The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1514: Not giving in an inch


"It's Xuanzu...Xuanzu has come out of seclusion!"

Seeing the old man in black walking up in the air, the remaining Gongsun clan members were all stunned, and seemed to have grasped the last life-saving rope, although almost no one among them had seen this rumored Ancestor Xuan. .

And this person was none other than the Xuanzu of the Gongsun family who had been in seclusion for thousands of years, named Gongsun Changye.


Gongsun Wuji was also startled. He didn't expect Xuanzu to come out at this time. He must have sensed the crisis outside, so he came out. Unfortunately, he failed to understand that level of the mysterious entrance after all. Entering the realm of Taisheng.


Looking at Xuanzu coming from mid-air, everyone in the Gongsun clan had tears in their eyes. Even some of the elderly people had tears streaming down their faces as they kept shouting.

"Unworthy of descendants, Wuji...has no face to meet Xuanzu!"

Gongsun Wuji made a "plop" sound and knelt down towards Xuanzu in mid-air, with tears streaming down his face. Firstly, it was because the Gongsun family suffered a catastrophe today, and all the clan members were killed and injured. Even his children and grandchildren died in Xiao. In Chen's hands, the second reason was that Xuanzu failed to enter the realm of the Taisheng after all, and he could not suppress the sadness in his chest.


Gongsun Changye sighed softly. At this moment, he looked at the Wangchuan Mysterious Realm, with corpses everywhere, but he didn't feel too sad. Perhaps at his level of cultivation, he no longer had the same emotional ties in the world as Gongsun Wu. Don't do this.

"Today's situation may have been doomed a long time ago. Everything is just a cycle of cause and effect. You don't have to be sad, just get up..."


Inside the ruins, the disciples stared blankly at the immortal-like Xuanzu in front of them. Why was Xuanzu so indifferent? Did he not care about the life and death of his clan members at all?

"This little friend, haven't you asked for advice yet?"

At this time, Gongsun Changye's eyes slowly fell on Xiao Chen. He realized at a glance that this boy was unusual. What he had stepped into was the realm of gods and demons. It was really unbelievable. The immortals and demons were all gone. In his body, is there really such a person in the world? It is indeed rare to see in millions of years.

"Wuyu Tian, ​​Xiao Yichen."

Although the peak expert of the Nine Realms in front of him created an invisible pressure on everyone present, what Xiao Chen stepped into was the realm of gods and demons. At that ancient battlefield, the bodies of gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia, He also realized the state of the strong, and finally understood the sixth level of the state of non-birth and immortality, the state of no-self.

Therefore, let alone a cultivator at the peak of the Nine Realms, even if the true Taisheng were here, it would be difficult to exert any pressure on him.

Apparently Gongsun Changye also felt at this time that his aura at the peak of the Nine Realms was unable to intimidate the young man in front of him at all. One possibility cannot be ruled out. This young man has already seen beings much stronger than him. Even his peak of the Nine Realms is insignificant.

"My Gongsun family has lived in seclusion in Wangchuan for many years, but I don't know why I offended Xiaoyou today, so that he destroyed my mysterious world and killed tens of thousands of my clan members.

Every word Gongsun Changye spoke was very calm, and his whole person was as unfathomable as a deep pool. Even if Xiao Chen destroyed the Wangchuan Xuanjie today and killed only a thousand people in Gongsun's clan, there was not even a trace of hatred or cruelty in him. Qi, on the contrary, is a kind of transcendence. Perhaps this is also a realm beyond the world of mortals.

Xiao Chen also found it difficult to see through the person in front of him. Although he was not intimidated by the Nine Realm experts, it did not mean that he could underestimate a person who was only one step away from entering the realm of Taisheng.

In a sense, the Gongsun Changye in front of him is even stronger than the average nine-level peak expert, and he will definitely have the opportunity to enter the realm of Taisheng in the future.

But at the moment, he was still neither humble nor arrogant, and said calmly, "This... you have to ask him." At the end of his words, his eyes slowly fell on Gongsun Wuji.


