also had blue veins popping out and kept trembling.


Sparks were already blooming on the Taiyi Ancient Sword, and the sword kept making harsh sounds, as if it was about to break apart.

Looking at Xiao Chen again, he was hanging in the air, with his left hand behind his back, and the two fingers of his right hand joined together. The Emperor Gu Sword suddenly shone brightly, and with a "clang" sound, the Taiyi Ancient Sword was finally completely knocked back.

Ancestor Xingluo suddenly felt as if he had been severely injured, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and he flew backwards. As for the thirty or so cultivators behind him, they were flying around like rags and grass. go out.


Seeing this scene, the disciples of the Taiyi Sect behind were all frightened and flew up quickly. However, at that moment, a strong wind came from the opposite side, making everyone unable to breathe!


There was a sharp sound, and when everyone reacted, the cold white-haired figure was already in front of them, and the unstoppable sword was also pressed in front of the throat of Xingluo Ancestor, and only four cold words came out: " Are you convinced?"

At this moment, a layer of ice seemed to have solidified in the air, and it became extremely quiet. Not only the disciples of Taiyi Sect were all frightened, but also the cultivators in Youxu Tian behind Xiao Chen were all at this time. I felt an inexplicable fear.

"Hehe, hehe... He is worthy of being the Desireless Lord who came from the world. Future generations should be afraid of my decline..."

Ancestor Xingluo let out a miserable laugh, but looking at his shawl, his face was pale, and in the dusk at this time, he still looked lonely and desolate.

The moment he finished speaking, he suddenly had a fixed look in his eyes, and with two fingers together, he suddenly pointed towards the center of his eyebrows. This move frightened all the nearby disciples of the Taiyi Sect to the point of being terrified. They all cried out, "Master! No!"


Hearing a sharp sound, Xiao Chen quickly picked up the long sword in his hand and opened Ancestor Xingluo's fingers. This scene also shocked the cultivators in Youxu Tian behind into a cold sweat.

The evil Taoist's eyes narrowed, and he nodded secretly and said, "This old guy has a certain temperament. He would rather die than surrender, hehe..."

The scene just now frightened all the Taiyi Clan disciples out of their wits. At this time, it was extremely quiet on the mountain peak. Ancestor Xingluo looked at Xiao Chen and sneered, "What? You want me to surrender to you?" And like him?" At this point, he looked at the calm Taoist Qingdeng in the distance, then looked back and shook his head, "Impossible.

Ancestor Xingluo sneered and continued, "I died under your sword today, and if I die, I will die. But if you go to my Taiyi Sect and kill all those innocent disciples in the future, you will only end up with an eternal fate." It’s just a name-calling…”

The atmosphere was still like ice and frost. Xiao Chen knew in his heart that the reason why Qingdeng Taoist surrendered was because Qingdeng Taoist was a Sanren from beginning to end. For Sanren, nothing is more important than living, immortality, and cultivation. .

But people like Ancestor Xingluo are different. People like them often have something more important in their hearts than living, so they would rather die than surrender.

Just like in the human world, Wuyutian took over more than half of the sects of the Demonic Path in just ten years, but he could not defeat the Demonic Sect alone, because people like the Demonic Patriarch and Xingluo Elder The ancestors are the same kind of people, and such people will never be able to make them surrender by force.

What's more, people like this are rare, especially in these troubled times. If he could be killed with one sword, even Xiao Chen would feel it was a pity. To deal with such people, another way is needed.


With a sharp sound, Xiao Chen retracted the Emperor Gu Sword, and at the same time, his sleeves brought up a strong wind, which rolled up the Taiyi Ancient Sword that was inserted upside down in the crevice of the stone, and sent it back to Ancestor Xingluo.

Then, I saw him turn around and walk away, saying calmly, "I won't kill you, but you have to know that a three-foot green sword can eliminate the bandits in front of the door. It's hard to calm down the world. No matter how powerful one person is, After all, it’s hard to change the general trend. If you don’t believe it, look back and see who the forces that rely on you now will lean towards in the future.”

Having said that, Xiao Chen had returned to the mountain peak on this side. Taoist Qingdeng and the cultivators below all looked at him attentively without saying a word. After a long time, Taoist Qingdeng whispered, "Your Majesty."

Xiao Chen raised his hand, stopped everyone from talking, and just said, "Go back." Everyone immediately turned into a strong wind and headed towards Youxu Tian.

Ancestor Xingluo looked at the direction he was leaving. Until this moment, the Taiyi ancient sword in his hand was still trembling slightly, and his words were still echoing in his ears.

Only now did he realize that this time, he underestimated this person too much. He thought that this person was just more powerful than Yan Wen and his methods were more ruthless, but he was wrong.


At this time, several disciples came up tremblingly. Ancestor Xingluo looked down at the Taiyi Ancient Sword in his hand, and finally put it away and said, "Go back!"

Although the Taiyi Clan was not successfully captured in this battle, Xiao Chen defeated the Xingluo Ancestor on Shuanglong Peak with one sword. As soon as this incident came out, the forces that were still attached to the Taiyi Clan finally began to waver.

As for the other three families, Tiansha, Wuxiang, and Taohua, Taohua was the first to surrender. Tiansha couldn't resist, so he had to surrender in the end. The remaining Wuxiang was unable to support himself, and he also surrendered to Youxu Tian.

Now in the entire Netherworld, only Taiyi's family has not yet surrendered. However, the forces that were originally attached to Taiyi have turned around. Even now, there is no force that dares to continue to rely on Taiyi. The entire Taiyi sect has not surrendered for thousands of years. The general situation has finally become a fallen flower and passed away with the water.

At this time, in the main hall, Ancestor Xingluo was sitting still, while in His Highness, everyone was trembling and uneasy. They had just received news from outside that the last force attached to Taiyi had also evacuated this morning.


Ancestor Xingluo sneered. He really didn't expect that in just one month, the other party could force him into such a situation.

Unless he can step into the eighth realm, there will be no chance to save the situation. But the current situation is no longer what it was a few months ago. Now Xiao Chen has controlled this ten thousand feet of immortal territory, taking advantage of all the time, place and people. Even if Even if he steps into the Eighth Realm, he may not be able to successfully win back the victory.

"The future generations are to be feared. I am declining..."

At the head of the hall, Ancestor Xingluo let out a long sigh. At this moment, the words of the other party from a month ago seemed to be ringing in his ears again: "A three-foot green front can eliminate the bandits in front of the door, but it will not bring peace to the world." The momentum..."

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