“Stop!” ♦❁

The moment Xiao Chen flew in, more than a dozen terrifying restrictions were struck at him. Everyone in the distance was shocked when they saw this scene. With such a restriction, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you can still withstand it. Can't stop.

Restrictions were coming from both sides, and Xiao Chen had no way to retreat. He moved his Lingxian Steps, leaving an afterimage on the spot. In an instant, he was already a hundred feet away.


There was a loud noise, the ground shook, and the afterimage was scattered instantly. Everyone in the distance held their breath. If I had been hit by that blow, I'm afraid it wouldn't be much better.

On the cliff, Hua Weiyang secretly broke into a cold sweat. At this moment, Xiao Chen was still almost twenty miles away from the central position. How could he fly over this twenty miles distance?

“Stop, stop, stop!” ♦❁

The sky-wide restrictions were struck down again. Xiao Chen fiercely urged his true energy and used Ling Xianbu to the extreme. He avoided the incoming restrictions one after another. Although they were dangerous, he was getting closer and closer to the central position. .

But in Wutian Palace, all the disciples were so frightened that they turned pale when they saw him forcefully breaking through the restriction. Even the expressions of several elders changed. This man was too...

"Stop him!"

Two elders immediately flew out of the hall. Only then did the masters of Wutian Hall nearby react. They quickly raised their flying swords and slashed into the restricted formation. However, even the sky-wide restrictions could not hurt them. Xiao Chen, no matter how fast their flying swords are, can they fly faster than this limit?

Seeing Xiao Chen getting closer and closer, and even the sky full of restrictions and flying swords couldn't stop him, everyone turned pale with fright. The side of Wutian Palace was afraid that he would come over, while the side of Wuyutian was afraid of him coming. Afraid that he would be hit by the ban.

In the distance, Ziweisi held his breath and concentrated. He never imagined that in just eight years, this person's cultivation would have reached such a strong level...

I still remember that back then, the two of them were both injured and fell into the mortal world together, losing their memories. But now, he can no longer be Xiao Chen's opponent.


Seeing Xiao Chen rushing in regardless of the restriction, the two elders suddenly shook their spirits, raised their palms, and flying swords filled the sky, suddenly filled with murderous intent, and rushed towards Xiao Chen in the restriction.


Hua Weiyang's mind tightened, and at that moment, the Phantom Qin Demon took out the Yao Qin and played it with a sudden burst of sound, "Zheng Zheng Zheng!" With a burst of fast strings, the flying swords in the sky immediately flew back, along with The two elders and the rest of the masters of Wutian Palace all fell back under the sound of the Demonic Qin.

Thousands of feet! Baizhang!

Xiao Chen was getting closer and closer to the central position, and Zi Weisi's expression changed. It was terrible... At this moment, with one stroke of his two fingers, a golden sword light struck Xiao Chen instantly.


With a sharp sound, Xiao Chen blocked the golden flying sword back with his sword. Ziweisi was shocked and stepped back. Even if the opponent was in the restriction at the moment, he was no match for him.

"Stop him!"

Many masters suddenly appeared in Wutian Palace, but unless it was Taihuazi, who could stop Xiao Chen? It's not that Wutian Palace is not strong, it's just that after returning from the ancient immortal world, his strength has improved too much, especially in this realm of gods and demons, how many people can stop him?


There was a loud noise, and smoke and dust billowed nearby. Xiao Chen knocked away those who rushed up with his palm. At this time, they were less than a hundred feet away from the central position.


All the elders were shocked, but at this moment, they could no longer stop it. Xiao Chen held Emperor Gu in his hand and slashed towards the central position with a sword, which immediately caused the entire Wutian Secret Realm to tremble violently. Then, three rays of mysterious light appeared. Flying out of the smoke and dust, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the three magic weapons: Taixuan Sword, Hunyuan Pearl, and Mountain and River Map.

The power of this magical weapon is no small matter. It is as fierce as a ten thousand-foot-high raging wave, and it surges towards Xiao Chen, but how can the power of Emperor Gu be taken lightly? Hearing a sword whistle that echoed in the sky, Xiao Chen flicked his fingers, and Emperor Gu flew out in an instant, blocking all three magic weapons in the air.


A shock spread, and several nearby small peaks could not withstand the force and immediately fell apart. In an instant, smoke and dust filled the sky.

"The restriction is broken... let's go!"

The last layer of restrictions in Wutian Palace was also broken by Xiao Chen. The masters from Wuyutian outside immediately rushed in like a tide, causing the nearby ground to shake.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Wutian Palace was shocked. Who dared to step forward? However, although Wuyutian's momentum was huge this time, Hua Weiyang had already given instructions before coming. He only needed to scare the people in Wutian Palace, and there was no need to fight seriously. Firstly, he did not want Wuyutian to suffer losses, and secondly, I don’t want to alarm the forces in the Lingxu Realm.

At this moment, from Cuihan Mountain and Chongjiu Valley, two rays of light suddenly flew over. The powerful aura was suffocating, but it was Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu who came out of seclusion. They thought they could rely on the outside I could hold on to the restriction for a moment longer, but I didn't expect that it would be so easy for this person to break through.

"Xiao Yichen, how can you be so arrogant here?"

Master Chongjiu's face was full of anger. As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped his palm suddenly, causing the earth to shake. However, he saw that the force of his palm instantly formed a golden palm print in the air, heading straight towards Xiao Chen!

At this moment, Hua Weiyang flew over, slashed out with a sword, and blocked Master Chongjiu's palm, and said to Xiao Chen, "Are you okay just now?"


Xiao Chen nodded slightly and looked towards the Taihua Palace. He saw that there was still a strange light over there. It must be Taihuazi who was meditating on the evil method. He said, "You and Qin Mo are here to deal with these two people. I’ll go find Taihuazi.”

"Be careful, that person... is not simple."


Xiao Chen said no more, and with a movement of his body, he flew towards Taihua Palace. Seeing this, Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu immediately stopped him from going up. Hua Weiyang slashed out with his sword, and suddenly the cold air shrouded them and separated them. The distance between the two of them and Xiao Chen was reduced.


At this time, the Phantom Musical Qin Demon also flew up, a burst of fast strings popped out, and the sound of the Demonic Qin was unstoppable. Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu had to turn around to resist Hua Weiyang's sword energy and the Phantom Musical Qin Demon's piano sound. They could no longer stop He went to stop Xiao Chen. As for Ziweisi and the elders, it was even more impossible to stop him.

Soon, Xiao Chen arrived at Taihua Palace. The strange thing was that there were no restrictions here, so he came in casually.


Several disciples were so frightened when they saw him breaking into Taihua Palace that they couldn't even stand still. How could they dare to step forward to stop him?

Xiao Chen put his hands behind his back, walked over step by step, and said coldly, "Taihuazi, where are you..."

"you you……"

The disciples turned pale and quickly took out their fairy swords and pointed them at him. However, the swords in their hands did not obey his orders at all. Even the swords trembled under the strong aura of the other party.

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