The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,614 Thousands of Thunder Tribulations

"Boy, you are crazy enough. It's a pity that those who are crazy in front of this king will end up unable to survive or die!"

Sinking II's demonic energy shook, and a torrential demonic mist immediately surged toward Xiao Chen. Seeing this scene, everyone on the Zixiao Peak behind them trembled and stepped back.

However, Xiao Chen has three corpse demons, so how can he be afraid of any evil spirit in the world? Even if it was Tianwaitian's demonic energy, it was no exception. He raised his palm, and a burst of profound energy surged out. There was a loud "bang", and the power of the two men suddenly shook the world. The people in Tianwaitian in the distance He was also shocked, seeing the billowing demonic evil rolling into the sky, but it was unable to taint this person.

"Why...that's it?"

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and with a flick of his sleeves, the demonic energy that surged towards him was dispersed by him in an instant. ✲

Shen Luan II's eyes narrowed. No wonder Jiuyou failed to capture Wuyu Tian. It turns out that this kid is not afraid of the evil spirit.

" careful!"

At this moment, Ruoshui let out a cry of surprise, and saw some terrifying monsters suddenly appeared behind Xiao Chen and in the void to the left and right, and suddenly rushed towards him.


Xiao Chen snorted coldly, put his two fingers together, and covered his body with golden light. As soon as those monsters rushed up, they only made a "sizzling" sound and immediately turned into blue smoke and disappeared.

"Demon Slash!"

Shen Ruan II let out a loud roar, and the entire right arm suddenly turned into a black magic blade and slashed towards Xiao Chen. The midair was suddenly filled with evil energy, and the fierce blade seemed to be shattering the void. It was unstoppable, and all the viewers were frightened.

At the moment when the black sword light struck, Xiao Chen's energy condensed all over his body, and the yin and yang qi in his body flowed as he wished. He raised his hands, and a yin and yang ink-colored Tai Chi seal suddenly appeared in front of him. Demonic Slash resisted that day.

On Zixiao Peak, everyone held their breath and watched, seeing that the two had been fighting for a long time, but there was still no winner. Everyone had something in their mind. What Xiao Chen had just performed was completely the true Taoist method, especially the two qi of Tai Chi Yin and Yang. If it flows as expected, no matter how strong the Sinking King's demonic power is, it can't hurt him at all.

Looking back on the past, everyone in the world thought that he was a demon, but the Taoist magic he performed at this time, who among the people present dared to say that it was better than it? I felt shameless for a moment.


Another loud noise shook the minds of everyone behind. Above the sea of ​​clouds, Leng Feng faced Leng Feng. Shen Luan II looked fiercely, with murderous intent all over his body. He said gloomily, "If I were here, I would have broken you to pieces." Thousands of corpses!”

Hearing this, Xiao Chen remained calm and calm, and simply said calmly, "If God lends me five hundred years, I can beat you, and there won't be any scum left."

As soon as these words came out, many people on Zixiao Peak were stunned. They asked the sky for another five hundred years... It seemed like crazy words, but wasn't it true?

Which of the leaders and elders of each righteous sect here has not practiced for hundreds of years? A thousand years? Not to mention how many years Sinn II had been cultivating in Tianwaitian, but only forty-two years had passed since Xiao Yichen became a disciple of Ling Yin.

In only forty-two years, he has achieved a state that countless people can hardly achieve in their lifetime. If the sky lends him five hundred years, wouldn't he... turn his hands into clouds and turn his hands into rain? Who in the world can be better than him!


Sinking II was furious, and the demonic energy in his body shook. The sea of ​​clouds suddenly surged, and the mountain peaks trembled. Even though he was not here at the moment, he was still the Sinking King who commanded the demons. If Ling Yin said these words in front of him today That's all, but even this little disciple of Ling Yin dared to be so arrogant in front of him!

"The devil is fighting! Angry!"

Suddenly, Shen Luan II clasped his palms together, thousands of miles of clouds surged, and a torrent of demonic intent suddenly swept across the world. Black scales appeared all over his body, and above these black scales, there was a The infinite fighting spirit is terrifying!

This is Tianwaitian, the exclusive ability of the Abyss of Gods and Demons, "The Fighting Intent of the Gods and Demons". Anyone who lives in the Abyss of Gods and Demons, after killing the enemy, can take their souls, condense them into fighting intent, attach them to their bodies, and summon the fighting intent. At this time, your own strength will definitely increase greatly.

In just a short moment, this devil's fighting spirit has been condensed, and the devil's intent is overwhelming in a radius of hundreds of miles, with a sinister atmosphere of sinking that makes people tremble and uneasy.

"After today, I will have more of you in my fighting spirit!"

Shen Luan II suddenly drank, and in the blink of an eye, his figure moved towards Xiao Chen. The demonic energy billowed from the sky, making people tremble with fear. Seeing that this man's power increased several times, both Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu were shocked. " careful!"

The Sinking King was full of fighting spirit and suddenly attacked. Xiao Chen would not take it lightly. His figure flashed and he launched the Ling Xian Step. At the same time, the Thirty-three Levels of Lihen Palm also took shape in an instant, and he suddenly attacked Sinking II with a palm.


