
After repelling Taihuazi, Xiao Chen no longer bothered about that. The true energy in his palm immediately entered Hua Weiyang's body with the power of pure Yang. Her body was too cold at this time. If it weren't for the fact that there was something in Xiao Chen's body, Most of the pure yang energy will not be able to resist this cold air.

"Don't...don't let them leave."

Hua Weiyang's face was pale, but Xiao Chen was only focused on her at this time and still ignored her. No matter what, the three people from Taihuazi would not be more important than her.


Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu came to both sides of Taihuazi and looked at Xiao Chen with shock. Taihuazi had a cold face at this time and was full of murderous intent, but he had to retreat. In his current situation, There is no way he can be the opponent of the man in front of him.

Not to mention that yesterday he fought with Hua Weiyang here and spent a lot of money, and then he was frozen by the bone-breaking ice for a day and a night. The backlash of the power of the Blood Pill was not something he could bear at the moment. He had to give up now and start with Leave this place and wait until you regain your strength.


At this moment, Taihuazi made a decisive decision without any hesitation. The three of them immediately turned into a gust of wind and flew out of the abyss valley.

"Don't even think about leaving..."

Hua Weiyang endured the backlash of Xuanyin, stretched out her hand, and Feihua Lianyou Umbrella flew out instantly. Xiao Chen quickly pressed her hand and said, "Weiyang, don't use your skills!"

"Taihuazi must know what happened back then, we can't let him escape..."

Hua Weiyang's face was filled with pain, but the cold air that had been suppressed by the exercise just now surged back, covering her whole body with a layer of frost.

"Palace Master Weiyang, don't worry, they can't escape..."

Bai Luan walked up and said quickly, although she said so, she knew in her heart that if these three people did not return to Wutian Palace, it would be really difficult to find them. It would be great if Zhui Ming was here at this moment. Although Zhui Ming They won't be the opponents of those three people, but no matter where they escape, they will never be able to escape the "soul chasing souls" who are chasing their lives.

"Weiyang, don't talk."

Seeing that she was still only focusing on his affairs, Xiao Chen was speechless and ignored the three people from Taihuazi. He condensed his palms and immediately sent a pure Yang energy into Hua Weiyang's body.

It was like this until it was almost dark, and Hua Weiyang finally recovered a little, but her face was still a little pale, and she said, "I'm fine, those three people..."

"Don't worry, they can't escape."

Xiao Chen said as he looked up the abyss valley. In fact, he didn't need Hua Weiyang to remind him. He could feel that the arrival of Taihuazi and the three people this time was too weird. No matter what this time, he would never let go. Pass these three people.

"I'll go up there and take a look."

The Phantom Musical Demon jumped lightly and flew to the top of the abyss. Bai Luan and others did not stop here, and immediately dispersed and flew above.

The night fell lightly, and there were only two people left under the abyss. Xiao Chen looked at her and said, "You do this every time, how can I not worry..."

Hua Weiyang shook her head gently and asked, "Have you passed the calamity of life and death?"


Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Look, I said before that the journey of cultivation is full of disasters, but it's not that terrible, right?"


Hua Weiyang smiled softly and caressed his face, but her heart did not feel relaxed. Is it really so easy to survive the calamity of life and death...

"By the way, Weiyang, when I came here just now, I seemed to see two strange black figures nearby. Why are they missing?"

Xiao Chen looked around, but couldn't see any shadow, Hua Weiyang said, "No way, you clearly saw it wrong.

"Did I see it wrong?"

Xiao Chen turned around and looked at her a little strangely. Hua Weiyang secretly smiled, bit her lip, then stretched out her hand to gently scratch his nose, nodded and said, "Well, I saw it wrong."

"All right……"

Xiao Chen stopped asking questions. The two puppets of Youhai quickly hid when he came out. This was Hua Weiyang's divine command that entered into the puppet's "Spiritual Pivot" to "not appear in front of Xiao Chen." " Unless she is in danger of life or death, the two puppets of Youhai will carry out Wentian's highest order and protect her no matter what.

The night slowly shrouded, Hua Weiyang looked in the direction where Taihuazi and the three people had escaped, and gradually her eyebrows were furrowed. Xiao Chen saw her frown and said, "Weiyang, you don't have to worry, this time, those three people Can't escape."

"Those three people..."

