The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1516 Internal Injury

"The soul is out of body... my little friend is really amazing.

After all, Gongsun Changye underestimated the person in front of him. He never expected that the other person would actually leave his body in front of him. If he had known this earlier, the result would have been completely different. Unfortunately, he couldn't have done it. think.

And as soon as he said it, Xiao Chen took the person away from him, and now it was impossible for him to recover it. But what he didn't expect was that this young man had been like this from the beginning to the end, including now. Calm and calm, with an unchanging expression, this was beyond his expectation.

At this time, in the ruins below, there are still some Gongsun clan members who have not yet entered the Nascent Soul World. Everyone witnessed the scene just now and watched helplessly as the soul of the family leader was taken away. Even though it was only for a short moment, it was left behind for them. A shadow that will never be forgotten.

At this moment, Xiao Chen looked calm, looked at Gongsun Changye and said, "I have taken away this person's soul. After today, the grudge is over."

Gongsun Changye was speechless for a while. After a while, he said, "My little friend is indeed extraordinary in ability, but there is one thing I still want to say: this world is too small. If one day, little friend, I can go to the Nine Heavens to have a look, maybe Only then will you realize what it means to be strong. Today, you and I are no more than me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he reached out and flicked out a golden light, which immediately took the remaining clan members and the bodies of those who died in the battle and flew away into the distance.

"Your Majesty, how are you?"

Seeing Gongsun Changye leaving, Zi Yuan immediately walked up with her eyebrows furrowed. In the scene just now, Xiao Chen looked relaxed, but in fact he narrowly escaped death. Not to mention that the Soul Confinement Technique when the soul left the body was extremely draining of the power of the soul. Just because he had forcibly resisted Gongsun Changye's divine finger earlier, at that moment, he had probably suffered internal injuries, but he had not let Gongsun Changye see it.


Xiao Chen was still looking at the direction in which Gongsun Changye was leaving, and his words when he left just now were still lingering in his ears. This world is too small. If you can go to the ninth level of the sky in the future, that will be your ability...

At this time, the people outside slowly came to their senses, and everyone was silent. What they saw today was beyond their expectations, especially the scene just now. I'm afraid they will still find it unbelievable when they think about it in the future.

"Your Majesty, what should we do here now?"

At this time, Bai Luan walked up, and as he spoke, he handed the sealed soul jade in his hand to Xiao Chen. At this time, in the sky, the soul gathering array had already collected the souls of tens of thousands of people in the Gongsun family. It condensed into the center of the array, which is inside the soul-stirring green lamp.

Xiao Chen looked around. The battle just now and the collision of the power of the spiritual veins destroyed the nearby mountains and rivers. The spirits must be repaired as soon as possible to avoid accidents. He said, "You have people here to repair the damage." of mountains and rivers.”


Bai Luan cupped her hands and looked at the soul gathering array in the sky. She knew what Xiao Chen was going to do next, so she was inevitably a little worried. She wanted to say something at this time, but in the end she stopped talking.

Xiao Chen also looked at the soul gathering array. Next, he would try even if it cost him his luck.

At night, the cold moon is silent, and Qingfengjian is the most tranquil place in Wuyu Tian. On weekdays, only the medical saint Shui Hanyan and the medicine saint step on top of the clouds are here.

"How is Mingyue's injury?"

"The breath has been stabilized for the time being. As for whether she can wake up...sigh." Bu Yundian sighed and said, "It can only depend on her own destiny."

Mingyue was injured by Gongsun Wuji's Sky-Splitting Palm. Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian jointly rescued her. Although her life was temporarily saved, she didn't know whether she would wake up again. This time, Mingyue's injury was comparable to that of Zi Kite's injuries were too serious.

Xiao Chen slowly walked to the front room, gently lifted the window screen, and saw Mingyue lying quietly on the bed. He thought of the scene during the day again. If he hadn't suddenly gone crazy, she would not have been killed by Gongsun Wuji. injured.

In the past years when Wei Young was in a coma, Mingyue always accompanied him to talk, but now even she can't wake up. Is it true that as the prophecy said, the emperor will be alone for the rest of his life...

Everyone in the world wants to live forever, and if immortality means watching the people around you die one by one...

"By the way, did you go to the Ancient Immortal Realm this time and bring back the rain and dew from the Immortal Realm?" At this time, Bu Yundian suddenly changed the subject.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, put down the window screen, and walked out of the courtyard. The three of them came to a green cliff outside, facing the cool breeze with a thin mist.

"I have brought the rain and dew from the fairy world back. You two seniors...could it be that you haven't seen it yet?"


Hearing what he said, Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian looked at each other, and then they suddenly thought of something. Both of their faces showed an incredible look, Shui Hanyan said, "Could that girl... be the rain and dew of the fairy world?"

Bu Yundian followed, "No wonder... No wonder every time I see that girl, I feel that she has extraordinary aura. This legendary rain and dew in the fairy world is actually a girl?"


Xiao Chen shook his head, looked at the misty mountain stream under the moonlight in the distance, and said, "She is not the rain and dew of the fairy world, but has absorbed the rain and dew of the fairy world. The rain and dew of the fairy world is in her body."


