The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1515 The soul leaves the body!

The atmosphere at the scene became extremely solid. Everyone outside held their breath and remained silent. The remaining Gongsun clan members all had dull expressions.

At this moment, when he saw Xiao Chen's two sword-like eyes, Gongsun Wuji felt a chill in his heart for no reason, and looked at Xuanzu in mid-air, "Xuanzu..."

The cold wind was silent and quietly passed through everyone's clothes. Xiao Chen and Gongsun Changye looked at each other. The air around them seemed to be condensing into ice, showing a biting coldness.

No one spoke. Gongsun Changye looked at the young man in front of him. Maybe he still underestimated this person. He thought that with his words, the other party would have to let him go unconditionally. However, he did not expect that the other party actually insisted on keeping Gongsun Wuji's life. .

At the moment, although he doesn't want to end up fighting here and lose both sides, it is obviously impossible and absolutely impossible for him to hand over Gongsun Wuji like this.

He raised his hand slightly, looked at Xiao Chen and said lightly, "If you are confident that you can take someone away from me, you can give it a try."

"Your Majesty..."

Hearing this, Bai Luan and others outside became nervous. The Phantom Musical Piano Demon was also sitting on the top of the mountain, frowning in silence. Although she had not known Xiao Chen for as long as Bai Luan and others, she She already knew this person's character well, which was why she was willing to follow this person to the world.

He is not even afraid of powerful men like the Lord of Heaven and the Demon King, so why should he be afraid of a small peak of the Nine Realms in front of him? Although at that time he did have the body of a god and demon in Dugu Tianxia, ​​and he had no worries.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that tens of thousands of years have passed, and even a small ninth-level cultivator in the human world can be so arrogant..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's voice sounded in Xiao Chen's mind again. After a while, he heard him say again, "But boy, from our point of view, it seems that we can't beat him, so let's forget it."

Xiao Chen ignored the bone demon, his eyes still fell on Gongsun Changye, "Then let's try it."


Gongsun Changye smiled faintly. This smile seemed to be laughing at the ignorance of the people in front of him, as well as at Xiao Chen's innocence and arrogance. He did not want to fight and lose both sides, but it did not mean that a person who had not yet entered the Nine Realms, If you can snatch people away from him, then should he continue to practice?

"Then try it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gongsun Changye raised his hand, and a golden light immediately covered the dilapidated palace below. Everyone who was covered by the golden light entered Gongsun Changye's Nascent Soul world in an instant.

Seeing that Gongsun Wuji was about to be enveloped by the golden light, at this moment, Xiao Chen finally moved. In almost an instant, he turned into a blue light and rushed towards him.

"Your Majesty!"

Outside Xuanjie, Bai Luan and others were shocked when they saw that he really rushed over, and the others also held their breaths. They really didn't expect that he would dare to snatch someone from the hands of a strong man at the peak of the Nine Realms. Undoubtedly, it’s like pulling out a tooth from a tiger’s mouth and narrowly escaping from death!


Seeing Xiao Chen flying over on the Qinglian Terrace, Gongsun Changye looked indifferent. He raised his left hand and flicked a finger force. This finger force glowed with a faint golden light. It seemed ordinary, but it was extremely extraordinary!

Let's talk about Xiao Chen, among all of you present, who can bear such a finger? Even on the distant mountain peak, the Phantom Piano Demon's expression suddenly changed. This is... the God Transformation Finger! Unexpectedly, this person actually possesses such ancient skills as the God Transformation Finger!

At this moment, Xiao Chen also felt that the power of this finger was extraordinary. If he continued, his internal organs would be severely damaged, and even his soul would be injured.

At this moment, a green light burst out, and his whole body was covered by the shadow of the green lotus. The next moment, he suddenly lifted up the Emperor Gu, and drew two fingers together on the edge of the sword, leaving behind With the next trace of blood, the whole sword suddenly became full of sword energy. With a "clang" sound, it actually blocked Gongsun Changye's divine finger.

Although he resisted the finger force, he was also blocked by the finger force and could not move forward any further. He could only watch helplessly as the golden light shone down towards Gongsun Wuji.

When Gongsun Wuji saw this golden light approaching, he panicked. He jumped up and flew into the golden light without hesitation.

"The soul is good, I will accept it."

Just when everyone was holding their breath and concentrating, they saw a soul figure emerge from Xiao Chen's eyebrows and fly towards Gongsun Wuji in an instant.

"This is...the soul leaving the body!"

Everyone was shocked. No one could have imagined that at this time, his soul would leave his body... Gongsun Changye was also shocked. He never expected that this son would actually leave his body in front of him. Waiting for his reaction When I came over, it was already too late.


Xiao Chen said one word, and the soul-forbidden technique was instantly used on Gongsun Wuji. Suddenly, a strong wind blew up in the air, like a hundred ghosts roaring, shrill and low, and black clouds rolled in the sky. The scene was as terrifying as it could be.

At this moment, it was obvious that Gongsun Wuji could not escape. He had been injured too badly before and his energy was almost exhausted. Even if Xiao Chen was just a soul at this time, he was unable to resist.

But in the end, he still tried his best and threw himself into the golden light. Unfortunately, Xiao Chen's Soul Confinement Technique had already been used. In the end, he physically threw himself into the golden light, but his soul was forced to be taken away by Xiao Chen. .

It was almost just a flash of lightning, and no one could even see clearly that Xiao Chen had already returned to his original position, holding the Green Lotus Platform, and flew back in an instant.

"Your Majesty!"

Outside, Bai Luan and others flew up in an instant, but Xiao Chen remained calm and composed. He raised his hand to indicate that they did not need to come up. Then he put two fingers together and sealed the soul he had just received into a blood jade. , and then threw the blood jade to Bai Luan behind him.

Bai Luan caught the blood jade he threw without hesitation. While chanting the incantation in his mouth, he drew out a blood-colored talisman and sealed Gongsun Wuji's soul inside. This time, even Gongsun Changye couldn't even think about it. Save the soul.

The cold wind was howling, and both the people near the Forgotten Realm and those outside the Land of Forgotten who were peering here with their spiritual consciousness held their breath at this moment.

Everyone really couldn't believe the scene just now. He actually took Gongsun Wuji's soul from the hands of a strong man at the top of the Nine Realms. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who could believe it?

At this moment, many people felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts. Only now did they finally understand why Wuyu Tian was able to make thousands of demons surrender in just ten years, and why so many people were afraid of him... This man is so cruel.

How cruel?

For example, if Gongsun Changye had predicted in advance that his soul would leave his body, or had reacted in an instant, the soul without a body would have been destroyed almost instantly with the power of a peak nine-level master!

And he knew this, but he still took the risk, risking his soul to be destroyed by Gongsun Changye, and forcibly took Gongsun Wuji's soul... Is this what ordinary people dare to do? Don't say do it, don't even dare to think about it.

At this moment, many people outside were trembling. After today, these four words, Lord Wuyu, will definitely shock the ancient land of Xianyuan again.

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