The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1596 An old friend comes

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

In an instant, these monsters have surged up, like a tide, and they are coming fiercely. Even if Xuan Qing disciples possess the authentic Taoism, they can't stop this huge number of monsters in a short time.

"Everyone, don't panic!"

Just when the disciples were panicking, several elders flew out with swords. Each of them formed a sword formation and slashed down with sword energy all over the sky, instantly killing countless monsters under their swords.

On the other side, Feng Xiaoyin flew up, and the moment he raised his palm, a hundred-foot golden dragon shadow roared out, which not only shattered the evil spirit that enveloped the sky, but also shook these monsters to death. He is the eldest disciple of Master Qingxuan. Among them, his cultivation level is second only to Ling Yin.


At this time, Mei Jianyi and Jiangnan Liu came closer with swords in hand, while in the distance, Xie Chichun waved his sword like a shadow, and the sword energy came from all directions, killing waves of monsters rushing up.

Feng Xiaoyin looked at Xie Chichun, thinking that Junior Brother Xie could still resist it, but with him here, it would be fine for the time being, and said, "Junior Brother, Junior Sister, you go to Tianchi and have a look. So many monsters suddenly poured in, I'm worried that there is something wrong with the formation there."


Hearing this, Jiang Nanliu and Mei Jianyi did not hesitate much. They looked at each other and immediately turned into two rays of light and flew towards Tianchi Peak.

Here, the demonic power is getting more and more fierce. In just a short moment, it seems to have spread to other peaks. Ruoshui just rushed over from Zixiao Peak and saw the scene here. He couldn't help but trembled and raised his fairy sword. , and then slashed at those monsters.

"Ruoshui, why are you here! Aren't you at Zixiao Peak?"

While Fu Ling was killing the monsters that came up, she protected Ruoshui and said quickly, "Go back to Zixiao Peak and protect Lord Ling Yin from the tribulation!"


Ruoshui couldn't react for a while. With her current level of cultivation, there was no way she could protect Ling Yin from the tribulation. But now, several of them have gone to Zixiao Peak and placed layers of restrictions there. So now, It was the safest place. The senior sisters just didn't want her to stay in a dangerous place like Tianshu Peak.

"Watch out!"

While the two were talking, several monsters broke through the sword formation and rushed towards them. Poria slashed out with her sword, and the sword energy immediately caused ripples of water in the air, knocking those monsters away in an instant. go out.

"Ruoshui, go back to Zixiao Peak!" Fuling used her sword to kill the monsters rushing up nearby, while still not forgetting Ruoshui's safety.


Ruoshui finally came to his senses at this time. The senior sister and senior brothers had asked her to stay in Zixiao Peak not to come out in order to protect her. They said they wanted her to protect her master to overcome the calamity. With her current Taoism, how could she not protect her master? Overcoming the tribulation...

"No, it's okay... Senior Sister Fuling, don't worry."

Ruoshui saw that her brothers and sisters were struggling to resist the demons coming from the sky. She did not want to hide alone in Zixiao Peak. She was a coward. At this time, she also raised her fairy sword and kept killing those demons. Although the Huailing Immortal Steps and the Thirty-Third Level Bixiao Sword Technique are not as proficient as Xiao Chen's, they can still protect themselves as long as they don't meet anyone powerful from the outside world.


At this moment, several rays of blue sword energy came from a distance, killing several monsters that were rushing toward her. However, it was Qian Yu Nishang who came over here.

"Ah...Senior Sister Qianyu, you are here!"

Among the many senior sisters and brothers, Ruoshui and Qianyu Nishang were the closest. When they saw her coming, they immediately ran over.

Qianyu Nishang looked at her and frowned slightly, "Ruoshui, didn't you stay at Zixiao Peak? Why are you here."


Ruoshui looked at the attacking monsters in the distance and said, "I just saw the evil spirit here at Zixiao Peak, so I came over to see what happened..."

