The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 155 Climbing the Tower

At this moment, the wind outside the Tianji Tower was as cold as frost, as if it was freezing everyone's uneasy thoughts. Such a cold air enveloped the surroundings. It was so scary that everyone was slowly retreating.

Lingluan and others were also stunned on the spot, but what they felt now was not that kind of chill, but in Wuchen's eyes at this moment, they could not see the slightest fear of Feng Gufei.

The man in white who called Xiao Chen earlier was also stunned. He thought that with Feng Gufei present at this moment, and with so many people, Wuchen would always be a little wary, but he didn't expect the look in his eyes. It was still so cold, suffocatingly cold, making him tremble and uneasy.

Feng Gufei took two steps forward, slowly stretched out his hand, and blocked the man in white from behind. He looked at Xiao Chen and smiled lightly, "It's okay."

The atmosphere relaxed a little, and everyone nearby breathed a sigh of relief. Xiao Chen turned his head, stopped looking at anyone, and went straight to the first floor hall of Tianji Tower.

Feng Gufei stared at his departing back, the smile on his face slowly disappeared, and his eyes gradually became a little cold, with an invisible cold murderous intent.

The first floor of the "Tianji" Tower is the hall, which is very wide and can accommodate all the disciples of the Tianji Tower. Starting from the second floor is the place for cultivation.

Disciples only need to climb this tower, and they can come in to practice every month in the future, which is very beneficial to personal practice. This is one of the reasons why there are so many people outside vying to enter the Tianji Tower.

Xiao Chen came to the first floor hall, and Ling Luan followed him in a blink of an eye, pulling his sleeves and walking aside, while whispering, "Liao Wuchen, come here, let them climb the tower first..."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and Lingluan saw some doubts on his face, loosened his sleeves, and made a silent gesture, and then whispered, "Let those 'old people' get there first, we are new." Climbing the tower last may seem disadvantageous, but it is actually advantageous, because then they won’t be able to squeeze us down..."

The rule of the Tianji Tower is that the twenty-seventh floor of the human character realm at the bottom and the second floor can accommodate a hundred people, and the number decreases in sequence as you go up. When the middle twenty-seven floors of the earth character realm are reached, each floor can only accommodate If a person is squeezed down, he will have to wait until next year to climb up again.

Because of this, the competition in Tianji Tower has always been fierce, and private conflicts are often constant. However, these are ways to sharpen the disciples. Unless the situation gets out of control, the elders generally will not intervene. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

After learning the rules, Xiao Chen didn't say much and went to the training room in the center of the hall, waiting for the old disciples to climb the tower first.

The next competition to climb the tower was naturally very fierce. Two elders in charge of "Tianji" stood guard in front of the teleportation formation, firstly to send the disciples into the tower, and secondly to prevent anyone from directly conflicting in the hall.

By noon, as expected, the person who reached the peak of the Earth Character Realm, the fifty-fourth floor, was undoubtedly Feng Gufei. The next level up was the Tianzi Realm, and he The reason why he does not continue to challenge the Tianzi realm is that firstly, he probably knows that his cultivation level is not enough, and secondly, the Tianji Tower has rules.

Unless you are a new disciple, once you reach the peak level of "Di Zi Realm" or "Ren Zi Realm", you must be stable at the peak level for one year, and then continue to challenge the next level in the next year.

But there are exceptions for newcomers. As long as newcomers are strong enough, they can challenge all the way up without restraint, even directly to the Tianzi realm. The purpose of this is to avoid the hidden gems in the ocean and bury talents.

At this moment, Feng Gufei walked out of the teleportation array and looked at his name on the Tianji list not far away. There was a blazing heat in his eyes that others could not see. He only had to wait for one more year to reach the Tianzi realm... …

He didn’t know what the legendary Tianzi Realm would be like inside. As far as he knew, no one had ever climbed to the top of the Tianzi Realm for thousands of years, including the four elders.

"Senior Brother Feng, congratulations!"

"In the coming year, Senior Brother Feng will definitely be able to reach the Heavenly Character Realm..."

Seeing Feng Gufei coming out of the teleportation formation, many people came up to compliment and congratulate him. Feng Gufei nodded slightly, then bowed his hands to the two elders beside the formation, and then went outside the Tianji Tower no longer. .

A person like him who stands at the top naturally cannot stay and watch the Tianji Ranking like others, because he is confident that no one can push him down.

Not long after Feng Gufei left, another person came out of the teleportation array. The person was dressed in red like clouds, but her eyes were as cold as ice. Even the few old disciples around her were frightened by the coldness all over her body at the moment.

That person was none other than Qin E from the Tianlan Sword Sect. Her name was seen on the 36th level of the Tianji Ranking.

The thirty-sixth floor belongs to the pinnacle of the fourth realm, but at the same time it is only the beginning of the earth-character realm. At this moment, the people around are cold and a little surprised. With the strength of this proud daughter of Tianlan Sword Sect, she should be able to climb to the top. More than 40 floors is appropriate, but why did the challenge fail just now?

It is not difficult to see from the Tianji Ranking that Qin'e's name reached the 37th floor. Later, she failed to challenge the 38th floor. Because failure in the Dizi realm challenge will cause her to fall back one level, so she returned to the 36th floor. layer.

