At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a strange aura. The place where the aura came from must be the secret realm of Taihua Palace.

At this moment, he no longer hesitated, brushed away the people in front of him with one palm, and moved in an instant towards the secret realm of Taihua Palace.

The entire Taihua Secret Realm is shrouded in a strange layer of blood. How does this look like a place for cultivating immortals? Xiao Chen cautiously came to the front of the secret realm step by step. There was a seal and restriction here, which was difficult for ordinary people to break through. But with Di Gu in his hand, it was not difficult to break through it with one sword.


Thinking of the scene in the dream in the past, the hatred in Xiao Chen's heart became even stronger. Di Gu slashed down with his sword, and with a "bang", the restriction outside the secret realm was immediately broken.

At this time, in the back, the elders and disciples from Taihua Palace who came after hearing the sound were all pale with fear, and no one dared to step forward to stop him.

Inside the secret realm, the atmosphere was even weirder. In the dim corridor, the sound of dripping water kept echoing. Xiao Chen held the Emperor's Sword in his hand and followed Taihuazi's breath as he continued to go deeper. Finally, he came to a dark ancient palace. .

This ancient palace looked very old, and the stone walls were already covered with vines. At this time, Taihuazi's strange aura came from inside.


Xiao Chen smashed the palace door to pieces with one sword. The light inside the palace was even darker. He could only vaguely see a figure sitting on the stone platform in the center of the palace. The man's whole body was covered with blood and he couldn't see his true appearance. However, the only way to come here was because of Tai Tai. Hua Zi.


The sound of cold footsteps came step by step from outside the palace, but Taihuazi sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, still sitting motionless on the stone platform, as if dead, which was extremely strange.


With a cold sword whistle, Xiao Chen suddenly slashed towards the stone platform with his sword. However, just when the emperor's sword was less than ten feet away from the stone platform, Taihuazi suddenly opened his eyes as if his soul had suddenly returned to his position. Two strange bloody lights shot out from the pupils of his eyes.

Just hearing a "bang", the whole ancient palace trembled violently, and dust fell from the top of the palace, but Taihuazi resisted Emperor Gu's sword force with only two fingers.

"You alone want to kill me..."

At this moment, Taihuazi's expression was extremely gloomy, his face was filled with a fierce light, and his whole body was covered with blood. He did not look like a person who was cultivating immortality and practicing Taoism at all.

"Killing might think too well."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and with a single stroke of his finger, the Emperor's Sword roared, and the sword energy suddenly surged, and he slashed at Taihuazi.


Taihuazi slapped the stone platform with both palms, jumped up suddenly, and a burst of mysterious energy surged out of his body, blocking the Emperor Gujian in an instant.

The entire ancient palace was suddenly filled with a strong and cold wind. Xiao Chen's white hair was flying, and his two fingers were linked together, leaving an afterimage on the spot. In an instant, he had already pointed towards Taihuazi's eyebrows.


Taihuazi shouted quickly, and the blood all over his body suddenly merged into the top of his head, forming a blood mark above his eyebrows. With a "bang", he actually blocked Xiao Chen's finger.

At this moment, the blood essence in his palm condensed, and he struck Xiao Chen's chest and abdomen suddenly. Xiao Chen gathered his essence instantly, and with a "boom" sound, the two of them faced each other with one palm, and immediately destroyed this ancient palace. It was shaken to pieces, and dust and smoke billowed.

At this time, outside, the elders and disciples of Taihua Palace heard the sound of fighting coming from the secret realm, as well as the surging profound energy at this time, and their faces turned pale with fear. After a while, they saw someone on the other side of the secret realm. Two rays of light, green and red, flew out, it was Tai Huazi and Xiao Chen.


The two flew into the sky and faced each other with another palm. Suddenly, the wind surged, the mountain peaks trembled, and a majestic aura of profound energy surged. Even those who were far away suddenly felt suffocated and kept retreating.

"Really... real person!"

At this moment, looking at Master Taihua in the sky, fighting with Wu Yutian, all the disciples turned pale with fright, and subconsciously retreated away. The fight between the two in the sky was beyond their control, so to speak. Interference, as long as you get even a little closer, will result in physical and mental destruction.

"Xuan Tian—Sha!"

Taihuazi kept forming seals with his hands, and suddenly the thunder clouds rolled, and a series of mysterious thunders came down, hitting Xiao Chen continuously. At the same time, behind him, a sword light suddenly flew towards him. It was the Taixuan Sword, which was so powerful. No small matter.

Xiao Chen turned over to avoid the Taixuan Sword that was coming from behind. At the same time, he slashed out with the sword. Emperor Gu's sword energy was unparalleled in the world. With a "clang" sound, the Taixuan Sword flew away.

Taihuazi caught the Taixuan Sword that flew back. At this moment, the sword body was dazzling with golden light, carrying a fierce sword energy, and it suddenly killed Xiao Chen again.


Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and he slashed down with a sword. The hundred-foot-long sword light swallowed up the mountains and rivers, and was unstoppable. "Boom!" When the two swords met, a storm surged in the sky, and the entire Taihua Palace trembled violently!