"Be careful."

Qian Yu Nishang's eyebrows furrowed. He didn't care to talk to her at this time. He raised his Qiushui Sword and killed the monsters rushing around.

After killing all the monsters around, a figure in white flew over from a distance, but looking at that man's strong body, fighting snow and bullying, and killing a monster with one sword, he was the eldest disciple of Lord Meiyue. Leng Qianxue, now has a very high level of Taoism.

"Junior Sister Qianyu!"

"Sister Qianxue, what's wrong?"

Qianyu Nishang turned around, saw Leng Qianxue looking slightly anxious, and asked.

Leng Qianxue said, "I can't find you anywhere. Master is not at Tianxuan Peak now. These monsters come from nowhere. I'm worried that monsters may also break into Tianxuan Peak. Otherwise, why don't you go back and take a look?"

After listening, Qianyu Nishang looked around, nodded slightly, turned around and said to Ruoshui, "You are here, be careful, don't run around."


Ruoshui nodded repeatedly, Qianyu Nishang turned around and said to Leng Qianxue, "Keep an eye on her for me." After saying that, she turned into a ray of sword light and flew towards Tianxuan Peak.

"Ruoshui, come to me."

Leng Qianxue waved to Ruoshui, and Ruoshui also ran over obediently. Ever since she entered the profession, she seemed to have gathered thousands of favors on her. Not only did several of her lords like her, but also her uncles and uncles, her brothers and sisters. Also protect her in every way.

Unlike Xiao Chen back then, except for Ling Yin, Mei Jianyi and others, most people in the Xuan Qing Sect dislike him, especially Master Xuanyang. However, this is not surprising. Xiao Chen injured Xuanyang Feng back then. A person who dares to contradict Master Xuanyang in front of so many people, how many people will like him.

At this moment, the sounds of killing around him were getting louder, and whenever Ruoshui thought about his senior brother, he felt an indescribable feeling of loss. Every time he saw his senior brother coming back, it could only be in a dream. When he woke up from the dream, he couldn't help but feel sad for a long time. What if Senior brother is here now...will senior brother come back?

In fact, Ruoshui was not the only one who was thinking of Xiao Chen at this moment. Fu Ling couldn't say the same, but every time he thought about the past, the trial of Xuan Qing, he jumped off the Immortal Burial Cliff in despair, how could he be willing to return to this sad old place now? What's more, he is now the Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​and the people gathered under his hands are all masters of magic.


Zixiao Peak is still thunderous. Master Qingxuan fights against the three demons alone. Although Zixiao Peak is impregnable, several other peaks have been invaded by monsters from the sky.

The entire Xuanqing Sect seems to have experienced a thousand-year catastrophe. The evil spirit is permeating everywhere and monsters are surging. Where does it still look like the resort of immortal cultivation in the past?

At this time, at the Lianfeng Terrace, where Xiao Chen was interrogated back then, he saw a giant sword hanging out of thin air, and the surrounding Tongtian Pillar was also solemn with Taoism. However, it was just the beginning of spring, but the ground was full of fallen leaves. There is an indescribable desolation.

"Sand, sand, sand——"

The sound of sweeping the floor slowly came. The demonic energy cannot invade here, and the demons from the outer world do not dare to get close to this place. Otherwise, the forty-nine sky-reaching pillars will make their souls disappear in an instant. Even if they are as strong as Li Jiuzun, Sunken King, and Thousand Faces Whirling Three people would never dare to come to a forbidden place like Lianfengtai easily.


At this moment, a gentle sigh came from behind a big tree, and the sound of sweeping the floor slowly stopped. The figure of the person sweeping the floor was slightly thin. It was none other than the one who heard the story of Xiao Chen's dead wood and dragon's roar. His master Kusong was also the master of the previous generation Master Zixiao Peak, Shen Cangming.

But at this time, behind Master Kusong, at some point, a cold figure appeared.

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