The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,500 The Eternal Oneness

Half a month later, there will be no desire. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

"Your Majesty, have you not come out these days?"

Outside Wuyu Hall, guarded by Zi Yuan, Mingyue came to the front of the hall, looked inside, frowned and said, "I have something to report, please let me in."

Zi Yuan was ordered to stay here and not let anyone in during this period. At this time, Xiao Chen's voice finally came from the hall, "Zi Yuan, please let the Master of Mingyue Valley come in."

"Master Mingyue Valley, please." After hearing this, Zi Yuan stepped away and stretched out her hand to say please.

"Huh." Mingyue glanced at her gently, then flicked her sleeves and walked straight into the palace.

At this time, the hall was a little dark. Xiao Chen sat motionless at the head of the hall. On the desk in front of him, there was a map. He was looking at the map intently. This map was not a map of other places, but a map of other places. The map of the Forgotten River Land is different from ordinary maps.

"Mingyue, what can you do?"

"Your Majesty..."

Mingyue walked up hurriedly, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, and she didn't know what he was studying these days. She frowned and said, "Gongsun has brought many people with him, causing heavy losses to several sects below us. A few days ago, Yang Xiao We have already led people to fight against Gongsun Yu. Although we have the advantage in numbers, there are too many masters in their clan. As a result, our casualties will be more serious..."

"How many people were injured?"

At this moment, Xiao Chen's tone was calm and his eyes were still on the map in front of him.

"About... about seven thousand people. There was a sect before, but Gongsun Yu wiped out all of them, leaving no one alive."

"Well, I understand."

Xiao Chen stood up slowly. Mingyue looked at the map he had spread on the desk and asked, "What are you studying these days, Your Majesty?"

"This is the Wangchuan map that Bai Luan brought back a few days ago.

"Map of Forget River..."

Mingyue walked over and took a closer look at the map, only to find that this map was very different from ordinary maps. Some of the depictions on it looked more like some kind of formation...

"Can you see anything?"


Mingyue looked at it carefully, but she was not as proficient in formations as Xiao Chen. After a while, Xiao Chen pointed to the map and said, "Here are Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui. I We need to set up a formation in each of these eight places, and then above..."

When he said this, he pointed to a mountain peak, and this mountain peak was the center of the Wangchuan Gongsun family's mysterious realm. "This is the center of the formation."


Mingyue still doesn't quite understand. Is the Gongsun family going to be wiped out in one fell swoop this time? He asked, "I don't know what formation your Majesty ordered?"

"Soul gathering array."

"Soul gathering array..."

Upon hearing the words "Soul Gathering Formation", even if Mingyue doesn't understand the formation, she can't help but show a look of surprise on her face at this moment. Could it be that Your Majesty is planning to...

"Everyone will pay the price for what he has done."

Xiao Chen went outside step by step. When he arrived at the entrance of the palace, he said to Zi Yuan, "Zi Yuan, please send someone immediately to Meng Xian Sect and Ding Feng City. I want to invite Meng Xian'er and Rakshasa Mistress. The two came to help, and besides..."

When he finished speaking, he took out a gold leaf from his sleeve, handed it to Ziyuan and said, "Take this gold leaf and go to Tianzhu City in Lingxu Realm."

"Yes, Your Majesty..."

Ziyuan took the golden leaf from his hand, and this golden leaf was the "gold leaf that was given to him in life and death" by the sick Qilin in Huangquan Valley. As long as he took out this golden leaf, no matter when, Tianzhu City Will definitely come to help.

This time, Xiao Chen will never underestimate the enemy. According to Bai Luan's investigation, there are about ten thousand people in Gongsun Wangchuan Xuanjie, most of whom have high cultivation level. Gongsun Wuji has the cultivation level of the eighth realm, and In the Wangchuan Mysterious Realm, there are three Supreme Elders whose cultivation is unfathomable, and a Xuanzu who cannot come out of seclusion. This person has cultivated in the Ninth Realm and is attacking the Taisheng Realm.

It can be said that the strength of the Gongsun family is far better than that of the Feng family in the ancient immortal world. Although Fengtian Sect is powerful, he is the only one in the entire Feng family who can fight, but the Gongsun family is different.

There are too many masters in the Gongsun family. Although Gongsun Wuji is the current head of the family, his personal cultivation level can only be ranked among the top ten in the entire Gongsun family. The truly powerful person is the one who remains hidden in the world. Xuanzu, it is said that this person has reached the late stage of the Nine Realms.

Another point is that the Gongsun family suddenly appeared three years ago, exactly two years after the crack in the sky appeared. This must be unusual. As for whether there is someone behind the Gongsun family secretly controlling everything, Xiao Chen has no idea. , but no matter what, this time, he must make the entire Gongsun family pay the price.

A few days later, both Meng Xian'er and Rakshasa heroine came to Wuyutian. They were still the same as before. Meng Xianer was dressed in white as snow, with an immortal aura that was rare in the world, while Rakshasa heroine was red. The clothes are like clouds, but they are a bit more enchanting and charming.

Nowadays, the cultivation level of the two people is no longer comparable to that of the past. I don’t know how well Meng Xianer’s "Jade Girl Xuan Eclipse Skill" is practiced, and the Rakshasa heroine must have already mastered her "Xuan Ming Magic Skill" and "Tianzong Scroll". Perfect.

"The Wangchuan Gongsun family is not weak in strength, and there is a Nine Realm strongman sitting in the Wangchuan Xuan Realm. To capture them, unless there are two Nine Realm people, it will be difficult."

