"Mei Wan!"

Zhou Xuan was shocked and rushed over in an instant. Just when the blade was only a few inches away from Wen Wan'er's throat, he grabbed it tightly. Blood dripped down his palm, drop by drop, and fell on Wen Wan'er's white dress. above.

"Brother Xuan...your hands are bleeding..."

When Wen Wan'er saw that his hand was bleeding, she was so frightened that she let go of the dagger, while Zhou Xuan's face was filled with misery, as if he could no longer feel the pain, and his hand was still clutching the blade tightly: "Wan'er, what are you doing? What do you want to do..."

The blade was sharp, but he squeezed it tighter and tighter, and the wound became deeper and deeper, almost cutting to the bone, and blood kept dripping.

Wen Wan'er turned pale with fright and burst into tears, "Brother Xuan, I can't help it, please let go of the knife first, okay...don't do this, don't do this..."

Zhou Xuan's heart has long been cold, and he can no longer feel the pain coming from his palm at this moment. Only this dark and cold world makes him feel chilled.

I saw him slowly turning his head, looking at the expressionless Elder Mu in front of him, and said, "I will take Wan'er away now. The world is dangerous. This immortal, it doesn't matter if he doesn't cultivate..." ❋

Elder Mu took a deep breath, closed his eyes deeply and said, "This matter has reached such an extent that everyone outside knows it. Even if you two leave Sunset Peak overnight, I'm afraid they won't be able to go thirty miles... "

"What about..."

Zhou Xuan's voice became deeper and deeper, and his expression became more and more terrifying, as if the inner demon suddenly appeared. If he had known that Xuanmen was so dark, then he would rather worship the devil, even if he faced life and death all day long, But at least you can choose how you die!

Elder Mu slowly opened his eyes and said expressionlessly, "If you two want to survive, you can only do what I just said..."

"Brother Xuan..."

Wen Wan'er's face was filled with tears. She pulled his sleeves and kept shaking her head: "Wan'er is not afraid. Brother Xuan, it's okay. Wan'er is not afraid... Let Wan'er see your hands, okay..."

"Hahaha, hahaha..."

Zhou Xuan was still holding the dagger in his hand tightly, but suddenly he raised his head and laughed, his eyes were bloodshot, and tears flowed out, "Justice...justice, how can there be justice in this world shrouded in black clouds..." If that’s the case, then I’ll kill the guy named Kang!”

He suddenly became so angry that he held the dagger, shook Wen Wan'er away, and wanted to go outside. Wen Wan'er was so frightened that Wen Wan'er screamed out, "Brother Xuan!"


Elder Mu's face was gloomy, and he clapped his palm and pressed it heavily on Zhou Xuan's shoulder. With a "creak" sound, Zhou Xuan was held down by this force. His face immediately showed a look of pain, and he was stunned and couldn't move any further. "Bang, Dang." "With a sound, he couldn't hold the dagger in his hand and fell to the ground.

"You can't even bear 30% of my strength, so why don't you go and kill Kang Yuchen? He can kill you with one finger!"

Elder Mu's face was as cold as frost, and he said coldly, "What's fair? Some people will be high-ranking officials in the future as soon as they are born, while some people will live on the streets not long after they are born. The world is in chaos and people are like grass. Tell me, how can this world be like this?" To seek justice? We can only accept our fate..."

"Accept fate……"

Zhou Xuan laughed miserably, and at this moment, there was suddenly a rush of footsteps outside, followed by a disciple's voice outside the door: "Elder, the people from Wuyu Tian are here..."

"Heaven without Desires..."

Hearing this, Elder Mu's expression immediately changed. He immediately let go of Zhou Xuan and asked the disciple outside, "Which one from Wuyu Tian is he?"

As he finished speaking, the courtyard outside suddenly became extremely quiet, as if even the wind had stopped at this moment... The night became more peaceful than ever before.

"Chuck, lick, lick..."

At this moment, there was finally a soothing and crisp sound of footsteps outside. The footsteps were getting closer and closer to the door. Elder Mu's heart trembled. It was not a man, but the sound of a woman's heels...

The footsteps stopped in front of the house door, and then a faint female voice came in, "Chasing life."

Hearing the word "chasing life", Elder Mu's expression suddenly changed. He quickly went to the door and opened it. At this moment, he didn't even dare to look outside. He lowered his head and cupped his hands and said, "Wuding Sect Sunset Peak Mu Qing, see the Life-seeking Envoy!”

He never expected that this incident would alarm Wuyutian, and the person who came down this time was not an ordinary person...

"Elder Mu, there is no need for this.

I saw a woman standing in front of the door, with eyes like stars and eyebrows like a crescent moon. She was dressed in a tight-fitting outfit that was not sloppy at all. Her long hair was tied into a ponytail and hung neatly down her back.

She tied her hands on her chest at the moment, looked at the two people in the room who were in shock, and then walked in slowly. She didn't look as cold and murderous as the others in Yeying, but she gave people a feeling as deep as Yuanyue. a feeling of.

Elder Mu was trembling and uneasy. Zhui Ming came here all night. Could it be that he wanted to investigate the matter personally... At this moment, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and bravely asked, "I don't know what the purpose of Zhui Ming came here late at night..."

