The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1535 Cause and Effect

"You...what do you want to do?"

Finally, Kang Yuchen looked at Zhui Ming in the distance and said angrily, "What do you want! Can Wuyu Tian do whatever he wants? I didn't do anything to Wen Wan'er that day, you can't accuse me! You have no right. Torture me!"

Zhui Ming tied his hands on his chest and said calmly, "Master Kang, look behind you today, your protective nets. They have all been caught. Do you still want to hold on? How many things have you committed in these years? Just spit it out yourself, and maybe you can save yourself a few bone-penetrating nails later.

"Haha! Fart!"

Unexpectedly, Kang Yuchen raised his head and smiled, pointed at her and said, "You just want to frame me! You forced some charges on me and found these people. Do you think you can convict me? Don't even think about it! I have never done this. Those things, I don’t know what you are talking about!”

"It seems that Mr. Kang won't shed tears without seeing the coffin."

Zhui Ming said as he walked towards the execution platform. Kang Yuchen trembled all over and kept stepping back in fear. "You... what do you want to do? I'm warning you, don't mess around! This is not a place where you have no desires." , you can’t do anything to me...come here!”

However, no one paid any attention to him. At this moment, Zhao Cheng knelt down with a plop, and was trembling with fear from the cold breath of Zhui Ming. "I admit it...I admit it. I have done all kinds of things these years. I often go to the outer sect to collect spiritual stones from my junior brothers, and... I also bully my junior sisters... But I, even though I have ten courages, I don’t dare to do anything to them..." ❃

"I...I also admit it..."

Ding Pan was already so frightened that he knelt down and recalled all the things he had done over the years.

As soon as these two people confessed, the others, fearing that they would be nailed to the execution pillar and suffer the bone-breaking pain, all knelt down and confessed all the things they had committed. Although these people had committed many crimes, It was a minor crime, but the crime did not lead to death, and it did not even require a bone-breaking punishment. It was far less serious than what Kang Yuchen had committed over the years.

"You, you..."

Kang Yuchen looked at the group of people behind him, pointed at them one by one, and cursed angrily, "Cowards! You are all cowards! What are you afraid of her for? Ah! What are you afraid of her for? Get up! Cowards, they are all cowards! Trash! Useless What are you afraid of?"

However, those people were kneeling on the ground, trembling all over, but no one dared to raise their head and stand up. Zhui Ming said lightly, "They have all confessed, and they will be exempted from bone-breaking punishment later. Now only Mr. Kang is left..." Do you still want to hold on?"

"Ha ha!"

Kang Yuchen turned around, his shawl spread out, and his expression was crazy, "Come! Come and kill me! Why are you afraid of Kang? I'm not afraid of you! Come! Chasing souls and claiming lives, killing thousands without mercy, I want to see you chasing your life How awesome... Come on!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

I saw Kang Yuchen with a crazy expression, staring at Zhui Ming fiercely like a ferocious wolf: "Kill me, let me see how you explain to other sects! I, Wu Ding Sect, have worked hard to guard the country for you Wuyutian for so many years, but today you are Kill me here, hahaha, are you afraid? Come on! Kill me! Don't you dare to touch me? Hahaha..."

Zhuiming said calmly, "Master Kang, don't force me to use the soul-chasing technique on you."

"Soul chasing technique? You want to forcefully explore the memory of my soul? Haha!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Kang Yuchen's eyes became even more fierce: "Don't think that I don't know. There is a law in the Wuyu Heaven. You have no right to explore my soul, hahahahaha... You have no evidence to prove that I am guilty. Just rely on these people." ?"

As he spoke, he pointed at the people behind him, raised his head and laughed, "They can say whatever they want. This is not considered evidence, hahaha! Even if you find a hundred people, you still can't convict me today, haha." Ha ha!"

Everyone was attentive and silent. What Kang Yuchen said at this time did make some sense. Forced exploration of the soul was extremely harmful to the soul and even life-threatening. Therefore, Wuyutian has regulations, unless it is committed such as collaborating with the enemy, betrayal, etc. It is a serious crime, otherwise the soul detection technique cannot be used.

Obviously, what Kang Yuchen committed was far from the level of collaborating with the enemy and betraying him. Therefore, even if he voluntarily accepted the Yuanshen's investigation, he was not allowed to do so even if he wanted to pursue his life.

Although most of the elders present today admitted it, after all, it was only one-sided words. Without ironclad evidence, the most they could do was to keep Kang Yuchen locked up until ironclad evidence was found. Even if he was locked up for a lifetime, as long as he was not found for one day, If you find irrefutable evidence, you won't be able to be convicted and executed in one day.

Zhuiming said calmly, "Master Kang, you may be disappointed. It has been so many years. Why don't you meet an old friend of yours before execution."

