The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1694 Blood Sacrifice Sword

The Xuandu City tonight is destined not to be very peaceful. All the sects and sects are talking about the battle between Xiao Chen and Yi Yunfeng on the Fengyun Platform during the day. It can be regarded as shocking to everyone. The last World Martial Arts Competition , far from being so intense, where did this Xiao Yichen come from this time?

The main hall of Yuntian Pavilion is extremely quiet. Even the gentle sound of the burning wicks in the halls on both sides can be clearly heard. On the left and right sides, there are several people sitting on each side, which are the elders who were there during the day.

"This time, I think everyone made a mistake, right?"

Apparently, the elders were discussing just now about the competition between Xiao Chen and Yi Yunfeng during the day. This competition indeed far exceeded their expectations.

"The origin of this son is particularly mysterious. I heard from Zhuge Feng that he came from the world of mortals. Did you see clearly the mysterious skills he used during the day?"

In the hall on the left, an elder wearing a blue Taoist robe said slowly, while several others heard the words and fell into deep thought. After a long time, one person spoke up and said, "I saw his Taoism today, and it is indeed very unusual. Even Yi Yunfeng can resist that sword, do you know the origin of this method?"

Several people fell into silence again. It was obvious that although they were all practitioners of Xuanmen and were quite familiar with this Xuanmen Taoist method, they had never seen the Taoist method Xiao Chen performed during the day.

"This Taoist method is very mysterious. Whether it is in a state of suffering or in the mortal world, it is very rare. It is really hard to tell which Taoist method this is..."

Several people discussed for a long time, but still to no avail. After a while, one person said again, "In your opinion, in the competition three days later, who is more likely to win, Xiao Yichen or Yi Yunfeng?"

"This... I'm afraid it's a bit hard to say."

If it had been not long ago, everyone would have undoubtedly been more optimistic about Yi Yunfeng between the two, but after this earth-shattering competition during the day, it was difficult for everyone to tell who was stronger or weaker between the two.

"Forget it, let's wait and see in three days. The most important thing right now is the Land of Silence. In the past two days, we have heard more and more noise. Many people from the Demon Sect have already gone there. What do you think of this matter?”

The whole hall suddenly became quiet again. Now the top eight people have come out. According to the original plan, the eight people will be able to go to the Quiet Place in the near future. But now it seems that it has to be postponed for a few days. As for the Quiet Place, they did not dare to send people to investigate in depth.

One person said, "Those demons always go without any benefit. This time they secretly sent countless disciples to that quiet place. I think it's not simple. Could it be that... there are some strange things inside?"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone fell into deep thought again, and the hall became increasingly quiet, with only the gentle "crackling" sound of the wick burning.

Obviously, if there is any strange object in the Land of Silence, Taixiao Palace will never sit back and ignore it and let it fall into the hands of others, especially the hands of those big figures of the Demon Sect in Wanzhang Misery.

At the same time, in another brightly lit attic in Xuandu, two figures were seen standing in the room. One of them was Yi Yunfeng during the day. After today's competition, he did not stay in Yuntian Pavilion at night. The other person, He was an old man with white hair, his hands clasped behind his back, and his eyebrows sharp, making him look very serious.


Yi Yunfeng lowered his head. He did not expect that today's competition would alert his master. The unsmiling white-haired old man in front of him was none other than the sect master of Taichu Palace, Ouyang Changfeng, who was also Yi Yunfeng. Yunfeng's master.

After a long time, Ouyang Changfeng turned around. He had not seen the competition between Yi Yunfeng and Xiao Chen with his own eyes during the day. He only came to Xuandu after hearing about it. Naturally, he felt the same towards Xiao Chen. Nothing.

"How is this person's cultivation?"

"This person……"

Yi Yunfeng raised his head. Faced with the master's question at this moment, he couldn't help but frown, and finally said, "This person's cultivation level may not be inferior to that of my disciples."


Ouyang Changfeng's eyes narrowed slightly. In the past, he had never heard the name Xiao Yichen in the Dilemma. This person was not a member of the Taixiao Palace, one of the four major forces. Where did he come from?

Yi Yunfeng said, "No matter who this person is, this disciple will do his best in the competition three days later..."

Ouyang Changfeng took a deep breath, turned around and looked out the window at the faint moonlight, and after a long time he said, "Yunfeng, you have done a good job..."


Yi Yunfeng raised his head. He originally thought that the master would blame him for this failure. After all, this time, the master and the elders had placed too much hope on him, but this time, he had not been able to Entering the final examination, he encountered obstacles.

Ouyang Changfeng turned around and gently put his hand on his shoulder. Although he still looked serious, his tone was very gentle, "Everyone will encounter countless difficulties and obstacles in this life. Only by constantly overcoming Only by overcoming these obstacles can you become stronger, Yunfeng, let’s regard this time as an experience.”


