The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,567 It’s hard to distinguish between immortals and demons

Seeing that Hua Weiyang still had a worried look on her face at this time, Xiao Chen said, "Weiyang, you don't have to worry, what I sensed may not be the calamity of life and death, not to mention, even if it is, it is just more severe than the ordinary calamity.


Hua Weiyang still frowned, with a deep look of worry on her face. She wanted to say something, but couldn't. Xiao Chen looked at the rainy sky in the distance and said, "Actually, Master told me a long time ago that practicing The journey is to go against the will of heaven and violate the taboos of heaven. Doomsday is inevitable. Every cultivator will have to go through countless tribulations in his life... and finally he can realize the great path."

At this point, he paused, turned around, looked at Hua Weiyang, who was still frowning, and continued, "Like a rolling flood, if you can't survive the disaster, you will sink into the sand at the bottom of the river. After this calamity, he will jump up and reach the nine heavens.” ♦✯

"I know……"

Hua Weiyang understood what he meant. Cultivation is like this, even those ancient strong men are like this. Ordinary people only see how powerful they are, but they don’t know that they have experienced countless disasters in their lives. If they fail to survive one of them, I'm afraid it has already turned into dust.

Xiao Chen said again, "Why don't you think on the bright side? If I survive this calamity, I will definitely enter the next realm... Weiyang, do you know? This time I went to the Ancient Immortal World and saw many realms that I had never seen before. , I met Dugu Tianxia, ​​a strong man from ten thousand years ago, and Dugu Tianxia’s master and goddess Xuan Bing... There are too many, I will tell you slowly when I get back."


When the two returned to Wuyu Tian, ​​it was already dusk, but Mei Jianyi, Jiangnan Liu, Poria Cocos and Gui Si had already left.

When Jiuyou attacked before, Xiao Chen only glanced at Mei Jianyi and Jiangnan Liu from a distance, without even saying a word. At this time, in his heart, he felt somewhat disappointed, but others could not see them.

"Your Majesty, Palace Master."

Seeing the two of them coming back, Bai Luan and Zi Yuan immediately came to greet them. Xiao Chen nodded slightly. As for Kang Yuchen, Wei Yang had already said that he would send this person back to Wuding Sect, so he stopped talking and asked, "Who is that?" Senior Feng… where is he now?”

Bai Luan said, "Senior Ku Lingzi has taken him to Lone Peak. It will probably take some time to remove the Nine Nether Soul Gu for him."

"Well..." Xiao Chen nodded slightly and looked at Hua Weiyang again, "Weiyang, let's go over and take a look."


At that moment, the two of them went to the lonely peak, but did not enter the palace to disturb them. They stood outside and watched for a while. After a while, Xiao Chen turned around and said to Hua Weiyang, "Weiyang, let's go."

On the way out, he actually wanted to know who this senior Feng was. Judging from today's situation, it seemed that he knew the mysterious Jiuyou.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang suddenly said, "This person may have more than one clone in the world."

"You mean Jiuyou?"


Hua Weiyang stopped. At this moment, with a very solemn expression on his face, he said, "This person's clone technique is very similar to someone I know. They are very powerful. I suspect... there may be someone like this person in the righteous way." "Clone."

After hearing this, the expression on Xiao Chen's face became solemn. At this moment, he couldn't help but recall many years ago, when he was just a disciple of the Xuan Qing Sect. When he participated in the Tianmen martial arts competition, there was a man named Gui. Three weirdos.

That ghost Santai was talking nonsense and joking, saying that among the people present at that time, there must be someone from the Demon Sect. If this person's words came true, who could he be referring to at that time?

Could it be Shen Cangming? It shouldn't be... Even though the real Youlan at that time was disguised by Shen Cangming, was Shen Cangming considered a member of the Demon Sect?

Xiao Chen pondered for a moment and said, "Could it be... Hidden Front Valley?"

Since many years ago, he has not had a good impression of the people of Zangfeng Valley. Zangfeng Valley claims to be a famous and upright sect and is one of the four major sects, but sometimes it is extremely vicious when it comes to doing things, often killing a thousand people by mistake. , not sparing any one, simply worse than the Demon Sect.


