The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1536: Penetrating Punishment

"Your Majesty, please show mercy!"

Kang Dingfeng suddenly stood up from his seat, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely tense. Everyone looked at Kang Yuchen's appearance at this time and felt a sense of fear. People can escape from her "thousand kills".

There was no smile on Zhui Ming's face at this time. When she stretched out her hand, she heard the cold sound of iron chains. As soon as she sent the "Thousand Kills" in her hand, Kang Yuchen was nailed to the execution pillar.


A shrill and miserable scream resounded from the execution platform, and everyone who heard the sound felt a chill rise. On the execution pillar, Kang Yuchen looked in pain, but his expression became more and more terrifying, and he kept screaming. The miserable scream "Chasing life...chasing life! will regret it! You will regret it...ah!"

The shrill and terrifying sound echoed throughout the execution ground, and everyone felt terrified, especially Zhao Cheng and others. Their faces were pale with fear, and they knelt on the ground without daring to raise their heads. As for the elders who had protected him in the past, At this time, most people were anxious and uneasy.

"Chasing your will regret will definitely regret it! Ah...ah!"

The terrifying sound made people tremble with fear. The feeling on the execution column was more terrifying than the Zhao Lei Prison. Even the several punishment elders present felt a little scared at this time. They had not carried out executions for many years. .

Zhui Ming's eyes were cold and he said calmly, "Where is the Chief of Punishment?"

"The Criminal here."

An elder in red clothes hurriedly walked up from behind. This person was the Chief of Punishment. His eyes still fell on Kang Yuchen, and he said calmly, "The crime this person committed should be dealt with according to the sect rules. "

Hearing this, the Chief of Punishment paled slightly, lowered his head and said, "According to the sect's rules, you should receive one hundred and eighty bone-penetrating nails, and then... be kicked out of the sect and never come back again."

As soon as these words came out, Kang Yuchen's face was full of shock on the execution column, and the people nearby also started talking in low voices. One hundred and eighty bone-penetrating nails, I am afraid that before the execution is over, people will no longer be able to bear it. The soul is gone.

When Zhao Cheng, Ding Pan and others heard that there were one hundred and eighty bone-penetrating nails, their faces turned pale with fright. When Cheng Jin killed someone, he could only suffer from seventy-two bone-penetrating nails, and the bone-piercing nails Cheng Jin suffered at that time Nails, called bone-penetrating nails, are actually steel nails used in ordinary punishments. Their purpose is to abolish cultivation. There are no real bone-penetrating nails in the outer sect.

At this time, what Kang Yuchen has to bear must be a real bone-penetrating nail. Each bone-penetrating nail carries the extremely terrifying restrictions of the Punishment Palace. Even the soul cannot avoid being harmed. So, will they have to wait a moment? Should he be punished with bone-penetrating nails? Not to mention one hundred and eighty bone-penetrating nails, even twenty or thirty can kill them.

The discussion became louder and louder. To put it bluntly, the faces of the disciples were full of shock. Even the elders' expressions changed. Kang Yuchen might not be able to bear the one hundred and eighty bone-penetrating nails, and he would most likely end up in a state of disarray.

Originally, he was not guilty enough to be shaken to pieces, but the total of these crimes required one hundred and eighty bone-penetrating nails, not one of which could be missing. Whether he could withstand it or not could only depend on his own destiny.

Zhui Ming looked cold and said coldly, "Execution."

Those two cold words silenced the surroundings, and everyone held their breath and became silent. The dust has settled today, and Kang Yuchen is no longer the great-great-grandson of the Grand Elder.

"Etc., etc!"

Kang Yuchen's face was full of horror. At this last moment, he could only look at Grandpa Xuan on the high platform, "Grandpa Xuan, save me... I know it was wrong, and I can never do it again... I know it was wrong..."

However, Kang Dingfeng finally closed his eyes and took a deep breath "Execution."

"Grandpa Xuan... no, no!" Kang Yuchen suddenly felt as if he had hit the bottom, as if the last spark of hope had been completely shattered.

The Chief of Punishments no longer hesitated and flew up in an instant. Assisted by several other Punishment Elders, black bone-penetrating nails slowly appeared in mid-air. A terrifying cold air enveloped the entire execution ground in an instant, leaving everyone untouched. Feel trembling.

"call out!"

The first bone-piercing nail was struck at Kang Yuchen, and with a "chi" sound, it hit the Yunmen point on his collarbone, causing him to let out a miserable cry.

However, no matter how painful he was, the Chief of Punishments and several Punishment Elders would not stop, and fired the second bone-penetrating nail.




The horrific screams, like the cries of evil spirits, made everyone present feel their scalps numb when they heard it.

There was a strong wind in the sky, and many people felt horrified under the shrill screams, but Cheng Jin was the only one at the scene laughing, because that was how Kang Yuchen watched under the execution platform when he was executed.

"Kang Yuchen, do you have this day too? Hahahaha..."

Cheng Jin raised his head and laughed endlessly, intertwined with Kang Yuchen's shrill screams, which made people feel numb and frightened.

"Sisi, this evil man... finally suffered evil retribution, have you seen it? Sisi..."