Yi Yunfeng never expected that Master Fenghuo came tonight not to scold him, but to say these words to him...

"As for the competition in three days' time, my master will also come by then."

Ouyang Changfeng nodded slightly, then turned to look at the night outside, and said slowly, "I would also like to see who this Xiao Yichen is..."

The moon gradually set in the west, and the night in Xuandu finally slowly became quiet. After Ouyang Changfeng left, Yi Yunfeng was left alone in the attic. The bright lights seemed to still shine brightly. Many years ago, That young man’s clear heart.

"Master, I will never let you down..."

Yi Yunfeng held the Taichu Sword in his hand and gently rubbed his fingers over the sword. He still remembered the first time he saw this sword when he was young. In the countless nights that followed, the lights were bright, and he would never forget it again. Well, when I saw this sword for the first time, it was so close to him, just like it is now.


The candlelight flickered, and Yi Yunfeng's fingers quickly passed across the sword, causing the sword to make a crisp sound. However, because he accidentally touched the sword's edge, the sharp blade left a mark on his hand. There was a wound, and blood remained on the sword's edge.

Looking back on today's daytime, he was unable to control the Taichu Sword. If he could exert 10% of the power of the Taichu Sword, he would not be so strenuous. In the end, he was forced to make a desperate move and almost used up all his true energy. All the energy was poured into the sword, but even so, it was still unable to hurt the man.

At this moment, when he was thinking hard and had no solution, suddenly, he saw that the blood he left on the sword edge slowly disappeared, as if it had penetrated into the sword body, and the golden sword On the front, a ray of blood flashed, and then disappeared without a trace.


Seeing this strange scene, Yi Yunfeng couldn't help but feel shocked, and his face turned red and white. Could it be that he could recognize the master of Taichu Sword with a drop of blood?

However, dripping blood to identify the master is often a common method used by demon cultivators to sacrifice and refine evil weapons. Generally, true practitioners have swords with spirits, so there is no need to shed blood to identify the master. As long as the magic weapon practiced over time, The weapon must be the same as the soul of the owner, sharing life and death. Therefore, there is often a saying that "the sword is with the person, the sword dies and the person dies."

But why did Taichu Sword just now... At this moment, a strange light suddenly flashed in Yi Yunfeng's eyes.

Soon, the day of the competition came again. On this day, many people came to Yuntian Pavilion, and the elders also hurriedly set up layers of defensive barriers near the cloud platform. The cloud platform was also reinforced a lot. To avoid another typhoon accident that day.

There was a lot of discussion in the whole square, and many people even made a bet to see who would win this time. On a high platform in the east, there was an unsmiling white-haired old man sitting on it. , none other than Ouyang Changfeng.

Because of Ouyang Changfeng's sudden arrival, many people were talking this time. Unexpectedly, all the sect masters of Taichu Palace were alerted this time. It seemed that this competition was indeed going to be very fierce.

On the Fengyuntai, Xiao Chen and Yi Yunfeng were seen, each standing on a giant sword in the air, about a hundred feet apart. Around the two of them, there were also restricted formations and countless swords. A huge stone heavy sword hanging out of thin air.

The cold wind blew, and the voices of everyone in the audience gradually became quieter. Xiao Chen stood still. He had no reason to win the competition, but having come to this point, he had no reason to give up and retreat. Think of it as an experience. Maybe the master is watching from a distance at this moment.

"Brother Xiao, please."

Yi Yunfeng raised his hand slightly, and with a "clang" sound, the Taichu Sword appeared in his hand again. The golden sword light on the sword was as bright and dazzling as the rising sun.


The Chongxiao Sword roared and surrounded Xiao Chen. The azure sword light seemed distant and quiet, not as sharp as the Taichu Sword.

In the next moment, the two of them disappeared at the same time just like that day. When they reappeared, there was a "clang" sound, a sword touched, and the sword light suddenly shot out.




On the Fengyun Terrace, the figures of the two people were like the wind. They were both reaching the extreme speed. Everyone could not keep up with their sights. They only saw two rays of light, one green and one gold, colliding together. Every time they collided, they would make a deafening sound.

Even though the outside of the cloud platform was covered with many barriers this time, everyone still felt suffocated. Obviously, this time, their sword power was much stronger than that day, especially Yi Yunfeng's Taichu Sword.




The swords clashed one after another. It was obvious that the golden sword light suppressed the green sword light. At this moment, everyone stood up from their seats. Ouyang Changfeng couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, thinking about Yunfeng. The royal use of Taichu Sword has reached this level, but why was there no winner or loser with this person that day? wrong……

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