The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,523 How can there be justice!

Wuding Mountain is located two thousand miles north of Tianwai Peak. It is a natural danger. Last time, the Yun Sect almost broke through. Now, the strength of Wuding Sect is no longer comparable to that of the past. In the past few years, it can be said that it has advanced by leaps and bounds, especially in the Three Kingdoms. A great elder who had been in seclusion for a long time had already broken through the profound realm of life and death and came out of seclusion.

Naturally, Wuding Sect, like other sects, is divided into inner sect and outer sect. Only those with good talent can enter the outer sect. As for the inner sect, it is even more difficult to enter, even today When the spiritual energy of heaven and earth opens up, not everyone can enter the inner sect.

At this time, in a valley with quiet scenery and full of spiritual energy, I saw a man in red sitting on the edge of the cliff, motionless, looking like he was bored, but at the entrance of the valley, there was a layer of The golden light barrier restricted his access.

At this moment, the barrier suddenly dissipated, and then an old man with white hair walked in. The man sitting on the edge of the cliff didn't even look back. He just said lightly, "Old He, what are you doing here again?"

The white-haired old man smiled and said, "I was afraid that the young master would be bored these days, so I found some of our sect's classics and gave them to the young master to read."

"Did my Grandpa Xuan ask you to come?"

At this time, the man in red finally turned around, but he looked a bit ferocious and had no moral integrity at all. It was none other than Kang Yuchen.

The white-haired old man smiled and whispered, "The Grand Elder will arrange for someone to deal with this matter, so for the next period of time, I will have to stay in this valley and don't go anywhere... After all, the young master also You should know that the rumors that are unfavorable to the Young Master have been rampant recently. Once the trouble gets out of hand, it will be difficult for even the Grand Elder to come forward..."


Kang Yuchen snorted coldly, and at this moment, the fierce look on his face became even more fierce, and said in a deep voice, "A few young disciples of the outer sect dare to fight with me. If you have the ability, report them to Wuyu Heaven. As for the outside world, Those untouchables are just jealous of my young master’s bloodline. They are not as lucky as me, haha..."

The white-haired old man smiled and said nothing. After a while, he said, "Anyway, Master, please don't make this matter any bigger. Otherwise, if it gets to the point of Wuyu, it will be really troublesome..."

"so what?"

Kang Yuchen said coldly, "Wuyutian is now in the midst of employing people. Do they dare to kill people at will at this time? Besides, my grandfather Xuan is the Grand Elder. If our sect is not guarding this north, we don't know how many people will sneak in." It's him, Xiao Yichen, who came in person..."

"Young Master, stop it!"

The white-haired old man's expression suddenly froze, and he looked outside nervously, then turned back and said with a serious face, "Young master, you must know that there are some things that cannot be said casually no matter where you are..."


Kang Yuchen sneered, "What? Elder He, are you afraid of that person?"


The white-haired old man sighed softly, took out a few classics from his sleeves, and said, "Anyway, Master, don't come out during this period. As for those people from the outer sect... I will let the elders over there take care of it, Master, don't worry." , this matter... will leave no trace and will not affect the young master's future. "

"It's best..."

Kang Yuchen's eyes turned cold, he turned his head, looked at the sunset under the dusk, and said coldly in his heart: "Wen Wan'er, it's you who don't know what is good and what is good. In the entire Wuding Sect, I don't know how many people have thrown themselves into the arms of this young master, but it's just... I just look down on you, but you are so shameless. How dare you, a small disciple of the outer sect, to fight with me..."

At night, there was silence. At this time, in the Sunset Peak of the Outer Sect of Wuding Sect, there were still lights flickering in a small courtyard. There were two people in the house, a man and a woman.

The man was dressed in green clothes and had a determined face, while the woman was pretty, but she was squatting on the bed, holding her calves in her hands, her body trembling slightly, as if she had been frightened.

"Mei Wan, don't be afraid, everything will be fine." At this time, the man walked over, gently held her shoulders, and comforted her softly.

The woman raised her head, with tears in her eyes, and said in a trembling voice, "But Brother Xuan, I'm afraid... I've been having nightmares these days, dreaming that Kang Yuchen came back again and killed Brother Xuan..."

It turns out that the man's name is Zhou Xuan and the woman's name is Wen Wan'er. They are both disciples of the foreign sect, and they are also related to immortal lovers.

"Silly Wan'er, it's just a dream. Dreams are the opposite."

Zhou Xuan smiled softly and said, "Besides, this is the Desireless World, and it's not a dark place. No matter how capable that person named Kang is, is it possible that he can cover the sky with one hand? Don't worry. , the elders will definitely seek justice for us..."

"Really, really..."

Wen Wan'er raised her head and finally calmed down a little. After a while, she lowered her head and whispered, "Then... then if I really get... raped by him that day, Brother Xuan, do you still want me?" "

"Will not."

Zhou Xuan smiled softly, caressed her face, and said, "No matter what, Wan'er is my favorite Wan'er. I won't let anyone hurt Wan'er, unless he steps on my body..." "

"Don't, don't..." Wen Wan'er quickly put her hand to cover his mouth, preventing him from continuing to speak these unlucky words.

