The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1592: Xuan Qing’s Tribulation

At this moment, Xiao Chen recalled the scene when they met at the beginning of the year and said, "The moon tonight is not as beautiful as you.

"Yeah...if you say that, people will be embarrassed...hehehe."

Hua Weiyang covered her mouth and smiled secretly. At this moment, she became more and more beautiful. After a while, she suddenly raised her head, looked at Xiao Chen and asked, "Then do you like me?"

The night slowly became gentler. Xiao Chen smiled softly and said, "Guess."

"Hmm..." Hua Weiyang thought for a while and said happily, "I guess I like it!"

Xiao Chen touched his chin, thought for a while and said, "Guess again." After saying that, he suddenly laughed loudly and ran to the shore. ✯✭

"Huh? You...don't run, watch for a beating!"

Hua Weiyang reacted immediately and chased after her. She tripped over a stone under her feet. Xiao Chen immediately turned around and hugged her, saying, "In this world, the only one who can beat the Lord Wuyu is you Lianhua." The Lord of the Palace."

"Hmph." Hua Weiyang raised her lips, "That's for sure."

It's night, the moon is as bright as day, the lights are bright, the riverside of Qizhou City is filled with thousands of lanterns, like a long picture scroll, the night is still young...

A few days later, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang came to another mortal place in Qizhou. Every place had its own unique charm. These days, Xiao Chen also slowly put those troublesome things behind him.

In the evening of that day, the two of them came to an ancient town, where they saw bluestone paved roads and elegant houses. There had just been a light rain in the afternoon, and the air was still filled with the fragrance of vegetation.

The ancient town is not big, but it is not small either. There are many people coming and going. At this moment, Xiao Chen keenly detects the aura of a cultivator. He can't help but wonder, where can the aura of a cultivator come from in this mortal place? And the number of opponents is no less than ten...

"What's wrong?"

At this moment, it was obvious that Hua Weiyang also discovered the aura of cultivators, and there were quite a few of them. How could it be possible that there were so many cultivators in this small mortal place.

"Let's go over and have a look."

Xiao Chen followed this breath and walked forward. Hua Weiyang stretched out her hand to stop him, but at this moment, he had already moved forward, and she suddenly felt a bad feeling in her heart. premonition.

The aura of the cultivator came from an inn. Xiao Chen looked through his consciousness and saw about a dozen Taoist priests in Taoist robes in a guest room. He couldn't help but feel in his heart, these people are ...People from Yuxuguan?

Yuxu Temple is one of the four major mystical gates in the current righteous path. It is located in the southern region. But how could people from Yuxu Temple come to this mortal place? Where do they plan to go? Why are they so sneaky? Mortal land?

The dozen or so people in the inn are not very advanced. With Xiao Chen's current level of cultivation, it would be easy to spy on their conversations quietly. Even the two most advanced Taoists in the inn could not detect his magic at this time. knowledge.

Only one person said, "The ones who came down this time are the big demons from Tianwaitian. Although the people from Xuanqing Sect are quite high in cultivation, they encountered Ling Yin's calamity this time. I'm afraid they are... a bit difficult to deal with." ”

Another person added, "I think what happened this time is not that simple. Could it be that those demons are going after Ling Yin..."

"I heard yesterday that there was a fierce fight on the Xuanqing Mountain side. It is said that there were many casualties in Xuanqingmen this time, and even Xuan Yangzi was seriously injured. If Master Qingxuan takes out the Taiwu Sword that suppresses the earth lineage, the power of Longyuan Once you break out, I'm afraid the entire Xianyuan Ancient Land will change..."

"I feel a little strange. How could Tianwaitian suddenly break through Xuan Qingshan's defense this time? Is it true that the rumors say that Shen Cangming came back to seek revenge on Ling Yin..."

At this moment, listening to what the people in the inn said, Xiao Chen's expression changed. Master's calamity... Weiyang, you...

At this moment, he finally understood why Weiyang had been pestering him to come to this mortal place these days. It turned out to be...

"Yichen, I'm sorry..."

Hua Weiyang came to his side, her face turned slightly pale at this moment. Bai Luan came that day and was talking about the Xuan Qing Sect, but she knew very well at that time that if Xiao Chen knew that it was Ling Yin's A calamity can be overcome even at all costs.

But this time, she felt a very uneasy feeling in her heart. She was afraid that Xiao Chen's life and death disaster had not passed. She was afraid that something would happen if Xiao Chen went to Xuanqingmen this time, so she hid it...

"Weiyang, you..." How could Xiao Chen not know, but how could he blame her for deliberately hiding it from him.

Hua Weiyang's eyes gradually turned red, and her voice was choked with sobs, "I'm just afraid, afraid that your life and death calamity has not passed yet... I know, I know this is very selfish... When you were taken to Wutian Palace, I had no choice but to go find Miaoyin. Fairy, but now she is in trouble, but I am hiding it from you and not letting you go..."

"Weiyang, I don't blame you, but master... I must go back."

Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, and with a single stroke of his fingers, he immediately injected a spiritual power into the jade note and sent a spiritual message back to Wuyutian.

Hua Weiyang looked at him and knew that this time, she could not dissuade him. Since she could not dissuade him, she would go with him.

The towering Xuanqing, the top of the Zhongyuan, is where the Xuanqing Gate, the head of the righteous path, is supposed to be where evil demons retreat and the Tao Qi will last forever. However, at this moment, the demonic clouds in the sky cover the sun, and the billowing black mist threatens to cover the sky. It is actually a thousand-year calamity of Xuanqing.


One after another, the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder continues to fall towards Zixiao Peak. This extraordinary catastrophe of thunder is Ling Yin’s catastrophe. It is not trivial. If you are not careful, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you will still be in trouble on this day. Under the catastrophe, it was wiped out in ashes.

On the blue water Yaotai, I saw Ling Yin sitting on the water, with a clear mind, and the energy of the three flowers gathered at the top. Outside, there were four people: Yi Huan Zhen, Lord Mei Yue, Lord Li Yuan, Lord Yu Heng. Your Majesty sits on four sides to prevent evil spirits from invading and interfering with Ling Yin's tribulation. Secondly, for such a catastrophe, someone must be there to guard him in case of any unexpected events.

But today, evil spirits from all over the world are attacking. Without the four of them, the entire Xuan Qing Sect's combat strength can be said to have been reduced by half.

"Old Qingxuan, if you don't launch the formation, when I break through this mountain, my blood will be stained with Xuanqing, and no one will be left alive!"

Suddenly a terrifying sound came from the sky, and a terrifying human face was reflected in the billowing black mist. The devil's breath covered the sky and the sun, which was really frightening.

The ordinary disciples of the Xuan Qing Sect have never seen such a terrifying scene. To put it bluntly, ordinary disciples are frightened, and even Fuling and others are inevitably frightened.

Back in Wuyutian, Fu Ling had seen people from Tianwaitian attacking Wuyutian, but today Xuanqing Mountain was covered by the heavy demonic aura, which was obviously much more terrifying, and this time those who came to attack Xuanqingmen were even more terrifying. Those who attacked Wuyutian that day were much more powerful.

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