The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,566 The Tribulation of Life and Death

Seeing these two tall demon puppets walking towards her, Hua Weiyang couldn't help but be slightly startled and said, "What if he sees it..."

Until now, Hua Weiyang did not dare to let Xiao Chen know her true identity. She also remembered the words he said on Kunlun Mountain, "If one day, Xiao Chen is allowed to know that you are doing evil in the world, Sanchi Qingfeng, No mercy..."

Now of course she is not afraid that he will be ruthless, but she thinks that after all, he is a human being and the apprentice of Fairy Miaoyin. Sometimes it is inevitable that he will be as stubborn as before. If he knows his identity, I am afraid that from now on, the two will There is another layer of separation between people.

Wentian said, "In the beginning, it was because I didn't know him well that I asked you to hide your identity. But now, after so many years, if he knows your identity, he will..."

"No, no, no, it won't happen..."

Hearing this, Hua Weiyang quickly waved her hands and said, "He won't do it. This time I heard Xian Shu say that for me, he first went to the Bone Erosion Land, and then went to the Ancient Immortal World, causing great trouble in the Ancient Immortal World and destroying countless people." My spiritual veins from the Immortal World went to some forbidden place, and I almost couldn’t get out, all in order to bring me the rain and dew from the Immortal World..."

Seeing her eagerness to explain, Wentian couldn't help but shake his head and smile, "You, I just said one thing to him, but before I finished, how many words did you protect him? Sure enough, a grown-up sister cannot be kept. Yes, look at how much I loved you when you were a child..."

This time, Hua Weiyang felt a little embarrassed. She stuck out her tongue and stopped talking. She couldn't help but think of the past, a few years after Wuyutian was founded. At that time, Xiao Chen's temperament changed drastically and his murderous intent grew day by day. . For this reason, she even had conflicts with him, but every time someone said something bad about him, she was always the first to stand up and defend him. No matter whether it was right or wrong, no one was allowed to say anything bad about him.

At this moment, there was a breath coming from a distance. Hua Weiyang looked in the direction of the breath, "He's here..."

Wentian nodded lightly, "Well, I'm leaving too. When everything is over, I want to return to the underworld as soon as possible... Weiyang, you can't be like last time in the human world." After saying that, he stretched out his hand and opened two bluestone coffins. Appeared in mid-air.

"I taught you how to control a puppet before, do you remember?"

"Yeah... remember."

"Then I'm leaving." Wentian said no more. He moved and disappeared instantly, leaving no trace of breath behind.

Hua Weiyang looked at the two puppets of Youhai in front of her, and without much hesitation, she immediately twirled her fingers and made the two puppets return to the bluestone coffins. She raised her hand and put the two bluestone coffins into her sleeves.


After a while, Xiao Chen's figure appeared in the distance. Seeing him hurriedly coming, Hua Weiyang's eyebrows condensed, "You have a backlash in your body, why did you come out..."

"It doesn't matter. After taking the elixir from Senior Medicine Saint, it's no problem."

As Xiao Chen spoke, he observed the surroundings carefully. Hua Weiyang was afraid that he would become suspicious, so she said, "Let's go back. When I caught up with them just now, Jiuyou and the others were no longer there... You, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Chen looked at her quietly, stretched out his hand to gently caress her face, and whispered, "When you woke up just now, I thought you had changed. At that moment, I suddenly felt so strange. I was thinking, are you still the same?" The Weiyang from before..."

"Idiot..." Hua Weiyang frowned and looked at him, "The situation was so critical at that time, how could I bother to talk to you..."

"I know."

Xiao Chen took a step forward and hugged her gently, "But do you know? I heard Mingyue and Ziyuan say that you took Ten Thousand Poison Pills in public that day at Xuan Qingmen... At that moment, I It feels like I just came back to life and died again.”


Listening to him speaking quietly, Hua Weiyang felt a sense of sadness in her heart. At this time, in her mind, she recalled that day, Xuan Qingmen...

"In one life, the grass and trees fall, and only when they are born will they die, and only when they die will they be born again. If Weiyang dies today, it can resolve the eternal grudges between good and evil spirits and make the world put aside their prejudice against him. Then Weiyang will take this pill today." All-Poison what."

"Weiyang, promise me... you won't do this again in the future. If you die, I will live alone in the world from now on. Even if I live forever, I will only be accompanied by endless sadness every day."


At this moment, the two hugged each other tighter, and tears slowly gathered in the corners of Hua Weiyang's eyes. Back then, she only took one Ten Thousand Poison Pills, but he had traveled thousands of miles over the years.

Xiao Chen said, "Now that you're awake, I should settle this debt with them in Zangfeng Valley..."

"don't want……"

Hua Weiyang raised her head, looked at him and said, "Nowadays, the outside world may attack at any time, and Zangfeng Valley is also a powerful force in the world. What's more, it's not easy for those Zhengdao Xuanmen to let go of their prejudice against you." , if at this time, you go to find trouble in Zangfeng Valley again, wouldn't you let them..."

Xiao Chen said, "I never care what the world thinks of me, but this time... Weiyang, I listen to you."


