"What do you think about this matter?

The hall was quiet for a long time, and Gongsun Wuji suddenly asked. At this time, there was an inexplicable cold feeling in his eyes.

"I thought... this person must be coming with great force this time. We must recall the tribesmen outside as soon as possible to make early preparations."

"I agree." ✵

At this time, there were several elders below, all nodding in agreement, but the third elder in purple clothes from before had a frown and a deep look of worry on his face.

Gongsun Wuji saw that he had been grimacing all morning, so he deliberately looked at him and asked, "Third Elder, what do you think?"


Finally, the third elder in purple gave a long sigh, "Now that things have happened, we have to fight."

Seeing him sighing here, Gongsun Wuji said displeasedly, "Let's fight if we fight. Since ancient times, our Gongsun clan has never been afraid of foreign enemies? But I don't know why the three elders are sighing now."

The third elder in purple raised his head and said, "This man is decisive in killing. He killed many people in the Beigong family back then. Now the Beigong family has to compromise with this man. I hope the head of the family will not underestimate the enemy..."


Hearing that he was here endlessly, Gongsun Wuji was even more displeased and looked out, "Where is Yu'er? Isn't he back yet?"

"Reporting to the head of the family, young master... It seems that something happened on the way, and I may not be able to come back until a little later." An old man replied cautiously.

"Well, I understand.

Gongsun Wuji's face was a little gloomy. Although he seemed to be disdainful of Xiao Chen, in fact he still had some scruples. Otherwise, how could he have summoned Gongsun Yu back in a hurry? It was not because he was afraid that Gongsun Yu would act recklessly and fall into the hands of this person.


At this moment, the word "report" suddenly came from outside, and then a man ran in in a panic. Gongsun Wuji suddenly had a bad premonition, stood up and said, "Why are you panicking?" ……explain!"

The man's face was covered in cold sweat and he was out of breath. He swallowed hard and said hurriedly, "To the head of the family, urgent news came back from outside. Eight hundred miles away, Mr. Yu... Mr. Yu was captured by mistake. ”


Gongsun Wuji suddenly felt his eyes darken, and he sat back limply, his face gradually turning pale. The thing he was most worried about finally happened, but he was the head of the family after all. He quickly calmed down and asked again Said "What the hell is going on!"

The man said in a trembling voice, "Originally, after receiving the news, Mr. Yu should return to Wangchuan as soon as possible, but he did not obey the order and actually led people to intercept Xiao Yichen..."

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Gongsun Wuji vigorously flicked his sleeves. He never expected that Gongsun Yu would be so bold. Although he was still disdainful of Xiao Chen, he knew in his heart that this person could unify all the demonic sects and check and balance the five realms of immortality. The power of the mysterious demon for thousands of years must not be underestimated.

But he didn't expect that Yu'er would be so confused! He looked disdainful of this person because he was the head of the family and could not shake the morale of the army. How could Yu'er take him seriously?

"Where is Elder Mopao? Isn't there Elder Mopao secretly protecting you?"

"Report...report to the head of the family, Elder Mo Pao, he...he was injured. If he hadn't left in time, he might have been injured there.

"What did you say?"

This time, Gongsun Wuji was even more shocked. Elder Mopao's cultivation was at the peak of the eighth realm, and he was only one step away from reaching the ninth realm. Who could hurt him so much that he didn't even have the chance to save Yu'er? No? Could it be that the other party actually has a Nine Realm cultivator...


At this moment, there was a sudden movement outside. All the elders in the hall stood up and looked away.


At this moment, another person came hurriedly from outside: "Master, elders... Outside, someone has broken through the Xuanjie formation."

"Let's go! I want to see if he has three heads and six arms!"

Gongsun Wuji was filled with murderous aura. With a flick of his sleeve, it turned into a flash of lightning and went out. The others looked at each other and immediately followed.

At this time, the Wangchuan Xuanjie was already in chaos. The shock just now was obviously not trivial, and many people in the Gongsun family were frightened.

But outside Xuanjie, there were only huge crowds of people, thousands of people, and the Wuyutian people actually occupied this land of Wangchuan.

"If you let me go now, I think it's still too late..." At this time, Gongsun Yu was being held by Yang Xiaoran, but he still behaved calmly and without fear at all.

Meng Xianer walked up, glanced at him, and said lightly, "Boy, do you know who the two people in front of you are now? Let me tell you, one is the world-famous Lord of Wuyutian , one is the famous Master of Qilin Hall in Tianzhu City, any one of them can easily kill you..."

Apparently, when Gongsun Yu was captured outside, the Mopao elder of the Gongsun family wanted to save him, but was injured by Xiao Chen and Bing Qilin with one finger at a time, and finally had to leave in embarrassment.

However, at this time, Gongsun Yu still acted as if nothing had happened and sneered, "If you wanted to kill me, you would have done it long ago. Why did you bring me here? You just wanted to threaten my grandfather with me in exchange..."

Sick Qilin sat in a wheelchair and remained silent, while Xiao Chen looked into the Wangchuan Xuanjie and remained silent as well. After a while, he saw people from the Gongsun family coming out.


Gongsun Wuji was the first to come out of the Xuanjie. When he saw Gongsun Yu being captured, he couldn't help being shocked, but his face pretended to be calm. He naturally saw Xiao Chen at a glance, thinking that this person was that person. The Lord of Wuyu Tian is so courageous that his peers cannot compare to him.

"Grandpa, I'm fine, don't worry."

Until now, Gongsun Yu still seemed very calm, because he expected that Wu Yutian's people would not dare to do anything to him.

However, Gongsun Wuji didn't think so. There were also some other elders who all felt their hearts tense at this moment, because as soon as they came out, they felt the cold aura of this young man, who was definitely not an ordinary person.

Gongsun Wuji looked at Xiao Chen coldly and said in a loud voice, "I killed this person, and you want to take revenge. Just come to me today. If you catch a person whose cultivation is lower than yours, you will be ruined." The identity of the Lord of Desire."

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became as ice-like as frost. In the Wangchuan Xuanjie, many masters from the Gongsun family also appeared. If the two sides start a war here, there will be a big commotion, which will spread throughout the Immortal Yuan in a few days. ancient land.

"Are you the Lord of Desireless Heaven?"

At this time, several old men came out of the Wangchuan Xuanjie. Their words and demeanor were all full of provocation. The Wangchuan Gongsun clan has been inherited for a long time, and there are many branches in the clan. Although Gongsun Wuji is the head of the family, he is only one of them. Just the pulse.

Xiao Chen ignored these people and walked up slowly step by step. He gently pressed his palm on Gongsun Yu's head, but looked directly at Gongsun Wuji in the distance and said lightly, "Are you afraid? Just like before. , you kill a person who has no power to resist, so scared, frightened, and trembling..."

Hearing this, Gongsun Yu was not afraid, but instead sneered, "Hey, everyone is afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you..."

"Then I think you should be afraid."

The moment he finished speaking, Xiao Chen moved his five fingers, and an unparalleled force suddenly spread through Gongsun Yu's body's acupuncture points, breaking all his meridians in an instant.


Gongsun Yu let out a shrill scream, and the next moment, Xiao Chen Xuanjin pressed on again, only to hear a harsh "cluck" sound, and all the bones in Gongsun Yu's body were shattered at this moment!


Gongsun Wuji's eyes were about to burst. This was the method he used on Shen Jing that day. The first palm caused all the meridians in Shen Jing's body to be severed and all the bones to be shattered. The second palm scattered Shen Jing's three souls and seven souls. soul.

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