The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1540 Tianzong Secret Order

Zhui Ming couldn't help but frown when he heard the noise behind him. After a while, he heard Xue Wuguang say, "Give this secret order... to the envoy Zhui Ming."

Hearing this, Zhui Ming turned around and saw the bloody scene in front of him. He couldn't help being slightly shocked. He also saw the blood on the hands of the Tianzong elder. What kind of bloody secret order was it? Xue Wuguang actually let Xue Wuguang hide it. Inside the heart?

Xue Wuguang's face turned pale and he said, "This is the secret order of the Tianzong. It is kept by the successive heads of the Wuding Sect. No one is allowed to peep. With this order, the formation of Wuding Mountain can be changed and the mountains and rivers can be shifted. In this way, even if the time comes, even that The two of them collected the three secret scrolls and found the location of all the formations... They only need to use this order to change the formations before they open all the formations to prevent the spiritual power from leaking out..."

At this point, Xue Wuguang's face became even paler, and he continued, "Chi Feng and Zhong Li have been coveting this order. Your Majesty must not let this order fall into their hands... In addition, once the situation of Wuding Mountain is changed, The formation will cause chaos in the spiritual energy of the mountains and rivers, the entire Wuding Mountain may be washed away, and the Wuding Sect will be wiped out in an instant... How to decide at that time depends entirely on your Majesty."

At the end of his words, the Tianzong elder walked up to Zhui Ming. Without saying a word, he handed over the Tianzong secret order that was stained with blood in his hand. ❂

Zhui Ming took the still warm secret order, frowning slightly, thinking that such an important thing, no wonder Xue Wuguang hid it in his heart. Chi Feng and Zhong Li, even if they wanted to break their heads, they would never have thought that Xue Wuguang had hidden this order. Where?

Xue Wuguang's face turned pale, and he said weakly, "Your Majesty must bring this object back to Wuyutian. By then, if those two people find the formation of Wuding Mountain, only this object can stop them..."

"What about you?"

Zhui Ming looked at him, then at the other three elders, and said, "After today, those two people will definitely become suspicious of you. Your Majesty just finished handling the matter of Gongsun Wangchuan, and now I may not have time to do anything else."

"Your Majesty, don't worry..."

Xue Wuguang shook his head and said, "After all, I am still the leader of a sect. As long as I am in this secret realm, those two people will not dare to do anything to us for the time being. They are chasing orders. You must be more careful when you go out..."

"I understand, Sect Master, don't worry, I will definitely bring this thing back to Wuyutian." Zhui Ming said as he carefully put away the black secret order.

It was still raining heavily outside. When Zhui Ming went out, it was already past midnight. The Criminal Division and others were still guarding outside. When they saw her coming out of the secret realm at this time, they immediately stepped forward and said, "Zi Ming, you are out... …”


Zhui Ming nodded slightly, looked around again, and saw that the violent wind and rain were not stopping, so he said, "Go back to Lei Guang Palace. When the rain stops tomorrow, I will return to Wuyu Heaven to resume my life."

"Yes, Death Chaser, please."

The Chief Criminal Division immediately stretched out his hand and made a request. It was raining heavily tonight. Zhuiming thought that if she returned to Wuyutian overnight just after coming out of the secret realm, it would probably arouse suspicion. But she didn't worry about it, in the dark night. , she was not afraid of anyone at all, she was just worried that Xue Wuguang and the four of them would be in danger in the secret realm.

Returning to the Lei Guang Palace, Zhui ordered the Chief of Punishment and others to retreat, leaving her alone in the palace, flipping through the files of Wu Dingzong over the years, thinking that the rebellion of Chi Feng and Zhong Li was no accident, and who exactly was the other party? who……

The next day, the sky cleared up after the rain, so I didn't stay too long and left Wudingzong immediately. But when I went outside, I thought of Kang Yuchen's look yesterday. It was not despair and regret, but eyes full of hatred and hostility. This Among them... there seemed to be something a little unusual. To make sure, it was best for her to go and take a look.