"A few days ago, rumors came to your ears, saying that there has been some trouble in the Wuding Sect recently. The Wuding Sect is a dangerous place in the north, so your Majesty asked me to come down and see what happened..."

Zhuiming said calmly, and while speaking, his eyes always fell on the two people who were still a little panicked in the room.

Zhou Xuannai is a disciple of the outer sect and has never seen much of the world. But when he heard the words "Wuyu Tian" and "Your Majesty", and saw that Elder Mu was so afraid, he immediately understood something. Although he didn't He recognizes the person in front of him, but he is probably his savior!

With a plop, he knelt down towards Zhui Ming and said miserably, "Please Zhui Ming, the envoy, make the decision for us!" As he spoke, he pulled Wen Wan'er next to him. Wen Wan'er reacted immediately and knelt down too. He went down, but he hesitated and didn't know what to say.

"I am acting under orders. You don't have to do this. Get up and speak."

As Zhui Ming spoke, he looked at the anxious Elder Mu behind him and smiled faintly, "Just now I seemed to hear it from outside. The elder said that there is no justice in this world... Do you know what kind of place this is?"

Hearing this, Elder Mu felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He trembled violently. He knelt down quickly and slapped himself hard on the face. "The villain was confused for a moment and spoke inappropriately. He deserves death!"

Zhui Ming still had a smile on his face, "You are guilty, but you are not worthy of death. Get up."

"Yes Yes……"

Elder Mu trembled uneasily and stood up tremblingly. Although he was only an elder from Sunset Peak, he also knew who the life-chasing envoy in front of him was. He had a ruthless smile and pursued evildoers for thousands of miles... Anyone who was guilty , no one can escape from her hands. This time, things may be really big...

Zhui Ming turned around, looked at Zhou Xuan and Wen Wan'er and said, "Tell me what happened that day."

Hearing this, Wen Wan'er trembled slightly, and then subconsciously looked at Elder Mu. Seeing that she was still timid, Zhui Ming didn't dare to tell the truth, so she smiled and said, "Little sister, do you know who I am."


Wen Wan'er looked at the sister with a gentle smile in front of her. She had just joined the sect in recent years. How could she, a small disciple of the outer sect, know about the people in Wuyu Heaven?

Zhui Ming still had a smile on his face, "Then do you know, Your Majesty?"

Wen Wan'er still didn't know, she shook her head with a dull look on her face, and said, "This time, your Majesty ordered me to come down to investigate the matter thoroughly. If the evidence is conclusive, anyone who has harbored the case will be convicted regardless of their identity."

Next to him, Zhou Xuan understood. This time, even Kang Yuchen’s grandfather Xuan couldn’t protect him and said, “Mei Wan, please tell this life-seeking envoy exactly what happened that day... "

Wen Wan'er also understood this time, and immediately told the story of that day exactly.

In addition, there are recent rumors that Kang Yuchen has committed such crimes in the past, but they were all covered up. Zhui Ming must investigate this matter to the end.

Nei Zong, in the valley, the breeze blows, and on the grass beside the cliff, there are several empty wine jars scattered here and there, but Kang Yuchen is seen dancing a sword on the edge of the cliff, with a long sword in his hand, a cold glow, but with three points. Drunk.

"Let me raise my sword to the sky...the north wind is blowing and the stars are in chaos. Who can stop me?"

The cold wind could not dissipate the drunkenness at this moment. Kang Yuchen might have been really drunk. He pointed the sword in the direction of Wuyu Tian, ​​"If I become the Qing Emperor in the future... I will live my life... against heaven!"


There was a flash of cold light, and the sword energy came out suddenly, carrying a cold murderous aura as it shot through the air.

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps behind him. Kang Yuchen turned around and stabbed out with his sword with a "shoo" sound.


The edge of the sword was frozen by two fingers. The person who came was none other than the elder He from the daytime. When he saw the empty wine jars on the ground and smelled the strong smell of wine coming from Kang Yuchen, he couldn't help but frown. wrinkle.

Kang Yuchen smiled, dropped the sword in his hand, and stumbled to sit on the ground, with a hint of drunkenness on his face. "Old He, have everything been settled? Those people from the outer sect have already taken care of themselves. …I don’t want to stay here for the next three years.”

Elder He frowned and said nothing. Seeing that he was silent, Kang Yuchen smiled drunkenly, "What? Is there a problem? Elder He can't even handle a few people from the outer sect? If it doesn't work, just kill him..."

Before he could continue, Elder He finally said coldly, "The people from Wuyutian are coming down."


Unexpectedly, Kang Yuchen heard that Wu Yutian's people had come down, but he was not nervous. Instead, he smiled provocatively, "Yang Xiaoran? Or those trash under him? How many came down this time, ten? Hundreds? Total?" There's no way a thousand of them came down, hehehe..."

Elder He looked at him coldly and said nothing, but Kang Yuchen saw his serious look at this time, as if he was not joking, and the smile on his face disappeared, and said coldly, "Who is here?"

"Chasing life."

When these two words came out of Elder He's mouth, a sudden gust of cold wind blew in, causing Kang Yuchen to tremble all over. He stood up from the ground as if he had received an electric shock. At this moment, he seemed to have lost all the alcohol in his body and only felt Waves of cold came.

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