At this moment, a rush of footsteps suddenly sounded outside the house. Wen Wan'er was so frightened that she trembled and clutched Zhou Xuan's sleeve tightly. "Brother Xuan, yes, someone is coming..."

"Don't be afraid Wan'er."

Zhou Xuan patted her shoulder lightly, then stood up slowly, secretly condensing a stream of true energy in his palm, and said to the door, "Who is outside?"

"it's me."

A deep old man's voice came from outside the door.

"It's Elder Mu..."

Zhou Xuan was stunned for a moment, then he dispersed the real energy in his palm, walked over and opened the door. He saw an old man in black standing at the door with a gloomy face. He was Mu, one of the three elders of Sunset Peak. Elder.

"Elder Mu, it's so late, are you okay?" Seeing that the other party's face was gloomy at this time, Zhou Xuan asked a little uneasily.

Elder Mu looked at Wen Wan'er inside the room, then turned back, glared at Zhou Xuan, and walked into the room angrily.

Seeing the elder entering the room, Wen Wan'er quickly walked out of the bed, lowered her head, and said anxiously, "Elder Mu... Elder Mu."

At the door, Zhou Xuan looked outside, then entered the house, closed the doors and windows, and then asked Elder Mu, "Elder, what happened to you coming here so late?"

Elder Mu still had a gloomy look on his face, glanced at the two of them angrily, and said coldly, "It's okay now. Things are getting serious. Are you satisfied?"

Wen Wan'er stood by the bed, her head lowered, her fingers pinched tightly, not daring to speak. Zhou Xuanli said confidently, "We didn't do anything wrong in this matter."

"shut up!"

Elder Mu glared at him and said coldly, "Now you have made Kang Yuchen face the wall for three years. When the three years are over, he will come out..."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Xuan was even more dissatisfied and said, "We made him face the wall for three years? Don't bad guys deserve to be punished? What's more, the things he did in the past, forcing so many junior sisters, and facing the wall for three years, it was an advantage for him Already..."

"shut up!"

Elder Mu glared at him, "On that day, if Elder Lu hadn't happened to be passing by here and heard the sound, Kang Yuchen could have killed you directly without any effort, and no one would know about it!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xuan fell silent. Indeed, with Kang Yuchen's cultivation level, it would be easier to kill him than to kill an ant. But, should he stand outside the house that day and watch the other party rape his Wan'er? Then he would rather die!

If he hadn't happened to come here to look for Wan'er that day, how could he have seen that scene that was worse than a beast? The man pressed Wan'er on the bed and tore all her clothes to pieces, but no matter how hard she begged, it was of no use... …

Seeing that he was still unconvinced, Elder Mu said coldly, "Who do you think Kang Yuchen is? His grandpa Xuan is now the Supreme Elder. Kang Dingfeng's cultivation level is higher than that of the sect leader. Even the sect leader is polite to him. You're so angry, what are you going to do to fight with him? Don't you think about it..."

The whole room suddenly became quiet. After a long time, Zhou Xuan said, "Why did the elder come here late at night and say all this?"


Elder Mu flicked his sleeves and said coldly, "There are rumors going around now, which will have a great impact on Kang Yuchen's future..."

When he finished speaking, he looked at Wen Wan'er, who was trembling beside the bed, and continued, "So I want you to clarify this matter."

Zhou Xuandao: "That's the fact. Is there anything else to clarify?"

"Facts can be distorted!"

Elder Mu glared at him, then looked at Wen Wan'er, and said, "I want you to clarify this matter. It was not that Kang Yuchen was unfaithful to you that day, but that you had always admired Kang Yuchen, and that day you asked him to guide you in cultivation. Bring him into the house and seduce him."

Hearing this, Wen Wan'er's whole face turned pale, and Zhou Xuan was even more shocked, "Absurd! Such confusion of right and wrong, not to mention, letting Wan Mei say these words in public, damaging her innocence, she would rather die than Do these things!”

Elder Mu said gloomily, "Then you just go and die, once and for all, so that you don't have to drag me down Sunset Peak in the future!"

"Elder, you... never thought you were such a person. I misjudged you. I thought you would seek justice for Wanmei..."

Zhou Xuan was trembling all over. As he spoke, he staggered back. Suddenly he raised his head and smiled sadly, "Is there still justice in this world..."


Elder Mu smiled coldly, "Fairness? In their eyes, the lives of us people are worthless. We are nothing more than ants. This is justice. Justice means that your birth is not as good as theirs. Is this fair enough?" "

The whole room fell into a deathly silence again. Suddenly, Wen Wan'er looked at Zhou Xuan, "Brother Xuan, I'm sorry, Wan'er doesn't want to hurt you..."

At this moment, Wen Wan'er's face was filled with tears. Zhou Xuan trembled slightly, "Mei Wan, what are you going to do?"

Wen Wan'er burst into tears and gradually broke down in sobs. She then said to Elder Mu, "Thank you so much for your cultivation over the years. Today's events all happened because of Wan'er. Wan'er doesn't want to implicate Elder Mu..."

After she said that, she suddenly reached under the pillow, took out a dagger with a cold light, and slashed her throat.

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