After the rain, the mountains were green and the air was exceptionally fresh. The bloody aura on Kang Yuchen's body yesterday had long been washed away by the heavy rain. However, few people in the world could match the art of looking for life. At this time, after a slight exploration, he found the bloody aura on Kang Yuchen's body yesterday. Traces taken away.

Following the traces, Zhui Ming came to a place called Guiwei Ridge thousands of miles away. In this mountain, the trees were dark, the sun didn't shine all year round, and the yin energy was very heavy.

Even though Zhui Ming has been out on missions all year round and has been to many places, he will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable when he comes to such a gloomy place.

After about a stick of incense, she came to a hillside, but saw some shallow blood stains in the soil here, and there were signs of crawling around, but when the breath reached this place, it disappeared, and there was nothing around. There were no footprints or any other scent.

A trace of suspicion flashed across Zhui Ming's face. He knelt down and took a closer look. Kang Yuchen was injured so seriously yesterday that it was impossible for him to leave on his own, but who would rescue him? Definitely not from the Kangding Peak sect...

At this moment, she suddenly discovered that there were some tiny jade fragments in the soil. These jade fragments were...


There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and the violent wind and rain continued. Kang Yuchen was covered in blood and kept crawling forward on the ground. What supported his last breath was hatred, violence, and the resentment that he could not swallow no matter what!

"Chasing life...Wuyutian...Xiao Yichen..."

The entire Guiweiling Ridge suddenly felt filled with resentment. Coupled with the thunder and lightning, a terrifying aura suddenly enveloped a hundred miles in radius.

The resentment in Kang Yuchen's body is getting heavier and heavier, and Guiweiling Ridge is already extremely yin-y. If he dies here and the resentment lingers in his throat, he will definitely turn into a very terrifying corpse.

If the resentment in this mountain is gathered again, it is very likely that he will become a corpse king with thousands of years of Taoism. At that time, he will be immortal, escape from the six realms of reincarnation, and will be invulnerable to any magical weapons. After "dead", he can be "resurrected" again in a short period of time with a breath of resentment, which is very scary.


The rain in the sky became heavier and heavier. Kang Yuchen suddenly put two fingers into his mouth, and with a "vomit" sound, he vomited out blood all over the ground. But in the blood and muddy water, there was a strange black jade talisman. But that night, When Zhui Ming first came to Wuding Sect, he swallowed the black jade talisman in his mouth.


Kang Yuchen had already begun to lose consciousness. He took the jade talisman and bit it to pieces, and a wisp of black energy in the jade talisman penetrated into the center of his eyebrows.

"Revenge... I want revenge... Ah! Ah!"


Suddenly there was lightning and thunder in the sky, as if a catastrophe was coming, making the entire Ghost Crying Ridge extremely terrifying. Kang Yuchen's eyes gradually turned blood red, and his body became stiffer and stiffer. Finally, he could no longer move, and there was nothing left on his body. The breath of life, but the resentful air all over the mountain, was constantly gathering towards him.

"So much resentment, so much hostility, haha..."

After an unknown amount of time, the rain stopped, and a strange figure slowly appeared in the darkness. The figure seemed to appear out of thin air, its whole body hidden under a black air, its appearance could not be seen clearly, and its voice was very hollow.

He slowly floated to Kang Yuchen's body, smiled sinisterly, covered Kang Yuchen with black energy, and disappeared in an instant, as if he had disappeared out of thin air, leaving no breath behind.

At this moment, Zhui Ming squatted on the ground motionless, and when he was about to reach out to pick up the broken jade in the soil, he suddenly felt a cold breath coming from behind him.


Ye Ying's instinct caused her to gather her true energy in an instant and leap to the side. At the same time, that palm force full of murderous intent came in an instant!


The entire hillside suddenly flew up with soil, and the trees on both sides were directly smashed. Fortunately, Zhui Ming escaped in advance, but even so, when she was hit by the remaining force, her blood was still surging, and her face changed slightly. It was obvious that The person's cultivation level is extremely high.

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