Seeing Xiao Chen's gaze at this time, Gongsun Wuji immediately trembled and subconsciously looked at Xuanzu in mid-air, but he was hesitant and speechless.

What could he say? That he provoked a fight and led his men to destroy several sects in Wuyutian? Say he arbitrarily seizes the power of spiritual veins from various sects? More than ten thousand people were killed in Wuyutian?

He had nothing to say. All this was brewed by his own bitter wine. Now that people are coming to take revenge, he can't defeat them, so what's the point of complaining? Did he already have this ending in mind when he committed the murder? If we had known today, why would we have to...

At this moment, Gongsun Changye saw that he had nothing to say. He already knew three things. He must not blame anyone else for what happened today.

Of course, it is impossible for Gongsun Changye to take revenge now. This time he failed to successfully enter the realm of Taisheng, and his cultivation finally stayed at the peak of the Nine Realms.

At the peak of the Nine Realms, he asked himself that no one here was his opponent, but this did not mean that he could be unscrupulous. If he had entered the realm of Taisheng just a moment ago, he would have been able to be unscrupulous, but unfortunately he was not.

The young man in front of him is not simple. He is in the realm of gods and demons, plus the creation of Qinglian, and the number one evil soldier in ancient times, Emperor Gu, plus so many masters of the holy realm around him. If there is a fight, both sides will most likely lose.

It is obviously very irrational to lose both sides. Although he failed to understand the mystery this time and failed to pry into the mystery of Taisheng, he can find the Cave Heaven Paradise again and try again, so there is no need to hurt his vitality here. What's more, outside the land of Wangchuan, there are countless people peeping in the dark, and there must be many hidden masters among them.

So at this moment, Gongsun Changye could only retreat in order to advance. He looked at Xiao Chen and said, "This is the end of the grudges between the two sides. I will take away the members of my clan today."

The Mysterious Realm of Wangchuan has been broken, and the underground spiritual veins have been washed away. There is no need to stay in this place anymore. Gongsun Changye thinks that he must find another cave heaven paradise as soon as possible and try to break through the profound entrance.


At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly took a few steps forward. At this moment, everyone held their breath, and the atmosphere suddenly became very solid. In the distance, Xingluo Ancestor and others stared at him without saying a word. He thought do what? The other party is a master at the peak of the Nine Realms. Today, I have given him enough face. Now, why not give both sides a step down?

Is it necessary to fight to the death? What’s the benefit of this? They don't want to fight a strong man at the peak of the Nine Realms, who can destroy their soul with one palm.

"You can take the rest of them away, but he... you can't."

Xiao Chen's eyes slowly fell on Gongsun Wuji. At this moment, many people in the distance were trembling. Is he talking to a strong man at the peak of the Nine Realms?

"Your Majesty..."

Bai Luan and others did not expect that His Majesty would be so persistent. Gongsun Changye was an unfathomable person. Once they took action, they did not have much chance of winning, and they did not know how many people would die.

At this time, outside the land of Wangchuan, those who were spying with their spiritual senses couldn't help but hold their breath. This Xiao Yichen... they really couldn't see through.

Back then, they couldn't see clearly on Xuanqing Mountain that this person had a great future, but he insisted on dying to protect a demon sect witch.

But today, they couldn't understand even more. What was the reason why this person refused to give in and insisted on confronting a strong man at the peak of the Nine Realms? Even if he was not afraid of death, wouldn't the others in Wuyu Tian be afraid of death? Yet?

"Everyone, stay back."

Xiao Chen's voice was a little cold, and his eyes were even colder. Bai Luan and others were shocked, "Your Majesty..."

"Back off!"

After giving the order, Bai Luan and others did not dare to disobey, so they had no choice but to lead the people and retreat outside the Wangchuan Xuanjie.

At this time, those people outside the Land of Wangchuan were even more shocked. This Xiao Yichen... He knew that the rest of the people had no chance of survival under the hands of a strong man at the peak of the Nine Realms, so he asked everyone to withdraw. It's outside, but... he actually wants to fight against a powerful person at the peak of the Ninth Realm by himself? Is he crazy……

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