The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1591 New Year’s Eve

Zixiao Peak, located in the Yaoguang of the Seven Stars, is the seventh peak of the Xuanqing Seven Peaks. It is far away from the other six peaks and is not surrounded by other peaks, so it is the most lonely and cold.

Bishui Yaotai is one of the four scenic spots of Zixiao Peak. It is a natural cold pool with very cold water. In the center of Yaotai, there grows a fairy tree that is so high that you can't see the top. The flowers bloom all year round.

At this time, on the Bishui Yaotai, the water surface is like a mirror, and the flowers fall slowly. Ling Yin's heart is like a mirror. He sits cross-legged with his eyes closed. There is no distraction on the water surface at this time, and there is no ripple.

At this time, outside the Bishui Yaotai, Ruoshui looks like she was seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a light red flower skirt, with her hands clenched tightly, and the worry between her eyebrows appears from time to time.

She was originally a carefree age, but during this period of time, she heard that the evil demons in the outer world wanted to harm Xuan Qing, and it happened that her master's heavenly tribulation was approaching. She had not been able to sleep well for more than half a month. Every time she fell asleep, she was always awakened by nightmares.

Recalling that when she first came to Zixiao Peak, she knew nothing. She was only eight years old that year. Her senior brothers and sisters, as well as her uncles and the head master, all loved her very much... Only her master was always cold and didn't like to talk.

Later, she accidentally found out that she had a senior brother, but that senior brother had left many years ago. In the year when she entered the sect, it was said that a big event happened in the righteous way, and this event was also related to that senior brother...

At that time, she also knew that the person that her master cared about the most was that senior brother... But she never said it.

Since Ruoshui learned that she had a senior brother, she seemed to see the shadow of her former senior brother and master whenever she went to Yunding, Zizhulin, Tianshui Creek, or Bishui Yaotai.

Until she was eighteen years old, she finally grew up and made up her mind to find the senior brother she had never met. That year, she secretly went down the mountain. After several twists and turns, she met people from the evil way and also met fellow disciples of the righteous way. Finally, she found out that the senior brother was very likely to go to Xiqi Mountain Range.

She went all the way to Xiqi, but when she met the senior brother, she didn't know that the person in front of her was the senior brother she had been looking for.

Later, she met Xiao Chen several times, but every time, she wanted to ask him why he left that year, but every time, she didn't know how to start.

"Senior brother..."

The flowers were flying, and Ruoshui looked beyond the sea of ​​clouds, and the mountains and islands were looming. Everyone said that the senior brother had entered the evil way, but in her heart, the senior brother was that senior brother.

It was the senior brother who had always protected her in the Xiqi Mountains. He was the most powerful senior brother in the world. As long as the senior brother came back, she would not be afraid of the evil demons in the outer world.

"Master is in trouble this time, senior brother, will you come back..."


Wuyutian, a lonely place, today Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang have gone down to the mortal world, and they don't wait for tomorrow. At dusk, Xian'er searched for a long time, but couldn't find Xiao Chen's shadow. She ran back to Wuyu Palace and saw Ziyuan coming from nearby. She immediately ran up to her, "Sister Ziyuan, Sister Ziyuan, have you seen my brother?"

"Your Majesty..."

Ziyuan looked around, as if she remembered something, and said, "Ah... I forgot that today is the Lantern Festival. Your Majesty must have gone to the mortal world to play with the Weiyang Palace Master.


Xian'er was stunned when she heard it, and murmured, "Brother went to the mortal world to play without me... Woo, brother doesn't want me anymore, bad brother..."

"Ah...Xian'er, Wait a minute, listen to me..." Zi Yuan blamed herself for letting the cat out of the bag and hurriedly chased after him, but Xian'er covered her ears and kept running forward. "I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen, I don't want a brother anymore... Woo woo woo..." "Xian'er, wait a minute, listen to me, it's not what you think..." "I don't want to listen, unless you find me a cat..." ... ... When the night fell, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang had already arrived in the mortal world of Qizhou. They saw the lights in the city just blooming, and pedestrians were shoulder to shoulder, which was very lively. At this time, Xiao Chen remembered something. No wonder Weiyang insisted on dragging him here today. It turned out that today was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival. He had been away from the mortal world for a long time and even forgot this... "Fool, idiot, you still say you are not stupid, come with me! "

Hua Weiyang pulled him and ran to the street. Every household was decorated with lanterns and there were a lot of people on the street. Looking around, there were lion dances, dragon lanterns, and lantern riddles in the fireworks. It was exactly

"The east wind blows thousands of flowers at night. The stars are falling like rain. The BMWs and carved carriages are full of fragrance. The phoenix flute sounds, the jade pot lights up, and the fish and dragons dance all night. "

"Wow! I haven't seen such a lively lantern festival for a long time. Chenchen, Chenchen, come quickly, come quickly!"

"Weiyang, slow down."

There were too many pedestrians on the road. Xiao Chen was afraid of bumping into children, so he didn't dare to walk too fast. Weiyang was petite and her steps were light and flexible. She disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Weiyang... Weiyang, where have you been? Weiyang!" Xiao Chen looked around and saw a sea of ​​people and bright lights, but Weiyang was nowhere to be seen.

"Stupid, I'm behind you! "

Hua Weiyang appeared behind him without knowing when, with a jade fox mask on her face, looking playful and cute. Xiao Chen turned around, shook his head and smiled softly.

He followed her to the brightly lit place. What he saw on the road made Xiao Chen slowly fall into memories. He had only seen such a lively Lantern Festival when he was a child. When he was eight years old, his mother took him to the city to play. At that time, there was also Sister Shen Jing...

"Xiao Yichen, why are you unhappy again..." Seeing that he suddenly became silent, Hua Weiyang pouted and asked in a low voice with a frown.

Xiao Chen came back to his senses, shook his head, looked at the reflection of thousands of lights on the river, and said softly, "When I was young, when I was eight years old, my mother-in-law took me to Qingzhou City. The Lantern Festival that year was the same. lively."

The expression on Hua Weiyang's face slowly calmed down, and the noise around her seemed to suddenly become quiet. It had been so many years, and if Wu Niang was still here, she would have been old... But at this moment, he didn't say a word One sentence is nothing but the memory of Wuniang.

"Okay, it's okay..."

Hua Weiyang hugged him gently and said softly, "If Wu Niang were alive and saw you grow up, she would be very happy..."

"Sorry, Weiyang, I..."

"Hehe, it's okay. Come with me and let's go to the river to put out lanterns!"

Hua Weiyang pulled him and ran to the river, bought a lantern from a vendor, put it into the river with Xiao Chen, then closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and made a sincere wish.

Xiao Chen was watching her from the side. At this time, the moonlight was thick, shining on her face, peaceful and flawless. After a while, Hua Weiyang opened her eyes and saw him looking at her motionless. Feeling a little embarrassed, I stroked my hair beside my ears and whispered, "Why are you looking at me like that..."

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