A few more days passed. On this day, Xiao Chen was sitting in the secret palace and could clearly feel that the aura of the heavenly tribulation was getting closer and closer. He must find a place to overcome the tribulation as soon as possible to cope with the tribulation.

This tribulation is different from the past. You must choose a place with excellent spiritual energy to successfully survive the tribulation. Although the entire ancient land of Xianyuan is now open to spiritual energy, and a large amount of spiritual energy is pouring into the world, if you want to survive Tribulation cannot be just found anywhere.

When the time comes, those who have overcome the tribulation will need to fight against the tribulation. If their spiritual power is insufficient, how can they fight against the tribulation? Just like the last time Xiao Chen was in Penglai Wonderland, on the altar of gods and demons, if it weren't for the power of gods and demons that had been gathered nearby for thousands of years, he would have been wiped out by the gods and demons.

And this time the tribulation is even more severe. At that time, he must first survive the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavenly tribulations, which are called the "nine-nine heavy tribulations". "Tribulation" can also be regarded as a kind of ninety-nine calamities, but last time Fengtian Sect fell just a little short and was finally interrupted by him.

In fact, Xiao Chen understood that perhaps in his entire cultivation career, the ninety-ninth calamity was nothing at all, even the smallest calamity. If he couldn't survive even the ninety-ninth calamity, how could he get a glimpse of the outside world?

But for mortals, the Nine-Ninth Tribulation is a very powerful and terrifying calamity. For thousands of years, there are very few mortals who can successfully survive the Nine-Ninth Tribulation.

Some cultivators, when they sense that their ninety-ninth tribulation is approaching, do not dare to go through it because of fear. They can find ways to "avoid the tribulation", but in this way, their lifelong cultivation has come to an end. There is no longer any possibility of breaking through the realm.

Some people are unwilling to stop there and finally choose to face the tribulation. However, there are very few people who can successfully survive the ninety-nine tribulations. If they survive this tribulation, they will be reborn and step into the ranks of true immortals with great longevity. If it increases, you can continue to practice, and one day you will be able to get a glimpse of the realm beyond.

And if you are not able to survive the disaster, you are lucky and become a loose immortal. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can still continue to practice. If you are unlucky, you will often end up in ashes.

Everyone's nine-nine-fold calamity is different. Xiao Chen is not worried about these things. What worries him most is that he has made too many enemies over the years, and the cultivation forces outside are always peeping at Wuyutian, especially This time, after he came back from the ancient immortal world, he first destroyed the Wangchuan Gongsun Yi clan, and then what happened this time.

Now it seems that there are probably many people outside watching his every move. If people know that he is going to survive the ninety-ninth calamity, I am afraid that this will be the real calamity of life and death.

Once people outside know that he is going to go through the tribulation, powerful people will definitely come to kill him. No need to think about it, there will definitely be someone, just like in the ancient immortal world, he also chose to go before Fengtian Sect to go through the tribulation. Go to Feng’s house.

This kind of thing has been the case since ancient times. No one will wait for his enemy to successfully overcome the calamity before leaving slowly. Instead, he will definitely choose to attack when the opponent is most critical.

Even when Ku Lingzi was going through the tribulation, he accidentally exposed the place where he was going through the tribulation, and then was attacked by several powerful enemies together, resulting in the failure of the tribulation. Throughout the ages, there have been too many such things.

Not to mention other people, even Xiao Chen is no exception. If he learns that a certain enemy is about to go through a catastrophe, he will definitely kill him suddenly when that person is going through a catastrophe and take advantage of this opportunity to completely eliminate him.

So this time, he deeply understood that the real enemy he was about to face was not the thunder calamity above the nine heavens, but the powerful enemies in the past, as well as those who had been peeping in the dark all these years and wanted to do harm to Wuyutian. .

At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded outside the secret hall. Xiao Chen stood up and walked out of the hall, only to see Hua Weiyang standing at the door, her eyebrows slightly furrowed and a look of worry on her face.

"Weiyang, why are you here?"

"I'll come over and take a look."

As Hua Weiyang spoke, she walked into the secret palace, looked around, and then said, "I just saw... Bai Luan and the others are back."

Xiao Chen walked over and said, "It's okay. Don't worry. When Bai Luan comes back, he will definitely find a place for me to overcome the tribulation. This time, when I succeed in overcoming the tribulation..."

Before he could finish his words, Hua Weiyang turned around, looked at him and said, "But I'm afraid...Wutian Palace, Demonic Ancestor, Shen Cangming, all over the world, the sky outside the sky..."

In fact, Hua Weiyang was not the only one who was worried. Xiao Chen knew even more clearly that once those people found his place to escape the tribulation, the consequences could be imagined.

No matter where you go to overcome the tribulation, it will be the same as the last time in Penglai Wonderland. The tribulation will last for several days, so no matter where you are, even in a hidden place, those people may find it...

"It's okay, they may not know that I'm going to survive this time."

At this moment, Xiao Chen can only comfort Hua Weiyang in this way. This time he can send a message back to the Heaven of Netherworld and let Taoist Qingdeng and the others come to the human world again. However, in this case, although there will be many more immortal cultivators to protect him, It was also easier to attract the attention of others, so after weighing the left and right, he finally chose to do it quietly and not transfer people from the Heaven of Nether Void.

After a while, there were footsteps outside the hall again. Xiao Chen knew that it was Bai Luan who was coming, so he turned around and said to the outside, "Bai Luan, come in."


After a while, Bai Luan walked in from the outside. Seeing Hua Weiyang there, he cupped his hands and said, "Palace Master Weiyang."


Hua Weiyang nodded slightly and asked, "Bai Luan, when you come back this time, have you already found a place to overcome the calamity for Your Majesty?"

Bai Luan said, "Yes, I have just found a perfect place. If you want to come to the entire Xianyuan Ancient Land, there is no better place than there. And that place was visited by Your Majesty more than ten years ago..." "


Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed slightly and asked, "Where is it?"

Bai Luan smiled softly. She rarely smiled. When she smiled now, she was really happy. She looked at Xiao Chen, with a smile still on her face. "Your Majesty, you remembered that place?"

"you are right……"

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, "Could it be over there at the Wuwu Sea in the West, the Thunder Sea of ​​the Four Small Seas, the depths of the Thunder Sea, the Land of Thunder..."

Bai Luan smiled and said, "Yes, it is the land of Lei Ze."

"The land of Lei Ze..."

Hua Weiyang pondered for a moment and immediately understood, saying, "In the land of Lei Ze, there are constant thunders all year round. It is really wonderful to use the thunder of Lei Ze to hide the heavenly calamity of the Lord..."

Xiao Chen had never thought before that Bai Luan always thought more carefully. Although Lei Ze's sky thunder was very terrifying, so there was a certain danger there, but these dangers were compared to the dangers he had people find. It's not worth mentioning anymore.

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