The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1605: Under Tianshu Peak

Outside Zixiao Peak, the music of the piano was playing leisurely. Ruoshui sat next to Xiao Chen slightly nervously. At this time, there was suddenly a black wind coming from the distance. Upon closer inspection, there were many demons trying to invade Zixiao Peak. Xiaofeng.

"Senior brother, senior brother, over there, they are here again!" Ruoshui saw the black wind approaching rapidly in the distance, immediately stood up and pointed over there.

"Ruoshui, sit down."


Ruoshui was still a little nervous. In just a short moment, this was already the third wave of attacking demons. Each wave was more powerful than the last. He didn't know who else would appear next.


A piano sound sounded, and the sound of the strings suddenly turned into a huge wave of waves, shaking the first group of demons who rushed up to death.

"Come on! I don't believe how powerful he is alone!" ♦

The people chasing death came one after another, Xiao Chen's piano music remained unchanged, but there was a bit more murderous intent in the strings, "Zheng Zheng Zheng!" After several sounds of the piano, Ruoshui's face turned pale with fright, and all those people changed. It became a headless corpse and fell down into the abyss.

"Teacher, senior brother..."

Ruoshui was a little scared. He didn't know who else would come next. Xiao Chen's music gradually slowed down, and he couldn't help but frown. People from the sky outside the sky kept attacking Zixiao Peak, which meant that there were several other peaks. , have all been breached, and the situation has not eased. This time, the outside world is coming fiercely, and a fierce battle may be inevitable today.

And what happened this time did happen too suddenly. Otherwise, he could send a message back to heaven and earth and ask Taoist Qingdeng to bring people down from the ancient immortal world. Now that he didn't know what the situation was like in other peaks, he was inevitably a little worried. Hua Weiyang is here.


At this time, several mountain peaks were shaking endlessly, each formation was broken, and demons from the sky and the sky were pouring in crazily. Together with those demons, the number was probably in the millions. Although Zhengdao had rushed to support, but today Xuan Qing The person who opened the door was already dead and injured.

At this time, at Lianfengtai, Master Xuanyang was helping Master Kusong use his kung fu to force out the Nine Nether Soul Gu, while Qian Yu Nishang was still fighting with Shen Cangming.

"Shen Cangming, is this what you want to see..."

The Qi of Qianyu Nishang and the Three Flowers gathered on her body. If she hadn't cultivated the Three Flowers Gathering on the Top, she would never be Shen Cangming's opponent. She couldn't resist the heavy death aura alone.

"Everything today is Qingxuan's own choice, what does it have to do with me?"

Shen Cangming flicked his sleeves, and struck her with a palm force carrying cold death energy. Qianyu Nishang Qiushui sword stood up in front of his chest, "Zheng!" The sword light flew out, and instantly turned into soft light, surrounding the water. All around her body, she resisted the invading death energy.

"My lord..."

At this moment, two figures suddenly flew up from the bottom of the cliff. It was Mingtong and Qingchan who had gone down to look for the seal. At this time, the two people suddenly came up. They must have found it. Next, Shen Cangming must The Stone of Immortality opens the seal.

At this time, Shen Cangming no longer hesitated, and quickly forced Qian Yu Nishang back with a black evil aura. Then with a movement of his body, he and Qing Chan Mintong disappeared on the Lianfeng Platform.

"Stop him!"

Master Kusong wanted to get up, but at this time, he was infected with the Nine Nether Soul Gu and could not make any big movements. Master Xuanyang said, "Uncle, don't be anxious. Senior brother has already arrived. This person has no chance of succeeding today."

"I gonna go see."

Qianyu Nishang didn't say much. She moved, immediately raised her Qiu Shui Sword, and went after Shen Cangming. Master Xuanyang said, "Nishang, be careful of the three of them!"

Before he finished speaking, Qian Yu Nishang had disappeared. What Xuanyang Zhenren was most worried about was actually the seal under Tianshu Peak. Once the seal was opened, no one could predict what the consequences would be.

At this time, the entire Xuanqing Sect was in chaos, and everything had been attacked by Tianwaitian. The master of Sigu Valley and Mrs. Xianshu followed Hua Weiyang to prevent her from being attacked by the demons from Tianwaitian. The spiritual power in her body was too strong. , will definitely become the target of those evil spirits.

