The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1576 The Power of Cold Pond

The Phantom Musical Qin Demon already had a way, and immediately took out the Yaoqin. With both hands and ten fingers, he picked it lightly and slowly. The sound of the Qin was transmitted to the Heavenly Tribulation. She was best at the Qin, and perhaps the only way to use the Qin's sound was to , can wake up the person in front of you.

Sure enough, Xiao Chen gradually calmed down after hearing the sound of the piano. The melodious sound of the piano was like a cool breeze blowing under the pine trees. At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the time when Ling Yin taught him the music of the piano on Zixiao Peak. , is the same rhythm.

"It really works..."

The phantom piano demon saw that his calamity fire was gradually disappearing. At this time, the sound of the piano continued, but he tried his best to soothe the music so as not to cause confusion in his mind.

Finally, the last two heart tribulations were successfully overcome, and the thunderclouds that had shrouded the sky for several days finally dispersed. At this moment, Xiao Chen's brilliant light was seen reaching the top, and then within a hundred feet around him, fairy mist shrouded, and there were Bursts of rays of light shine out from it, like a fairy door opening, shining with mysterious light.

The Phantom Music Piano Demon knew that he had successfully overcome the disaster, and the music of the piano slowly stopped. After a while, Xiao Chen was seen floating out of the mist. At this moment, the aura on his body was obviously close to the ancient immortal world. There is a strong man like Li Yunzhongjun and the Empress, and there is also a green lotus seal between his eyebrows.

"Congratulations, Lord Xiao, for successfully surviving this calamity." The Phantom Qin Demon put away the Yao Qin and said slowly.

"Just now...thank you very much."

Xiao Chen walked towards her. Thinking back to just now, he was in such a thrilling situation. Fortunately, the sound of the phantom piano demon made him wake up. This time, he really had to thank the other party.

At this moment, the Phantom Musical Piano Demon looked at him, but remained silent. It was as if she had gotten to know the person in front of her again today. After a long time, she said, "You have been depressed for a long time. If this continues, one day, It will still come back to bite you like it is today.” ✵

Hearing this, Xiao Chen remained silent. Perhaps the knot in his heart had never been resolved. Back then... he no longer hated those people back then, whether it was the head of Qingxuan or Master Feng Yin... he had I won’t hate anymore, but I won’t forgive either.

The Phantom Musical Demon looked at him without saying a word, and inevitably sighed in his heart. He always remembered some things, and he was the most painful one. And if Hua Weiyang died back then, he would probably sink into the sea of ​​misery, and live forever, bound by pain, like him. In fact, such people are not suitable for cultivating immortals. It is better to cultivate demons, which may not be so painful, and they will not have the heart to rob the fire.

"That's all, don't mention this anymore, Weiyang... we need to go there immediately."

Just when Xiao Chen finished speaking, he suddenly felt Bai Luan's breath coming quickly, and his mind immediately condensed. Oh no, Weiyang... Bai Luan came in such a hurry, something must have happened to Weiyang!

I saw Bai Luan's figure in the distance, his clothes were stained with blood, and he had some difficulty speaking, "Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

After saying everything, Xiao Chen and Huan Yin Qin Mo followed her to the abyss valley. They saw layers of ice. The originally blazing land of Lei Ze was actually covered in frost and frost. Not even thunder can break the ice here.


With his spiritual consciousness passing through the layers of ice, Xiao Chen first saw Zi Yuan and the others who had not had time to escape, and then vaguely saw Hua Weiyang, Tai Huazi, and two strange black figures in the middle of the ice.

"The power of the cold pool..."

The Phantom Musical Qin Demon looked at this piece of ice and thought, no wonder so many people want these seven spiritual veins in the world. Not only do they have endless spiritual power, but they also have unique powers. The bone-piercing cold of Hantan, the deep cold of Longyuan. The absolute seal, the infinite power of the giant soul, Amaterasu's resurrection from the dead, Youquan's glimpse into the future of life and death...

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Bai Luan's face was pale, Xiao Chen looked at her and said, "Bai Luan, you rest aside, and when I break the ice outside, I can rescue Zi Yuan and the others first.


Bai Luan didn't say much, and then went to the side to meditate. At this time, the Phantom Musical Qin Demon turned around, looked at him and said, "This is the bone-chilling cold of Hantan. I'm afraid it won't be broken easily."

"Give it a try."

Xiao Chen stepped forward, the two of them looked at each other, nodded to each other, then raised his true energy, put a palm on the ice, and tried to slowly break the ice layer with his profound strength. If he broke through it rashly, Xiao Chen would Chen was worried that he would hurt Wei Yang and Zi Yuan inside.

