The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1595: Demonic Evil Stained Xuanqing


Thousands of thunder catastrophes came in an instant, and the entire Zixiao Peak was suddenly shrouded in thunder. Master Qingxuan pinched his fingers to calculate, and his heart trembled. No, this thunder catastrophe... is not just nine or nine heavenly tribulations.


Outside Tianshu Peak, Li Jiuzun smiled gloomily, "Qingxuan, it seems that your disciple's doom has come. At this time, do you want to protect the life of your disciple's soul, or do you want to protect the Longyuan Earth Line under Xuanqing Mountain?" ?” ♦

"Evil demons! It must be you who are behind the scenes and want to harm Lord Lingyin, how shameless!" Many disciples immediately shouted angrily.


Hearing this, Qianmian Whirling smiled coldly, "If Ling Yin can't survive her disaster, what does it have to do with us? But you reminded me, haha..."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Li Jiuzun and Shen Luan II. The three of them understood each other tacitly, and suddenly turned into a ray of light and flew towards Zixiao Peak.

"Oops! These three demons must be trying to prevent Lord Lingyin from going through the tribulation..."

In the distance, Fu Ling was immediately shocked, and on the other side, Mei Jianyi, Jiang Nanliu and others were also trembling. Junior Sister's calamity was already very severe. If the demons like Tianwaitian secretly If you are making trouble, I'm afraid something bad will happen.

"You guys guard this place, I'll be back as soon as I can."

Master Qingxuan did not hesitate much. After explaining to the elders of Tianshu Peak, he swept the dust with his whisk and immediately turned into a ray of green light and flew towards Zixiao Peak.

The area near the Bishui Yaotai was almost shrouded by thunder. The energy of Ling Yin and the Three Flowers gathered at the top to resist the bursts of thunder. Outside, Lord Mei Yue, Lord Li Yuan, Lord Yu Heng, and It's true that the four of them worked together to withstand some of the thunder.

This time Ling Yin's calamity is an extraordinary calamity. If it were the ninth-level calamity for ordinary cultivators, the person who has overcome the calamity can usually only resist the calamity alone. No one else can intervene, otherwise it will cause the person who has overcome the calamity to overcome the calamity. fail.

But this time, Ling Yin's calamity is an unusual calamity. Four nobles must be guarding him and resisting together when necessary. As for what Ling Yin's calamity is this time, Master Qingxuan can only count it. It's a matter of life and death.

But there are many differences in the calamities of life and death in this world. Even the Lord Tianji still failed to get a glimpse of the secrets this time and calculate what kind of calamity Ling Yin suffered this time.


Mysterious thunder fell all over the sky. Fortunately, Zixiao Peak was an extraordinary place with rich immortal energy. The spirit of the mountain peak was no less than that of Tianshu Peak, so it could also block part of the thunder catastrophe.

But even so, the four of them did not dare to be careless. Facing the fierce thunder at this moment, they did not dare to relax at all. At this moment, the sea of ​​clouds surged in the sky, and suddenly three strange lights came straight towards this direction. .

"It's those three demons."

He also sensed the presence of Jiu Zun and Qian Mian whirling outside, as well as the aura of Sinking II, and immediately sent a spiritual message to the inside of Bishui Yaotai: "Junior sister, you can just go through the tribulation with peace of mind. There is no need to pay attention to the outside."

Ling Yin still closed his eyes and said nothing, using the energy of three flowers to resist the bursts of thunder. At this time, outside the Zixiao Peak, the three strange lights also instantly turned into the Li Jiuzun, Thousand Faces Whirling, and Sinking. Although the three of them could not get close, they obviously could not easily break through the restricted circle outside Zixiao Peak.

Outside the Bishui Yaotai, Ruoshui saw the three demons in the sky and immediately used the fairy sword. "You three demons, don't even think about preventing Master from overcoming the catastrophe. If you don't retreat from Zixiao Peak, I will make sure you never come back!"

"Oh, it turns out there is a little one here..."

Qian Mian whirling looked over at Ruoshui, seeing her harmless and innocent look, she thought to herself that if she could trick her out and capture her, she would be able to disturb Ling Yin's mind.

"Hmph! Evil heretic!"

Ruoshui straightened up his sword and immediately saw the thoughts of these three demons. Although she was simple-minded and harmless to anyone, it did not mean that she was stupid. Otherwise, how could she have gone to the Xiqi Mountains alone in the first place? Waiting for a dangerous place?

At this moment, a figure came in an instant and landed next to her. It was Qingxuan Zhenren. When Ruoshui saw his master coming, he immediately put down his sword and pointed at the three people outside: "Master, master, look at you. Look, there are three bad guys!"


Master Qingxuan nodded slightly, still looking like an immortal, calm and unhurried, stroking his beard and said, "Ruoshui, you don't have to be afraid, you can't go out later."

"Yeah, Ruoshui knows!"

Ruoshui nodded vigorously, then glanced at the three people with thousands of faces outside, and hummed slightly, "It's just the three of you who want to trick me out, and there's no way."

At this time, Master Qingxuan looked at the three people in the sky again, and his tone was still very indifferent, "It seems that the three of them are still determined not to give up, but we know that the restrictions on Zixiao Peak are heavier than those on Tianshu Peak, so there is no guarantee , the three of you will be destroyed physically and mentally."


Thousand-faced Whispering smiled coldly and said, "Master Qingxuan, please stop boasting here. If the restrictions here are really that powerful, why did you come here in such a hurry that you don't even want your Tianshu Peak? I'm just afraid of you. Something went wrong with this disciple..."