The last time Hua Weiyang came to Xuanqingmen, she still remembered the flowers, plants, islands and waterfalls here clearly. But she didn't expect that today, the ground was in a mess, filled with the evil spirit, and many palaces and buildings were also damaged. When it comes to destruction, today is truly the disaster of Xuan Qing.

But at this moment... why did she have an inexplicable feeling in her heart, and this feeling was vaguely coming from the direction of Zixiao Peak, the Bishui Yaotai, why did the scene of Fairy Miaoyin's tribulation vaguely appear in her mind?

" careful!"

Just when she was in a trance, two black shadows suddenly rushed towards her from somewhere. Madam Xianshu slashed out with her sword. The two black shadows immediately turned into two streams of black energy and penetrated into the ground. .

Hua Weiyang said, "I'm fine, Xian Shu, Master Wuqing Valley, you go to other places to kill those monsters, you don't have to stay with me."


Mrs. Xianshu frowned slightly, but in the end she didn’t ask any more questions. There must be a reason why Weiyang asked her to leave, and said, "Be careful..."


Hua Weiyang watched them go away, and no longer hesitated at this time. She moved and suddenly went to the forbidden area under Tianshu Peak. The restrictions there were so powerful that even the evil spirits from Tianwaitian were unable to break through this time.

All the way down, the surroundings gradually became quiet. No more sounds of killing, Hua Weiyang became alert. The restrictions here are not trivial. If you are not careful, if you break into the restrictions, you will probably be destroyed physically and mentally. fate.

The further down, the more fierce the restrictions become. Hua Weiyang can only rely on her sense of spiritual power to carefully avoid these restrictions. However, there are some places where formation spirits are guarding her, making it difficult for her to get by.

The reason why she took such a risk was because she remembered that when her second brother Wentian came to the human world before, he seemed to have noticed something different in Xuan Qingshan's spiritual power. The last time, it seemed that it was also because of Xuan Qingshan...

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's eyebrows were deeply furrowed. Even this time she came to Xuanqing, she sensed a very abnormal spiritual power. What secret is hidden in Xuanqing Mountain that has attracted the covetousness of forces from all over the world and Tianwaitian?

And last time my brother mentioned the last era of annihilation, could it be that the shocking secret hidden in Xuan Qing Sect is actually related to the last era of annihilation?

"Those who trespass on forbidden areas must retreat quickly, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded, and Hua Weiyang was suddenly startled. She saw two more glowing figures in front of her. They were array spirits. The array spirits here were no small matter. She accidentally broke into the array, and she must immediately Exit, otherwise the formation spirits here will attack her.

It took her a long time to get rid of the two formation spirits, then she gathered her aura and continued downward cautiously. Along the way, she saw no one from the Xuanqing Sect, and no one from Tianwaitian came down here.

After about a stick of incense, she finally arrived at the forbidden area under Tianshu Peak. There were many restrictions here, and they were even more fierce than the one just before. If you were not careful and entered the fierce formation by mistake, you would be destroyed physically and mentally.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang held her breath and carefully approached the valley in front. Xiao Chen didn't know that she had another ability, which was to be able to find the location of the mysterious realm anywhere, because she was very sensitive to spiritual power, and somewhere If there is a mysterious realm hidden, no matter how hidden it is, there will still be a faint trace of spiritual power seeping out.

At this time, when she came to the entrance of the valley, she could clearly feel this abnormal spiritual power... It turned out that there was a mysterious realm hidden in Xuanqing Mountain!

And this mysterious realm was not an ordinary mysterious realm, because the spiritual power she sensed at this time was filled with a distant, mysterious, and unknown oriental aura!

"Could it be..." At this moment, Hua Weiyang's heart was shaken violently. If it was really as she guessed, it would be unthinkable...

After a long time, hesitation gradually appeared on her face. The restrictions in this valley were too heavy. Should she find a way to get in? But if the restrictions inside are triggered and people from the Xuanqing Sect discover it, I'm afraid it will cause a bigger misunderstanding and even affect Yichen...

Originally, the world said that she was a demon and that she must have a purpose in getting close to Xiao Chen. Now, it would be better. If someone discovers that she secretly came to the Xuanqing Forbidden Land, and the evil demon from outside the sky attacks today, I am afraid she will not be able to explain clearly, no. ...For the idiot, she couldn't take this risk.

However, the moment she turned around, she suddenly trembled with fear. At some point, there was a figure in front of her, and that person was looking at her coldly.

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