Ling Yin's face remained as calm as water, and she did not continue to speak. Chen Yueqing smiled and said, "Okay, please, Fairy, please wait here for a moment..."

As he spoke, he went outside. After about an hour of burning incense, he saw another man wearing a black robe walking in from outside the hall.

With a "bang" sound, as the man in black robes walked in, the doors and windows in the hall were closed. Sunlight shone in through the cracks in the windows, and the fine dust rising everywhere in the hall could still be seen.

At this time, many people outside were stunned. To say the least, the disciples were all shocked. Even the elders were shocked. The one who just entered...could it be that the three Tai Tai from the Xuan Realm were... One of the elders...Elder Guimu?

"Haha, Fairy Miaoyin, I've been waiting for a long time."

Guimu came to Ling Yin and slowly took off his robe and hat, but saw that his beard and hair were white. He was different from the previous clone of "Chen Yueqing". Both his expression and appearance were different. Who could Thinking that the leader of the Eastern Immortal Alliance is actually the clone of Elder Guimu, one of the three Supreme Elders?

Ling Yin looked at him, her expression still unchanged, and said, "Are you a descendant of the Chen family in Donghai?"


When Guimu heard this, he couldn't help but be startled. The East China Sea that Ling Yin mentioned at this moment obviously did not refer to the East China Sea today, but the East China Sea in the ancient Eastern cultivation world in the ancient times. As for people with the surname Chen, there are thousands of people in the world now. The Chen family mentioned by the other party also refers to the Chen family, one of the six ancient aristocratic families. ✯

After a while, Guimu regained his composure and said with a wry smile, "I didn't expect that even Chen's identity was known to the fairy. Alas..."

At the end of his words, he sighed softly. It was obvious that even he himself did not want to mention his identity as a Chen family. Back then, he was one of the eight people who were expelled from the Chen family, and no one in the entire Immortal Alliance knew about it. His origin.

Ling Yin stopped asking any more questions and returned to what he said at the beginning, saying, "Elder Guimu, how can we open the teleportation array to the ancient land?"

If she wanted to find the ancient land by herself with a map, it would not be completely impossible, but now that the Eastern Continent is in chaos and various places are changing, she had to find it by herself. She didn't know how long it would take, and she accidentally entered the Tomb of Gods and Demons. If so, you may not be able to find it yet.


Guimu thought for a while, but still seemed to be hesitant. After a long time, he raised his head, looked at her and said, "Fairy Lingyin must also be aware of the current situation in the Eastern Continent. The demons in the Tomb of Gods and Demons are about to attack. The spirits of the Twenty-seven Peaks are about to attack." Strength must not be wasted unless..."

"Three million demon cultivators, please retreat." Ling Yin looked at him and said calmly.

Guimu was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, yes! As long as the three million demons retreat, then I and the other two elders will reactivate the ancient spiritual formation to purify the energy of gods and demons in the Eastern Continent. Once the thousands of monks on the mainland gather together, they will no longer be afraid of demons like the God and Demon Tomb."

At this point, he paused, sighed softly, and then said, "But if the Immortal Alliance is defeated by the Tomb of Gods and Demons, there will be no hope at that time. In the next thousands of years, the entire Eastern Continent will They will all fall into darkness..."

Ling Yin said, "Within ten days, I will make all three million demons return to the Tomb of Gods and Demons."

"Tokuchi..." Guimu suddenly raised his head, with a look of surprise in his eyes. Obviously this was beyond his expectation, and he said hurriedly, "Do you really mean what the fairy said?"

Ling Yin didn't speak, but the look in her eyes at this moment was clearly telling Guimu that what she said would definitely become true.


Guimu finally calmed down and felt a sense of relief all over his body, as if a big stone that had been weighing him down for months had finally been let go.

But after a while, I saw him raising his head again. He hesitated to speak, but finally said, "There is another thing, and I also want to ask the fairy for help..."

"What's the matter? It doesn't matter if the elder says it."

Hearing this, Guimu calmed down and said, "In the past few days, the ruthless fairies from the Eight Desolate Paths of the Ancient Times and the ruthless path may be coming. This person has practiced the Taishang Wuqing Xuan Gong, which is very good. Among the immortal alliance , I am afraid that no one can stop her. When the time comes, I and the other two elders will have a hard time getting out of the formation, so I want to invite the fairy..."

When he finished speaking, he raised his head and watched the changes in the expression on Ling Yin's face motionlessly. However, from the beginning to the end, Ling Yin's face did not change and said, "I will ensure the integrity of the Immortal Alliance, and also ask Elder Guimu... don't Break your promise.

"No no no..."

Hearing this, Guimu quickly waved his hands and said, "Chen will never break his promise to the fairy. Fairy, please rest assured about this."

"That's good."

Ling Yin said no more, and Gui Mu watched as the cold look on her face gradually faded, and her heart finally calmed down. After a while, she slowly said, "Although there is indeed something about Chen hidden in this." A little selfish, but for the sake of the overall situation of the Eastern Continent, Chen had to do this. If the fairy had not arrived this time, Chen would have fought against those demons even to the death without taking a step back. Probably... it would be Gui As Pai said, the common people in the world are the most important thing, and personal life and death come second.”

