"Chasing...chasing life..."

Obviously, Kang Yuchen also knew who Zhui Ming was. Three years ago, Ying Batian, the deputy sect leader of the Leihuo Sect, rebelled against the sect leader and an elder. Soon after, Zhui Ming captured this person. He pursued the murderer for thousands of miles and forced him to kill him. The heads were brought back...

On the cliff, a cold wind blew. At this moment, Kang Yuchen was finally fully awake. He looked at Elder He in front of him, "How could it be? How could such a trivial thing happen..."

“Son, don’t panic.

At this moment, Elder He seemed very calm and said, "What the young master committed that day was stopped and did not lead to a big disaster. In this case, according to the sect's rules, it is reasonable and reasonable to face the wall for three years, even if it is Wuyutian's Even if people come down, they can’t change this decision.”

Hearing this, Kang Yuchen finally calmed down a little, but he had been facing a wall for the past three years, and he probably couldn't escape.


Suddenly, Elder He spoke again and said, "If Zhui Ming finds out what happened to the young master in the past, not even the elder can protect the young master, and even I can't escape the blame..."

"What should we do?"

Thinking of those things in the past, Kang Yuchen suddenly broke into a cold sweat. He saw Elder He taking a few steps closer to him and said in a low voice, "Tomorrow day, Zhui Ming will definitely hear the matter in public in the palace. When the time comes, Young Master must remember, Kill him with one bite. This is your first offense under the influence of alcohol. I will never admit what happened in the past. If you admit it, your life will be in danger..."


Kang Yuchen nodded repeatedly. No matter what, he would never admit what happened in the past, and he did drink when he went to Sunset Peak that day... This makes sense.

However, a moment later, he suddenly thought of something. He felt as if he had fallen into a cold pool, his face turned pale, and he said in a trembling voice, "I heard that Zhui Ming has a ruthless smile and his methods are very fierce. She... what if she uses Wuyutian's methods?" , what should I do if I forcefully search my soul memory?”

Elder He was still very calm and said, "This method will leave irreversible damage to the soul. Don't worry, Wuyu Tian has laws and regulations. Unless the people under the sect are heinous, or collaborate with the enemy and rebel, they are not allowed to use the soul to spy on them." Law."

After hearing this, Kang Yuchen finally breathed a sigh of relief. After a while, he raised his head again and said, "What if...she tortures me?"

"Then just endure it."

Elder He's face suddenly became gloomy, and Kang Yuchen finally understood. No matter what, he would bite the bullet and never admit that he had forced those junior sisters in the past. In this way, even if Zhui Ming knew about it, there was no way to determine it. his sin.

"Chasing life, I want to see if you are as powerful as the rumors say..."

At this moment, Kang Yuchen's eyes were full of murderous intent. Elder He next to him glanced at him and said, "I can't stay here for a long time tonight. I have to leave as soon as possible. Remember what I just said. No matter what, I will kill you with one bite." I don’t admit it.” After saying that, he turned back in the direction he came from.

When he saw his figure disappear, Kang Yuchen turned around and looked in the direction of Wuyutian again. At this moment, the murderous intent in his eyes became heavier.

"As expected of Lord Wuyu... In the past two years, if my Grandpa Xuan hadn't shocked everyone after he came out of seclusion, someone would have gotten in long ago. How could you, Wuyu, have been safe so far? Now I am just committing a crime in my own sect. Do you want to take care of this little matter? You asked Zhui Ming to check me, Xiao Yichen, don’t force me..."

Kang Yuchen's eyes were full of murderous intent. At the end of his words, he suddenly took out a strange black jade talisman from his sleeve. Holding this black jade talisman, his hands could not help but tremble. He looked around, and finally He swallowed the jade talisman in one gulp.

At noon the next day, in the Wuding Sect's "Thunder Light Hall", the main hall was majestic. Many elders were sitting in the hall, and many disciples gathered outside the hall, all discussing something in low voices.

At the head of the hall, an old man in green clothes was seen sitting upright. This man was Kang Dingfeng, one of the three great elders, who was also Kang Yuchen’s grandpa Xuan. It's the pinnacle.

Since the sect leader Xue Wuguang was in seclusion for enlightenment and could not be disturbed, during this period, the Wuding Sect was handed over to three elders to take charge.

