On the other peaks of Xuanqing Mountain, the formations were broken one after another, and demons from the outer world continued to invade. A group of righteous Xuanmen people were trying their best to resist the invasion of demons, and under Xuanqing Mountain, there were hundreds of demons from Wuyu Tianxia. Many sects are also resisting these demons from the outer world at this time.

Originally, in the ancient land of Xianyuan, the good and the devil have been arguing endlessly for thousands of years, but like today, more than a hundred demon sects have come to the foot of Xuanqing Mountain to help defend against foreign enemies. He is also the first person in these thousands of years.

Under the seven peaks of Xuanqing, there are four small peaks, which are the "Xuan" and "Yang" gates of Xuanqing Gate, that is, the outer gate. Among them, Pingyang Peak is Yangguan, Zhujian Peak, Medicine Refining Peak, and Wu Nian Peak. , is the entrance.

The disciples who arrived at Pingyang Peak had to go through many hardships before they had the opportunity to enter the three peaks of Xuanguan. Therefore, in the past, being able to enter the three peaks of Xuanguan was a big wish of the disciples of Pingyang Peak. As for the seven peaks of Xuanqing, they did not dare to think about it easily. Yes, if you don't have innate spiritual roots and don't have enough qualifications, even if you practice for a lifetime, it will be difficult to reach the Xuanqing Seven Peaks. ✲❂

Today's Tianwaitian invasion, even these four small peaks, were not spared. The disciples of Pingyang Peak, Daoxing, how could they resist these monsters from Tianwaitian, only three elders could barely resist.

But if things continue like this, Pingyang Peak will not be protected in the end. The people in Xuanqing Seventh Peak have too much to take care of themselves, and the three elders don't expect anyone from above to come down and take care of Pingyang Peak's life or death.

"There are more and more of these monsters... Elder Yun, what should we do!"

I saw three white-haired old men, leading their disciples with a little knowledge to kill monsters. These three old men were none other than Elder Yun Qing, Elder Zhai Mo, and Elder Wan Yan. They had been doing this for decades, and now the three of them were He also has white hair and looks much older.

"Elder... Elder! It's not good! A lot of monsters suddenly broke into the trial cliff. Several senior brothers have died. We can't resist it anymore..."

"Elder! Elder! Over there, there are monsters coming in..."

The disciples ran here in a panic, and the three elders turned pale. What to do now... Pingyang Peak probably cannot be defended today. If this stalemate continues, all the disciples will die here.

"Elder Yun! What should we do now?"

Elder Zhai Mo quickly looked at Elder Yun Qing. Among the three, Yun Qing had the highest level of cultivation, but he could not defeat these thousands of monsters.


Many disciples have already run here. It is obvious that other places have been lost. Their last hope seems to be with the three elders.

Elder Yunqing lowered his head and frowned in silence. At this moment, he seemed to be making the most difficult decision. Finally, he raised his head and said resolutely, "Open the mountain gate formation outside later. I and the other two Elders are blocking those monsters. You must find an opportunity to rush out in the shortest possible time... Go as far as you can and never come back."

At the end of his words, his face was full of indescribable sadness. The disciples were stunned when they heard the words, and the two elders Zhai Mo and Wan Yan were also stunned for a moment, and then they realized what they were doing. Elder Wan Yan lowered his voice. "Elder Yun...are you crazy?"

"Crazy... I'm crazy! I've been crazy for a long time!"

Suddenly, Elder Yun Qing was extremely excited. His originally pale face suddenly turned red. He raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the Seven Peaks of Xuan Qing, "Have they ever come down to see it in these years? Ah? After all these years, Qingxuanzi, Xuanyangzi, any of them are here to care about our lives! Is this Xuanqingmen? This is Pingyang Peak, not Xuanqingmen!”

"Elder Yun..."

The two elders Zhai Mo and Wan Yan were stunned. Elder Yun, who was always conscientious in his work, never expected that the other party would say these words today.

The disciples were even more shocked and speechless. Elder Yun Qing's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and he pointed to the disciples around him, while still looking at the other two elders: "Look at them, look at them! They are suitable for cultivation." Is this an immortal? If you don’t leave, they will all die here!”

"Brother...disciple is here!"

Among the crowd, a man in green clothes ran out. He looked like a senior brother. At this moment, he was also frightened by the appearance of Elder Yun Qing.

Elder Yun Qing looked at him and said sternly, "Go and call everyone and follow me immediately!"


The disciples all stayed where they were. Now that they heard that they were being asked to leave, many disciples couldn't help but shed tears and kept shaking their heads: "Elder... we won't leave..."


Elder Yun Qing shouted sharply, veins popped up on his face, and his skill suddenly increased several times, making the disciples tremble in fright. Elder Zhai Mo and Wan Yan beside him also slowly came to their senses, that's all.

Today, the three of them can only protect the disciples from leaving Pingyang Peak, and the three of them will probably not be able to leave. It doesn’t matter, they are the people of Pingyang Peak in life and the ghosts of Pingyang Peak in death. Elder Yun Qing actually did not say that Wrong, this is Pingyang Peak, not Xuanqingmen.

"Elder... Elder! We can be saved... we can be saved!"

At this moment, two disciples ran over from the mountain gate. Hearing this, the three elders all looked at each other with concentration, "What! But Qifeng sent people down!"

"No...no...no! Yes...yes..."

The two disciples choked with anger and were speechless. But at this moment, they suddenly heard loud killing sounds from the other side of the mountain gate. Then they saw a strange light rising into the sky, and a large number of figures came inside.

"That is……"

The three elders took a closer look. It was better not to look at it. They were shocked when they saw it. They were from the Demon Sect!

