"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

The sky was filled with demonic aura, and coupled with the demon burning evil that day, the aura was very ferocious. Ruoshui made a slight seal with his hands, and the blue water sword was immediately dotted with blue light, exuding an infinite immortal aura.

"Ruoshui, stay back."

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to protect her behind him, staring at the Heavenly Demon Fensha charging in the distance, and with a "clang" sound, the Chongxiao Sword flew up.

Ruoshui raised her head and looked at the demon Fensha who was charging from a distance. The demon was about ten feet tall, with demonic flames rolling all over its body. It was very ferocious. In the past, she would have been frightened when she saw it, but now she has to protect her master. Yes, it is definitely not just Senior Brother.


In the blink of an eye, the demon Fensha had already rushed over. Xiao Chen pointed his finger, and the Chongxiao Sword suddenly turned into a green light and flew out. With a "Zheng" sound, the Chongxiao Sword could destroy all evil spirits, but it was unable to do so at this time. Hurt this demon and burn it.


The Heavenly Demon Fensha suddenly struck down with his palm. It was so powerful that it caused the heaven and earth to tremble. Xiao Chen used his energy and his palm turned invisible. With a "boom" sound, it collided with the power of the Heavenly Demon Fensha and shook the surrounding area. The sea of ​​clouds continued to surge.

The cultivators nearby were all shaken back by this energy, and no one could step forward. If there was a mysterious sealing power in the water, otherwise they would be injured by this powerful energy.


At this time, Ruoshui was a little worried about his senior brother. This Heavenly Demon Burning Evil was extremely powerful and invulnerable. It would be very difficult for his senior brother to deal with it alone.

"Ruoshui, don't come here."

Xiao Chen Ning pointed his finger, and the Chongxiao Sword once again flourished with green light, and kept slashing towards the Heavenly Demon Fensha. However, no matter how sharp the sword was, it only continued to shoot out sparks when it slashed at the Heavenly Demon Fensha, unable to hurt it. The Chongxiao Sword cannot hurt this demon at all, and the Emperor Gu Sword will probably not be able to wound it either.


In an instant, the demon Fensha roared and rushed forward again. The terrifying power caused the void nearby to shake. Everyone in the distance showed shock. Today is the last calamity for Fairy Miaoyin. If this demon is allowed to rush forward, Entering Zixiao Peak, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, everyone immediately sacrificed their flying swords and magic weapons. However, when they hit the body of the demon Fensha, it was like scratching an itch. They were even covered by the demon's evil aura. Everyone's weapons and magic weapons were almost contaminated by the demonic aura. .

"The demons in this abyss of gods and demons cannot be hurt..."

Everyone turned pale in shock, but Xiao Chen fiercely urged his true energy, and a burst of true energy surged out from his palm. There was a loud "bang" sound, and the world was shaken. The demon Fensha was pushed back a little, but in the blink of an eye, he attacked again. Come up, even more violent than before.

"Brother...be careful!"

Seeing how powerful the Demon Burning Demon was, Ruoshui shouted out. At this time, in the distance, the Phantom Qin Demon couldn't help frowning when he saw the scene here. This Demon Burning Demon was something that could never be seen in the sky. Under the devil's abyss, the demonic and filthy energy that has been dormant for thousands of years is condensed. Ordinary fairy swords and weapons cannot break its evil spirit at all, nor can it hurt it at all. It is useless no matter how high this kid's cultivation is, his master is still there.


The attack of the demon Fensha was fierce, and the sound of the demon's roar was deafening. Many people were shaken by the roars, and even the less advanced people were shocked to the point where their blood surged, and their eyes, ears, mouth, and nose were shocked. , blood continued to overflow for a while.

At this time, in the Bishui Yaotai, a few people were concentrating on forming formations to resist the seventh heavenly tribulation. At this time, they heard the demonic roars of the formations. No matter how deep their Taoism was, they could not avoid being disturbed by it.


The sound of the demon's roar was deafening, and those righteous people in the distance finally couldn't bear it anymore, and they were all shaken and flew backwards. Many people were shocked to the point of bleeding from their orifices and their hearts were damaged.

"It sounds so awful...it sounds so awful!"

Ruoshui covered her ears, also disturbed by the sound, but she had the power of the seal to protect her body, so she would not be hurt by the sound of the demonic roar like others.

Xiao Chen frowned deeply. This demon was too difficult to deal with. If he continued like this, he would probably disturb his master's destiny. He had to find a way to deal with it as soon as possible.


At this moment, Ruoshui suddenly flew up again, holding the Bishui Sword in his hand, and said loudly, "Let's combine our two swords to break his evil aura!"


Xiao Chen did not hesitate and immediately raised the Chongxiao Sword. The Blue Water and Chongxiao swords were originally a pair. At this time, the two swords joined together and immediately bloomed with dazzling light.

"That's... clear water and heavy sky."

People from various righteous sects in the distance could not help but be startled when they saw the dazzling light of the two swords in the sky. Legend has it that the sword spirits of the two swords in the blue water and the sky had fallen into a deep sleep in ancient times. But at this moment, The sword energy coming out of the sword's heart is really too strong...Does it mean that two swords need to be combined to exert their greatest power?


At this moment, the two swords interacted with each other and slashed towards the demon Fensha. With a "chi" sound, his evil aura was immediately broken, and one sword penetrated it.


The Heavenly Demon Fensha was in pain, he raised his head and let out a demonic roar, and was about to pounce on him. Xiao Chen swiped his finger, and Zhongxiao struck out thirty-six swords in an instant. All of the swords were fatal. With a "boom", the Heavenly Demon Burning Sha The ten-foot-long demonic body suddenly broke into countless pieces, and finally turned into a burst of demonic energy and disappeared into thin air.

"Brother, that's great!"

Seeing that the demon was eliminated, Ruoshui held his hands and laughed, and retracted the Blue Water Sword. In the distance, everyone was in disbelief, and the Phantom Piano Demon couldn't help but stare. These two senior brothers and sisters are really... powerful.

At this time, on the other side, Shen Luan II sensed that the Heavenly Demon Fensha had been destroyed, and his expression condensed. He said something to Li Jiuzun and the others, and immediately turned into a black mist and flew towards Zixiao Peak.

"Senior brother...the devil is coming!"

When Ruoshui saw the black mist coming suddenly in the distance, he immediately raised the Blue Water Sword. When Xiao Chen saw Shen Luan II flying towards him, he knew that this person was not comparable to the demon Fensha just now. With a flick of his sleeves, he sent Ruoshui to Zixiao Peak. He turned back and said, "Ruoshui, don't come out."

"Senior brother...be careful!"

Ruoshui also knew that this demon was powerful, and if she went up, it would cause trouble for her senior brother. At this time, Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu came up, "Ruoshui, how are you?"

"I'm fine."

Ruoshui shook his head, looked at the two junior uncles, then turned around and looked outside nervously. Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu couldn't help frowning when they saw the Sinn Luan II outside, thinking that even if this demon It's just a clone that came down to the human world, but after all, he is also the king of the abyss of gods and demons. Yichen has consumed too much these days, and I don't know if he can deal with it.

The rolling magic fog covered the sky and the sun. Shen Shen II looked terrifying, his eyes widened angrily, "Boy, how dare you kill this king's demon."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, he flicked his sleeves, and the Chongxiao Sword immediately let out a sword roar, and he said, "After today, you don't want to go back to the outer world. I will tear your bones apart piece by piece. Then put it into the Ten Thousand Bone Formation..."

Hearing this, the righteous cultivators behind Zixiao Peak were slightly startled. This Xiao Yichen was still as crazy as in previous years.

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