It was Meng Xian'er who spoke. Obviously, neither she nor the Rakshasa heroine has yet entered the ninth realm. Even if the spiritual energy in the world is now open and the restrictions of heaven and earth have dissipated, if you want to reach the ninth realm, you don't have three thousand years of Taoism. , how easy is it?

Of course, Meng Xian'er and Rakshasa heroine both have their own methods. Meng Xianer's Jade Girl Mysterious Eclipse Reversal, as well as the magic scriptures obtained that time, and Rakshasa heroine's Tianzong Scroll, are just such means, not It will never be used lightly when absolutely necessary.

As for Xiao Chen, he has many trump cards. Although he has not yet entered the ninth realm, if he uses the Heavenly Book to reverse the situation and uses the essence and blood as a guide, he can use the "Heavenly Sword" to strike with all his strength and even burn his bloodline life essence. He could kill the next Fengtian Sect, and he had absolutely no reason to be afraid of the Nine Realm Xuanzu of the Gongsun family.

Xiao Chen said, "The Gongsun family currently has an ancestor who has entered the late stage of the ninth realm, three supreme elders with unknown cultivation levels, and three elders at the peak of the eighth realm. The rest are Gongsun Wuji and others. As for those under Gongsun Wuji, there is no need to worry."

Hearing this, both Meng Xian'er and Rakshasa heroine frowned deeply. The strength of the Gongsun family cannot be underestimated. With such a lineup, it is no wonder that in just three years, they have conquered many enemies in the southern region of Xianyuan. sect, but what are their origins...

"The Gongsun clan originally originated from the ancient times, and they are all over the world, and they have been together since ancient times..."

At this moment, a clear man's voice suddenly came from outside the hall, followed by the sound of wheels. Outside the hall, a man in white was seen sitting on a wheelchair, wearing a unicorn mask on his face. , it was none other than Tian Zhucheng, the master of the second palace, Bing Qilin.

Behind Sick Qilin, the person pushing the wheelchair was a man dressed in black with a Xuanwu mask on his face. He was the fourth hall of Tianzhu City, the master of Xuanwu Hall.

"Master of Qilin Hall, Master of Xuanwu Hall."

Xiao Chen immediately went down to greet them, and said to Meng Xian'er and the Rakshasa heroine, "These two are Tianzhu City, the master of Qilin Palace, and the master of Xuanwu Palace."

Meng Xian'er's eyes fell on Bing Qilin and said, "I've heard that Tian Zhucheng doesn't even leave the city, but he knows everything about the world. When I see him today, he really deserves his reputation."

Qilin smiled lightly and said, "Fairy Chuchen is a big reward. When it comes to world affairs, how can Tianzhu City compare to Fairy Chuchen's intelligence network? As for this..." When he finished speaking, his eyes fell on the Rakshasa heroine. On the body, he said, "You are so charming and beautiful, and your smile is alluring. I think you are the owner of Fengmanlou."

The Rakshasa heroine couldn't help but feel frozen in her heart. He had never met her before, but he saw her identity and origin at a glance. seemed that Xiao Chen sent people to Dingfeng City, and Tianzhu City already knew about it. The city’s intelligence is indeed powerful.

At this time, Xiao Chen stood in the hall, thinking about what Bing Qilin had just said, that the Gongsun clan originated from all over the world in ancient times. Could it be that Tianzhu City actually knew something about the Gongsun clan? He asked, "I just heard what the master of Qilin Hall said, do you know the origin of the Wangchuan Gongsun family?"

Qilin said, "The Gongsun family originated from the ancient times. It was an ancient path in the eight wildernesses all over the world. The ancient ancient path in the past was the first of the eight wildernesses. In the Gongsun family of Wangchuan, there was a great ancestor who was the successor of the eternal path. This time The sudden appearance of the Wangchuan Gongsun clan is probably related to this person, and it is also related to the seven spiritual veins in the world."

At this point, Qilin paused and continued, "It is rumored that when the outer world opens, the seven spiritual veins in the human world will also appear. The ancient path has been coveting the human spiritual veins for a long time."

After listening, Xiao Chen was silent and concentrated. Sure enough, someone was controlling the Gongsun clan behind them, but no matter who it was, no matter who it was, whether it was from all over the world or the Eternal One, no one could escape this time.

After a while, Qilin said again, "Nowadays, the ancient land of Xianyuan is suffering from internal and external troubles. If it were not the land of Zhongyuan, Xuanqing would still be intimidated. I'm afraid that the wilderness from all over the world has already invaded. However, no matter how strong Xuanqing is, it may not be able to survive alone."

Xiao Chen tentatively said, "In the opinion of the Master of Qilin Hall, what should it be like now?"


At this moment, only this cold word came out of Qilin's mouth. As the leader of Tianzhu City, Qilin never showed murderous intent and always acted like a humble gentleman. However, at this moment, Xiao Chen actually saw something from him. I felt a faint cold murderous aura.

And Qilin has always been mysterious. Xiao Chen naturally still remembers that when he went to the Bone Erosion Land and passed Tianzhu City, Qilin told him that his father had left something for him in Tianzhu City, but the time had not come yet. , Qilin cannot give him such a thing yet.

A few days later, in Wangchuan Xuanjie, the palace was deserted. Gongsun Wuji and others were still discussing matters in the palace. The matters discussed were naturally related to Xiao Chen's recent situation. This time, Xiao Chen gathered a large number of experts in Wuyutian. , how could he escape the eyes and ears of the Gongsun family?

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