"Guimu, if you don't come out for a moment, I will kill one person. If you don't come out for two seconds, I will kill a hundred people, until all the people in your Immortal Alliance are killed!"

The cold female voice echoed throughout Canglong Peak, frightening many people to their wits' end. The deep inner strength contained in this voice was already too much for them to bear. If the other party really attacked, who could resist it?

"Alliance leader...what should we do now?"

Several elders came to Chen Yueqing with extremely nervous expressions on their faces. At this moment, there was another violent shock from the Suzaku Peak in the south, followed by a few figures flying over: "Alliance Leader!"

But looking at the hurried and embarrassed look of these people, they are all peak masters of several peaks in the south. Originally, their cultivation levels were not low, but facing the woman outside, they couldn't resist it even with hundreds of years of skill.

"Don't be nervous, everyone!"

Chen Yueqing had a calm look on her face, thinking that those three peaks were just that, but the remaining twenty-four peaks were all protected by seals and restrictions, but why were they broken so easily? We have even reached Suzaku Peak. What is going on...

"I'll go meet that person, and you guys must guard your formations!"

Chen Yueqing's eyes narrowed, and there was nothing he could do at this time. Fairy Miaoyin had not come back after three days, and the ruthless fairy was calling for a formation outside. He had to go there, otherwise once the opponent breaks through Suzaku Peak, the consequences would be disastrous.

Soon, Chen Yueqing had arrived at Zhuque Peak, and saw that the entire mountain peak was towering into the clouds. There were hundreds of formations on the mountain, and there were countless defensive sword formations surrounding it. There were also a few more large tombs of gods and demons. The devil may not be conquered if he is conquered.

At this time, outside the Suzaku Peak, a woman in red clothes could be seen in mid-air, her eyes were cold and intimidating with just one glance.

"Leader...Leader of the Alliance, you are here! It's her...she just..."

On the Suzaku Peak, several elders looked pale and looked at the woman in red outside. They were so frightened that they could not even speak. On the other side, the master of the Suzaku Peak was seriously injured and was being transported by other elders. Kung Fu Dharma protector.

In mid-air, the strong wind blew coldly, making everyone's clothes rustle. The Suzaku Peak, surrounded by countless sword formations, did not look so impregnable at this time. At this time, the woman in red clothes with fluttering red clothes and cold eyes, It was none other than the ruthless fairy of the ruthless way.

In the past, everyone had never heard of the name Ruthless Fairy. About seven or eight years ago, the word "Ruthless Fairy" came into being. When he took action, the situation changed dramatically. He was cold and ruthless, and everyone looked up to him. Just like the original Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​he was terrifying.

Even from a certain aspect, the four words "Qingqing Fairy" have a wider scope of influence than Wuyutian. Xiao Chen's name as the Lord of Wuyutian only dominated the Five Immortal Domains, and later gradually spread to Lingxu. The world, and the name Ruthless Fairy, seems to be a nightmare-like existence wherever it goes. Even the ancient immortal world now knows the word Ruthless Fairy.

Swords are ruthless, people are ruthless, and the ruthless fairy is the most ruthless. No one in the world has ever seen how the ruthless fairy draws her sword, because her sword is approaching... The person who was hit by the sword died before he could see clearly.

And she will not draw the sword easily, because the heart of her sword is engraved with a person's name, and every time she draws the sword, someone will die.

"Chen Yueqing, are you finally out..."

The cold wind rustled, and the Merciless Fairy's eyes were as cold as ice. Her appearance did not change much from before. The biggest change was probably that she became bone-chilling. There was also a red line above her eyebrows. Ruthless seal.

Chen Yueqing looked at the woman in front of him, his expression remained unchanged, and his eyes were equally profound. After all, he was the leader of the Eastern Immortal Alliance, and at the same time, he was one of the three supreme elders of the Immortal Alliance. He had never seen any big storms.

The atmosphere was as cold as frost. On the Suzaku Peak, everyone else held their breath and remained silent, their hearts beating fast. After a while, Chen Yueqing spoke up and said, "How did you break the seal of my Immortal Alliance?"