The fighting intent against the palm force immediately caused the surrounding mountains to tremble violently. Everyone present retreated, and their hearts were horrified. The power of these two people was so fierce and domineering.


Shen Luan II had high fighting spirit, and in the blink of an eye, he was charging at Xiao Chen again, but Xiao Chen still had three points of strength left while he was swimming. This three points of remaining strength was to resist the natural disaster that would happen later.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of wild thunder rumbled, and everyone on Zixiao Peak watched with bated breath, with their hearts pounding. Ruoshui saw that his senior brother was in danger, and his heart was beating fast. However, she did not have the cultivation of Senior Sister Nishang, so she could not go up to help her brother at this time. busy.

"Destroy the world!"

Suddenly, Sinking II's demonic palm flipped over, and a strange phenomenon suddenly occurred. In the biting cold wind, it was carrying a force that could destroy the heaven and the earth, and hit Xiao Chen directly!

At this moment, a cold light flew from the sky, and with a "clang" sound, Shen Luan II was pushed back a little, and then a figure suddenly appeared. That person was as cold as ice, but it was Hua Weiyang.

"Weiyang, why are you here?"

Xiao Chen swiped his fingers, and the Emperor's Sword circled around him. He had asked Weiyang to guard elsewhere before, but now the other party suddenly came over. Could it be that there was a problem somewhere else?

Hua Weiyang stared at Shen Luan II in the distance, and lowered her voice and said, "I just received information that there are many people coming from Tianwaitian. I am afraid that they will break Xuan Qingshan's formation today."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's eyebrows narrowed, and just when Hua Weiyang finished speaking, a violent vibration suddenly came from Tianshu Peak, followed by other peaks that also began to shake violently.

"Oops, they broke the formation."

On Zixiao Peak, everyone's expressions changed, and outside, Shen Luan II raised his head and smiled, "Boy, you will be buried with this Xuan Qing today!" As soon as he finished speaking, another extreme move came.

"Be careful."

Hua Weiyang's internal energy came out, her sword skills suddenly appeared, and the sky was filled with flower shadows, which immediately enveloped the Sunken King layer by layer. It was a pity that in this mysterious land, she could not summon the two puppets of Youhai. The evil energy of the two puppets of Youhai was too strong. If summoned at the right time, it will attract Xuan Qing's forbidden attack.

The fierce battle resumed, and just when the three of them were fighting fiercely, thunder suddenly filled the sky, and an aura of heavenly tribulation shrouded the Zixiao Peak.

"The seventh heavenly tribulation is coming..."

Sensing this terrifying aura of heavenly tribulation, many people on the peak shuddered and subconsciously retreated into the distance. The seventh heavenly tribulation is by no means an easy matter...


At this moment, Shen Luan II suddenly showed an extremely sinister smile on his face, "The seventh heavenly tribulation is coming, and the entire Xuan Qing will be wiped out in ashes and no longer exist!"


Thunder clouds filled the sky, and finally, the ten thousand-foot-long thunder fell straight towards Zixiao Peak. At this moment, four people were still guarding Ling Yin. Their true energy moved violently, and formations and black light formed in an instant. To resist the catastrophe!

However, the Seventh Heavenly Tribulation was unstoppable and had the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. Even though he was stronger than Yi Huanzhen and others, his body could not help but tremble violently at this time, and he was almost thrown away by this terrifying force of the Heavenly Tribulation.


Seeing this terrifying scene on Zixiao Peak, many Xuanqing disciples in the distance were so frightened that they screamed out. Qingxuan Zhenren and others were fighting with Qianmianshao and several others. At this time, seeing the bursts of heavenly tribulations, they could not endure it. I couldn't help but be shocked, how could this catastrophe be so severe...

Many people are worried in their hearts. Even though Ling Yin is a profound practitioner, has three flowers gathered at the top, and even has a few people from Yi Huanzhen to help him overcome the tribulation, this seventh tribulation seems to have the power to destroy everything in the world. , this time, can she successfully overcome the disaster?


Thousand-faced Thousand Faces raised his head and laughed. He looked at Master Qingxuan and said, "Qingxuanzi, this time, your disciple may not be able to survive this disaster."

Just as she finished speaking, thunderclouds suddenly surged on the other side of the catastrophe, and an even more terrifying aura of thunder suddenly appeared, shocking everyone... That was it!


At this moment, Master Xuanyang's face also changed. I don't know what method these four people used to induce such a thunder. This thunder was not even inferior to Ling Yin's seventh heavenly tribulation!


Li Jiuzun smiled gloomily, "Under the thousands of thunder catastrophes, everything will... be gone. Qingxuanzi, this time, even with the strength of the seven of you, you can't stop these thousands of thunder catastrophes, right?" ?”

"Thousands of thunder catastrophes..."

Hearing these four words, the faces of everyone present changed drastically. Thousands of thunder tribulations are one of the most terrifying existences in the Nine Heavens and Ten Realms. Today, in order to deal with Xuan Qingmen and Ling Yin, these four people actually led Thousands of thunder catastrophes!

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