Hua Weiyang's face was filled with joy, and she threw herself on his chest again, pressed tightly against his chest, closed her eyes, and said softly, "During my sleep, I seemed to have had a long, long dream. I am a piece of jade on Kunlun Mountain. It took many, many years before I finally turned into a human being... And when I opened my eyes, the first person I saw was you... You came from among the flowers, you Wherever I walked, the ice and snow also melted, and under the ice and snow, there were flowers blooming..."

The pitter patter.

Suddenly it started to rain lightly in the sky, and the raindrops fell on the two of them, feeling icy and cold. Hua Weiyang raised her head and looked at the light rain all over the sky. She suddenly smiled like a flower and held up the Feihua Lianyou umbrella.

There were phantom petals flying around the umbrella, which seemed to blend with the rain at the moment. Xiao Chen smiled softly, held the umbrella, took her hand, and walked forward.

"Are we going back to Wuyu Heaven?"

Hua Weiyang raised her head, looked at him and asked. In fact, she thought that if the rain continued for a while, it wouldn't stop so soon.

Xiao Chen shook his head, "No, I have made arrangements for Wuyutian. This time Jiuyou is coming, I'm worried about the spiritual power in the north. Let's go and take a look now."


After a while, the two came to the northern mountain range of Wuyutian. Fortunately, the spiritual power here was not damaged. I think there was nothing wrong with Wuding Sect.

Xiao Chen held the Tianzong's secret order in his hand and frowned as he said, "This secret order was brought back by someone desperate for their lives. I didn't know before that Bai Luan actually asked her to investigate the Wuding Sect alone."

"Wuding Sect..."

Hua Weiyang's eyebrows narrowed slightly. When she woke up before, Mrs. Xianshu had already conveyed everything to her with a divine thought, so she also knew about this incident and the drastic changes in the world in recent years.

Xiao Chen put away the secret order of Tianzong in his hand, looked in the direction of Wudingzong again, and said, "This place is not far from Wudingzong, let's go and take a look."


After a while, the two came to Wuding Sect again. The former large sect was now in devastation, with many places destroyed and formations destroyed.

"Your Majesty... It's your Majesty!"

Arriving at the dilapidated square, many people immediately came forward. When Xue Wuguang heard that the Lord was coming, he immediately rushed out with several elders.

"Your Majesty...Palace Master Weiyang!"


Xiao Chen looked around at the mess everywhere, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where are Chi Feng and Zhong Li?"

"The two of them..."

Xue Wuguang frowned and finally said, "Those two people had received the news from Wuyutian and had already escaped in advance."

"That's fine."

Xiao Chen had no time to chase the two people at this time. At this time, another figure walked out of a dilapidated hall. The figure was seriously injured and stained with blood, but it was Kang Dingfeng.

Xiao Chen looked at him and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Two of the three great elders of Wuding Sect actually rebelled. Fortunately, there was no problem with the spiritual power in the north, otherwise it would have caused more serious consequences.

"The sinner Kang Dingfeng... I am ashamed to see Your Majesty Wuyu."

"That's all."

Xiao Chen didn't say anything. Kang Dingfeng raised his head, with some hesitation on his face. He wanted to say something, but stopped. Hua Weiyang looked at him and said, "Kang Yuchen was planted with the Nine Nether Soul Gu by that person, and I have taken it out now. I'll have him sent back another day, and it's up to you to do whatever you want."

Hearing this, Kang Dingfeng's face was startled, and finally he let out a long sigh and cupped his hands to Hua Weiyang, "Thank you, Palace Master... for sparing him a life."

Xiao Chen looked at Xue Wuguang and said, "You don't have to worry here for the time being. I will have people come down after a while."

After leaving Wuding Sect, the two of them went back in the direction of Wuyutian. On the way, Hua Weiyang saw that he was always silent and thoughtful, and asked, "What's wrong with you? After I came out of Wuding Sect just now, I saw you I’ve been feeling restless... If there’s anything going on, tell me.”

Xiao Chen finally stopped. Seeing that he was still silent, Hua Weiyang said, "Is it about Wuding Sect and Northern Spiritual Power? Or is it Tianwaitian..."


Xiao Chen shook his head, Hua Weiyang frowned, "What is that?"

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, looked in the direction of Wuyutian, and said slowly, "When I was resisting the punishment from heaven, for a moment, I suddenly felt..."

"What did you sense?" Hua Weiyang asked impatiently. At this moment, the expression on her face gradually became nervous.

Xiao Chen slowly turned around, looked at her and said, "Weiyang... my life and death disaster may be coming."

"The calamity of life and death..."

Hearing this, Hua Weiyang's face turned pale, and she suddenly felt dizzy, and her eyes turned red. She murmured, "How could it be possible, how could it be... I just woke up, we finally met each other, why, why so fast …”


Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to support her and said, "Weiyang, don't be afraid. I just felt it for a moment. I may not really come. I know you will be worried after I say it, but I won't say it." If so, you will keep asking... In short, don't worry, it'll be fine."

"Is it really okay..."

Hua Weiyang's face was still pale. How could she not know what the calamity of life and death was, and how could she not be afraid of it? It was the calamity of life and death second only to the five degenerations of heaven and man.

Why did the calamity of life and death suddenly come? Could it be... Could it be that Fairy Suwen and Fairy Suwen said that he only had twenty years, is it because the twenty years have passed?

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