At this time, Kang Dingfeng was sitting at the head of the hall, silent, while below, Kang Yuchen stood there with his head lowered and motionless. Zhui Ming was sitting on the left side of the hall. With her, there were Zhou Xuan and Wen Wan'er. The two of them, as well as Elder Mu and Elder Lu from Sunset Peak.

Zhou Xuan and Wen Wan'er had never been to the inner sect before, let alone in a scene like today, where tension was unavoidable. As for Elder Mu and Elder Lu, they didn't know what they were thinking when they stood behind them.

"That's the way it is."

After a long time, Kang Yuchen raised his head. He had just repeated the speech he had thought of last night in front of everyone.

At this time, he saw him again and said, "I know that I can't escape my guilt in this matter. Fortunately, I did not cause any harm to Junior Sister Wen Wan that day. Now I am willing to be punished and face the wall for three years, and I promise that I will never drink alcohol again in the future. I will never do such ridiculous things again..."

Hearing this, many elders in the hall were nodding and discussing. As the great-great-grandson of the Grand Elder, it is indeed difficult for Kang Yuchen to escape his guilt for doing such a thing. But if he really raped Wen Wan'er that day, according to the sect's rules, his cultivation should be abolished. He was expelled from the Wuding Sect and could never come back again, but it was indeed stopped in time that day. He was sentenced to three years of facing the wall and thinking about it, which was neither light nor serious, and was reasonable.

On the left side of the hall, Zhou Xuan squeezed his fingers tightly. This was not the case at all. He had clearly torn off all the clothes on Wan'er's body that day. If he hadn't arrived by himself, and Elder Lu happened to be passing nearby, and heard the noise, he would not have stopped at all. Come down...

Even last night, this person had people come down to threaten Elder Mu, forcing Wan'er to "clarify the facts", and even wanted to kill someone to silence him. He had no intention of repenting at all, and with the things he had done in the past...he Not as good as an animal at all.

If the matter hadn't become so big this time that everyone knew about it, Wuyu Tian was alarmed, and the Mingzhui envoy came down, how would he have said these words?

Zhou Xuan squeezed his fingers tighter and tighter, "Mate-Chasing Envoy..."

Zhui Ming raised his hand slightly, his eyes still falling on Kang Yuchen, with a faint smile on his face: "Mr. Kang, are you finished?"

Kang Yuchen turned around, looked at her and said, "What I just said is the whole truth. Now that I know I was wrong, I sincerely repent and am willing to be punished."

Zhui Ming said calmly, "But I heard from outside that it doesn't seem to be the case. It is said that this is not the first time Mr. Kang has committed a crime, but all the past crimes have been covered up..."

"Nonsense talk..."

At this time, an elder in the hall on the right said displeasedly, "I have no established sect, and I am not some evil heretic. How can these rumors be taken seriously?"

"Oh?" Zhuiming said with a faint smile, "I thought it was groundless, Mr. Kang, what do you think?"


Kang Yuchen suddenly became emotional, but soon he calmed down and said firmly, "Those people are like rain if they listen to the wind. If I haven't done it, I haven't done it. Even if charges are imposed on me, I still haven't done it." ”

The whole hall suddenly became quiet, except for Zhou Xuan's fingers, which squeaked loudly. In the past, this person was just unruly and unruly. Could it be that now that Wuyutian's life-seeking envoy has come down, there is nothing he can do about him? ?

"Can you please listen to me..."

At this moment, Kang Dingfeng, who was sitting at the head of the hall, finally spoke. Everyone looked at him, and Zhui Ming also looked at him and said, "Elder Kang, please tell me something."

Kang Dingfeng said, "Yuchen committed this incident today because I was not strict in his teachings in the past. I am also responsible for this, so I will deal with it severely this time! But..."

When he finished speaking, he looked over at Zhui Ming and said word by word, "If Yu Chen has not committed anything, but Zhui Ming wants to impose a crime on him today, then I will go to Wuyu Heaven in the future." , I must find justice for my son!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall became even quieter. Even the disciples outside shut up and the atmosphere gradually became solidified.

Kang Yuchen smiled coldly in his heart and glanced at Zhui Ming, Zhui Ming Zhui Ming, it seems that you are just like that, not as powerful as the rumors say, chasing the murderer thousands of miles, risking your life ruthlessly, this time, I want to look at you, How to condemn me, how to take my life.

Thank you to yesterday's book friend "A Night's Dream Talking about the World of Mortals", and support me with monthly tickets!

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