Li Jiuzun continued, "Qingxuan, it seems that compared with the common people in the world you call me, compared with your disciple, you still chose the latter after all. Once Tianshu Peak is broken, not even one of Xuanqing's seven peaks will be preserved." , this world is my world outside the sky..."


Hearing this, Ruoshui couldn't help but tremble slightly in his heart. That's right, the master has come to Zixiao Peak, and several of his lords are also at Zixiao Peak. What will happen to Shufeng that day?

Tianshu Peak is located at the top of the Xuanqing Seven Peaks. Once Tianshu Peak is broken, these evil demons will be able to attack other peaks like a broken bamboo...

"Ruoshui, you go to the back."

Master Qingxuan slowly protected Ruoshui behind him. At this time, he stared at the three demons outside without saying a word. What Li Jiuzun said was indeed true. He should not come to Zixiao Peak at this time. The geography of Tianshu Peak The location is very important, equivalent to the entire Xuanqing portal. Once Tianshu Peak is broken, the enemy will be able to attack other peaks without hindrance. Even Zixiao Peak will be unavoidable by then.

The reason why Master Qingxuan hurried to Zixiao Peak was not just because these three people came to Zixiao Peak, but at that moment, he seemed to be vaguely aware that Ling Yin's disaster was not that simple this time. Something unexpected happened, so I rushed over to take a look.

After all, he still had a little selfishness in it. Just like the other disciples who protected his disciples, Ling Yin was still his disciple even though he was now the Supreme Yaoguang Master of Zixiao Peak.

"Haha... If the thief is determined to die, let him see the methods of Heaven and Earth! The demon burns the sky!"

The Sinking King gave a sharp shout, and suddenly his whole body was filled with evil energy. The terrifying and demonic energy went straight towards the bursts of thunder.

"Tianmo Fensha, if you don't come out yet, how long will it take?"

The Sinking King drank again, and suddenly, the sky was filled with black energy, and among the bursts of black energy, a terrifying demonic shadow condensed.


He was really in the formation, and he couldn't help but secretly thought that something was wrong. The thunder tribulation that was already very powerful now had a more evil spirit. Even if the four of them could withstand it, the junior sister was in Bishui Yao. To survive the tribulation in Taili, you must concentrate your mind and your energy, and unite your thoughts. If you are disturbed by this evil spirit, it is probably not good.


Ruoshui couldn't help being frightened when she saw this scene full of demons. Master Qingxuan swept her dust away and sent her back: "Ruoshui, get out!"

The moment he finished speaking, I saw his true energy condensed, the two qi of yin and yang, and the Xuanqing Tao method flowing smoothly. It was "Tao gives birth to one, one life gives rise to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things." At this moment, Xuanqing's wonderful method It is completely self-contained, blocking all the evil spirits in the sky.

"This old thief's Taoism is not bad at all."

Qian Mian's eyes were condensed, with a fierce light in his eyes. Suddenly, with a flick of his hands, strange red mist also rushed towards Master Qingxuan.


Suddenly, the demonic shadow gathered in the black mist flew towards this side, but it was about ten feet tall, and its body was writhing with demonic evil. It looked very terrifying, even more terrifying than other demons in Tianwaitian. many.

"It's the demon from the abyss of gods and demons...the demon Fensha."

Inside the formation, Yi really frowned. This demonic aura that is full of the sky can penetrate through regardless of the restrictions of Zixiao Peak. Especially the demonic aura of Tianmo Fensha is extremely powerful. I wonder if senior brother can do it alone. Can withstand it.

In this way, the two sides faced off for a day and a night, with demonic breath billowing all over the sky and being blocked by Qingxuan Zhenren. At this time, a loud noise suddenly came from the side of Tianshu Peak, followed by a violent shock, vaguely like someone The formation method was broken.

"Ah! Master... look!"

Ruoshui was startled by the sudden loud noise. He followed the sound and saw that in the direction of Tianshu Peak, there was a sudden evil aura rising into the sky, and layers of demonic clouds also gathered in the sky. The scene was terrifying.

At this time, a faint chuckle came from the thousands of faces, "Master Qingxuan, your Tianshu Peak is almost gone, what's the matter? Aren't you planning to go back and take a look?"

Master Qingxuan still looked calm, but he thought in his heart, how could Tianshu Peak's many restrictions be broken so easily? Now the four of Yi Huan Zhen are resisting the thunder tribulation, and it is difficult to distract themselves. If he leaves at this time and allows this monstrous demon to invade Zixiao Peak, not only Ling Yin will be damaged, but even the four of Yi Huan Zhen will also be injured. Corrupted by evil spirits.

"Master, don't worry, I'm going to see what's going on at Tianshu Peak!"

" careful!"

Before Master Qingxuan finished speaking, Ruoshui went out like a wisp of smoke and disappeared within a moment.

Tianshu Peak, originally the location of the Taoist Mysterious Gate, is as vast as a valley, as muddy as turbidity, and has subtle mystical powers. It is really a resort for cultivating immortals. But at this time, there is a loud sound of killing, and the shadows of swords are confusing. , there was a constant intrusion of demonic energy, and countless monsters appeared inside.

"What's going come so many evil things suddenly invaded!"

Mei Jianyi, Jiang Nanliu and others used swords to kill the monsters, but they could not kill them all. They were far more powerful than the monsters they saw in Wuyutian that day. The monsters that appeared in Wuyutian that day were just envoys from Kang Yuchen. It's just a low-level evil demon, but the one who broke into Xuanqingmen this time is obviously an extraordinary demon from the sky.

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