The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,560 Wei Young’s Strength

"Palace Master Weiyang..."

Bai Luan and Zi Yuan walked up. They never expected that Hua Weiyang's strength would increase so much when she woke up again.


Xiao Chen looked at her, even though there were thousands of words to say at this moment, but he didn't know where to start with the thousands of words. At this moment, the monsters under the mountain suddenly surged up here, densely packed, like a black tide.

"Palace Master, Your careful!"

Bai Luan and Zi Yuan immediately protected Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang. However, the countless monsters had already surged up like a tide. Even Weiyang Palace was invaded by these monsters. It can be imagined that almost all other places in Wuyutian were invaded by these monsters. There is no place that has not been invaded by these monsters.

There is also the boundless turbid air, which is shrouding the sky of desirelessness layer by layer. The flowers that were blooming in the past are also corroded by these turbid air, and gradually wither and wither.


At this moment, Madam Xianshu and others rushed out from behind. Madam Xianshu was worried that Weiyang had just woken up and should not use her spiritual power. However, when she saw the situation of Wuyutian at this moment, it was not just her, Yao Shengbu At the top of the cloud, the medical saint Shui Hanyan was shocked.

"How come there are so many monsters? Where does that turbid air come from..."

Bu Yundian and Shui Hanyan had shocked expressions on their faces. They had been in Wuyutian for some years. No matter how powerful enemies attacked over the years, Wuyutian remained motionless. But this time, the situation was really terrifying. No one can stop the monsters coming like a tide and the turbid demonic energy that fills the sky...


Mrs. Xianshu walked up quickly, looking at the scene in front of her, she was really shocked. Now everywhere is occupied by these monsters, and the turbid air has penetrated the entire Wuyu Tian...

"It's guys stand back.

Hua Weiyang didn't look confused at all. As soon as she finished speaking, she jumped up and flew into the air. Then, she saw her hands forming seals continuously, and a boundless spiritual power immediately poured out from her chest.


Xiao Chen's face was slightly startled. He knew that there was always a boundless spiritual power in Weiyang's body. He couldn't explain what this spiritual power was, but every time he used it, he was afraid that it would affect her. damage.

But this time when Hua Weiyang woke up, the spiritual power she could release was obviously much stronger than before. The stronger the spiritual power, the stronger her power, which is not surprising.

Soon, under the cover of her boundless spiritual power, the turbid air that poured into Wuyu Tian was "purified". As for those turbid demonic things, when they encountered her spiritual power, they were like Kang Yuchen just now. In that way, it was like seeing the sun and disappearing into ashes in an instant.

The monsters that were originally like a tidal wave were completely destroyed by this boundless spiritual power at this moment, and could no longer gather the turbid energy to resurrect.


At this moment, Xiao Chen could clearly feel that the boundless spiritual power in Wei Young's body was much stronger than before.

On the other side of Zhaotian Cliff, Gui Ji and others saw that these monsters were all wiped out, and the turbid air that poured into Wuyu Tian was purified. The four people's expressions were condensed. Apparently they also felt that at this moment, A very strong spiritual power.

"Gone...those monsters disappeared!"

Seeing the nearby monsters disappear, Xiao Lianhua was extremely happy, while Leng Baihu looked around, this spiritual power...

People in other places in Wuyu Tian felt like a spring breeze when enveloped by this spiritual power. Even some people who were originally contaminated by turbid air had their turbid air purified by this spiritual power.

"It's Palace Master Weiyang...Look! Palace Master Weiyang!"

At this moment, everyone finally saw Hua Weiyang in the sky. Her whole body was enveloped by spiritual power. She was like a fairy from the Nine Heavens. With her boundless spiritual power, she purified all the turbid air of Wuyu Heaven!

"That person is..."

The expressions on the faces of Gui Ji and the other four people also became more solemn. Perhaps they did not expect this time that there was such a powerful person here.

In the mid-air, Hua Weiyang slowly fell down, and then looked in the direction of Zhaotian Cliff. When she saw the loud killing sound over there, without saying a word, she instantly turned into a ray of light and flew over there.

"Wei Yang!" The expression on Xiao Chen's face changed slightly, and he immediately followed.

On Zhaotian Cliff, the two sides had already been locked in a fierce battle. At this time, a ray of light flew in, and with a "boom", many people from Tianwaitian were shocked and flew away with vomiting blood.

"Palace Master Weiyang... is Palace Master Weiyang!"

Seeing Hua Weiyang coming, Jiu Ming Patriarch, Xueyang Zi and others were surprised and happy. They were members of the Thirty-six Sect and had belonged to Lianhua Palace in the past. For Hua Weiyang, the master of Lianhua Palace, they Nature is more familiar than others.

At this time, under the Lianhua Palace, the Four Valley Valley Masters, in addition to the Mingyue Valley Master, the other three Valley Masters, the Zhulong Valley Master, the Wuqing Valley Master, and the Diemeng Valley Master, all came here with their people.

"Yi Gu obeys orders, and anyone who invades will be killed without mercy!"

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's eyes were cold, and she no longer looked like the person before. She even looked more ruthless than Xiao Chen.

"Zhulong takes command!"

Zhulong Valley Master led his men to kill outside first, and Wuqinggu Valley Master and Diemeng Valley Master followed closely. Regardless of whether these are human cultivators or not, since they have betrayed, there will be no mercy!

Originally, everyone on Zhaotian Cliff was already locked in a bitter battle with heavy casualties, but with the arrival of Hua Weiyang, the situation immediately reversed, and the four elders from behind, Wind, Fire, Thunder and Lightning, also arrived in an instant.

"Grandma, you're a bear...kill it for me!"

Yang Xiaoran, who had been suppressed and beaten just now, seemed to finally be able to feel proud and proud. He immediately led his men to kill him. Soon, Wuyutian's masters gathered together and immediately launched a one-sided crushing, killing all the people below Tianwaitian. , fled in despair.

It's not surprising. In fact, apart from Gui Ji, Jiuyou and others, those who came to attack Wuyutian today are mostly miscellaneous soldiers, none of whom are the elites of Tianwaitian in the past. Looking at it this way, it seems a bit strange.

At this time, seeing that the situation was not good, Gui Ji's eyes turned cold and she said coldly, "Who is this stinky girl? Is she so majestic when she comes here?"

Just as she was speaking, Hua Weiyang's eyes had already fallen on her, like two cold swords unsheathed, which made people tremble.

"Yellow-haired girl...seeking death!"

Seeing her glaring at her, Gui Ji moved and immediately attacked, "Twelve Japs!"

As she finished speaking, a black breath was exhaled from her mouth, and she suddenly turned into twelve hideous and terrifying ghost babies. A dark wind filled the sky, and a terrifying aura enveloped Zhaotian Cliff again.

"Palace Master careful with this ghost baby!"

Seeing these twelve ghost babies flying out, Ancestor Jiu Ming immediately reminded them that these twelve ghost babies actually have another very scary thing, that is, they like to attack women. Once they get into a woman's belly, they will immediately turn into ghost fetuses. , constantly sucking the woman's essence, which is very scary.

However, Hua Weiyang's eyes were cold, and she said coldly, "Killing countless babies, losing all conscience, to raise such ghosts, today... I will accept your twelve ghost babies, so that they will never do evil again!"

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