The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1568: The Place to Overcome the Tribulation

Xiao Chen shook his head, "Weiyang, you think too much.

Hua Weiyang frowned, and when she was about to say something, a voice suddenly came from outside: "Brother, brother! Brother Xiao Chen..."

"Xianer woke up."

Xiao Chen immediately turned around and saw Xian'er running in from outside and pounced on him, " can't find you anywhere, so you are here..."

"Xian'er...what's wrong?"

"Well... Xian'er just had a terrible dream, dreaming of three bad guys... Hey, Sister Weiyang?"

At this time, Xian'er noticed Hua Weiyang behind her, and Hua Weiyang looked at her, then at Xiao Chen, with a gentle smile on her face: "Xian'er, come here."


Xian'er immediately trotted over, and Hua Weiyang gently stroked her face, thinking, who wouldn't like such a cute and charming sister? He asked, "By the way, Xian'er, you just said you dreamed of three bad guys. What happened?"


Hearing this, Xian'er trembled slightly, and the smile on her face disappeared. She said in a trembling voice, "Xian'er, Xian'er saw three bad guys in her dream. They came to kill her brother. They are so powerful..."


If it were Xiao Chen, he would probably laugh it off after hearing these words, but Hua Weiyang looked very serious at this time, and asked with a raised eyebrow, "Xian'er, do you still remember, are there only those three bad guys in the dream? Are there any others?" People?"


Xian'er scratched her head and whispered, "I don't remember..."

After a while, Hua Weiyang smiled softly and stroked her face, "It's okay, it's just a dream. Don't be afraid, Xian'er. As long as Sister Weiyang is here, no one can hurt your brother Xiao Chen." At the end of his words, he said again He raised his head and looked at Xiao Chen thoughtfully.


Hearing this, Xian'er's face also turned from worry to joy. At this moment, Lianhua's voice suddenly came from outside: "Sister Xian'er, sister Xian'er, come out soon. I will take you to another fun place today." …”

"Come on, come on!"

Xian'er replied outside, and then said to Xiao Chen, "Brother Xiao Chen, I'm going to play with Lianhua!" As he said that, he quickly ran outside, as if the nightmare just now was forgotten all at once. Finally.

"Xian'er, wait..."

Just when Xiao Chen was about to call her, Hua Weiyang walked up, looked outside and said, "It's okay, Xiaobai is watching, nothing will happen to them."

"Come on, hurry up. When Master comes, we won't be able to get out..."

Listening outside, Lianhua secretly said something, her voice getting quieter and quieter. The two little girls spent the whole day together some time ago, but today they went to play somewhere.

After a long time, there was no sound outside. Hua Weiyang turned around, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "What Xian'er said just now..."

In fact, when she heard Xian'er say those words just now, her heart trembled suddenly, and she immediately thought whether it might be related to his life and death...

Xiao Chen said, "It's okay. When I was in the ancient immortal world, some things left a shadow on Xian'er's heart. It's not surprising that she sometimes has nightmares.

At this point, he paused for a moment before continuing, "Speaking of which, I wonder how Senior Feng is doing today. Let's go to Gufeng to have a look."

At this time, on top of the lonely peak and inside the secret palace, Ku Lingzi finally finished casting the spell. With a twist of his finger, he pulled out a wisp of black energy from Feng Moyao's head.

"Fortunately, this Soul Gu only lasts for a hundred years. If it were a Thousand-year Soul Gu, I might not be able to do anything about it." Ku Lingzi said slowly, looking at the black Soul Gu that was beating uneasily on his fingertips.

But Feng Moyao's face was still a little pale, and he smiled and said, "The former Youtian Soul Saint... really deserves his reputation."

Hearing this, Ku Lingzi's eyes narrowed, "It turns out that Venerable Feng... has known my identity for a long time."

Feng Moyao smiled and said, "It seems that the aura I sensed at the foot of Zhongyue Peak was definitely Taoist Fellow Youtian."


Ku Lingzi's eyes narrowed slightly, recalling the time at Zhongyue Peak, when people from the Lingxu Realm dealt with Xiao Chen. It was only after Feng Moyao suddenly appeared that he did not take action, lest people from all over the world find out. , however, he did not expect that that time, he was not discovered by people from all over the world, but was discovered by Feng Moyao.

After a while, Ku Lingzi said again, "Wuyutian has always had a problem with Tianmen. Lord Feng was one of the three deities of Tianmen in the past. Why did he help Wuyutian this time?"

Feng Moyao shook his head, as if he didn't want to bring up the past, and said, "In this world now, there is no Master Feng anymore, there is only Feng Moyao, Xianyun Yehe."

Hearing this, Ku Lingzi stopped asking questions. Thinking about it, the Feng Zun in front of him must have a past that he didn't want to mention. Just like him, the master he once respected the most has become his most respected master in this life. The biggest enemy.

After a while, Ku Lingzi said again, "But that day, I seemed to vaguely hear that you called that person 'Youzun'. Could it be..."


Feng Moyao suddenly had a look in his eyes, and the next moment, he seemed to be immersed in deep memories of the past. After a long time, he said, "The Lord You at that time was actually a clone of Jiuyou. He sneaked into Tianmen and lurked For hundreds of years, the purpose has been to secretly split the factions, making the factions in the world suspicious of each other and fighting with each other..."

"I see."

This time, Ku Lingzi finally understood why Feng Moyao seemed to die with him that day. Unfortunately, this person's cultivation level was too unfathomable. A clone was already so powerful. , its true form is even more unimaginable.

Half an hour later, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang arrived at Gufeng, but they saw that there was only Ku Lingzi in the secret hall, and Feng Moyao was missing. Xiao Chen asked, "Where is Senior Feng?"

"He just left not long ago."

"Leaving?" Xiao Chen frowned, looked into the hall, and asked, "Did he leave anything behind before he left?"

At this time, Ku Lingzi stood up slowly, and while walking towards him and Hua Weiyang, he said, "He was Lord Feng, one of the three gods of Tianmen in the past, and Jiuyou that day... was Lord You."

At that moment, Ku Lingzi told what happened. After listening to it, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang felt incredible. Sure enough, they had underestimated Jiuyou that day. What Xiao Chen didn't expect even more was that this senior turned out to be The Feng Zun of Tianmen...

"He helped me several times, but I never thought that he was one of the three former Tianmen..."

Xiao Chen looked at the fallen leaves whirling outside the window. At this moment, he recalled in his mind the old beggar who fell asleep on the roadside when they met at the beginning of the year...

As expected, things are unpredictable. He has constant grievances and grievances with Tianmen, and the person who taught him the Three Swords in the past turned out to be a member of Tianmen. What if he knew that the other person was a member of Tianmen at that time?

Next, in the past half month, everything in Wuyutian has been dealt with almost. However, during this half month, there are often dark clouds covering Wuyutian, giving people a feeling of depression.

At this moment, in the Hall of Wuyu, Xiao Chen was covered in cold sweat. He did not feel wrong when the heavenly punishment came that day. This time, his disaster... was really coming.

He must find a place to survive the tribulation, and this place must have abundant spiritual power. Although the spiritual power of Wuyutian is very strong, he cannot survive the tribulation in Wuyutian.

This time the calamity was very severe. He was worried that when the calamity came, Wuyutian might not be able to bear it, and everyone would not be able to bear it either, so he had to find another hidden place to survive the calamity.

He had left the matter of finding the place to overcome the tribulation to Bai Luan a few days ago. Bai Luan must be back in the next two days.

This time, there must be no accidents during the tribulation, otherwise it would not just be as simple as a damage to his cultivation and a failure to break through, but also his... life and death catastrophe.

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