Finally, the figure appeared, but with a loose shawl and a bloody suit. Zhui Ming couldn't see the person's face clearly, and with a thousand kills in his hand, he attacked in an instant.


The man's shawl was spread out, and he let out a deep laugh. He stretched out his left hand and caught Qian Sha at once. This Qian Sha was a life-seeking magic weapon. It was not only covered with barbs, but also had many restrictions. An ordinary person would touch it even slightly. He was about to be seriously injured, but this person actually caught Qian Sha in one fell swoop.


Zhui Ming's expression changed slightly. She had underestimated this person's strength, and just now she was focused on exploring the traces left by Kang Yuchen. Otherwise, she would not have let him get so close, and she realized it.


The man smiled lowly, grabbed Qian Sha, bullied him in an instant, and hit Zhui Ming with one palm. The palm came too fast and too hard. Even though Zhui Ming tried his best to resist, he was still shaken to the point of vomiting blood. Flying out, it was as if all the bones in his body were cracked in an instant.

Realizing that this person's cultivation level was extremely high and his skills were extremely deep, which she could not compete with alone, Zhui Ming made a prompt decision, took back Qian Kill, and in an instant turned into a swift shadow and fled far away.

"Want to leave? Hey, I'm going to catch you and slowly turn you into a medicine man..." The man immediately chased after you again, and his speed was so fast that he was not even chasing his life.

Sensing the terrifying aura behind her, she chased after her again. It was not a good idea to pursue her life. If she had not been careless just now, she would not have been injured. At least she could have used escape skills to escape, or at night, she could have blended into the night. , but now, she has lost all her advantages.


In the blink of an eye, the man had caught up. He raised his palm, and a hundred-foot-long bloody handprint instantly enveloped him. Chasing the inner Yuan Jiyun, he dodged away in an instant. With a "boom", he saw where she was just now, and suddenly Shrouded in smoke and dust.

"Can't escape..."

The figure flew up in an instant, stretched out his left hand, and the five fingers seemed to turn into sharp blades, and suddenly grabbed the back of Zhui Ming's shoulder. At this moment, Qian Sha in Zhui Ming's hand suddenly hit him backwards, " With a "chi" sound, the man's face was cut open by Qian Sha's sharp barb because of his carelessness, and his face was immediately dripping with blood.


A terrifying roar immediately shook the mountains. Zhui Ming was shocked by the sound and his blood surged. Only then did he finally see clearly that the person who was chasing her turned out to be...

"Taoist Shuiyun."

Zhui Ming was slightly shocked. How could he meet this crazy guy here? Moreover, he looked like he was waiting for him in Guiwei Ridge just now. How could it be possible? This crazy guy was already insane. How could he be so smart and know where he was going? Ghost Crying Ridge?

Soon, she thought that it was probably Chi Feng and Zhong Li who wanted to kill her... so they attracted this madman to Guiwei Ridge, so that he could lend a knife and kill people without anyone noticing.


At this moment, Taoist Shuiyun looked extremely terrifying. A deep wound was made on his face by Zhui Ming. His skin and flesh were turned out and blood was gushing. He looked extremely terrifying. "I will kill you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the mad demon turned into a swift shadow and attacked. Zhui Ming jumped back violently. Even though he avoided it skillfully, he still felt three-quarters of a shock. The next moment, there was another 100-meter-long streak of blood in the void. The shadow came, and there was a "boom", and suddenly the sky was filled with dust and smoke.

Zhui Ming avoided the blood shadow attack. Without any hesitation at this time, he fiercely activated his inner energy. In an instant, he turned into a swift shadow and fled towards Wuyutian. This place was only two meters away from Wuyutian. The distance is less than a thousand miles, as long as he escapes back to Wuyu Tian, ​​no matter how crazy this madman is, he will never dare to chase him in.

"Want to leave? It's impossible! Wuyu Tian... kill, kill, kill! Ling Yin... kill, kill, kill!"

