"How is Father...injured?" Hua Weiyang raised her head and asked nervously.

Wentian said, "Ji Mie Tian's Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demon Technique is very powerful, but fortunately, the high priest used the You Clan's secret technique to temporarily relieve my father's injury. Now my father...is fine for the time being."

After hearing this, Hua Weiyang slowly lowered her head, with tears gradually gathering in her eyes, and choked out, "I have never been with my father well in these years. I always like to run around. Now I can smell that my father is ill." , and can’t go back to stay with him..."

Wentian shook his head gently, reached out to wipe away the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said, "Father has always known that you like the world, so every time you come out, he never really stops you, but this time... Weiyang, you really Not going back? "


Hua Weiyang bit her lip gently, looking in a dilemma. It wasn't that she didn't want to go back, but that there was such a big mess in the world now, and she was worried that Xiao Chen wouldn't be able to cope with it alone.

Wentian smiled softly, "That's all...my sister has grown up, and after all, I can't keep her anymore."

If her little brother had teased her like this in the past, she would have retorted coquettishly, but now, listening to every word, her heart felt sour, and finally she couldn't hide the tears in her eyes, and they all fell down.

"You, you, you are so old, you still cry as much as you did when you were a kid."

Wentian shook his head, smiled, and gently held her on his shoulders, "Okay, it's okay... I will tell my father when I get back. As long as my father knows that you are okay in this world, he will feel at ease. []"


Weiyang's nose was red from crying, and she was still like she was when she was a child. Whenever she started to cry, her elder brother would never coax her, and would turn around and leave, always coldly.

Only Wentian would coax her to laugh, but what she didn't know was that every time, Wangu would stand outside and watch, and he wouldn't leave until he saw Wentian coaxing her to laugh.

After a while, Hua Weiyang raised her head, wiped her red eyes, and asked, "Is there anything else that my brother has to do when he comes to the world this time?"

Hearing this, Wentian's brows furrowed slightly and he was silent and focused. Seeing his expression at this time, Hua Weiyang even guessed that there must be something else going on when he comes to the human world this time.

Recalling the last time, Wentian told her that the spiritual vein under Xuanqing Mountain was probably the "Long Yuan", one of the seven veins in the world.

When the world first opened, there were twelve spiritual veins in the world, which were the source of spiritual growth for all things. Seven of them fell into the human world, namely Hantan, Yanri, Longyuan, Jupo, Amaterasu, and Youquan. , Chitian.

Each of the seven spiritual veins has a different power, such as Chitian's power to destroy the world, Amaterasu's power to bring back the dead, Youquan's power to see life and death, and the past and future, and Longyuan's power is the power of sealing. , is also the strongest seal in the world...

At this moment, Wentian was still frowning and silent. Hua Weiyang saw this and asked, "Is this time related to the spiritual veins under Xuanqing Mountain?"

In fact, Hua Weiyang still has some doubts. The Xuanqing Seven Peaks are arranged with seven stars, taking over the creation of heaven and earth. They are also located in the center of Xianyuan Ancient Earth. Why do they look more and more like some kind of formation the more they look at it?

Could it be that the purpose of Xuan Qingshan's existence is to seal something... Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that the spiritual vein underneath is Long Yuan and not the other six veins? What secrets does Xuan Qingshan hide...

After a while, Wen Tiantian slowly opened his eyebrows and smiled softly, "It's nothing, you don't have to worry about these things... When I finish, I will return to the Netherworld soon.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Hua Weiyang continued to ask, "Is it Tianwaitian?"

Wentian looked at her and finally shook his head. Seeing his expression at this time, Hua Weiyang couldn't help but feel condensed in her heart. The biggest problem facing the world now is Tianwaitian. Could it be that what the little brother did when he came out this time? It actually goes beyond the sky? It can't be about distant things like the last era of annihilation and the shattering of the ancient Eastern cultivation world...

After a long time, Wen Tiantian said, "In the past, there were constant battles in this world, and there were many people among them. They had already stood at the pinnacle of this world, raising their hands and feet to destroy the world at every turn. Their strength was unimaginable, and even... It has become a taboo in heaven..."

"Heaven's Taboo..."

Hearing this, Hua Weiyang's expression changed slightly. It was indeed related to the last era of annihilation, the shattering of the ancient Eastern cultivation world...the ancient powerful men who had passed away.

Wentian took a deep breath, looked up at the green peaks in the distance, and continued, "The last time annihilation came, those strong men disappeared. As for how they disappeared and why annihilation came, these are not revealed to future generations. , leave any clues."

Hua Weiyang frowned and said, "Annihilation is coming. Even those ancient peerless experts, immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas, none of them can escape. They can only die..."


Wentian shook his head, turned around, looked at her and said, "Those ancient powerful men in the past, maybe... they are not dead."


Hearing this, Hua Weiyang couldn't help being slightly stunned. How could it be possible that so many years have passed since the last era of annihilation? Even if some people were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe of annihilation at that time, how could they still be alive now? This is really unimaginable...

"East of the Bohai Sea, hundreds of millions of miles away, there is a huge ravine. It is actually a bottomless valley with no bottom underneath...it is called Guixu."

Wentian said slowly, and the expression on Hua Weiyang's face changed slightly, Gui Xu... is the legendary place where gods and demons are exiled, Gui Xu Realm.

Legend has it that Guixu is boundless and dark, and there has always been no way in or out. Once you enter Guixu, not even the immortals, demons, gods, or Buddhas can escape. No matter how powerful you are, whether it is the Emperor of Heaven or the Buddha, you can enter Guixu. Ruins, don't even think about coming out again.


Wentian looked at her and said, "Those peerless powerful men in the past probably all entered Guixu at that time, but now..."

"What now?"

Hua Weiyang frowned and asked impatiently.

Wentian lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then finally raised his head, looked at her and said, "This is just my guess. I suspect...someone wants to open the Guixu Realm, and the sealing hub of the Guixu Realm is most likely in the human world." ”

Listening to this, Hua Weiyang couldn't help but feel a little shocked, her eyebrows narrowed slightly, and she asked in a low voice, "Then what will happen if Guixu is opened..."

Wentian took a deep breath, looked at the mountains in the distance, and said, "The ancient powerful men who have disappeared in the past will all return."


Hearing this, Hua Weiyang's expression changed even more. If this is true, those ancient powerful men have been imprisoned in the Guixu Realm for tens of thousands of years. It is conceivable that they have tens of thousands of years of hostility. I am afraid that once those people come out , and directly destroy this world, right? Directly leading to the arrival of the second annihilation...

Wentian slowly turned his head and said softly, "These are just my assumptions and conjectures. They may not be true. Weiyang, you don't need to worry too much. This time, since you want to stay in the human world, then I will remove the two puppets of Youhai." , stay with you."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and two heaven-swallowing demon generals "You" and "Hai" came up behind him immediately. There was a strong aura of immortality all over his body.

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