"Child Qingxuan, what's the matter? Now three thousand years have passed and there's not even a single person in your Xuanqing sect who can fight? Hahahaha!"

At this moment, from the black mist in the sky, the laughter of Shen Luan II came again. Seeing that he repeatedly spoke rudely, the disciples from Tianshu Peak below scolded him, "You evil demons, don't talk nonsense! If you don't retreat, You will be killed by the sword!"

"Haha, since Xuan Zhenzi three thousand years ago, the disciples of Xuan Qing Sect have really become worse with each generation. Apart from the verbal prestige, tut tut tut... I can't see that the number one Xuan Sect in the world means the number one in swearing. ?”

Outside Tianshu Peak, Li Jiuzun smiled faintly, and behind him, the disciples of Tianwaitian in the black mist also laughed.

"Evil demons..."

Hearing such ridicule, the disciples of Xuan Qingmen gritted their teeth with hatred, holding the sword in their hands tightly, but had no words to refute. If Master Xuanyang was here, he would not be able to hear this, and he would not go out to challenge again.

However, Master Qingxuan was always calm and composed, and his expression did not change. He replied, "I think back on those days when those people from Tianwaitian fought all the way to the heaven. They were also famous people, but I don't want the people under my sect today to do anything but express their quick talk in front of others." , there is no other use for it.”


When the disciples heard this, they all echoed below, but Master Qingxuan held the fly whisk in his hand and said no more. It was obvious that he was delaying time at this time, and if he could delay it for a moment, it would count as a moment.

Ling Yin is still overcoming the tribulation. At this time, there is no way he can go out to fight, not to mention that he has sent letters to the major dispatches a few days ago. In the letter, he wrote that this time the heaven and earth came for the spiritual veins of the world, not for the purpose of Xuan Qing Sect hopes that all factions can provide timely reinforcements to protect the common people in the world, but as of today, no reinforcements have been seen. Could it be that something happened on the way?

At this time, outside Tianshu Peak, Li Jiuzun was also thinking secretly in his heart. The old thief Qingxuan had many plans. Using the natural dangers of Xuanqing Mountain as a defense, it would not be easy for them to break through. Once Ling Yin had overcome the calamity, If they succeed, then they will lose their most advantageous conditions.

At this moment, another strange mist rolled in from the sky. The aura coming out of the mist also made people feel a bit trembling and uneasy. It was obvious that another powerful person from the sky was coming.

"Haha, Master Qingxuan, are you still waiting for someone to come for reinforcements?"

This time, what came out of the mysterious mist was the voice of a seductive woman. The disciples of the Xuan Qing Sect were slightly startled. What came back this time was a female devil!

After the strange fog dispersed, a woman in red suddenly appeared in everyone's sight. However, looking at the woman's skin as white as snow, she was extremely charming, as if just one look in her eyes could enchant people. The Thousand-faced Lord who destroyed the platform is known as the "Thousand-faced Whirling Lord".

She smiled faintly, looked at Master Qingxuan and said, "If nothing else happens, the sects who came to Xuanqing Mountain today should have already been halfway there at this moment, and were killed by Gui Ji and Tian Sin." net……"

Hearing this, many people in the Xuanqing Sect were shocked. No wonder no one came for reinforcements today. They were actually intercepted and killed by the demons from Tianwaitian. How many people came down from Tianwaitian this time...


Qian Mianmian covered her mouth and let out a burst of laughter like silver bells. She was full of charm and said, "King of Sinking, you have been hiding in the fog for so long, why don't you come out for a breath of air? Why don't the three of me join forces to break the sword of Xuan Qingshan today?" How about the array? Li Jiuzun, what do you think? It's better to wait for Jiuyou to come..." At the end of his words, he looked at Li Jiuzun who was silent.

At this time, on Tianshu Peak, all the disciples were frightened when they heard that these three demons were going to join forces to attack, and they immediately became nervous and alert.

"Okay, hahahaha!"

There was a burst of laughter in the black mist, and then the black mist disappeared, no longer hiding it, and the figure inside was revealed.

I saw that the man was about ten feet tall, extremely burly, full of evil energy, his eyes were blood red, and his face was covered with red demonic lines. He was the second generation of Sinking from Tianwaitian, and now the King of Sinking from the Abyss of Gods and Demons.

The three of them looked at each other, and in an instant, they were already attacking Tianshu Peak. The strength of these three people was extraordinary. They were definitely not comparable to the four Gui Ji who attacked Wuyutian that day. Before they even arrived, they had already attracted the attention of Tianshu Peak. It shook slightly.

When all the disciples saw the menacing approach of these three demons, they all tensed up. Master Qingxuan stepped forward and said, "Don't be nervous, everyone."

After he finished speaking, he still looked calm. He pinched a Xuanmen Golden Light Seal with his left hand and used his right hand to draw the dust. Several peaks around him were suddenly illuminated by sword light, and the sky was filled with sword energy. He immediately slashed at the three people.


Even if they are as powerful as Qianmianshao and Li Jiuzun, they dare not underestimate the forbidden sword formation of Xuan Qingshan. Under the guidance of Qingxuan Zhenren's extremely high Taoist skills, this sword formation has obviously become more powerful. The sword energy fills the sky. Slaying demons and demons is extraordinary!


With a loud noise, the entire Tianshu Peak stopped shaking, and the three people outside had been forced back by the main sword formation of Tianshu Peak.

"This old thief Qingxuan really has some abilities..."

Qian Mian's eyes were cold. This time, the outside world came to attack. She originally thought that for thousands of years, the two factions of the human world, the mysterious and the demons, had been fighting endlessly, and there were also intrigues between the various factions. They should be able to easily take over the entire world, but... Unexpectedly, this Xuan Qingmen was so hard.

Does it have to be those strong men back then to conquer this world? But the seal that the man placed back then was too heavy. It was impossible for Jiuyou Great Emperor and Sinking Demon Emperor to come to the human world at this time. Even these few of them took desperate risks when they came down this time.

At this time, Li Jiuzun sent a divine thought to her: "Thousand-faced whirling, don't forget, the purpose of our coming to the human world this time is not to take over the human world... Don't think that tens of thousands of years have passed, and this human world is just... There are no powerful people anymore, so don’t be careless, let alone be greedy for success and rush forward…”

Hearing this, Qian Mianshao's heart condensed slightly. Indeed, she had underestimated this human world after all, and this time, their purpose of coming down was not to break through the human world. It was impossible for just a few of them to break through the human world.

So this time, their real purpose is to open the Longyuan veins under Xuanqing Mountain, so as to break through the Tianyuan seal and completely connect the outer world to the human world. By then, the Nine Nether Emperor, the Sinking Demon Emperor, the Heavenly Creator... all the Heavenly Powers The one who comes and breaks through the human world is like picking something out of a bag.


Just when everyone was looking nervous, a mysterious light suddenly shot into the sky on the other side of Zixiao Peak, and thunder thundered down from the sky. Everyone looked back and saw that the mysterious thunder seemed to destroy the entire Zixiao Peak, and everyone was struck by it. This scene was so frightening that I didn't dare to speak out.


Master Qingxuan was also shocked in his heart, Ling Yin's calamity had arrived...

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