This crazy demon fell into a violent rage again, and his strength suddenly increased a lot. In an instant, he caught up with Zhui Ming. He raised his palm and a strong wind suddenly swept away. Zhui Ming was startled. No matter how fast he was, he could not escape the crazy demon. This violent blow.


With a quick sound, Zhui Ming was hit by the palm force. Immediately, his body tilted and he was uncontrollable. He hit a cliff. With a "boom", the cliff was smashed into pieces and he fell down.

When he landed on the ground, Zhui Ming was already dizzy and his body seemed to be falling apart. He endured the severe pain and flew forward.

"Come and die!"

Before he could escape a hundred miles, the crazy demon behind him had already attacked again. Zhui Ming's body and face were covered with blood. With a slight squeeze of his hands, a thousand kills appeared in an instant. There was a "clang clang clang" sound and the crazy demon was killed. Caught tightly.


Zhui Ming recited the spell quickly, and the Thousand Kills suddenly shrank tighter and tighter, and the barbs on it pierced into the crazy demon's body, causing his skin and flesh to rip open, blood all over his body, and his appearance became even more terrifying.


With a loud shout, the energy in Mad Demon's body shook, and the "clang clank" sound was heard, and Qian Sha was forcibly broken.


Qian Sha was broken open and turned into pieces of sharp barbs and flew out. Zhui Ming immediately saw another mouthful of blood gushing out. At this time, it was too late to take back Qian Sha, so he had to fly forward in an instant.


The crazy demon was dripping with blood and looked extremely terrifying. He suddenly chased after her, stretched out his hand, grabbed her shoulder, and broke her with force. With a "squeak", he actually broke her right arm.


A heartbreaking pain immediately made Zhui Ming's face become even more pale as a sheet of paper. The next moment, before she could gather her true energy, the madman hit her back with a palm, and with a "bang", she was knocked away hard.

With this palm, even though Zhui Ming had Nei Yuan to protect his body, his internal organs were damaged and several bones were broken. He sat down on the ground, blood kept pouring out of his mouth, and he watched the madman walking away step by step. As she was getting close, she had to keep moving back. Her right hand had been twisted off by the madman, while her left hand had secretly gathered her true energy.

"I'll kill you! Ah——"

The mad devil's expression became more and more crazy. At this moment, Zhui Ming suddenly waved his left hand, and three poisonous needles flew out from his sleeve, and "chi chi chi" they all shot into the mad devil's right eye.

"Ah! Ahhh-eyes, my eyes! Ah-"

The crazy demon's right eye was bleeding continuously, and he had been injured by the three poisonous needles. Seeing this, Zhui Ming did not hesitate, took the last breath of his true energy, and flew away into the distance in an instant.

"I want your life! Ah——"

The mad demon was so crazy that he chased after him and appeared behind Zhui Ming in an instant. He raised his palm and slapped his head fiercely.

At this moment, it was as if time suddenly stopped and the wind stopped. Zhui Ming could feel the terrifying power of that palm, but his whole body was covered by the palm wind and he could not escape.


This palm finally hit her head hard.


"elder sister……"

"Oh, by the way, last time I came back from Yunchuan, I knew that little girl Ziyuan secretly hid a few jars of peach blossom snow, and told her not to drink it all alone again, and to leave a jar for me, waiting for me to come back."

"Chasing life, be careful this time..."

"elder sister……"


The madman is still mad, and the second palm has been struck again. This palm will definitely destroy Zhui Ming's body and spirit! At this critical moment, a white light suddenly flew from the distance, and with a "bang", he was so shocked that he vomited blood and flew backwards.

Immediately afterwards, a figure arrived in an instant and hugged Zhui Ming from mid-air. The man's white hair was like snow, blowing in the wind.

"Chasing life...chasing life!"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty."

The visitor was none other than Xiao Chen. This place was not far from Wuyu Tian. Last night, he suddenly sensed a very strange dark aura appearing in Guiweiling Ridge. It was definitely not a human aura, but Shen Jing was about to wake up at that time. Come on, he couldn't walk away. Finally, he waited until Shen Jing woke up during the day before he came here to take a look.

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