Although Chen Yueqing knew in her heart that the ruthless fairy in front of her was once a subordinate of Dao Wuwei of the Southern Immortal Alliance. She knew some of the seals and restrictions on the Immortal Alliance, but even if she knew it, she would not be able to break it so easily. Otherwise, wouldn’t the Eastern Immortal Alliance have already let it go? The Tomb of Gods and Demons was breached?

Everyone held their breath. No matter how powerful she was, this person could not break through the seals and restrictions of the peaks of the Immortal Alliance so easily.

At this moment, Fairy Wuqing reached out and flicked her hand, and a colorful fairy stone suddenly appeared in the air. Everyone was shocked. This was...

"The Immortal Stone!"

Chen Yueqing was well-informed, and now she finally understood why the outside seal was so easily broken by the opponent. Unexpectedly, in order to take revenge, she went to the Ancient Immortal World and found the Ancient Immortal World Stone.

When Fairy Qingqing went to the ancient fairy world, she was looking for some fragments of ancient books, and the stone of the fairy world was second.

The Immortal Stone contains the energy of the ancient Immortal World and can be used to break some of the seals and restrictions in the human world. Coupled with her understanding of the Immortal Alliance, with the Immortal Stone, it is naturally easy to break some of the seals and restrictions.

As for how she found out the location of her enemy in the first place, it must start from the time when Yunzong attacked Wuyutian. At that time, she was not the ruthless fairy she is now. The reason why she helped Yunzong was to exchange information from Wutian Palace. She learned about the identities of Guimu and Chen Yueqing from Wutian Temple.

At this moment, Fairy Wuqing waved her hand, and the Immortal Stone suddenly flew out. The energy of the ancient Immortal Realm contained in it surged out, and forcibly collided with the seal and restriction of Suzaku Peak. With a "boom", the stone suddenly flew out. The whole mountain peak was shaking.

Everyone's expressions changed. If this continues, the seal of Suzaku Peak will not be able to hold on for long. Once Suzaku Peak is breached, not only will the ruthless fairy in front of him be able to enter a no-man's land, but even the demon cultivators in the Tomb of Gods and Demons will be able to People can break in at any time.

Chen Yueqing had a solemn look on his face. Fairy Miaoyin has not come back yet. No matter what, he must prevent Suzaku Peak from being breached. After thinking about this, he no longer hesitated. With a "whoosh" sound, it instantly turned into a ray of light and flew out. go.

Even though he knew in his heart at this moment that this clone of his could never be the opponent of the ruthless fairy in front of him, there was nothing he could do about it. If he could delay it for a moment, it would count as a moment.


Seeing that the alliance leader flew out alone to deal with the ruthless fairy, the several peak masters and more than a dozen elders who came later were all shocked. They didn't care so much at this time, and immediately raised the magic sword and flew out.


The ruthless fairy snorted coldly, flicked her sleeves, and a beam of red light flew out. With a "bang", several people were immediately shocked and vomited blood and flew out. With such deep internal strength, even if they had magic weapons to protect themselves, , and couldn’t bear it at all.


Chen Yueqing raised the fairy sword and barely blocked the blow, but she couldn't help but feel a shock all over her body, and her palms were split open by the shock. The blood on her hands and the split flesh looked shocking.

"Chen Yueqing, today I will take the head of your clone to sacrifice the wronged souls of my family of three hundred people..."

The ruthless fairy suddenly became violent, and the blood on her body became even stronger. The Supreme Forgetting Mysterious Technique was activated at this moment. The situation in the sky suddenly changed, and the terrifying and cold breath made people fall into the bottomless abyss. The cold was suffocating. !

"Alliance leader...be careful!"

Several peak masters and elders rushed forward at the same time, but the aura of the other party's Taishang Wangqing Xuan Gong was too fierce. Before they could get close, they felt as if their souls were about to be crushed!


A ray of blood struck, and several peak masters and elders were shocked so much that they vomited blood and flew backwards without any resistance. Chen Yueqing finally couldn't hold on anymore this time, and a mouthful of blood gushes out. The same thing happened. He was knocked away, and the fairy sword in his hand actually split into several cracks.


On Suzaku Peak, everyone changed their colors. It only took two moves. Even the alliance leader and so many elders were no match for this ruthless fairy...

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