At this moment, Qin E was walking outside step by step. The cold air on her body was like a thorny edge. Anyone who accidentally touched her at this time would be stabbed. Therefore, no one dared to provoke this rich lady at this time, or even go to her. Elsewhere, he retreated to avoid "colliding" with her.

Qin E walked out and glanced at her name on the Tianji List. Her face became even colder. She flicked her sleeves and walked outside, not wanting to take another look at it.

Originally, she came to Tianji Tower two years ago. Three years ago, she got a Tianji Card with her own strength. Later, she prepared for a full year before she came to Tianji Tower. When she came, she was a blockbuster. Climbed into the "dizi realm".

But who would have expected that this time she would climb the tower with full confidence, but she would make a serious mistake when challenging the thirty-eighth floor. Although she stayed at the peak level of the fourth realm, which was enviable, she was far from reaching her own level. A year's worth of expectations, let alone catching up with Feng Gufei.

By the time dusk fell, more than twenty newcomers had also completed the challenge. Lingluan jumped out of the teleportation array. Although she failed to board the "Earth Realm", her name stayed on the twenty-seventh floor. , which is the pinnacle level of the "human character realm".


Looking at the names on the Tianji list, Lingluan raised the corners of his mouth and chuckled softly. However, he continued to look up, but did not see Wuchen's name. At this time, two girls came over, with smiles on their faces like a spring breeze. Congratulations to Junior Sister Lingluan.”

"Huh?" Lingluan touched his head and asked them, "Have you seen Wuchen?"

"Liao Wuchen..." The two girls looked around, shook their heads and said, "I haven't seen him all afternoon."

"He... oops! That's bad!"

Lingluan seemed to remember something, and regardless of the strange expressions of the two girls behind him, he ran towards the training room. When he arrived in the training room, he saw Wuchen sitting there alone, his eyes lightly closed, his body The real energy around him was flowing, and he had obviously entered a state of meditation.

"Liao Wuchen! Why are you still sitting here like a stupid idiot? There's only half an hour left! Go to the tower quickly! Hey! Liao Wuchen, did you hear me?"

Lingluan yelled for a long time without any response, so he ran over quickly, put his two fingers together, condensed a stream of green energy, and tapped it towards the center of his eyebrows.

Xiao Chen immediately seemed to wake up from a dream, opened his eyes, looked at her, and frowned, "What are you doing?"

"You idiot! What are you asking me for? It's less than half an hour, you have to go to the tower! If you miss it today, you will have to wait until next year!"

Lingluan was seen clenching his hands into small fists and stamping his feet as he spoke, as if he was more anxious than the cold man in front of him.

"Climb the tower..."

Xiao Chen's expression changed slightly, and he instantly launched the Lingxian Step, and went out like a gust of wind. Lingluan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, it was so fast...

When he came to the teleportation formation, Xiao Chen didn't wait for the two elders to speak and rushed inside. There was still half an hour left. Reaching the thirty-sixth floor in half an hour would be almost as difficult as climbing to the sky. No one has ever been able to reach the peak of the fourth realm in half an hour.

People outside only saw a figure flash past, and were still wondering who had just entered the teleportation array. Not long after, they heard someone in the distance exclaim, "Look!"

On the Tianji Ranking, the words "Liao Wuchen" suddenly appeared on the second level, followed by the third level, the fourth level, the fifth level, the sixth level...


The crowd was stunned. It turned out that the figure that had just rushed into the teleportation array was him, but the speed at which he climbed the tower... was too terrifying.

"The ninth floor...the ninth floor!"

"Tenth floor!"

"The eleventh floor!"

"Twelve floors!"

There were constant exclamations in the crowd. At this moment, everyone was staring at Najibang without moving, for fear of missing a glimpse.

In just one stick of incense, the three words "Liao Wuchen" actually reached the twenty-seventh floor from the second floor! This is nearly an hour faster than Feng Gu flew back then!

"It's incredible..."

At this moment, even the two elders next to the teleportation array felt a little horrified. Is this person a monster? How deep is his path...

The elder on the left looked at the stick of sandalwood next to him. He only had this stick of incense left. Could this man create a miracle?

In the distance, all the newcomers stared blankly at the changes in rankings on that day's leaderboard. Lingluan also looked at it and stamped her feet anxiously, "Faster! Faster! You idiot, if I don't wake you up, I’m afraid you’ll have to sleep until dawn tomorrow morning!”

"Level 28! He has reached the Earth Character Realm!"

The crowd let out another exclamation, and saw that the three characters "Liao Wuchen" had risen to the top of the Earth Character Realm rankings.

Time passed little by little, and everyone was paying close attention, watching the three words "Liao Wuchen" rising continuously. Finally, the stick of incense next to the teleportation array was about to burn out, but Xiao Chen's name was still there. Floor 35.

At this moment, in the illusion on the thirty-fifth floor of the Tianji Tower, Xiao Chen could see sweat pouring down his face, a wisp of black energy between his eyebrows, and several looming death auras wrapped around his body.

Yes, he used the skills in the Heavenly Book. If he didn't use the Heavenly Book, he wouldn't be able to reach the thirty-fifth level in such a short time. But as soon as he used the skills in the Heavenly Book, he was immediately counterattacked by the death energy.

He didn't know how much longer he could hold on, but he had to reach the thirty-sixth level before the backlash came completely, before the end of the stick of incense, otherwise, he would not be able to see Senior Gudeng.

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