Hua Weiyang shook her head and said, "If that person really wants to hide in Xuanmen, he must be an extremely upright person. As for Zangfeng Valley's actions, let alone Liu Xuanyin and others, it is their Xuanzu Feng Xuanzhi. Sometimes it's both good and evil. In this case, it won't be Zangfeng Valley."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen pondered and said nothing. Wei Young thought more carefully than him. The first thing he thought of was Zangfeng Valley, but it was not Zangfeng Valley. The more upright the person, the more likely it was...

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen couldn't help but sigh softly, looking at the sea of ​​clouds and the night falling lightly, "Tao is not Tao, and demon is not demon. In this world now, it is hard to distinguish between immortals and demons."

"Palace Master...Palace Master!"

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from the distance. The two followed the sound and saw a figure running towards them. It was Mingyue who was still recovering from her injuries in Qingfeng Stream. When they heard that Hua Weiyang woke up, She ignored the obstruction and ran out of Qingfengjian.


Hua Weiyang watched Mingyue running towards her. In the past, Mrs. Xianshu was busy with affairs, and Xiao Chen was often absent. She had some differences with the Qingqing Valley Master and others, so she could only talk to Mingyue. The two of them often talked about each other. Like sisters.

"Mingyue, your injury hasn't healed yet, why did you come out of Qingfeng Stream?"

Xiao Chen looked at her and saw that her face was still a little pale. Mingyue smiled and said, "It's okay. Besides, staying in Qingfeng Stream every day is almost boring to death..."

Hua Weiyang smiled softly and held her hand, "You are injured, you should have a good rest."

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on Mingyue and said to Hua Weiyang, "Last time at Wangchuan, she was injured by Gongsun Wuji. Fortunately, there are two seniors, the Medical Saint and the Medicine Saint."

"I have heard from Xian Shu about the matter of Wangchuan Gongsun before. It seems that those ancient clans hidden in the mysterious world will gradually appear..."

As the three of them talked, the sky had darkened, and a crescent moon was rising above the sea of ​​clouds.

Three days passed like this. During these three days, Xiao Chen had told Hua Weiyang everything that had happened in the past few years, especially in the Ancient Immortal World.

Whenever she heard about the thrilling things, such as the collapse of the void in the Gods and Demons Mountains, the people being trapped in the Tianshu Center for three years, and later dealing with the Demon Emperor, Hua Weiyang concentrated all her attention, held her breath, and her heart was hanging. , as if he was present at that time.

Of course, Xiao Chen ignored the previous bloody battles with immortal cultivators outside Penglai Fairyland, and finally mentioned the heaven and earth. Because she liked the human world the most, he mentioned the ten thousand feet of the fairyland in the Nether Void Sky. Named Heaven and Earth.

After listening to Xiao Chen talk about his experiences in the ancient fairy world these years, in fact, what Hua Weiyang cares about the most is the girl who was born from the ten thousand-year-old fairy flower in Penglai Fairyland.

"Weiyang, tell me, what is Xian'er's... origin?"

In fact, until now, Xiao Chen still doesn't know exactly where Xian'er came from and why he is so attached to him, but this kind of attachment is definitely not the feeling he has with Wei Young.

"Then how do I know...Humph."

Hua Weiyang snorted softly and turned her head to the side, pretending to be angry. Xiao Chen saw this and asked, "Weiyang...what's wrong with you?"


Hua Weiyang turned around and hummed softly, "Now that you have another sister, how many sisters do you have?"


Xiao Chen thought for a while and said, "Isn't it just Xian'er?"

Hua Weiyang hummed, "Have you forgotten that there was a Ling Luan in Tianji Tower before? I wish you could go back..."

"Lingluan...does it count?"


Hua Weiyang turned her head, and after a while, she turned back and asked, "By the way, what happened to Xiao Meng'er? Your relationship seems to be better than before..."

Xiao Chen said, "Don't think too much. She is the apprentice of Donghua Immortal Lord and the future heir of the Xiao family. She has nothing to do with me. I am not a member of the Xiao family..."

"I didn't say she was your sister."

Hua Weiyang walked closer to him, pondered for a moment, and said, "It's just that when I heard what you said just now, I always felt that this Xiao Meng'er was weird, as if she had some ulterior secret, just like your junior sister, Qian Yu Just like neon clothes..."

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