The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1561 The Mysterious Nine Netherworlds

"Hmph, you want to take in my twelve devils, yellow-haired girl, you are still a bit young!"

Gui Ji snorted coldly, and as soon as she finished speaking, she formed a strange seal with her hands. The twelve ghost babies immediately became full of Yin Qi, and flew straight towards Hua Weiyang with bursts of cunning smiles: "Hehehe... …Hee hee hee!"

"Palace Master careful!"

Seeing the terrifying attack of the ghost babies, many people were shocked, but Hua Weiyang remained calm. When the twelve ghost babies rushed closer, she pointed her finger and a mist of flowers came out. I saw a faint flash of red light, but it was her magic weapon "Feihua Lianyou Umbrella".

I saw the petals flying around Feihua Lianyou Umbrella, spinning continuously, and actually took in three ghost babies. The remaining nine ghost babies rushed over, and five more were taken in.

"Chi chi chi... chi chi chi!"

The last four ghost babies seemed to be frightened and turned around to run away. Hua Weiyang's eyes were cold, "Where can you escape!" With a wave of his hand, Feihua Lianyou Umbrella immediately flew over and collected the escaped ghost babies. Go in.

Seeing this scene, Gui Ji looked shocked. How could her twelve devils... how could they be taken away so easily?

"Chi chi chi chi... chi chi chi chi!"

At this time, in the Feihua Lianyou Umbrella, the ghost baby's shrill voice kept coming out. Hua Weiyang took the Feihua Lianyou Umbrella back with a move of his hand, and then drew a few talisman seals on it, and suddenly there was only a sound. The screams came out, and in the end only a wisp of black smoke emerged, and the twelve ghost babies were completely wiped out.

"My twelve devils... you! I'll kill you!" Suddenly, Gui Ji's body was full of violence, and blood was flying all over her body, and she fiercely attacked Hua Weiyang.

"Unjust is doomed to destruction."

Hua Weiyang still looked calm, but when Gui Ji flew closer, she stretched out her right hand, and a strong spiritual power suddenly surged out, blocking Gui Ji in mid-air.

The next moment, she saw her left hand suddenly hit Gui Ji with a "bang" sound, causing Gui Ji to vomit blood and fly backwards.

"Lord Oni Ji..."

Those people behind saw Gui Ji being slapped so hard that she vomited blood and flew out. They all turned pale with horror. Xue Wuhen also flew up at this moment. With a move of his five fingers, a bloody ghost claw suddenly appeared in the void and rushed toward Hua. Weiyang grabbed it.

"Palace Master, be careful!"

In the distance, Ancestor Jiu Ming and others looked on in fear. Palace Master Weiyang finally woke up this time. What if something unexpected happens again?


Seeing Xue Wuhen's attack, Hua Weiyang remained calm and composed. She moved her feet and merged into the shadows of flowers in the sky. When she reappeared, she was already in front of Xue Wuhen. She stretched out her left hand, held his shoulder, and flicked her right hand, " With a slap of "bang", he was beaten until he vomited blood and flew out.

In the blink of an eye, the two pioneers of Chuangtian Waitian were connected. At this moment, everyone in the distance was horrified. Jiangnan Liuhe's brows were also stunned. He recalled in his mind that she came to Xuanqingmen twice. , at that time, she did not have the terrifying cultivation level she does now.

And that boundless spiritual power just now, who is she... If it is true that she is a witch from Lianhua Palace, as rumored by the outside world, how can she have such a powerful and pure spiritual power in her body? Could it be that she has always been Did the world blame her wrongly?

In the distance, people from various factions hiding in the dark, especially the two elders of Tianmen, have already changed their expressions. They still remember the changes in Tianmen back then... If she had the strength she has today, at that time, To put it bluntly, the two real people, the elders of the Eighth Palace, and the entire Tianmen, who could be her opponent?

"How could this woman have such strong spiritual power..."

Xue Wuhen covered his chest, and blood kept pouring out of his mouth. Although the four of them were only clones today, if the clones died here, then the original body of Tianwaitian would also be damaged.


At this moment, there was a sudden tremor outside Wuyu Tian, ​​the sea of ​​clouds also surged, and there was a faint sound of thunder. After the spiritual power was restored, the ancient restrictions outside were naturally restored slowly.

"It's the prohibition of Wuyu Tian... hurry up!"

Heavenly Sin first turned into a black mist and flew outside Zhaotian Cliff. This woman was too strong, far beyond their expectations. Unless they were here today, there was no way they could defeat her, and the four of them , and I never want my clone to die here in vain.

"Now that you're here, let's leave the clone behind."

Hua Weiyang's eyes were cold, and with a flick of her jade hand, Feihua Lianyou Umbrella immediately flew out and chased the four people. At this moment, a figure flew from behind, but it was Xiao Chen who came to her side. "Wei Yang. "

Hua Weiyang turned around and looked at the person in front of her. Xiao Chen shook his head, "The four people left and left. I won't chase you anymore. Let me take a good look at you..."

Hua Weiyang also looked at him, her cold eyes gradually softened, and she frowned and said, "Idiot, if you let them go today, they will cause chaos again in the future..."

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Chen shook his head and gently stroked her face, "It will be fine when you wake up."


The two of them looked at each other without saying a word, while on the other side, the Phantom Piano Demon stared at this side without saying a word, thinking that the person he wanted to save in the ancient immortal world was this woman, and she was indeed a strange woman...


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the distance. Feng Moyao was still fighting with Jiuyou. He was attacked by Jiuyou before and was hit by a soul poison, so he had to use "Soul Sacrifice" and use the power of the soul. force.

But at this moment, his face was getting paler and paler, and he could no longer hold on any longer. The Nine Netherworld Soul Gu would bite him back at any time. If he hadn't been able to suppress it due to his extremely high level of spirituality, he would have been eaten by this Soul Gu long ago. Heartbroken.

Xiao Chen came back to his senses, looked over there, frowned and said, "Senior was attacked by Jiuyou just now. I'm going to see how he is doing." After saying that, he immediately spread out his body skills and flew over there.


With a quick sound, Feng Moyao was pushed back by a soul shadow from Jiuyou. Xiao Chen arrived in an instant and supported him from behind. "Senior, how are you?"


Feng Moyao's face turned pale, and a wisp of black energy loomed between his eyebrows. If he had not been attacked by a sneak attack, he might still be able to deal with Jiuyou with his Taoism, but at this time, he was possessed by the Nine Nether Soul Gu, and then forcibly consumed the power of his soul. , I'm afraid the consequences will be extremely bad.


At this moment, Jiuyou turned into a black mist and attacked again. Feng Moyao's face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood gushed out, "Be careful with this person!"

At this moment, a flash of light flew from behind the two of them, and with a "bang", the black mist from Jiuyou was dispersed.

I saw Hua Weiyang standing in the air, her clothes fluttering, like a fairy on the dust, looking coldly at the Jiuyou not far away, which was slowly condensed by the black mist, and said coldly, "Who are you, your Excellency? The soul should not appear in the human world... at least not now. "

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