"What's the meaning?"

Kang Yuchen's eyes turned cold. At this moment, he seemed to finally realize that something was wrong. At this moment, a deep man's voice suddenly came from outside the execution ground.

"I can't probe your soul today, but you can probe mine. I'm not a person without desires. Besides, I'm going to die if I die, but I can drag you Kang Da before I die. It won’t be a loss if we go to hell together, young master…”

"Who, who! Come out! Who is talking!"

Kang Yuchen looked around in horror. Finally, outside the crowd, he saw three people walking towards the execution ground. On the left and right were Zhou Xuan and Wen Wan'er from Sunset Peak. The man in the middle was wearing a black robe and looked The appearance is unclear, but the scar on the left side of the face is very obvious. It is Cheng Jin.

"That person...who is that person?"

Many people nearby started talking, and many elders also looked at Cheng Jin. Only Elder Wu and others had some impression. At this time, when they saw Cheng Jin taking off his robe, Elder Wu, Ding Pan and others were even more excited. My heart trembled, it was really him!

Cheng Jin has changed a lot compared to the past. Back then, he was just a young man on Qingtian Peak. Now his face is full of vicissitudes of life, and there is a fierce look in his eyes. Elder Wu and others cannot believe that this person will be what he was back then. Cheng Jin, he is still alive...

"you you……"

Seeing Cheng Jin's sudden appearance, Kang Yuchen's face turned as pale as a sheet. Cheng Jin smiled gloomily, "What? Senior Brother Kang doesn't recognize Junior Brother now..."

"No, it's impossible...impossible!"

Kang Yuchen kept shaking his head, "You are not Cheng Jin, you can't be alive! You are already dead, you can't be alive..."

Cheng Jin sneered and said, "I forgot to mention that the one who died in Shilipo was just a scapegoat. What? Mr. Kang doesn't know yet? Then the killer you sent was too unprofessional..."

"you you!"

Kang Yuchen's face turned pale and he looked at Zhui Ming again, "You found someone to pretend to be Cheng Jin and want to trick me? It's impossible. I tell you, it's impossible. As long as I don't admit it, you will never convict me! Hahaha... …”

"It's true that I won't shed tears until I see the coffin."

Zhui Ming was too lazy to pay attention to him. Cheng Jin walked forward and said coldly, "It doesn't matter. Whether you admit it or not, since Cheng is here today, he has no intention of going back alive..."

After he said that, he turned around and looked at the elders of Wuding Sect, and said coldly, "I am not from your Wuyu Tian. Who among you is here to explore the memory of my soul?"


Kang Yuchen suddenly felt his breath suffocating, and in the entire execution ground, no one spoke for a long time, even several punishment elders were stunned.


Cheng Jin suddenly shouted loudly. He was still as unafraid of death as before. At this time, he pointed at the elders sitting on the high platform one by one, "Are all of you useless? The proof is my soul. I am not afraid of it. What are you afraid of? Come on!”

Everyone had never seen someone so unafraid of death, and a layer of cold sweat could not help but form on their backs at this moment.

Finally, Cheng Jin looked at the three elders on the high platform, his eyes slowly fell on Kang Dingfeng, looked at him and sneered, "Are you Kang Yuchen's Grandpa Xuan? It just so happens, why don't you do it?" , let everyone see today what shameful things you, your great-great-grandson, did back then..."

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely tense, and everyone was silent. Now that the evidence is here, isn't it enough?

Kang Yuchen was frightened. He knew he couldn't escape. At this moment, he took advantage of everyone's attention on Cheng Jin and suddenly rushed towards Wen Wan'er. "My fate is mine... No one can kill me today." !”

Obviously he wanted to kidnap someone and leave Wuding Sect, but this happened too quickly. Everyone's attention was on Cheng Jin, but they ignored him. By the time they reacted, it was too late to stop him.


However, just when Kang Yuchen was only a few feet away from Wen Wan'er, he suddenly let out a scream and his body was stranded in mid-air. At the same time, blood spattered and a black iron chain penetrated his back.

Looking at Zhui Ming again, a black iron chain flew out of her sleeve and penetrated Kang Yuchen. This black iron chain seemed to be able to extend infinitely. No matter how far the distance was, there was no way to escape this iron chain. This chain was her magic weapon. "Thousands of kills", chasing souls and demanding lives, killing thousands of people without mercy, and not being able to survive thousands of miles.


Kang Yuchen let out a scream and was instantly thrown back by "Qian Sha" without any resistance. On the high platform, Kang Dingfeng finally changed his expression when he saw Zhui Ming taking action. He stood up, stretched out his hand and said, "Your Majesty, please show mercy!"

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