However, as expected, as the Phantom Musical Qin Demon said, he underestimated the power of the cold pool, especially the bone-chilling cold that Weiyang released with Xuanyin's body. Even with such profound skills as his and the Phantom Musical Qin Demon, they were unable to Melt the ice outside.

Seeing this, Bai Luan also stood up and walked over slowly. She also put her palm on the ice, but even if she had one more person, it would only be a drop in the bucket and have no effect. This bone-chilling cold, with the strength of three people, was far from enough. To break it open, unless you find dozens of Saint Realm masters from the Ancient Immortal World, you might have a try.

Just like this, a stick of incense time passed. Under the continuous exercise of the three people, the ice layer outside did melt a little bit, but before it melted much, the cold air coming out of it immediately sealed it. Unless How long will it take to wait for all the cold air here to dissipate naturally? ten years? century?


Finally, the Phantom Music Piano Demon took back her power, and her palms were turned purple by the bone-piercing cold. If she continued like this, she might have been bitten by the cold before the ice melted.

At this moment, she looked at the entire frozen abyss in front of her, thinking that although there was the power of the cold pool in it, the little girl could be so completely frozen, and she was indeed a body of Xuanyin. She was really powerful... I'm afraid. The Demon King who was in Tianshu Center was frozen by her, and he couldn't get out, right?

"Your Majesty... what should I do?"

Bai Luan's face turned pale. She had thought that as long as he came up, he would be able to break through the ice. She didn't expect that even his great ability was helpless.


At this moment, Xiao Chen looked inside the layers of ice, and his heart suddenly felt like he was stabbed hard by something. Weiyang, you only think about the three people in the ice, but have you ever thought that you can't get out either? Already...

Obviously, Hua Weiyang didn't leave any room when she used the ice seal. Even if she couldn't get out, she would never let Taihuazi and the others have any chance to get out.

"I'll try again."

Xiao Chen raised his palms and was about to pour his profound energy into the ice, but was suddenly held back by the Phantom Musical Demon: "Boy, it's useless. Even if you exhaust all your energy here, It’s dark, but even half of the ice can’t be broken.”

It was getting late, and thunderclouds were still shrouded in the low sky, as if they would be suppressed at any time. Bai Luan suddenly thought of something, stood up, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Your Majesty, otherwise... you try to use the scorching sun to The power of eyes?”

"Eye of the Burning Sun..."

Xiao Chen's heart condensed, yes, how could he forget the Eye of the Sun? He came to the West Extreme Sea to get the Eye of the Sun.

"You guys stand back."

At this moment, he no longer hesitated, and immediately took out the Ring of the Burning Sun and threw it into the air. He continued to form seals with his hands, and a hot breath of fire immediately came out from the Ring of the Burning Sun.

The power of the Eye of the Flaming Sun was so violent that he could not control it. Unlike Weiyang's body of Xuanyin, which was not afraid of the Eye of the Cold Pond, so at this moment, he could only be careful to avoid being backlashed by the power of the Eye of the Flaming Sun.

"Be careful."

The Phantom Piano Demon also slowly retreated into the distance. The violent power of this scorching sun could blow up a Saint Realm master to ashes if he was not careful.

Xiao Chen let out the power of the Eye of the Scorching Sun bit by bit, and it worked as expected. The ice began to melt. It wasn't until it was getting dark that the ice outside melted. Zi Yuan and others immediately woke up from inside, a Everyone was shivering from the cold.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

Seeing that Xiao Chen was controlling the Eye of the Sun, Ziyuan and the others did not dare to approach and immediately walked away. Finally, after a day and a night, the ice in the entire abyss valley basically melted, and the ice in the cold pool was completely melted. The power of the sun and the power of the scorching sun also canceled each other out.

There was still some ice in the center, but with a "bang" sound, the ice completely collapsed. Taihuazi and the other two people immediately escaped from the trap.


Xiao Chen didn't care about Taihuazi and the other three at this time, and flew over in an instant to catch Hua Weiyang. Hua Weiyang's face was pale, and it was obvious that he had consumed a lot of spiritual power. He wanted to say something, but before he could speak, Taihuazi took the lead. He attacked Xiao Chen.

"I didn't look for you, but you came first, so today... no one can leave."

Xiao Chen's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. He held Hua Weiyang in his right hand and flicked Taihuazi with the palm of his left hand. The overwhelming force was overwhelming. With a "bang", Taihuazi was hit by this palm. , a mouthful of blood spurted out immediately, and he flew backwards heavily.


Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu were both shocked. They never expected that this person's cultivation level...could he have already entered that realm? impossible……

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