In the afternoon, Guimu returned to the Xianmeng Xuanjing, and his clone Chen Yueqing arranged for Ling Yin to rest temporarily in a quiet courtyard at Canglong Peak.

But seeing four maids guarding outside the courtyard, while the rocks inside were ancient, the water was clear, and the grass was covered with petals, Chen Yueqing stretched out her hand and said "Fairy, please."

When Ling Yin stepped inside, Chen Yueqing stopped following him and only said outside, "If you need anything, Fairy, you only need to give me instructions."

Entering the pavilion, Ling Yin took off the Samsara Jade, and at this moment, a wisp of Xiao Chen's consciousness came out of the Samsara Jade: "Master, did you just... promise him something..."

Now that Xiao Chen's soul is contained in the Samsara Jade, he can barely sense the outside world. Most of the time, he can't sense anything. It's pitch black and no sound can be heard.

Ling Yin said, "It's nothing. It's just the chaos in the Eastern Continent. Many demon cultivators came out of the Tomb of Gods and Demons. Master needs to clean it up."

"Master, this time is very dangerous, isn't it..."

In the reincarnation jade, although Xiao Chen couldn't see or hear anything, he could feel that what happened this time must be very dangerous, but in order for the master to re-consolidate his body...

"Chen'er, you have a good rest these days and use the magic as a teacher to temporarily seal the reincarnation jade."

"Master... don't!"

Xiao Chen's urgent soul consciousness came from the Samsara Jade, but Ling Yin stopped answering. Finally, with a soft heart and a touch of two fingers, the Samsara Jade was completely sealed.

By sealing the Samsara Jade, Xiao Chen will no longer be able to sense anything outside. At the same time, it can also serve as a protection. No matter what happens outside, even if the world collapses, Xiao Chen's soul will not be harmed at all.

Taking a step back, even if Ling Yin dies and the Samsara Jade falls into the hands of others, no one will be able to open the Samsara Jade. It will not be until thousands of years or tens of thousands of years later that the seal of the Samsara Jade is gradually lifted, and Xiao Chen's soul will Only then will he wake up.

A few days later, the entire Eastern Continent was already in turmoil. Three million demon cultivators came out of the Tomb of Gods and Demons, just a few more. What kind of scene was that?

Even though there are passionate cultivators in the Eastern Continent, most of them turned away when they heard that those demon leaders had brought three million demon cultivators out.

This scene is very similar to the time when thousands of demons invaded the five realms of Xianyuan. In just a few days, the five realms of Xianyuan flowed with blood. Finally, the army of demons even invaded the middle land of Xianyuan. If it weren't for Xuan Qing With the Seven Lords out of the mountain, I'm afraid no one can deal with those people like the Demonic Heaven Ancestor.

In the past few days, more than twenty peaks in the entire Eastern Immortal League have been shrouded in dark clouds. In the afternoon of this day, the place where the sky and the earth meet are even covered by the sky-swallowing demonic energy. The scene is extremely terrifying.


Demonic energy engulfed the sky from all directions. Many disciples of the Immortal Alliance were frightened by this scene. Only the peak masters and elders could remain calm and calm. "Don't be nervous. Fairy Miaoyin has gone. Those demons in the Tomb of Gods and Demons have gone." , I will be defeated within three days!”

Three days have passed like this. Although the demonic energy outside is no longer close, it has not dissipated. The peak masters and elders can't help but become nervous. Fairy Miaoyin has not come back for three days. Could it be that she can't deal with those people? A demon?

Chen Yueqing also had a nervous look on his face, but he believed that what Ling Yin said to him that day was absolutely correct. Within ten days, those demons would be taught to return to the Tomb of Gods and Demons.


At this moment, a violent shock suddenly came from the Suzaku Peak in the south. Chen Yueqing was immediately distracted. Oops...


In the direction of Suzaku Peak, two figures suddenly flew over and hurriedly said, "Alliance's not good! Suzaku Peak...Suzaku Peak..."


Before the two people could finish speaking, another violent shock came from the south. The strong internal force almost knocked the two people out of the air.

At this moment, everyone present changed their expressions, and heard a cold voice from the side of Suzaku Peak: "Guimu, get out and die."


Many people on the spot were shocked by the sound, and their energy and blood surged. Some disciples with weak skills were shocked to the point where their eyes, ears, mouths and noses bleed. The elders next to them quickly used their skills to protect their heart vessels.

"What a profound inner strength..."

Many elders' expressions changed. The inner strength of the visitor was so strong that just one voice made them dizzy. Even their true energy was shaken to the point where they could no longer gather together. No wonder the leader of the Southern Alliance could not withstand even one of his palms. , it directly shattered the Nascent Soul. What kind of terrifying internal power is this?

"Guimu, if you don't come out for a moment, I will kill one person. If you don't come out for two seconds, I will kill a hundred people, until all the people in your Immortal Alliance are killed!"

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