Hearing this, the two of them were even more surprised. How could ordinary people keep the rain and dew of the immortal world in their bodies? Shui Hanyan asked with a little doubt, "Then she..."

At that moment, Xiao Chen told the scene in Penglai Wonderland. After listening to it, both Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian found it unbelievable. Penglai Wonderland, a thousand-year-old fairy, what is the identity of that girl? Could it be that it was really born from the aura of heaven and earth? But if that's the case, how could she recognize Xiao Chen as her brother...

In fact, Xiao Chen still has doubts about who Xian'er is. What she fears most is thunder. Every time she sees thunder and lightning, she will be very scared. And the person she relies on the most is herself...

The night was boundless, shrouding Wuyu Tian. After a long time, Xiao Chen turned around, looked at the Medical Saint and Medicine Saint in front of him, and said, "Senior Medical Saint asked me to go to the ancient immortal world to look for the rain and dew of the fairy world. Now I have brought the rain and dew of the fairy world back." , Weiyang... has a chance of waking up."

Hearing this, both Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian frowned. After a while, Shui Hanyan said, "If Miss Shen is here, there is at least 80% certainty, but now..."

"I see."

Xiao Chen stopped asking any more questions. Even if he didn't save Weiyang, he would try his best to resurrect Shen Jing.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be absolutely impossible for him to be resurrected. Unless he truly transcends the outside world and masters the ability to reverse yin and yang, he cannot be resurrected. However, Shen Jing's nine transformations are a unique opportunity in the world, coupled with his unique ability to control life and death. , there must be a miracle.

"There is one more thing that Xiaoyou needs to understand." Suddenly, Bu Yundian walked towards him, and Xiao Chen said, "Senior, please tell me."

Bu Yundian took a deep breath, looked at the crescent moon in the sky, and said slowly, "Weiyang girl's Xuanyin body is a once-in-a-million-year encounter that cannot be solved. Although I don't know who used heaven-defying means to extend her life." , but after all, it is difficult to change his fate..."

When he said this, he turned around, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "If your fate is determined, it will be difficult to change it unless you change it against the will of heaven. You must know, this time, even if you save her, if you can't save her, If she changes her fate, she will still die, and there is no possibility of resurrection. She may even run out of luck and find it difficult to be reincarnated..."

Shui Hanyan also walked up and looked at him quietly. After a while, he said, "If you want to save her, you will inevitably do something against nature, and doing something against nature often ends up being intolerable. You have to do a good job." Prepare……"

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, looked at the crescent moon in the sky, and said slowly, "If my father was still here, would he do something against heaven for his mother..."

"Zhufeng him..."

Shui Hanyan finally sighed softly and said, "Your father, he is a man who is upright and upright. As long as it is what he believes in, he will never regret it, no matter what the world says, whether he is wrong or right..."

It was not until midnight that Xiao Chen returned to Wuyu Hall. Bailuan and Ziyuan were not there, and Mingyue was not there either. Now the cold hall was even more empty.

Xiao Chen went to the head of the palace, sat for a while, and then slowly took out the soul jade that sealed Gongsun Wuji's soul from his sleeve. He held it in his hand and looked at it for a while, but suddenly his face turned pale, and then he let out a muffled sound in his throat. snort.

During the day today, he forcefully took Gongsun Changye's god-transforming finger. Although he was blocked by the Emperor's Sword, after all, he did not have the god-demonic body of Dugu Tianxia. This god-transforming finger was an ancient secret that had been lost long ago. Is it possible that magical powers are ordinary? Therefore, he suffered internal injuries at that time, but he just endured it and did not let Gongsun Changye see it.

"I've heard everything about what happened in the Land of Forgotten River today. You're so ridiculous."

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the palace, and under the moonlight, a figure in white walked in. That person was Mrs. Xianshu.

"Mrs. Xianshu, it's so late, haven't you rested yet?" Xiao Chen adjusted his clothes a little, but he still couldn't hide the paleness on his face.

"Since you are injured and have just returned from Qingfengjian, why not let the two seniors take a look."

Mrs. Xianshu walked up slowly. Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "The two seniors, Medical Saint and Medicine Saint, still need to treat Mingyue. Since I'm not in any serious trouble, I won't bother them."

"If Weiyang sees it..."

Madam Xianshu looked at him who was pale at this moment, but she didn't say the rest of the sentence. After a while, she just sighed, "It's too risky for you to take someone away from Gongsun Changye..."

Xiao Chen didn't say anything. If he didn't take risks, how could he capture Gongsun Wuji's soul? Shen Jing died in the hands of this person. Without the guidance of this person's soul, it would be difficult to resurrect Shen Jing...

Mrs. Xianshu looked at him, knowing that she understood all this and wanted to say something. In the end, she just sighed softly and remained silent. If it were Wei Young, he would do the same.

"That's it, let's not talk about this anymore."

Xiao Chen slowly put away the soul jade in his hand and asked Madam Xianshu, "What's going on over there at the Heaven-shaking Formation? Have you found the reason?"

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