Cheng Jin's eyes were red with laughter, but in the distance, Elder Wu and others felt trembling and uneasy. It turned out that his murder of Zhu Shouping was so causal. The three of them worshiped Qingtian Peak together. They were originally close, but Kang Yuchen ...It’s really an injustice.

"Brother Jin, tell me, what would have happened if we hadn't become immortals?"

"Well...if there were no cultivators, we would build a house on the beach, I would go fishing, and you would weave a net."

"Hehe, okay, then brother Aping and sister-in-law will live next door to us."

"Waiting for the Double Ninth Festival next year..."

On the execution ground, the voice gradually became lower. After Kang Yuchen endured one hundred and eighty bone-penetrating nails, he was still alive and rolled down from the execution platform with a plop.

The bloodstains all over the ground were so shocking that Zhao Cheng and others were frightened to death, and the elders who had protected Kang Yuchen in the past did not dare to go there now.

The entire execution ground gradually became very quiet. Only Kang Yuchen crawled slowly on the ground, making rustling sounds. Everyone looked at him without saying a word.

Cheng Jin walked towards him step by step, suddenly stepped on his face, and sneered, "Kang Yuchen, have you ever thought that today... a person like you will only bring endless things to others while living?" The pain, go to hell!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked the half-dead Kang Yuchen out and rolled down the steps of the execution ground, leaving blood stains all over the ground, which made people frightened.


Suddenly there was thunder in the sky, dark clouds were forming, and the cold wind was howling. Kang Yuchen still had a breath of air and crawled out slowly. His eyes at this time were as sad as "Revenge... I will definitely... take revenge..." …”

"Come here, drive this person out of the sect."

The Chief of Punishment did not want to continue watching, and gave an order, and four disciples immediately came up behind him. The four disciples took Kang Yuchen and flew outside. They probably took him out and dumped him in a deserted mountain somewhere. If he is left to fend for himself, whether he is eaten by wild beasts or froze to death, no one in the Wuding Sect is allowed to take care of him anymore.

The execution ground was still very quiet. Kang Yuchen had finished dealing with it, and next came the elders who had protected him, and Zhao Cheng, who had been doing evil for a long time.

"Spare your life... Please spare your life!"

Seeing Kang Yuchen's tragic end just now, Zhao Cheng and others knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy. Even the elder couldn't save Kang Yuchen. Who can save them today?

Zhui Ming looked at the Chief of Punishment and said calmly, "According to the rules of the Wuding Sect, how should these people be dealt with?"

The chief punishment officer said, "You should be whipped."

Upon hearing the whipping, Zhao Cheng and others felt as if they had received an amnesty. They would be fine if they suffered a little pain and could be raised in bed for a few months at most. At least they would not have to endure the bone-breaking punishment.

Zhui Ming said, "Let's execute him."

The Punishment Division immediately sent more than twenty disciples. Zhao Cheng and others were sentenced to punishments ranging from twenty to three hundred lashes depending on the severity of the crime. There were also restrictions on the punishment whips. If they could not bear it, they would be killed alive. Beat him to death.

The scene was filled with screams again. After the punishment was over, the elders from Wuding Sect were next. There were elders from Human Sect, Elders from Earth Sect, and most of them were elders from Tian Sect.

Zhui Ming glanced at these people and said coldly, "Anyone who protected Kang Yuchen and covered up his crimes in the past will be relieved of his duties as an elder and sent to Zhao Lei Prison."

All the elders lowered their heads and had no objections to this. However, according to the severity of the crime, some were sentenced to three months in prison, while others were sentenced to as long as ten years.

Finally, Zhui Ming turned around and looked at Kang Dingfeng on the high platform, and everyone's eyes slowly followed her and landed on Kang Dingfeng. Although Kang Dingfeng was mostly in retreat when Kang Yuchen committed crimes in the past, this time After he came out, not only did he not punish Kang Yuchen, he also committed the crime of harboring and should be punished.

"Kang, I am willing to step down as an elder."

Kang Dingfeng was seen walking down the stage step by step. Everyone held their breath, and many people came forward, "Elder Kang..."

Afterwards, many elders and disciples of Tianzong turned around, faced Zhui Ming, and interceded for Kang Dingfeng, "Zhui Mingzun, Elder Kang spent most of his time in seclusion in the past, and was unaware of the crimes committed by Kang Yuchen..."

The pleas for mercy on the field were getting louder and louder. It seemed that Kang Dingfeng was very popular in Tianzong.

At this time, the Chief of Punishments came closer to Zhui Ming and lowered his voice and said, "Your Majesty Zhui Ming, you also know that the situation is unstable now. The sect leader and the elders of the three sects are still in retreat in a secret place. I don't know when they will come out. If at this time Removing the position of Grand Elder of Kangdingfeng and leaving Tianzong with no one may give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it. It would be a small loss to Wudingzong, but if it affects Wuyutian..."

Everyone looked at Zhui Ming. The atmosphere at the scene was extremely solemn. Everyone held their breath and said nothing. They only hoped that Zhui Ming would be more generous. After all, Tianzong cannot be without a leader.

However, Zhui Ming's eyes were sharp and his attitude was still very resolute. He left no room for maneuver and "put Kang Dingfeng into the Thunder Prison."

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