The moment the two of them were facing each other with swords, a swift shadow suddenly flew towards him from the diagonal stab. With a fierce murderous aura in his palm, the man struck towards Xiao Chen with a sudden strike. At this moment, Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and An overwhelming force surged out, and at the moment when the palms were placed, dust was thrown up from the sky!

The man was shaken by this palm and kept moving back. It turned out to be Zhenren Chongjiu. His face turned pale and his eyes seemed a bit horrified. He was shocked by the strength of the opponent, which was completely beyond his. As expected, the arm he had palmed with Xiao Chen just now felt faintly numb.


At this moment, Hua Weiyang and Huanyin Qinmo also flew over, as well as Master Cuihan. They landed next to Master Chongjiu in an instant. He just saw Master Chongjiu being knocked back by a palm in the distance. At this time There was also a bit of surprise on his face, "Senior Brother Chongjiu, how are you?"

"It's out of the way."

Master Chongjiu's eyes narrowed slightly. As he spoke, he looked at Taihuazi who was not far away. He thought that after all, Senior Brother Taihua still failed to step into the realm of Taisheng. It was too difficult. How could it be easy to reach the realm of Taisheng? You can have a glimpse, but if you don't have the opportunity, you will have no hope in your life.


There was a cold sword whistle, Xiao Chen waved his long sword, and said coldly, "You three, you still have a chance to tell the secret of what happened back then..."

Hearing this, many elders of Wutian Palace in the distance were startled. The secret of what happened that year... Which year is it referring to, and what event is it referring to? Is it really like the rumors say, that he was... that person back then, that person after that person? How can this be……

The expressions on the faces of Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu suddenly became serious. What happened back then... Is this person really here because of what happened to Xiao Zhufeng back then? That matter... why does senior brother never mention it at all?

"You two junior brothers, you don't need to listen to what he has to say, let's take it down and talk about it later!"

Taihuazi's face was gloomy, but he didn't say much. With a movement of his palms, the Taixuan Sword immediately let out a cold sword sound, and the strong wind rose again. Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu reacted without any hesitation. They sacrificed their magic weapons and killed Xiao Chen.

Hua Weiyang and the Phantom Musical Piano Demon didn't say much. As soon as their inner energy was activated, the sky suddenly surged with violent winds. At that moment, the three of them fought together. The nearby mysterious light shot into the sky, and a powerful and compelling aura surged towards the surroundings. They dispersed, forcing everyone to retreat far away.

The fight continued like this until dusk fell, and the two sides were still indecisive. However, Taihuazi and the other three were clearly defeated by Xiao Chen and the other three. Several nearby peaks were turned into ashes, and the entire Taihua Palace was already in ruins. Unbearable.


There was another sharp sound in mid-air, and Taihuazi was knocked back by Xiao Chen's "Thirty-three Levels of Hatred Palm" across a Taixuan Sword. At this moment, he could no longer hold on, and his throat A mouthful of blood gushed out from his chest, and his face suddenly turned pale and ugly.

"Senior Brother Taihua!"

The faces of Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu next to them were also pale. Seeing that their senior brother was injured, they were both shocked. How could it be possible that even senior brother Taihuazi was not his opponent...

"Really, real person..."

In the distance, the disciples of Wutian Palace had already been stunned, and they all stood dumbfounded. In the past, the three masters, especially Master Taihua, were like gods in their hearts.

But today, looking at the other party's hair as white as snow and his pale face, many people felt like crying without tears. Especially at this moment, at dusk, after Taihuazi was injured, his slightly thin figure gave people a sense of twilight. feeling.

"It's okay, I just made a mistake in my luck."

Taihuazi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with all his strength, but he was too seriously injured by Xiao Chen's Lihen Palm just now, and now another mouthful of blood came up.

"Real person!"


At this moment, everyone in Wutian Palace in the distance, as well as Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu, had already seen it.

In the dim dusk and the cold wind, everyone was silent. But in the distance, looking at this scene, for some reason, Patriarch Jiu Ming and others also felt a sense of desolation.

Only Yang Xiaoran tied his hands on his chest and said with a smile, "Thousands of sails are passing by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of trees are springing in front of the diseased tree... Taihuazi, you are still old after all. In twenty years, I will be able to do it." Pee on your head."


One of the subordinates standing next to him coughed lightly, covered his mouth and whispered, "Commander Yang, I think he may not live until then. If you want to go, do it now..."

"Hanhan, shut up."

Yang Xiaoran patted the man, and saw that the faces of Patriarch Jiu Ming and others not far away seemed to be a little unhappy. He smiled and said, "Senior Jiu Ming, Senior Xueyang, I don't mean anything else, hahahahaha, uh ...Ahem."

Above Taihua Palace, the cold wind howled. Taihuazi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a cold smile, "It's really a formidable life... It's a pity that this ability is not enough!"

The moment the words fell, his whole body was covered in blood. His aura, which was still a little weak, seemed to have strengthened countless times. Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu were both shocked: "Senior Brother!"

However, before the two of them finished speaking, Taihuazi held Taixuan Sword in his hand. At this moment, the human sword merged into one, with a dazzling golden light, and he suddenly killed Xiao Chen!

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