"Wait... Look, look who that is..." Elder Zhai Mo looked shocked, looking at the figure getting closer and closer, with an unbelievable look in his eyes...

"What? The three elders don't remember me now..."

Yang Xiaoran was dressed in black, as if he were an envoy of the Demon Sect. At this moment, he landed here in an instant. The new disciples of Pingyang Peak did not recognize him, but how could Yun Qing and the other three elders not recognize him? Get him out?

"You...Yang Xiaoran, it's you..."

The three elders never thought that the person in front of them was Yang Xiaoran who disappeared without a trace after the Xuan Qing Ceremony forty-two years ago.

"Haha...it turns out that the three elders still remember me."

Yang Xiaoran smiled and looked around. Everything here was still so familiar. He never thought that one day he would come back here again. He left in a hurry that year, but he still remembered everything before leaving. Clearly.

"you you……"

The three elders were shocked. There had been no news about this person for many years, but this person suddenly changed and now became the envoy of the Demon Cult who commanded thousands of armies. Are those people behind him all his subordinates...

"That's all, there is no need for the three elders to be nervous. I have temporarily arranged for people to resist the monsters outside. Someone will come here later. I am going to the Medicine Refining Peak now. The matter is urgent. If nothing goes wrong, I will not talk to the three elders. Say more."

After Yang Xiaoran finished speaking, he moved and instantly turned into a ray of light that fell on the Medicine Refining Peak. In the past, he always felt that Pingyang Peak and the Three Peaks of Xuanguan were far away, but now, as long as he takes a breath, he can reach Pingyang Peak from Pingyang Peak. Feng flew to the Medicine Refining Peak.

At this time in Pingyang Peak, the three elders have not yet come to their senses. Now this person's cultivation level... they are no longer able to see.

Alchemy Peak has already been in chaos. Monsters are pouring in from many places. The elders are flawlessly dealing with it. At this time, near the alchemy room, I saw a middle-aged fat man holding an emerald green scabbard in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. Bao Jian, trembling with fear, dared not go out.

"Hey, Fatty."

Yang Xiaoran didn't know when he was squatting on the roof of the alchemy room. The middle-aged fat man heard someone calling him and looked around, but there was no one there. Yang Xiaoran picked up a stone and threw it at him, "Here it is, fat man."

"Ah... you, who are you?"

The fat middle-aged man was hit by a stone and jumped with fright. He looked at Yang Xiaoran on the roof, but for a moment, he failed to recognize him.

And this middle-aged fat man is none other than Zhao Wangsun back then. Although the spiritual energy of the world is now blooming, he has no innate spiritual roots and cannot truly cultivate. It is difficult to maintain his appearance. From the young boy back then, he has become the middle-aged man he is now. , not surprising either.

"Don't you remember me? Back then on Pingyang Peak..."

Yang Xiaoran smiled, and after being reminded like this, Zhao Wangsun suddenly remembered it. He stepped back as if he had seen a ghost, "You, you, you, you... you are Yang Xiaoran!"

"It's me."

Yang Xiaoran jumped up and jumped down from the roof. Zhao Wangsun was so frightened that he stepped back repeatedly. At this moment, a sword light suddenly came and fell in front of him, turning into a A woman wearing purple clothes.


After seeing his sister, Zhao Wangsun seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. He hid behind her, pulled her sleeves, and said tremblingly, "He, he..."

"Don't be afraid."

Zhao Ying'er pressed his hand gently and looked at Yang Xiaoran, "If you want to find out what happened back then, come to me. Why are you scaring him?"

"What happened?"

At this moment, an old man in green clothes hurriedly walked out. This old man was none other than Zhao Wangsun's master, Elder Songhe.

"Elder Songhe."

Zhao Ying'er said hello to him, but Elder Songhe was stunned for a moment. Seeing the extraordinary aura of the man in black, he didn't recognize him for a moment. "You, you are..."

Yang Xiaoran said calmly, "That's all. I'm not here to cause trouble today. I'm here to find someone. Huang Ying'er, where is she? This time I came to Xuanqing. Your Majesty told me to protect her..."

"Huang Ying'er..."

Elder Songhe thought about it carefully, and he had some impression of the name. Then he suddenly remembered that Xiao Yichen, the disciple of Master Yaoguang, had been here with her, and said hurriedly, "Huang Ying'er is no longer at the Medicine Refining Peak. She I went to Wu Nian Peak, and a few years ago I went to Xuanyang Peak..."


Yang Xiaoran's eyes narrowed and he walked slowly towards Zhao Ying'er. Zhao Wangsun was so frightened that he stepped back and hid behind Zhao Ying'er. He stuck his head out and still didn't dare to come out.

Zhao Ying'er said, "I didn't see her when I came down. She should be on the mountain now."

Yang Xiaoran came to her, smiled and said, "I seem to remember that you and her were always at odds..."

Hearing this, Zhao Ying'er's face remained calm as she said, "No one in Xuanyang Peak has made trouble for her in these years, and I have never asked about her."

"This is best...because you have to know that back then, she was the one who introduced you to the throne." Yang Xiaoran smiled, and on the side, Elder Songhe was sweating from behind. Could the title he mentioned refer to... …

"Elder, there is no need to worry. Someone will be here soon to deal with these monsters. I will go to Xuanyang Peak first."

Yang Xiaoran turned around, glanced at Elder Songhe, and after saying that, he immediately turned into a shadow and flew towards Xuanyang Peak.

"Sister, sister..."

Zhao Wangsun was still scared to death, while Zhao Ying'er watched Yang Xiaoran's leaving figure intently. She didn't expect that this person's cultivation level was so high now. I'm afraid Senior Brother Lou is no longer his opponent, right? Back then...well, that's all.

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