Hua Weiyang frowned slightly, looked at the top of the abyss, and said, "I just asked you not to let Taihuazi go, not because of these three people. These three people are no longer a concern, but Taihuazi is very Weird, he must know something about Uncle Xiao back then, and there is a person behind the scenes..."

At the end of her words, Hua Weiyang turned around and saw Xiao Chen's face, vaguely filled with unspeakable sadness. She realized immediately that she had just continued speaking without thinking about it. Come to think of it, those things have always been hidden in his heart, like a knife stuck in his heart, it will hurt when touched...

"Weiyang...it's okay."

Xiao Chen gently caressed her face and looked up the abyss, "Back then, Taihuazi killed my mother and father. I will not let him go..."


Hua Weiyang nodded, looked at him and said, "This time, I will go with you."

A few days later, Taihuazi and the other three hurriedly returned to Wutian Hall. Seeing the three Supreme Masters returning in such a hurry, and the visions they had experienced in the past few months, all the disciples felt a little uneasy. Several elders stepped forward. , asked cautiously, "Three real people, is there something happening outside?"

Taihuazi was silent. Now Xiao Chen's strength has completely exceeded his previous expectations. He is afraid that within the next few days, the opponent will definitely lead an attack. The three of them must wait until they recover their strength before going out to fight.

However, the three of them did not panic. They had already prepared and placed numerous restrictions within a hundred miles. It would not be easy for Xiao Chen to break into the Wutian Secret Realm this time.

"If he dares to come, he will be taught whether to come back or not..."

At this moment, Taihuazi's eyes were cold and stern, and the expressions of several elders changed after hearing this. Could it be that someone is coming to attack Wutian Palace, and this person... is probably only Xiao Yichen.

Master Cuihan said, "Senior Brother Taihua, please go back to the secret realm for the next few days to retreat. There are Senior Brother Chongjiu and I outside, and there are also three magic weapons such as Taixuan Sword, Hunyuan Pearl, and Mountain and River Map to suppress you. I believe that Xiao Yi Even if Chen finds a master from the ancient immortal world, it will be difficult to break in for a while."

Master Chongjiu looked cold and said coldly, "If that doesn't work, I'll open the seal of the Jiuyou Valley Demon Suppressing Stone and see if that kid has three heads and six arms!"

Hearing this, several elders changed their expressions, but at this time, they did not dare to say anything. Taihuazi nodded and said, "I want to go back to the secret realm and realize the last profound entrance. Wait until I step into it." In the realm of Taisheng, that kid can't even think about escaping. I'll leave it to my two junior brothers for the next few days."

Master Cuihan said, "Senior Brother, don't worry, Senior Brother Chongjiu and I will not let that person break into the secret realm and disturb Senior Brother this time..."

Taihuazi nodded and said no more. The current momentum was urgent and he flicked his sleeves and immediately turned into a ray of light and flew into the secret realm of Taihua Palace.

"Really... real person..."

Several elders in the hall were still in shock. Master Chongjiu said coldly, "Don't panic. In the past few days, let Ziweisi and the others strengthen their defenses and not miss any place!"

In the past few days, the entire Wutian Palace has been filled with heavy clouds, making people breathless. Especially in the Taihua Palace, a terrifying force often rushes out, shaking the mountains every time.

Finally, on the seventh day, someone outside suddenly came to report: "Elder... Elder! The people from Wuyu Tian are here... three hundred miles away! Just three hundred miles away!"

"Three hundred miles away..." Several elders were shocked. Is it already so close? One person asked quickly, "How many are there?"

"No...I don't know, probably a lot..."

The disciple was so frightened and panicked that he even spoke incoherently. Several elders calmed down and one of them said, "Go and notify Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu immediately!"


At this moment, two more disciples hurriedly ran in from outside. The elder at the head of the hall had a condensed look on his face, "What's the matter? Tell me!"


The two disciples choked with anger and were speechless. The man on the left swallowed hard and said hurriedly, "Then... then Xiao Yichen, he asked us to open the restriction, otherwise once the formation is broken, he will To stain the entire Wutian Palace with blood..."


In the hall on the right, an old man in red smashed the coffee table next to him with a "bang", stood up and said, "I want to see if he has three heads and six arms!"


Just as the words fell, the whole hall suddenly trembled violently, and a terrifying force came straight in, frightening the other elders to tremble, and came...

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