The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 156 Thirty-Sixth Floor

On the thirty-fifth floor, Xiao Chen had successfully challenged, and now he needed to go to the thirty-sixth floor to challenge immediately. He did not hesitate and rushed into the teleportation formation in an instant.

When he came to the illusion on the thirty-sixth floor, he saw a terrifying alien beast sleeping inside, like a hill, full of evil energy. He needed to kill this alien beast before the challenge could be considered successful.

There was no time to prepare, Xiao Chen raised his palm, and immediately condensed three golden flying swords, and slashed at the sleeping alien beast at once.

Although this strange beast was transformed, it was also condensed with the power of life. It noticed someone attacking in an instant, and immediately opened its eyes. Two blood-red rays of light shot out from the eyes, and there was a loud "clang" sound. The three flying swords were shaken away.


The strange beast glared at Xiao Chen, and suddenly stood up, with an evil aura rushing out of its body, which seemed to make the entire illusion tremble.

The true energy in Xiao Chen's palm suddenly condensed. He didn't expect that this strange beast was so powerful. It was far more terrifying than some of the strange beasts below. It seemed that he could only use the control of life and death again...

In the hall on the first floor outside, the incense stick next to the teleportation array had only a little spark of light left. Everyone was staring closely at the changes in the rankings on the Tianji Ranking. Lingluan was also anxious and stamped his feet: "Wuchen, hurry up." Ah! Come on!"

Finally, the stick of incense went out, and the last trace of ashes fell down. But it was also at this moment that the words "Liao Wuchen" on the Tianji Ranking rose from the thirty-fifth floor to the thirty-sixth floor. Originally, "Qin'e", located on the thirty-sixth floor, landed on the thirty-fifth floor.


Everyone felt a little incredible, but several elders had very complicated expressions on their faces, showing both surprise and confusion.

What surprised me was that Xiao Chen was able to reach the thirty-sixth floor in half an hour. What was puzzling was how he could challenge the thirty-sixth floor faster than the thirty-fifth floor. The alien beasts on the thirty-sixth floor could not be killed so easily. Even if they can't do it, they can't use magic weapons in the illusion. What on earth did this person do...

The crowd began to whisper, because the time limit was up, so he stayed on the thirty-sixth floor. What would happen if there was enough time? Will he reach the peak of the Dizi Realm where Feng Gufei is?

The entire hall was buzzing with discussions. Not only was Xiao Chen's climb to the tower unexpected, but he also pushed Qin E down from the peak of the fourth realm. With the temperament of this rich young lady from the Tianlan Sword Sect, how could she just give up?

If Xiao Chen reaches the thirty-seventh floor and there happens to be no one on the thirty-seventh floor, then Qin E's ranking will not change. But now that Xiao Chen stays on the thirty-sixth floor, Qin E will naturally be pushed to the thirty-sixth floor. Going to the fifth floor, although there is only one floor difference, the two are far apart. The thirty-sixth floor is the pinnacle of the fourth realm after all.

At this moment, the crowd was talking constantly, and they seemed to have seen Qin E's face tomorrow when she went to find Wuchen desperately. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

After a long time, Xiao Chen was seen slowly walking out of the teleportation array. There was nothing strange about him, but the two elders were a little strange. Why did he stay in there for so long before coming out?

"Liao Wuchen! Here, here!"

Ling Luan ran over with a smile, Xiao Chen looked at her, and finally said "Thank you" before heading outside.

Lingluan stood behind, watching his leaving back with interest, and said with a smile to himself, "So Ice Cube Face can also say thank you to people? Eh, no, why did he just..."

Tonight there was no light from the stars and the moon, and the room was filled with lifeless energy. It was not until midnight that Xiao Chen once again used the Yaoguang Mind Technique to suppress the lifeless energy on his body. At this moment, his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his palm and looked at the black energy gradually disappearing in his palm. Manipulating life and death, what exactly is manipulating life and death?

He got up and went outside. Under the dim light, the flowers and plants near the attic were withered again. Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown.

He reached the thirty-sixth floor today and could see Senior Gudeng. Someone will definitely come here tomorrow. He couldn't let people see these withered flowers and plants, because when he was in Tianji Tower today, he could feel that the two elders were already suspicious. .

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, raised his palms, and immediately used the power of life to control life and death. These withered flowers and plants unexpectedly quickly regained their vitality.

But this scene happened to be seen by someone hiding in the distance.


Xiao Chen noticed a trace of aura fluctuation, and with a "whoosh" sound, a blood-transforming needle shot out instantly. At the critical moment, the blood-transforming needle stopped, stopping an inch in front of the man's eyebrows.

"Le...Liao Wuchen, it's me..."

Ling Luan was frightened by his appearance at this time. Xiao Chen frowned and immediately took back the blood-transforming needle and said coldly, "What are you doing here?"

"I, I...I'm just worried about you..."

Lingluan's face was still a little pale. She slowly walked out of the grass and walked towards him step by step. She looked at the flowers and plants in the yard that were rejuvenated and said calmly, "These flowers and plants have obviously withered, but just now, they died." Wuchen, you... why are you..."

"You saw it all."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes became very cold again.

Lingluan couldn't help but shudder, and suddenly she remembered that day. She had clearly cast a spell on that bunch of flowers, so it was impossible for them to wither. There were also the flowers and plants outside, and his terrifying appearance and aura at that time. She couldn't tell what it was, but it made her feel very uncomfortable...

"Liao Wuchen, tell me, what happened to you, why you can make these flowers and plants come alive, and what happened to you that day..."

As Ling Luan spoke, she slowly tried to get closer to him. Xiao Chen's eyes were still cold, "Don't ask."


Lingluan shook his head, "I'm different from other people. I can feel it. Liao Wuchen, tell me, is there something in your body? That's why... you tell me, I can help you, I can Even if I can't treat you, my grandfather can definitely do it. You must not know who my grandfather is, right? I can tell you, but you can't tell others, and I will never tell others about you..."

"No need."

Xiao Chen turned around and went to the attic. Lingluan took a step forward and stretched out his hand, "Liao Wuchen, wait!"


Xiao Chen suddenly turned around again, and Lingluan froze on the spot. This was the first time he called his name, and he asked in a daze, "What's the matter? You said... I won't tell you what happened tonight." other people."

Xiao Chen looked at her quietly and said, "Stay back, stay away from me."

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